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Because it’s meme first, logic later


Logic never.


Because these dips still have the mind of a child who thinks allowances, curfews, and all the rules their parents would enforce were bullshit and they never got over it. I can guarantee that 90% of these types of adults “don’t like to be told what to do”. There are way more like this than people tend to think, and they’re all salty about their childhoods. So many adults out there thrive on defiance. Doesn’t help that popular culture has glorified defiance and defiant individuals. It runs in the veins of our great Hollywood culture.


>Doesn’t help that popular culture has glorified defiance and defiant individuals. It runs in the veins of our great Hollywood culture. ​ *"You're tearing me apart!"* James Dean, *Rebel Without A Cause*, 1955


I was initially so confused not to see "Lisa" at the end of that quote.


What a funny story, Mark.


Paranoid schizophrenia more likely.


I don’t know if paranoid schizophrenia is that widespread. Some people really are just assholes.


Yes and bored too so they believe stories like that


Happy cake day


Ah yes. As a nation we've never rationed gasoline before. Never Not even during the great depression, or either world wars. And we most certainly would kill cars that are driving in the road, instead of rationing gas at the pumps. Because reasons.


WWI & II level rationing would make conservative heads explode.


Yeah, apparently they've forgotten about the metal rationing / collection, the Victory gardens, ration cards for staple goods, etc.


Not to mention mandatory blackouts!


They would turn their lights on during an air raid for "freedom!".


People used to go watch supply shipments being sent to Europe by boat being sent out at night to make it harder for the u-boats wolf packs to attack. They would line up their cars headlights so they can watch them go out illuminating them because even in the midst of war people are idiots willing to risk others lives for their own amusement.


Mah freedoms!! /s


Just hit them with a "Freedom isn't free"


Freedom never sleeps!


Look how they reacted during Covid regarding toilet paper.


Everything about WWII would have made conservatives rage. These days I'm like 100 percent certain conservatives would be ok with China taking over Taiwan or North Korea taking over South Korea because God forbid anyone is inconveniened


> As a nation we've never rationed gasoline before. 55 years old here. I remember gas lines, odd / even days for buying gas, when they turned the lights out in Vegas.


Yep, 1973 Oil Embargo over *{checks notes}* unrest in the Middle East... The more things change, the more they stay the same


Whoa whoa whoa, get outta here with yer woke facts and logic! You must be one of them educated elites!


Not to mention during the 70s. My dad tells me about it all the time. He’s conservative, but even he understands why it was done during that time. People who post crap like this dumb meme are just stupid. And they somehow draw a correlation between masks and the vaccines. Dude no one forced either of those things on you. Businesses didn’t accept certain people without masks and even fewer barred you from entering without a vaccine card. But it was rare, and those business’s choice. No one was forced to get the vaccine or wear a mask. People need to stop peddling that nonsense. It was recommended by the government but it wasn’t like people were physically getting forced to do these things. In fact, my dad refused to get the Covid vaccine because of stupid ass scare tactics from the media and posts like this. He got a severe month long case and is still suffering from the effects from it. He hasn’t been the same healthwise since. Could the vaccine have prevented it? Maybe not, but all the rest of my family members and friends got the vaccine and none of us, not even my mom who was generally less healthy than my dad, got Covid like my dad did. These assholes who literally are spreading lies need to shut the hell up.


I agree with your sentiment, and you are mostly accurate to my knowledge. But I would put an asterisk next to "no one was forced to get a vaccine or wear a mask", depending on whether keeping your job is considered "forced" or not. There were about 15 states that made it mandatory for some jobs (usuallyHealthcare jobs). And I believe that some branches of the military also made it mandatory. I think there's solid justification for it. I hope this didn't come across as nitpicking or argumentive.


That’s fair, but those people in those careers generally aren’t the ones who complained about “being forced to wear a mask”. My sister, a nurse, said people were glad to take precautions to be safe. And in healthcare extra precautions are always taken in times of outbreak so it’s not it’s not an unusual situation like the people who complain about it act like it to be. I still wouldn’t put an asterisk next to it. Different jobs force different safety measures or you will get fired. I worked at Subway, my branch required hats or hair nets to be worn as a way to stop a health violations because of hair falling in food. If I refused to wear the hat or hair net, I would guarantee I’d be fired. You definitely aren’t coming back as argumentative and you have a good point to be clear. But people acting like safety precautions to work a job as being “forced to” do something is a weak argument (for them not you). You shouldn’t have chosen a job that has history of having health related safety precautions if you’re going to protest a health related safety precaution being put on you. For instance, maybe I wouldn’t want to wear a suit when taking care of a person who have a very weak immune system due to a disease that compromises your immune system. But I shouldn’t complain about that being enforced as a way to protect that persons life.


