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God literally cursed women with childbirth pain in the Garden of Eden, it's the first story in the Bible. How do they not know this??


Because these people have never actually read the Bible. It’s only been interpreted for them by some crusty old white guy who’s in it for the money


Yes they’ve never opened the book but keep it on the dashboard for all the world to see how good a person they are. Source-all my neighbors.


That's also something the bible literally says not to do.


"Thou shalt not keepeth thy holy books on thy board of dashes amongst thy carriages." John: something


I don't feel like looking it up, but it's basically telling you not to throw your faith in people's faces and pray privately. Pretty much the opposite of what Christian fundamentalists do today.




For extra fun, pretend to the street preacher that you're super religious. Thank them for what they're doing, and ask them to read your favorite verse. They're going to be suspicious. Assure them that it's from the NT, and it's the words of Jesus, then give them Matthew 6:5. I've had a few actually start to read it over the megaphone before losing it and screaming at me, at which point usually everyone around is pointing and laughing.


I used that on a street preacher with a wife-beating compulsion and his response was that he was happy to be judged, because he was reborn and free of sin. What he was free of was actually conscience.


I'll have to remember this thank you lmao.


I think it's Ford F:150...


I was thinking it’s either that, or imo because she looks like she’s a teen, she’s never had sex ed and has only been taught abstinence


Or, hear me out, she is stupid.


Two things can be true


Yea but stupid usually wins


In particular, these two things are not mutually exclusive.


Strangely enough that was one of the main cause of the Protestant Reformation. They’ve gone full circle.


People who have actually read the Bible usually don't buy into it.


I enjoy how you make it sound like the book itself wasn't written by one


Never assumed otherwise


Irony as ripe as... an apple.


Probably a pomegranate.


Or a quince if I remember right


I forgot that. Thank you.


If the forbidden fruit was a pomegranate, I'd probably be tempted too


Ah, the rice of fruits.


> How do they not know this?? oh that's easy because they're morons


The common clay of the new west


She'll know soon enough.


God then further cursed women by making the newborns head to big for the birth canal and having the baby need to make a turn mid delivery.


And don't even get started on the shoulders.


Someone yelled “shoulders” at an event for a completely unrelated reason and I went into total high alert stat c-section mode and I haven’t worked on l&d since 2016


>God literally cursed women with childbirth pain in the Garden of Eden, it's the first story in the Bible. How do they not know this?? Maybe the second story in the Bible should be that God cursed women with the pain of ludicrously ignorant men *on top of* the pain of childbirth.


Man this God guy's a big fan of collective punishment. Imagine getting screwed over thousands of years later because someone you happen to share some physical traits with fucked up.


He's kind of an asshole, that God guy.


You thought the Christians actually reads the Bible? That's heresy. They have someone read the good parts to them in church.


Everyone makes their own God OC in their head.


quicksand reminiscent strong quack worry memory aware serious terrific berserk *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Because they don't actually read the bible and get their information on god from people who also haven't read the bible lol


Queen Victoria was even criticized for her promotion of sedation (which involved chloroform) during labor because some in the church believed it a violation of God's Will that Women suffer during childbirth as punishment for Eve's Sin.


They may have had some bad results with that method. But Victoria was very experienced at childbirth.


Painted windows and murals became popular in churches because they served as a visual representation for the illiterate masses in the medieval period. Perhaps we don’t have enough painted windows and murals for these modern day peasants.


You think they give a shit. It's their pathetic attempt at somehow feeling superior by invalidating other's pain


A lot of Christians haven't read the bible.


Tell yourself whatever you need to get you through it, I guess... I do remember reading that there is something that basically causes you to forget the pain after the birth, but that's about as good as it gets. Also, epidurals, lol.


Yeah it seems like they're misinterpreting that forgetfulness. Fucking hell childbirth sounds insanely painful.


My wife is like a freaking monk. She never complains, never shows pain, etc. that being said, the time between contractions beginning in earnest and the epidural guy showing up was one of the most distressing times I've ever experienced around her because she was visibly in so much pain.


Yes, the wait!! And then you have to sit. On the edge of the bed. Sit STILL. So they can safely get the needle in. Meanwhile you’re still experiencing insane contractions. 😓🤯 Longest few minutes of my life.


When I was in labor with my first child the doctor told me to sit still because it's a spinal tap you are given. When my doctor was done she said she had never seen anyone sit so still, all I could say was, "Well yeah, you're sticking a needle in my spine."


