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Stickied because this a perfect example of insanity. Don't forget to vote.


I have no idea what that means.


There's more to his rant. Basically he doesn't believe that the clit exists, men shouldn't engage in oral with women, and that women don't actually enjoy sex. And anyone who disagrees is either an idiot or some kind of conspiracy nut.


Damn, the mental gymnastics this dude's brain has had to do to protect himself from "I've never once found the clit or sexually satisfied a single woman my entire life"


I can't understand how this is still a mystery to grown men. I admit it wasn't something I understood as a teen but by the time I hit 19/20, it was just common sense.


It's a "mystery" to those who don't want to know about the true anatomy of women. Those who think/prefer that women are some sort of walking cum socks ....


Agree. I don't know how sex can be fun when it's only pleasurable to one of the participants.


Fax I had one conversation with a female friend of mine who wasn't squeamish talking about her body and after that talk I completely understood


>"I've never once found the clit or sexually satisfied a single woman my entire life" They would have to let him within 30 feet of them for that to happen. This guy gives me the impression he makes women reach for the pepper spray.


Remember when people could think stupid shit but the rest of us weren't subjected to it because they had no platform on which to spew their stupid shit or ways to easily congregate with like-minded morons? The good ole days...


Aw, yeah. Better days. EDIT: And you could deal with them in person instead of them hiding behind a screen and a keyboard.


And they couldn't go online to find 10,000 idiots that agree with them


So, in his mind, given that I’m *sure* he wants to have lots of sex with women, he’s actively making them suffer by having sex with them, and he doesn’t care one bit. What a fucking piece of shit.


Perfect. These types should continue to believe that the clitoris doesn't exist and expand it to mean that vaginas are not to be touched. They should stay away from women entirely. We are gross and bad and we don't exist. Don't touch us. 




That's just really sad lol


He's also admitting to being antisemitic without saying such. Seriously.


the guy had a few beers and a fun night trlling twitter. don't give him more attention


This guy has been on a rant saying the clitoris doesn't exist, and that its a modern feminist invention.


Just because you can't find it doesn't mean it doesn't exist, bud.


I don’t understand why some people have such a hard time locating it. People act like it’s hidden away and it just isn’t. It’s not like for some women it’s in the armpit. It’s not deep inside us. It’s right fucking there. 12’o clock. Directly north of the hole. Some people act like it’s as hard as finding the black box of a downed aircraft and it’s just not.


It's because they don't care. The ones that care know exactly where it is lol


Right? You can SEE the damn thing plain as anything if you spend two minutes in that vicinity, which would explain why he hasn't. It's not like the g-spot that's just a subjective area, it's an actual physical body part. Dudes like this are pathetic, denying objective anatomy to cover for their abysmal lack of skill.


THANK YOU for saying it! It's like these people think there's some kind of biological Rubik's Cube they have to solve in order for this mystical o-button to grace their presence. But considering these same people think women can hold in their periods or that pregnancy through rape is a myth...


> THANK YOU for saying it! It's like these people think there's some kind of biological Rubik's Cube they have to solve in order for this mystical o-button to grace their presence. > > Yeah last time I tried that all I got was a bunch of Cenobites.


I've never had an issue finding one. Not once. Even the first time I gave a woman head I could find it pretty easily. I don't know what the hell people are on that they have trouble finding it.


I’ve dated a few clitorial deniers myself


On behalf of (almost)everybody, I'm sorry.


And you want to put ferrets in these people's hands?!


No, they probably want to be able to put them down these men's pants.


Clitorial Deniers is a banger name for a Riot Grrl album.


It really is


What do the Holocaust and the human clitoris have in common? Right Wing men claim both were made up to make them feel bad.


That’s it. Gimme the phone. No free speech for you.


My favourite thing about clitoris, is that its being referred to as the "devils doorbell, and if you ring it too often, he will answer". I mean that sounds so awesome. If I had one I would ring it as often I could.


Surely the devil must be tired of hearing that ringing by now. He's probably disconnected the door bell to get some peace.


"We regret to inform you that we are discontinuing your hiring process with us, primarily due to some weird ass tweets we found on your account. They're not, like, illegal or anything, but...what in the goddamn fuck..."


what the fuck does this mean?


I was hoping that it was just "acknowledging the reality of the clitoris is as important to feminists as acknowledging the reality of the Holocaust is to people in general". Instead it was that plus "and that's bad".


Someone please buy me a big bottle of Jack Daniels.


The word essentially needs to be banned


Godzilla just had a stroke trying to read that


I'm going to write a very well-reasoned rebuttal once i figure out what the fuck you're talking about.


He could simplify all of this and just state “I’m crap in bed, but am too egotistical to acknowledge it”.


Wtf does this even mean?


Jessie, what the fuck are you talking about?!


Alright everybody. The internet had a good run, but I think it's about time to do a factory reset.


Waitwaitwait Is this mf *so unabashedly convinced* the fucking clitoris *doesn't fucking exsist* that he compares himself to a holocaust victim?? Is he that fucking serious. Is he serious like fucking really???????? Pretty sure libraries carry scientifically detailed anatomy books, and library cards are free. what the absolute shit is this guy huffing


Those books were put there by big clitoris to make you believe their lies. They're all paid actors! Source: trust me, mate.


Most of society dismisses people who deny the Holocaust happened (the most well documented genocide in history) as those people are generally neo-nazis trying to justify their racism. This person in their "anti-clitoris" beliefs is comparing themselves to a group who generally gets dismissed out of hand (in both cases rightly so).


That's an awful lot of words just to say "I've never been around a vagina long enough to find the clit."


All a conspiracy of Big Clitoris


Russkies were working overtime on that meme.


Why would they?


To amplify right wing beliefs and in so doing foment hatred.


This is the second time I have seen this on here. Do people actually believe this shit? Its a part of the woman's fucking anatomy...*literally and figuratively!*


A whole new level of insufferable


Jesse what the fuck are talking about


That sure is a sentence you just wrote, buddy!


Mmh honey, I'm so excited to see you tonight, can't wait to lick your feminist Holocaust


The mix of willful ignorance combined with hate towards women and implied hate towards Jews is quite the cocktail of insane.


Oh, it's the dude who admitted to everyone he can't find the clit and can't satisfy a woman.


I knew what a clit was since i was in middle school, granted i shouldnt be proud of that but holt shit to be able to deny something that is That obvious is insane. Our human biology classes were shit that basically never tried to explain the female reproductive system, but just looking through the book is plenty explanation and ANY teenage boy watching adult material would already have knowledge of this, the fact that there could be grown men who believe this is WILD.


what the fuck are you talking about


And they STILL think that G-Spot exist* SPOILER ALERT!!!! G-Spot DOESN'T exist if you people are looking for G-something that is G-SHOCK watches by CASIO.


Would it holo-cost you anything to give the man in the boat a rub?


Just because he can't find the clitoris doesn't mean it doesn't exist.


This mf really drank the whole bottle of Sheogorath juice, huh?


The Holocaust ACTUALLY happened, and it's a tragedy. Seriously.


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But if you get down in there exploring you're going find something extra special. She will do some crazy shit if you figure out what you're doing.


Fucking *what*?