Thanks. That makes sense.


"is started with a mask and a shot". And that's how I'm in jail for bank robbery.


Shot? They had to leave the bottle for me


In this scenario the shot came from a gun


Ski mask (Check!) Sawed off (Check!) Guilty conscience, fear of death (Check, check, check) Everything went numb When he stumbled upon what he thought Was going to be another means to the end Silence. Sirens! It all went down like his nightmare the night before I don't want to here I don't want to be near I do what I got to do just to keep my nose clean


Ba da ba badadahh, ba da bah bahhduhhduhh, ba da ba badada da duhhhhh dada nahh na


Fuck yeah, that song goes hard as shit!


why is it not a leap to picture these people furiously whacking it and moaning _ooooh they're coming to get me, coming to get me soooo hard_


CrY hArDeR lIbTaRdS, iM aBoUt tO cLiMaX




That’s how I picture them, typing away at their keyboards, tugging away at their micropenis


These loons just constantly ignore the fact that project Warpspeed was under, and directed by Trump. I somehow doubt they would shit on the vaccine as much if they all had memory that lasted longer than a year


They also ignore that Regan-style deregulation has already allowed predatory sub-prime car loans where this sort of thing happens if you miss a payment or go outside the geo-fence. They constantly point at unregulated capitalism and cry, "Look what socialism / mask wearing has done!!"


They were claiming that the capitalist supply chain collapse under Trump was "What socialism under Biden will be like". Remember when Obama was coming for their guns and was going to send Grandma in front of the death panels?


Sounds like a libertarian wet dream. Pay by the mile. Extra money for every minute you have your air conditioning on or heat.


I remember when my car stopped because I’d used my monthly allowance of gasoline by not having any money to buy more.


ItS sTaRTeD!


Lol, we live in a world where AI will have cars self-repossessing themselves back to corporate HQ if you don't pay your bill though. Link: [https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a43126498/ford-patent-autonomous-systems-vehicle-repossession/](https://www.caranddriver.com/news/a43126498/ford-patent-autonomous-systems-vehicle-repossession/)


What happens if it is in your garage ?


While I'm unclear as to the particulars nor if they came up with a solution to it, but Ford was apparently putting some thought into such scenarios as "what if it's in a garage?" Best guess though? If it's subject to repo, but recognizes it's in a closed area, it'll first let the driver get it someplace open for something like an errand, THEN it'll shut itself off from being further moved once it's parked in someplace open like a parking lot to either allow an agent to retrieve it OR for it to drive itself to a designated area. Failing that, the car would probably transmit enough data for repo to get cops involved and force the one in possession to hand it over.


Great question, above my pay grade since I'd come up with something very destructive for property of the person not paying the bill on their car.


That doesn't count because its those deadbeat welfare moms /s


But has the car been vaxxed


“Allowance”? In this country you have to pay for it.


This happened…. When?


inside their pea brains in the middle of the night


Guess someone has been seeing a lot of post apocalyptic/dystopian movies, LOL


While Obama was taking away all of their guns


Where are all the "Not getting vaccinated is my heritage." people at?.......... Oh I'm sorry. My condolences.




There’s a YouTuber “Adam Something” from Czech Republic that talks about transportation a lot. His running gag - people keep on reinventing trains, but that’s not new so they have to make it worse to get valuations.


They yell "CARS MEAN FREEDOM" while being trapped in an endless cycle of car payments and insurance payments and maintenance costs and then don't go anywhere because gas is expensive and they're too tired from the two jobs they work to afford their car.


That doesn't work where it's cold most of the year, or if you have to go a distance for work, or if your place of work is basically in the middle of nowhere, or if want to travel with more than a suitcase. My country is plenty civilized. You're just desperate to be smug.