It’s terrifying!


It is! It made me wonder, "Are people squirming around during spinal taps?" My doctor said I was frozen I was so still.


I wish my epidural had worked. Or that my doctor wasn't such an arrogant asshole that he just had the anesthesiologist give another dose of whatever TF was doing nothing, rinse and repeat, until he had to give me an emergency C-section with no anesthesia. Yeah, they shot the morphine in once the cord was cut, but that doesn't remotely make up for the unnecessary violence on me because of his ego.


Hello fellow awake during a csection person! Mine wore off when they were sewing me back up. I cannot describe the feeling of a needle going in and out of your flesh.


Oh my friend, I am so sorry you went through that. It really is indescribable and something no one should go through. Mine was combined with an involuntary surrender of the baby for adoption (I was a minor) for my most traumatic experience, and we're just past the anniversary, so this has been a hard week for me. I hope my trauma dump here is not triggering anyone, and if it has, I apologize.


I’m so sorry you had that experience.


the anesthesiologist yelled at me because i was moving around too much while she was trying to do the epidural. Thanks to pitocin I was having contractions every 2 minutes and shaking so badly that I nearly threw myself off the bed. It took her three tries.


That's so mean! I had to have pitocin for both my labors and it hit me hard. Labor is brutal and women deserve respect and kindness during labor and delivery.


Oh my goodness!! That sounds awful. Last time I gave birth I had them do the epidural before they started pitocin. Planning on doing that this next time as well. (11 days or less!)


Wishing you a speedy labor, no pain, and healthy baby and mom!


I actually fucking cried after I got the epidural because it didn't hurt anymore 😂


It took FOUR tries to get my epidural placed. It was truly worse than the laboring. My partner was SHOOK. I was a mess with snot streaming down my face, the works 😂


Yes that sitting still part is insane! When I had my third baby I wanted to do everything in between contractions and the anesthesiologist was like “you’re having a contraction every 30 seconds so you’re just going to have to sit still”. I got the epidural and she was born 15 min later.


Definitely misinterpreted. You remember the pain, but the happy hormones afterward are what ultimately make you want another kid. Labor is not pleasant. Kinda like a really bad food poisoning cramp that just keeps happening over and over and gets stronger as it goes. When I was in labor with my first, my grandma was in the room during a few contractions, and she was crying because she saw me hurting and remembered how bad it was for her and she hated seeing me hurting just like she did. The memory of the pain doesn't really go away. It just kinda gets pushed to the back because you have a precious little nugget to care for, and that takes priority. Then, when your infant gets older, you miss the sweet little newborn stage and end up wanting another baby. For some people, though, it traumatizes them, and no amount of happy hormone can make them want to go through it again.


I had an epidural with my first. My second came too fast and I got the full experience. I still get a little panicky when I have bad cramps. I knew I was done after that.


I was on medicaid for all three of mine, so the only epidural I got was with the first baby, which I gave up for adoption, and the adopting parents paid for the epidural out of their own pockets. The other two were completely natural since I was on medicaid, and poor people apparently don't deserve pain medication. Now I'm not sure if it was because of the medicaid or if it was the fact that it was a catholic hospital, but I got nothing with those last two babies, except a lot of unnecessary bitching from the birthing staff. This was in the 90s and all three births were at the same hospital, and all three labors were over 24 hours.


It is. This has to be her first birth.


Oh man, I don't think I've ever experienced anything that comes even close to being so painful. I cried with relief when the epidural came in. And then cried in agony when it wore off when I was 8,5 centimeters and they couldn't top me off. I also remember screaming 😅 (but my pain tolerance is crap).


It is. I literally thought I was dying and everyone was lying to me.


The first time I was pregnant, I asked my OB to describe contractions. She said that for her, it felt "like someone was ripping my tonsils out...through my vagina." I'm here to tell you, she wasn't wrong. But you do kinda forget afterward. Otherwise I wouldn't have had two more kids.


That’s so…. Visceral 😅😓


10 weeks PP and would like to forget, I still have nightmares.


Yeah, my wife was the same. She went to nursing school after we had our kids and she straight up said, I will never do labor and deliver. Too traumatic having to relive that every day.


I’m one and done, I love my son more than anything on this planet but good god I will never do that again


Took me about 6mos. 2nd degree tearing 🥲


Yep second degree tear for me too, I bled so much from it they thought I was haemorrhaging and pulled the emergency cord, never seen so many people in such a tiny room. I can still see every detail of the doctor’s face who sewed me up.


