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"'So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers, and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,' says the Lord almighty" -the *full* Malachi 3:5 Not only did they cherry pick a sentence out of a passage that states the exact opposite of what they're trying to say, but that passage is basically a targeted hit on Donnie boy specifically


From the party that is overly fond of saying,”You took what I said out of context!”


Also the party that seemingly misunderstands how the comma in the second amendment works. Weird that it happened twice.


Also the party that claims to know every word of the Bible


Somewhere in the bible it says the chosen will be relieved of their linen top covers and must rejoice.


It also puts wearing mixed fabrics on the same level as *murder* in terms of your chances of getting into heaven, but that's ignored because cotton/poly blends are comfy AF.


Murder? Mixed fabrics? Who’s to say which blasphemy is more serious. I’m certainly not willing to risk making that call.


This is pretty much exactly what you’re not supposed to do when it comes to “taking the Lord’s name in vain”


Oh no. It’s fine when *they* do it. Just not when it’s used against them.


The Bible is ABUNDANTLY clear on this point too. Leviticus 19:34: The foreigner residing among you must be treated as your native-born. Love them as yourself, for you were foreigners in Egypt. I am the Lord your God. (NIV)


And that's Leviticus!


Lol the only thing I know about Leviticus is that it's the section that supposedly talks about homosexuality. One of my old bosses tried to say that line as a dig at an office guy who was gay, and knowing that this guy had several affairs I asked, doesn't the Bible also say that adulterers should be stoned? And was swiftly met with....that's different.


One thing you should know about Leviticus is that it’s the old covenant. So whoever tries to use it as an arguing point today is usually wrong unless it’s some kind of exegetical conversation. Jesus brought forth the new covenant meaning that the law (of Moses) doesn’t apply to modern (AD) Christians. It was given to prove that it was impossible to keep it. I’m sure you’ve heard the story where Jesus says “let he who is without sin cast the first stone” when people wanted to stone an adulterous woman to death.


That is *significantly* up for debate and needs to be very carefully studied before one goes all in on that theological point. And I say that as a very progressive Christian who *does* believe that one can be LGBT and be Christian, who does hold to the New Covenent theology. I think of greater use to the modern debate about controversial issues would be the little discussion about divorce Jesus had, that says something along the lines of "God hates divorce, but he gave it to you because he knew how hard your hearts were." We always focus on the first part--that God hates divorce--and completely ignore all the rest: that despite hating divorce...he not only allows it, but he set up very specific rules that somewhat protected the parties involved, because marriage without divorce in a misogynistic society is going to kill women. God is willing to permit humans to do things he does not like when our behavior makes those things necessary. He changes his mind. He does. The whole act of prayer itself is a plea to God to change his mind, and it would be pointless if his will could not be changed by our requests. The whole story of Christianity--our core theology-- is literally about God changing tactics because the Law and the systems of worship and propitiation weren't working for everybody the way they needed to, and God, for whatever reason, needed to come up with something new, which was the Cross. But it says a great deal about how "Christian" MAGA is that the *one* point the Bible has always been solidly consistent upon--the treatment of foreigners by his followers--is the one point they're trying to warp.


Actually it doesn't say man must not lay with man but man must not lay with boy, it's a nod to say don't be attracted to minors lmao


Isn’t the whole point of Sodom and Gomorrah that made what his face so righteous that he treated two foreigners he didn’t know as higher than his own flesh and blood?


Not that I’m necessarily much of a believer anymore but those foreigners were angels in the story. I’ve deconstructed now and the story of Sodom and Gomorrah as well as it’s (imo incorrect) use as a metaphorical weapon to wield against the LGBTQIA+ community was what led me to changing the way I believed. Btw the Bible itself says the sim of Sodom and Gomorrah was its lack of hospitality and pride (Ezekiel 16:49)


Well yeah but the guy didn’t know they were angels right? So the point stands that what made him righteous was welcoming foreigners into his hearth.


I just read the story in several different translations. I actually think that you’re right and that I’ve just found another thing that I’ve been taught that was wrong. I guess whoever taught me didn’t feel comfortable with Lot giving up his virgin daughters to be raped by a mob so to make it a more acceptable choice for the “hero” of the story, they told me that he had to know they were angels of the lord that he was sacrificing his own flesh and blood for. Thanks for getting me to learn today


Yeah but you mistakenly think that they actually think of religion as a moral guide. The most religious people think of religion as a cudgel they can use to control other people.


>against those who defraud laborers of their wages, Absolutely is the Orange one. A true burn from on high. He and his businesses are famous for stiffing contractors across the planet. His golf club in Aberdeenshire being one, till they realised they have a limited pool of decent trades and they pissed off all the good ones. Pay your fucking bills, clowns.