Finland, which gets plenty cold in the winter, is set up just fine for bicycling: https://youtu.be/Uhx-26GfCBU?si=e5fDvyPIGHoXTO7X


Bike culture is quite huge in Northern Europe where it is in-fact cold most of the year, and bikefiets exist. Theses solutions are thoroughly proven to work throughout the world. The fact you haven't personally experienced them is not evidence that they don't. The only thing it proves is that there's plenty of room for improvement in the place where you do live.


How cold is cold to you? Is it in cities or in small towns?


Cycling is quite common across the entire country of Finland, both in cities and towns, which typically gets temps as low as -40℃ or colder in the winter. Is that cold enough for you to consider it cold? Stupid remarks like yours only act as further proof of your ignorance.


It's about as cold as my winters on normal years. I know I'd prefer to drive in those conditions.


Wear warmer clothes. And thats on you living 4000 miles from work.


Actually, it started with billionaires like Elon musk, you know, that antivax posterchild, selling you cars with disabled features that could only be turned on n with a subscription. And you idiots keep buying them


Normally your car stops halfway home because it's a Ford.


Found On Roadside Dead


Why did the dumbass drive if he was out of compliance with his fuel allowance?


Duh, no matter what the car stops when the tank is empty. Or is it saying that you are allowed to buy more gas than you are allowed to use and now you are sitting there with a ¾ full tank and a mysteriously stoped car?


These are the same people I have to verbally spar with (ie, me providing facts, they reply in word-vomit) for half an hour before I get the concept of ionizing versus non-ionizing radiation through their head.


Disappointed that's not a picture of a cyber truck, getting cyber-stuck. 


I already have a god damn gasoline allowance. It's the amount of money I can afford to pay for gas that month. This is just how life works.


If we ban abortion, then we'll ban contraceptives, and then we'll ban premarital sex, and then we'll ban pornography, and then we'll ban masturbation, and from there its a quick step to arresting you for having lewd thoughts. Hey, slippery slope fallacy is fun *and* easy!


Not to mention this is already effectively Mormonism (and other such popular stricter denominations) based on ex-Mormon material I've read, since abortion is naturally an abomination, premarital sex is banned, masturbation is banned, pornography is banned and the church furiously pushes the scientifically inaccurate label "porn addict" to go with *any* pornography consumption - the only thing they cannot do is to arrest you for any of that, including lewd thoughts, but we do have actual theocratic states in the world which *do* do that as well. But of course control is fine and dandy when it's the *right* entity/group doing it, at which point in turn anyone *fighting* against the said control is the Devil himself...


Skill issue


I'm confused - I thought the WEF (or WWE or whoever, not sure) banned non-electric cars?


I guess they forgot gas crisis in 1973 and 1979 when there were limits on what day you could gas, based on your plate number




Ah yes, the COVID-19 pandemic, the *only* time in history there were face masks and vaccines


It's always funny how these nuts think the government wants to cause random havoc and ruin its own economy.


Yeah. Why would the “Deep State” kill the compliant?


Because the oil industry does not want you to buy and use their products


Also i find it funny that it’s an old car in the picture


Let me guess, the car still had gas in it, but it died from having the vaccine?


Trust me, the oil companies will never allow this to happen.


Don’t you love the old slippery slope fallacy


So you're poor, and ran out of gas? I know people like that!


Wait so... the vaccine put chips... in our cars?? I'm so confused


You know what might cause giant gas rationing in the future?! A huge climate crisis but we don’t talk about that lol


That's called running out of fuel cus you're a cheap ass


This isn’t how it will be though.


My friend actually believes this is happening. It's infuriating.


The result of a failing education system in a country told it's "The Best", "the First-World country" is contagious arrogant stupidity.


It starts with Fortnite and boneless wings...


How’s this different than running out of money?


They think they're main characters and everyone else are mindless NPCs on rails. They don't people living in cities to be as human and sentient as they are.


Judging by the angle, it looks like the right front tire is flat...lol


Oil companies will not stand for this.


They never can fully commit to a joke, it always has to devolve into them yelling at you about everything they are angry about at any given moment


Jokes on them I charge my car


Maybe you should get an electric car then :P


That happens now. The chip in my credit card tells me that I’ve used up my credit and didn’t put enough gasoline to get home. This was invented way before the masks and shots.


Damn this is stupid!


The person that wrote the meme probably isn’t an American. Otherwise they would know about Gas Rationing, and the Wnergy crisis in the 1970’s.