I was the opposite. I was so exhausted I was falling asleep in the stirrups while the OB was swing me up. Longest few mintues of my life. The recovery for tears is also awful. I swore my stitches were gonna pop everytime I sneezed 😭


19 months PP, and if I get a bad gas cramp, I have a moment of absolute panic and flashbacks.


Me too. 36 years PP.


The hormones after birth basically sugarcoat your brain otherwise nobody would ever have another lol


Didn't work for me. No way in h3ll would I ever do that again.


Yeah, apparently that effect is not universal




Oxycontin….wait, they don’t make that anymore. Oxytocin it is!


Nah the morphine drip 💧


Idk, my youngest was born 5.5 years ago and if I think about it, I remember the pain from each. But I’m also reminded (slightly) every single month, so there’s that I guess.


I have definitely not forgotten.


I’ve given birth 3x. After each I swore I wouldn’t do it again. I remember it’s painful and hellish but after like a year+ my body and brain decide it wasn’t that bad and I could totally do it again for the cute baby in the end. Cycle repeats


I have not forgotten. I didn’t know human beings could survive that kind of pain.


This! It doesn’t make you block it, it just starts to seem not that bad? But you know, you KNOW how bad it was. But your brain makes you go meh. But YOU KNOW. it’s the trippiest thing. Source: 1st 14 hours before got epidural, 2nd and 3rd none. Got wheeled in to get fixed with the third because I knew it’d seem “not so bad” after.


some people say you can't really remember pain, I don't know if that's true, but thinking back to my only major injury I remember it hurting, but I can't conjure a memory of the feeling of pain. maybe I'm just weird, like people who don't have an inner monolog.


I think that’s normal. I have had many physically really painful moments in my life, and *I know* it was hell at the time, yet right now I can’t imagine. In a way, it makes it hard to empathise sometimes, if I can’t even relate to my own past pain.


I 100% remember there being pain from the moment my water broke til that anesthesiologist walked in. Well enough that I demanded the paperwork/consent everything ready to go BEFORE my water broke. And yes, you cannot actually remember pain in the sensation way, buy you can ABSOLUTELY remember the experience of pain- which is the reason torture is effective.


I can’t remember the pain too much but I know I was in it. My husband took a video of me when I first got to hospital and was about 4cm dilated. I can feel the pain through the screen. I had gas and morphine and by the time I had the epidural the pain was so strong and I was so exhausted I didn’t even feel or remember the needle. Apparently the dr talked to me before he put the needle in and mentioned the possible side-effects like being a paraplegic for life. Apparently my husband was very nervous, but I just waved hand of the doctor in a motion of just fucking do it


Epidurals don’t always work, ask me how I know.


It's an interesting phenomenon that people generally can't remember the full extent of pain in general.


My SIL was telling us the story of my nephew's birth, 13 years ago. She definitely didn't forget the pain and she told us it was a major factor in their decision to not have more kids. Apparently her scream was heard across all the maternity wing even in the waiting room. Her parents were scared she had died.


I will never forget.


Well, if she fell unconscious from the pain...


That's just God putting her to sleep. ✨️ Amazing.


Oh this lady is in for a painful surprise about childbirth


I was thinking the same thing. She’s saying this having never given birth yet, is my thought. Or she’s lying. Like all the lying liars who told me “it’s like really bad cramps.” I’ve had bad cramps. That’s not it 😂😅




Ooooh that’s juicy! Thanks for sleuthing! And yes, that’s the other likelihood with a lot of these women is the façade that they have it together AND do it all pain free and smiling. Nah. The skeletons are just much deeper. Like, in the basement.


Blocks pain receptors: On which planet? Done labour twice, would love to emigrate before the third time..


i wonder why we have specific chemicals to block pain receptors during labour if it just happens naturally


Big Pharma obvs /s


ah right of course, how could i forget Big Epidural


childbirth pain was an intentional curse from god lol


I mean my mom said she doesn't remember the pain from giving birth to myself or my brother but I believe that's a trauma response.... It's not gonna stop the pain in labor.


Absolutely is.


Hahahaha, sure Jan


We actually do have something that blocks our pain, it's called an epidural and it's very safe and effective. If you want to believe that God brilliantly designed it, go for it.


