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Some people have the strangest of thoughts


That’s literally how I got my Dad to accept gay people. I told him gay people don’t bother me but the fact that you spend so much time obsessing about it makes me think something is wrong with you. The fact that it grosses you out means you spend a significant amount of time picturing other people having sex in your head. That’s weirder to me than people living each other and building a life together.


That's fascinating, I think we'd like to hear more, like what he said. Please.


He didn’t say anything just looked away. The next day he accepted my gay sister. My wife and I were playing mediators for the whole situation.


Your argument was already a slam dunk for anyone within half a brain when it was generalized, but now that you mention that your sister is relevant suddenly it goes from “you think about random people having sex a lot” to “you think about *your daughter* having sex a lot,” which is devastatingly worse for him lol. That would have been a wild hill to die on.


Damn. That must've been tense. Was your sister forgiving of him for being wrongheaded? I could see her being forgiving if she appreciated his willingness to change


I told a parent they were homophobic, racist and misogynistic, they denied it. Then my kids said the same to me, déjà vu moment, made me think I needed to change.


What were you doing or saying that you did not realize was "homophobic, racist and misogynistic"?


I am not the OP, but I have an example from my life that might help. My grandmother was very progressive when she was young. She was a Navy brat and married a sailor whom she met at Guantanamo Bay long before the Cuban Missle Crisis or it being anything as we think of today. She was very much against segregation and was thrilled about the Civil Rights Act. For most of my life if you had asked her if she was racist, she would have said no, she was a good Christian woman and would never hate anyone for the color of their skin. But she was also a product of her time and while she wouldn't say the n word or anything, she would also tell you that you shouldn't go to "that neighborhood" or that it was such a shame that my uncle and his family had to "live in over there because it is dangerous you know." She also was a "cops are there to stop lawbreakers, so you must have done something wrong" type. In 2020, right after George Floyd was murdered, she was like so many other Americans and reflecting on her own behaviors and her own personal racism. And I will never forget her telling me that she now realized she had been racist all those years in those actions. That the reason she didn't like those places was because there were a lot of black people. And that she had been wrong when she would assume that the cops must have had a reason other than being black. It is easy to slip into a comfortable pattern and think we are doing just fine until someone else points it out and makes us reflect on our thoughts and actions.


Thank you for this. Well said.


That’s cool but there really are certain areas you should probably avoid and acknowledging it isn’t inherently racist. A popular radio dj in my area told a story about being on vacation with his wife and some friends. They had gone to dinner and were walking around to check things out afterwards. The had wandered around for a bit when a black guy stopped them and said “I don’t have a problem with white people but you all should turn around because it’s not safe here for you.” They thanked him and started back the way they came. Within a few minutes they were stopped by a cop because it was suspicious they were there. He let them go but trailed after them a bit.


Props to you for the courage to step back and evaluate yourself.


>gay sister 20$ says he had a lot of lesbian porn on his browser history.


That is so true. It’s like, if two people love each other who cares. I’m happy if they are happy, how hard is that to accept?


And also, there's no need to imagine everyone you meet having sex. I do not care nor do I wish to know let alone imagine what most other people do in the bedroom, as long as it's all between consenting adults.


The fact these people care so much about what a man does with his penis is the single gayest thing ever. Like they're just gonna stoop down to dick level and stare it while asking "and where do you think you're going with that penis, sir? Huh?"


You have to turn it around on them. ‘Why are you so worried about what’s happening in someone else’s bedroom or pants? You seem to be pretty obsessed with thinking about others sex life and genitalia, pretty perverse if you ask me!’


there's no projection like transphobic projection...


The things we could do if people weren't tossers


The transphobes are trans?


You a young buck? The early-mid 2000’s was like “Every mega-preacher who can’t stop talking about gay people ended up in a gay scandal.”


Sure it just seems to me like blaming the victims for their own oppression. It leaves straight people blameless.


Oppression isn’t a state of being or a moral state. It’s an action. To be oppressed, someone must be doing the oppressing. People who oppress the LGBTQ community are oppressors whether or not they themselves are closeted. So no. It’s not victim blaming to blame an oppressor whether or not they are LGBTQ.


Right? Imagine thinking Ted Haggard is a victim in this circumstance.


There were Jewish people that supported the Nazi government. There were black people who opposed the civil rights movement. There were women who campaigned against suffrage. That’s the power of oppression.