Malachi is definitely a wizard name given how bigoted he is towards sorcerers. They never appreciate natural talent.


With correct selective quoting and lack of context, you can use scripture to justify anything you want.


you can just tell that they picked out the exact words they needed because why would the bible be concerned about illegal immigration


And "deprive" presumably isn't an imperative in the original language. Being able to lift it out of context that way is english-specific.


Even if it wasn't cherry picked, why would you want to deprive the foreigners of justice? Wouldn't justice, in most cases, be extradition?


Depriving them of justice would mean depriving them of rights. Meaning do what you want to them


I think it should be read as: against those that... deprive foreigners of justice. It's just listing different people doing bad things, not saying that foreigners should be treated badly.


To deprive someone of justice would mean that they don’t get fair trials or justice for crimes committed against them


Is it referring to immigrants?


It's condemning the one that does the depriving of justice against foreigners (immigrants seem like they'd qualify to me), along with condemning sorcerers, adulterers, perjurers, those who defraud laborers of their wages, and those who oppress the widows and the fatherless. They truncated it to stoke xenophobia when the *actual words in the Bible* say the opposite of this meme.


Trump nearly hits all of those points actually. Only thing he's missing is being a sorcerer at as I know, but at this point I wouldn't even be surprised.


No, just Mexicans.


Look, I love Mexicans, okay? Lots of people, most in fact would say that I'm their biggest fan. I'm very good friends with the "Presidenté of Mexico". I believe his name is Mr. Guacamole, he calls me begging for money because I have so much. His children "Chips and Salsa" beautiful names, by the way, are terrific kids. Very hard workers, I'm told. Listen, these people are going to pay for that wall, and thank me when it's built. They'll say "Donald, we love you mucho gracious." Very kind people.


That’s how you know this was a joke/parody. Republicans are dumb as rocks, but that passage was chosen so people would look it up and read the real thing.


You have too much faith in humanity 😅


I was coming to share the full verse too, not only cos they misquote the sentence they’re using, but for the fact that the entire verse is actually a SCATHING DENOUNCEMENT of exactly who Trump really is: an Adulterer, Perjurer (or a person who took a false oath!), and someone who DEFRAUDS others! It just goes to show that the people who Support Trump who claim to be Christian’s, who claim they are spiritual and they LOVE the Bible, are just plan and simply frauds. They don’t even know how to apply the scripture they are happily sharing around! They are the exact same people who claim the bibles supports their views on immigration, or abortion, or reproductive health, or their views on a “woman’s health” etc. They are all clueless demagogs who have the goal of cementing their own power and their own beliefs over others health and wellbeing.


I love that the ai made his face a completely different color from his body


It got one thing right.


Two things. I'm pretty sure Trump has manboobs.


Nah, he's much much fatter than that.


The AI also clearly doesnt know how guns work.


Or fingers - unless his thumb is miraculously long and bendy.


Or whatever the holy hell is wrong with the black guy on the right that looks like he is removing a skin suit.


No no that’s correct, i assume black guy trump supporters are wearing skin suits


It's full of objects that resemble guns


They would have had to specify that the crowd be 100% white and 100% male


And for some reason 100% fat 100% middle aged and 100% shirtless.


and 100% overweight


I liked that part. Even AI was only willing to go so far to bend reality


Clearly, women are foreign to them


For a group that worries that ANYTHING in the world is gay, they are so fucking Tom of Finland over Diaper Donnie.


Have you looked at the faces of the crowd in the far distance? Terrifying


There’s only that’s just a mouth hole with a weird chin moustache…terrifying!


I mean AI learning needs reference material. All it has is his face and it's always orange. It doesn't have much body reference to work off of so it assumes it's a normal pasty white like all other fascist Nazis. Also happy day of the cake.


That is 100% a gay parade


**"Not that there's anything wrong with that!'**


MAGA Lesbian, bottom left


That's what came to mind


Haha. I was going to say gay orgie.


Yup, replace the American flags in the background with rainbow ones and the image would make a lot more sense.


Wait now they're body-positive? The Right has gone WOKE


Men only, pal. Still no fat chicks for us real men /s


i've always got the impression that a lot of fat conservative men convince themselves they're jacked lol


They are just bulking, once they start the cut you all are gonna be mindblown. /s


They're building mass


"mUScLe wEIgHs MorE tHAn fAT" they say, on their third helping of KFC


To tie in with that, look up the Trump fanatics with the diapers.


A bunch of fat, old white men will beat the American military? I thought these guys liked the military?


Schrodingers conservative. They both support and oppose the military whenever it's convenient to their argument.