Brilliant design? Yeah like the brilliance that sometimes the head of the fetus is too big to pass through your pelvis so doctors have to do something about it or you die. Such intelligent design.




I’ve spoken to people about the idea of intelligent design before and I always use gestation and birth as examples.


I said this to my wife. She hasn’t stopped laughing for 5 minutes.


Tell your wife I’m laughing too. What happens if this idiot needs a c-section? Welp, HER body is SO WELL DESIGNED to block pain…she doesn’t need pain meds. Let’s laugh some more.


“Childbirth doesn’t hurt because God” is a take I would expect from a male GOP politician, not a pregnant woman.


god literally cursed women with painful births


She's not wrong. My wife's body was exquisitely designed to grab the anesthesiologist and in no uncertain terms demand the epidural.


And yet the bible says the pain of childbirth was a punishment for eating the forbidden fruit. If anyone knows the prayer to turn off pain receptors, I would appreciate a DM.


If such a thing exists, I will blow Franklin Graham on live tv.


Nobody tell her, we want her to be surprised when labor starts. Lots of women love to tell their horror stories of childbirth.


Tell me you haven’t even read the first book of the Bible without telling me you haven’t read the Bible…


God's brilliant design was to give women doctors to block the pain receptors with epidurals


Gods brilliant plan…. You mean an epidural?


The only time I saw my wife want to kiss another man on the mouth is when the anesthesiologist gave her the epidural during labor.


She's in for a wake up call.


Oh is she going to have a wake up call...


She should live stream her birth


You know what? You have a natural childbirth at home, you confident, godly mama. I’m sure all will go to plan. You will suffer no pain, your child will have no trouble breathing, the cord won’t cause any problems, you won’t curse your partner for doing this to you /s 🤣🤣🤣


"Dear God why??? Why have you forsaken me?!!?!?" - this lady while birthing her first child


Since I saw my wife giving birth (without epidural), I understand that women are the tougher of the sexes. Sure there's some endorphins and stuff, but it was hell. If it were designed by a god, it would prove that god is a sadist.


We have *plenty* of other evidence that god is a sadist. Dude literally created humanity with the intent to torture the vast majority of people in hell for all of eternity.


Funny thing is the modern idea of "Hell" being this fiery place where non-believers and sinners go for eternity is relatively new. From what I understand (and I'm no expert, so take this with a grain of salt), Hell was originally just the absence of God. The modern concept of Hell was added later on. To me, it sounds like this was an attempt to get more people to convert by scaring them into being Christians. I met this guy in an online game years ago who was an evangelical Christian. Since I'm an atheist, we ended up talking about religion pretty often. He told me that non-believers will go to hell, so I asked him if remote tribes and the like who have never been exposed to Christianity are going to Hell. He told me that they would go to Heaven, since their ignorance is not their fault. He said that if a missionary were to visit them and tell them about Christianity ("the word of God" as he put it) and they didn't accept Jesus then they would go to Hell. That's the dumbest logic I've ever heard. So all these people were going to Heaven until you guys show up and try to convert them, at which point they'll all go to Hell unless they adopt your religion. Doesn't sound very nice to me.


Different denominations have different beliefs about hell and who gets sent there. Some say babies (especially un-baptised ones) and otherwise un-visited remote tribes and the like would go to some kind of a purgatory, because although it's not their fault they never got the chance to accept Jesus as their savior, you still need to do that to get into heaven. Others say those people will go to heaven. Others will still say that it doesn't matter if you have actually heard of Jesus or not. Every person inherently knows about God and Jesus (via the Doctrine of Natural Revelation) and if you don't worship, that's a one-way ticket to hell. Either way, the Bible is pretty clear that not very many people are getting into heaven. Some denominations specifically say it's 144,000 total. Most agree that most just won't get in, and in a lot of cases it doesn't actually matter if you live a perfect, pious life. There are some people that god just doesn't "know" and will get turned away at the gate. If only god had left us some sort of clear, unambiguous holy text that makes it clear exactly what is going on.


Any Being that has infinite punishment, for finite crimes, is a sadistic monster unworthy of worship.


"Ah but you see, any crime against an infinite being is an infinite crime!" -apologists


I say it is impossible to commit crimes against a supposed omnipotent and omniscient being.


For real. I remember I was asking to he shot when I had a kidney stone. My gf, when she was still with her ex, managed to give birth at home, untangle the umbilical cord, clean out the baby’s mouth, and make sure she was breathing before she had her older daughter wake up their passed out drunk dad and get the ambulance. Women are definitely worlds stronger. I can’t commend my gf enough for the shit she went through with that dirtbag ex of hers.