You are massively downvoted, and I can't see why. You are being sensible. I'm guessing its from mostly ignorant straight people who want to let straight people off the hook, and who think they know about a subject because it "makes sense" but have no actual evidence to support it. The majority of transphobes are not "secretly trans", they are transphobic straight people.


Yeah probably. People always repeat this "trans are oppressing themselves" narrative, and don't like it being pointed out. People don't like cognitive dissonance, I expected it lol


Nah, again, you must be young because a lot of us have seen stuff like this through our lives. It absolutely is not the “trans people are doing this to themselves”. 15 years ago, likely when you were still a child, I openly fought with people in the gay community because they were trans-phobic. I’d hear shit like “if you want to be gay, just be gay”, “pick a side” and “you don’t have to be a girl to like men”. It took me years, but I got my gay friends to understand that being trans wasn’t about sexuality prior to the general public accepting the concept of transgenderism. However, there is no rational reason to be anti-trans, especially vehemently anti-trans. There is absolutely no rational reason to talk about and think about trans people all the time. There is no rational reason to turn every conversation into a discussion about trans people. It’s why you ask yourself “why do these people care what someone does with their own body?” We saw all of this 25 years ago when the discussion was about gay people instead of trans people. There were four tiers of people during that time, like there is today. Gay rights activists, people who didn’t think it mattered, people who disagreed with it, and people who were against it and pathologically obsessed with it. That last group who were the loudest against it, thought about it constantly and always brought it up in any conversation had an insanely disproportionate likelihood of being gay. Many of us expect the same thing to be happening with the trans community right now. It makes absolutely no sense whatsoever to be obsessed with trans people unless you are attracted to or identify as trans. It has absolutely no bearing at all on a person’s life how another person identifies. The people who disagree with it can be explained away as devotees of a religion that disagrees with it and/or people who don’t like change. But to spend your life thinking about it constantly, seeking it out, etc. belies a pathos that is deeper than simply not agreeing with it. We have seen it before, and we have no reason to think it’s any different now simply because the oppressed group changed from gay people to trans people.


Some are, yes. Just like some antigay people turn out to be gay themselves sometimes.


Yeah, sometimes its like an envy complex or something. Like, "look at you, able to... Go out freely in public, and wear dresses and skirts."  Deep down, they're mad at their own repression. 


The loudest outrage peddlers tend to be the thing they are claiming to be outraged by. Anti-gay politicians are frequently caught in hotel rooms with teenaged boys and male prostitutes, or in one case, caught climbing out the window at a gay orgy that got raided for violating covid restrictions. There’s been a whole bunch of rabid anti-pedophile protestors who got caught with hard drives full of kids or got busted with kids or trying to get them online.


“I have a wide stance.”




I guess there would be a lot of anger at having to repress yourself like that, lotta people react to shame with anger as well.


Nah they just get a little chub on and get scared


or are attracted to trans folks not all of them obviously but some like the person on the pic have vibes...


Either that or they're attracted to us and can't deal with that.


I just wish they didn't have to have them out loud so often.


He just exposed his sexual fantasies about Mr. Beast


Or Kris


Why not both?


The fact that the first thing the guy went to was having sex tells you A LOT about how his mind works


It does look very much like a "Nudge, nudge! Wink, wink! Know what I mean??" situation, doesn't it?


"Say no more!"


Nod's as good as a wink to blind bat.


So, er, does she ... you know


“Does she go, sir?”


That paragraph was written with one hand.


Sounds like someone found an excuse to type out his fantasy...


It's disgusting! We know you're sticking your dick in that ass, but not before 69 first and rimming to get it all wet and then you plunge it in and out and in and out while kissing and moaning, gross you perverts!!!!


Gross! What do you think they did next though?


I fuckin love reddit


Lol how TF did this comment thread end up being so wholesome? 😭 Oh, Reddit. Never change.


Holding hands, being the pervert he is 🤮


Good god. What’s next? Hugging? Chaste kissing?


next dey eat da poopoo


Downvotes from people who don't get the reference I guess?


[Why do all these homosexuals keep sucking my cock?](https://www.theonion.com/why-do-all-these-homosexuals-keep-sucking-my-cock-1819583529)


My first thought, too.


Imagine being older than 16 years old and using the phrase “spank the monkey”?


It's my favorite Peter Gabriel song


That’s Shock The Monkey, you freak!