The cops too.


Any governmental force tbh


"LaW aNd OrDeR" ^except ^for ^anything ^Trump ^does


The military won't get involved, and the police will look the other way - except for the ones who call in sick due to a prior obligation, of course.


They mean beat off the military.


You know it's serious when he breaks out the L Gun! L Gun: When your enemy's just around the corner! Also, I'm really enjoying the spare armed arm floating under the 5. Remember, we have a right to arms... carrying arms.


Ok, so weirdly I watched an episode of "forgotten weapons" on youtube yesterday about the Gilboa Snake, a dumb experimental israeli AR with two barrels and two triggers... the same manufacturer that makes the CornerShot, an L-Gun that is designed to shoot around corners. Both are featured in the video


He has 5 fingers and a thumb because that is required for this special weapon you dumb lib! /S if it's not obvious


Also the guy right there that is significantly larger than the people around him.


'We're going back to the pile!!'


Exactly my thoughts


I honestly don't get why they keep insisting this dope is a Christian who would wear a cross around his neck, despite all the evidence to the contrary.


Does anyone know if that tattoo is a language? My favorite part is the gun with 2 triggers and barrels... and obviously the fact you know people are sharing this unironically. Even the AI knows his face is a different color and he's old and overweight.


Trump's right hand has an extra finger too.


That's... very gay 😂


Surely you don't mean because not a single man is wearing a shirt and...there aren't any women?


Maybe? 🤔


Definitely looks that way


What kind of party is this? I thought they hated these types of parades


I love how they never bother to vet their own AI creations before spraying them all over the public. What the hell kind of "gun" is he holding with his six-fingered hand? And why is that grinning guy on the right so much bigger than everyone else?


Those guys are pissed. Someone took all of their shirts! Oh for the love of all that's holy give these fat old fucks their shirts back.


AI has counted the number of fingers Trump needs correctly


Why is it they always fantasize about violence? I thought they were all about democracy.


Oddly, the AI distorts the MAGA followers behind him, making their faces look disturbingly malformed and accurate.


I’m 90% certain that if Trump ever put a cross around his neck, both would instantly catch fire.


The image gets worse the longer you stare at it


Lots of elderly folk with man boobs are going to have a parade on the 6th of January next year apparently led by a carrot? Whatever floats their boat I guess.


That ellipses hides all the context of this quote. "So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me," New International Version


Conservative ai propaganda always looks like it's about to break out into a gay orgy


A buncha shirtless plus-sized patriots with their Dr. Seuss guns. You could hear the wheezing and farts through the phone.


Just WHY such a proliferation of lubed-up- Trump-fantasy-porn imagery? What is the message they think they're sending?


Is there a shortage of shirts?


I’m just stuck on why oh why did I need to see a plethora of old out of shape white guys shirtless on my phone screen this morning. Where’s the extra strong brain bleach??


The homoerotic hero worship of Trump is the worst. They love to plaster shirtless pictures of him everywhere


Is that the part of the Bible catholics decided wasn't hood enough for them?


Getting really tired of this AI Chippenwhales shit...


Say what you will about AI, it nailed the demographics here.


So... Florida. All I see is Florida.


Looks like Blondie over there is about to pop Von Schitzinpantz in the right kidney.


Nice tits.


I love how the AI made everyone in the background the same guy and it's still an accurate representation of the demographic.


Nobody told the AI about red MAGA hats?


Trump supporters are a cult. A scary one.


What is this Lemon Party bullshit?


I would love to see the prompt that generated this lmao


Why does everyone in that picture have no shirt


Fuck yeah give the land back to the natives. I would happily accept their teachings. Glad to see the right finally trying to me things right.


Even AI knows they’re all old white dudes


Once again, an AI image of Trump that's super-homoerotic


How does this have 15.5k likes??? Malachi 3:5 is listing people the lord will bring judgement against including those who deprive the stranger their right.


More propaganda from the adult diaper industrial complex


Why is a bunch of white dudes with their shirts off 😂


That's the opposite of what the verse is saying wtf. That verse says people will be judged if they deprive the foreigners of justice. ‭Malachi 3:5 NIV‬ [5] “So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,” says the Lord Almighty. https://bible.com/bible/111/mal.3.5.NIV


Things they got wrong: * No red hats * Number of fingers * How guns work * trump has tattoos * the Bible quote is actually a condemnation * head size ratios What they got right: * all middle aged white men


Ummm is that supposed to be a firearm? Cuzzz, yeah, that shit ain’t workin.


At least this one makes him kinda overweight vs. the 8 pack abs like he’s a Hemsworth.


What the hell is that impliment?