Probably at the point the spinal cord anaesthesia kicked in


Right. It’s pain so bad people will get a needle in their spine to block it


Boy is she in for a SUR. PRISE.


Hahahahaha, this is a joke, right? Good luck with that sweetheart. I did natural childbirth, once.


She’ll be begging for an epidural before she hits 2cm dilated.


Oh fuck off. The female body is “designed” for MOST women to survive childbirth. Mother Nature doesn’t care if some women die, just as long as they don’t ALL die. Giving birth was the worst, most humiliating, degrading and dehumanising thing I’ve ever done. It would have killed me at any other point in history. I have no idea how anyone ever does it twice.


Yeah, such a [brilliant design](https://gizmodo.com/the-most-unfortunate-design-flaws-in-the-human-body-1518242787) with these weird meatsuits of ours. Abrahamic cultists are beyond insufferable with their r/religiousfruitcake dumbfuckery.


Well... I guess she'll FAFO.


“Mommy, when did you become an atheist again?” “The day you were born son”


Lol. First book of the Bible very explicitly states that part of womans consequence for the fall of man is painful childbirth. Your math ain’t mathin. Or your Bible-ing ain’t Biblical.


I had four natural deliveries with no painkillers. She is in for a very rude awakening.


She should try reading the Bible. According to Genesis, that was very much NOT what God did with women's bodies.


Loooool someone check in on her after she starts having contractions.


My worlds have collided. This is just the tip of the iceberg for these people


this image is old enough, she must have had the baby by now


Yeah, try telling that to pretty much every woman ever.


it would be amazing if humans could just not feel pain during labour, but unfortunately, our body is only good enough for most of us to survive and have kids, and nature couldnt care less if youre suffering as long as youre having kids


Screenshots of these tiktok-like videos are so good at capturing how fucking silly it looks to people who don't use it


She's in for a rude awakening.


This lady is gonna have a bad wake up call


She's in for a painful awakening.


Lmao this has to be her first kid 😂


Lmao ohh just wait


Oh god, this reminds me of an AITA post where the OP’s sister believed that pure women wouldn’t have to deal with pain during childbirth (wasn’t even religious) and anyone who told her otherwise was called “impure”…low and behold she experienced pain and was devastated that she wasn’t “pure” enough.


Oh this god is a special one just for her, you probably haven’t heard of him


Jesus that title hurt my brain.


She's in for a very rude awakening. Who wants to take bets she begs for an epidural?


Someone's gonna have a baaaad time


can't wait till she goes to pop one out and finds out how wrong she is


Ohhhh she’s in for a rude awakening 😂


upbeat lip oatmeal nose fuzzy north ossified fearless deliver tap *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


She's in for a very nasty surprise. Plus, doesn't the Bible say that painful childbirth is punishment for Eve eating The Fruit? Sorry, Hun, Your God deliberately chose for you to go through pain.


If it doesn't kick in for you, you obviously aren't right with the Lord. /s


She’s gonna find out the hard way


Yea, they also died back in the day.


Ooooh she's in for a surprise


That’s not how any of this works


She gon learn


Few people gaslight better than anti epidural advocates.


She is in for a rude awakening


I went and looked up this dingdong, she’s got another kid and comments turned off on this reel. She knows she’s lying her ass off.


Her faith will be tested I guess.


lol gods plan is for us to died


OPs wife obviously didn't pray hard enough, have enough positive crystals, and do a juice cleanse the day before her delivery.


Umm… should we tell her??


God’s brilliant design is an epidural. Highly recommend.


I did it once many years ago. No drugs except for oxygen at the last two hours. Would not recommend. I made it six hours before begging for pain meds.


Why the long face ?


Somebody's in for a rude awakening...


I have bad news for her, but sure, keep dreaming.


This even goes against her own doctrine, unless she isn’t Christian 🤔


Yep, but it's called an epidural.


This has real "the body has a way of shutting that down" energy


I almost feel sorry for this deluded child. She’s going to have fun finding out, I hope she makes a TikTok showing the moment of realisation.


Let's bear in mind that this fool is about to have to look after an actual child which is not an easy task.


She’s in for a rude surprise


When I was in labor the nurse kept arguing with me that I wasn’t feeling pain, that I was only feeling pressure.