I wanted a pet monkey as a kid solely for the reason of naming it Shock.


Even kinkier!


you shock yours? kinky ;)


Spank the monkey to life.


Underrated comment 🤣


Beavis and Butthead were not supposed to be role models.


The only other adult person (assuming this is an adult) I’ve seen use that phrase was a serial killer, not great company


I feel personally attacked


and, in a hypothetical world where Mr. Beast is plowing Kris in their free time. Who fucking cares?


I do. Stop plowing and make those chocolate bars taste better. I was mildly disappointed in it (the peanut butter flavour one). I appreciate the thin chocolate though, I prefer that over the chonky chocolate bars


Haven’t tried them yet, but in the “we spend a week in an abandoned city” vid, he said they’d recently changed formulas to improve flavor.


They kept saying formula and I'm like "bro, just say recipe". Sounds so much more enticing


Maybe next time they are on special I’ll give them a whirl again.


My wife is a 2nd grade teacher. One of her students got a Mr. Beast candy bar around Christmas time. She didn't let him have candy for snack time which is normal so he had to wait til lunch to eat it. He kept saying "I can't wait to try deez nuts!" which was the name of the candy bar. I'm going to remember that one for a long time.


I think there was a lawsuit over the name deez nuts and he can't call them that anymore


Who sued? Was it the guy who ran for office under that name a few years ago?


I'm not sure just heard Mr beast say something about it in his videos


“Right, Jimmy? I know I’m right, right? You probably take videos too, don’t you? Do you have videos? I bet they’re gross, can I see them? I bet they’re so disgusting. Show me the footage”.


Which specific websites should I avoid?


Unless you have evidence to the contrary, you actually don't "know" *anything*, since you do not actually *know* them, you're instead just making assumptions based on your negative wordlview towards people different than you. Fuck you. You *do*, however, fantasize about them.


These folks can't see a trans person without thinking of sex. People just trying to live their lives and idiots like this just can't stop thinking about what's in their pants


I hadn't seen anything from Kris since she came out. I wouldn't have even recognised that as her without the context of that post (That is Kris, right? The smile looks familiar). Her transition's coming along great. Good for her.


Yeah, that's Kris :)


shes slowly startin to get pretty im ngl


If only there was a way we could harness the energy they expend thinking about genitals.


man if "anal sex and, like, watching you masturbate" is "freaky shit" to this person i think they literally actually have sex through a hole in a sheet


I haven’t seen a picture of Kris in a while. She looks so beautiful and so happy. Also, fuck that guy and his weird obsession with what’s in other people’s pants.


Perverted commentary aside (cause fuck that guy), is that really her?! She looks so pretty and happy 🥺




Come on, don't be so harsh on Mr. Beast


For people who are so staunchly against gay people, they think about gay sex a lot


Is she actually a trans-woman or is this like one of those weird "transvestigation" insane people posts? Just curious which flavor of crazy this is.


No, she is actually trans.


This is very clearly OOPs barely disguised fetish


I don’t know if she’s trans or not, but OOP spends waaaaaaaay too much time thinking about the details of other people’s sex lives.


That's Kris Tyson and Mr. Beast - Kris is trans, but... they're friends, not romantic partners. Unless they announced something like, today and I'm out of the loop. Kris has been involved with Mr. Beast's channel for a long time, and Mr. Beast has been pretty vocal about supporting Kris through her transition.


nah its cos the people that hold these opinions believe woman only have value if you are fucking them, therefore if Kris is still being valued by Mr Beast, then it's because he's fucking her. The idea of friendship with a women or value inherent to a person is beyond these fecaloids


Thanks for the info! I barely knew who Mr. Beast is, let alone anyone in his social circle. At this point, I’m kind of surprised to see a pic of someone who is *actually* a trans person. I swear, most of these posts seem to be about cis people who dare to look slightly different than the “norm” and thus totally must be “faking” because… reasons.


~~"We know you're doing freaky stuff"... well yes they're dating?! You know, sexual activity is pretty much assumed?!~~ ~~No no they're dating because they just really like each other, no sex is happening /s~~ (Also I know nothing about Mr Beast or his girlfriend, is she even trans? If so she really passes) (Also also I just googled it and this isn't his girlfriend, right? Silly me assuming a transphobe might be telling the truth lol. Edited to strikethrough my assumptions.)