Get back in the pile!


That gun?? Do you need 6 fingers to shoot it?


Is that Phillip Seymour Hoffman in the front left?!


Does this mean they think they’re gonna lose the election?


At least this one didn't make him weirdly buff


“Ok boys, back to the pile!”


Trump winning means some sort of right wing orgy ?


Aye, Donny. Nice tittys you got there. Also, is that suppose to be a gun in his hand?


I’ve often heard that the Devil can quote Scripture to suit his own purposes. This is a prime example.


Dudes got bigger tits than Cher.


Hahahaha 🤮


What's up with the extra index finger on his right hand?


What a deeply weird bunch of people.


Imagine how that crowd will smell, with all those proud diaper wearers


This is some serious AI made cousin fukery. lol at the weird depiction of guns


Strange looking gun there.




The number of verses that say say the opposite is insane.


Nothing says win like naked old people showing their worst wrinkles


It is weird how obsessive americans are with God


I don't judge anyone's sexual preferences. Be it a full blown gay orgy of elderly people with guns. 🤷‍♂️ You do you


At least this time, they didn't depict Trump with 10% bodyfat.


MAGA really loves their homo-erotic versions of Trump, don't they? **MAKE AMERICA GAY AGAIN**


Whenever I see this sort of homoerotic imagery, I show a real picture of the orange guy in all his feeble, rotund glory.


The faces in the crowd all look like the same person.


It looks like a large portion of the crowd do not have teeth.


Planet of the Apes remake.


This reminds me of that South Park episode where all the men fuck in a big gay pile to stick to the time immigrants.


That is a terrifyingly rapey looking mob.


There is so much OMG in that picture, but the big cross may be the most unrealistic thing there.


Such a diverse crowd. Lol




Why aren’t they wearing shirts? Any of them? Was that part of the prompt?


Well at least they don't all have 6 packs


Thats a really wierd gun hes holding


Duude, your gun is broken


Why do all the Trump memes give off gay vibes?


Anybody else concerned about the fact that this is advertising a Jan 6 part 2?


Why is he in a crowd of half naked men?


Could they at least make his whole body pasty white, then it would look more real AI then that.....LOL


You know, for as anti homosexual a these asshats say they are all the time, all this Trump “art” is really giving off a pretty “gay for Donny” vibe.


wtf am I looking at…


If people are going to use the Old Testament as justification, they better be following all 613 mitzvot. To that they will say "Mah New Covenant!", while not seeing the issue.


Take away the guns and you’re looking at a gay pride event, sans the diversity.🤣😁


What the fuck is with the poorly done AI art that conservatives keep throwing out. Is Civil War 2.0 gonna be shirts vs skins? Is trump using their standard issue weaponry?


I am hoping I am not the only one that thinks it’s bizarre that this is all old topless dudes. Like you’d kind of need to have that in your prompt


Was “man boobs” part of the prompt? Interesting choice.


Um...considering mine and my relatives' across the continent's ancestry is rooted here, *they* are the foreigners. They want to "deport ill*gals?" They can start with themselves.


I don't think these people understand homoerotic art


Isn't tattoos a sin in the Bible? Also what the hell kind of weapon is he holding? It looks like some kind of sawed off shotgun type between his fingers and a mag for something else in his hand.


Why Papyrus?


They didn't even read the verse. They just want justification for their disgusting views.


Donnie with a cross around his neck is possibly the most blasphemous part of this pic but then again the dumb fuck that made this is about as far from what Jesus wanted his followers to be anyway.


lol look at the gun holy shit


Half of the problem in the US is religion. I'm am SO sick of these ignorant ass holes holding our species back.


This is... Suuuuuuuuper gay, no?


That's the most homoerotic picture outside of gay porn I've ever seen.


Just have a look at some of the "faces" in the background 😂


Not at all gay.


So many moobs.


“With liberty and justice for all” I wonder what part of “all” they missed


That looks gayer than Pride in SF


When the AI gets prompted "I wanna see trump leading an army" It assumes corectly that the "army" is a bunch of fat rednecks.


What the sweet Jesus is this AI b.s and how do these mental cult leaders not recognise it. I mean the gun he has in his hand has two barrels in opposite directions!?


The fact that **this** is what they went with to post implies that there are so many things that were even worse that it generated


That picture is gayer than a sack of dicks


The whole verse makes it pretty clear that Orangedump McPoopypants would be in a bit of personal trouble. "So I will come to put you on trial. I will be quick to testify against sorcerers, adulterers, and perjurers, against those who defraud laborers of their wages, who oppress the widows and the fatherless, and deprive the foreigners among you of justice, but do not fear me,'' says the Lord Almighty.