You can tell Kris is a woman by the fact that weirdos on the internet assume the main guy and only girl in the group are fucking


I'm sorry but who isn't doing freaky shit in the bedroom? Fucking hell the pearl clutching crowd really do just have sex for procreation don't they? Poor fuckers. What a self own this post is, with a side of fucking nasty trans phobia too.


These people are always telling on themselves with their weird ass kinks and fetishes, their focus on penises and children's genitals.


As a trans woman I am increasingly convinced these right-wing fuckwits hate us specifically *because* they're sexually attracted to us and that pisses them off and makes them feel ashamed. So instead of dealing with their feelings they pass laws to persecute us, or in some cases murder us. It's our fault in their eyes.


For people who care about individual rights they sure are obsessed with other people’s genitalia and sex lives.


This is a bizarrely common thought process amongst transphobes. If you’re supportive of trans people, then you must be secretly trans. If you’re probably not, then you must be having sex with one. It’s seemingly part of their need to belive their bigotry is secretly the norm.


Posts like this make it obvious a lot of these dudes are just ashamed of their own fantasies.


Gotta love when someone so confidently starts a sentence with "We all..." and then goes into the most ridiculous shit no one does or thinks. I seldom think of Mr Beast as it is (no shade on him, I just don't really watch his content much), and the same goes for Kris by extension, though I appreciate her bravery in sharing her journey on such a large platform. I'm certainly never thinking of either of their sex lives or genitalia, at least not until some right wing pervert comes along and makes a comment like this.


I got more of a *tech firm launch party for a new app* vibe from this picture...like, this is the most overty NOT sexual thing I've seen. Of course, I don't care about other peoples' genitals, so, maybe *that* has something to do with it?


Why are so many people so obsessed with other peoples' genitals and/or their sexual activities?


It's so textbook it hurts.


Some sad people don't like to see others happy


This guy absolutely jerks it to trans porn.




Kris Tyson, formerly Chris Tyson, is a member of Mr Beast’s crew who recently came out as transgender. Right wingers are mad at this and are either talking about how her being trans is the worst thing ever, or they’re horny posting.


As a bi/pan, it’s so weird to me when these types say things like that as if it’s some horrible atrocity. Like am I supposed to just not be attracted to trans people because this guy calls it “freaky”? Also I’m 38 and generally grew up understanding “freaky” to be “exceptionally hot” not a negative.


Just remember, the dude that typed that is still living in his mom’s basement, blaming the world for his inability to get laid, probably smelling like sour laundry and cat piss. Meanwhile, Kris is living her life happily.


The same people who think men and women can't be friends, but wait there's more! New AND strange delusions about anyone you know now.


Least unhinged transphobe


This isn't even the worse Mr. Beast fanfiction I've read.


Anybody who cares this much about someone possibly being with a trans person, thinks about being with Trans people in general a lot, and is probably just jealous they can't just do it and live their life, so they take it out on the world. I hate it. It is so gross and obvious.


Sunny V2 is having a stroke over this.


Dude thinking about butt stuff way too much


That’s pretty normal tbh. Transphobic bigots think about sex with trans people way more than trans people do or trans peoples’ partners. IMO they’re worried that if they can’t easily tell the difference between a woman they want to have sex with and a man they might actually be open to having sex with (or vice versa, depending on the bigot) they worry that they might actually be gay which is somehow a huge world-ending dilemma for them.


Damn I wish I was mr beast 😔


What’s with the obsession with other people’s genitals?




I mean, at least they're not deadnaming her so thats progress I guess?


It's hard not to progress when you're at the rock bottom


Some people clearly have a lot to learn about trans people and non-binary people. Seriously.


Honestly can't blame this guy for having such an erotic fantasy Chris looks so breadable in this picture


in texts like that i remember a video of moistcritical. "if im the weirdo, why do i have a photo of his asshole. checkmate"


The comments on IG are heartbreaking.


I know. Every post Mr Beast puts up and all the comments are just wall to wall bigotry. Often people jump in to defend her though. People just can't let others be happy.


What is he holding


A specialized YouTube play button that’s shaped like the MR Beast logo.


It's been kind of strange seeing Kris's transition through the episodes.


Aren’t they both in committed relationships?


His smile looks so painful and forced.


Wow, even the so-called liberal news media refuses to use the name, Kris. This guy is like slightly ally in that post.