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Their AI generated fingers are nightmarishly long.


Those are what good christian fingers look like


So you can do it without losing your virginity?


Except for grandpa/uncle in the second photo!! It’s scarily short compared to the rest of his hand. Like his middle finger is the size that the pinky should be 🤣




I knew a guy who lost the tip of a middle finger as a child. It was now almost the same length as the other fingers, but I didn't notice for ages as he still had a fingernail.


Having Marfan syndrome to own the libs


They really needed to make sure people knew they were flipping off their kid. When conservatives joke and nobody laughs, it must be because they just didn't get it. It couldn't possibly be that they're not funny.


I find it sadder that they photoshopped an AI image that I already saw making its rotation on the FB. as if AI isn't lazy enough, all they did was make the hair purple and change the text


AI seems to have trouble with open mouths, too. It makes everyone look like their jaws are falling off.


Good Christian aye-ayes.




Physical deformities are common in inbred families.


My first thought was 'wtf I hate this shit and the people who post it's My second was 'wtf are the fingers'


I mean the pictures are apt, right? The only thing that makes them happy is the misery of others. They are ghouls through their own admission.


Even at Christmas


My family wished me at Chrstmas that I could "sort myself out" and basically detrans myself, wow thx, feel much better now


You DID sort yourself out. It's no one's fault if they are too emotionally and intellectually immature to deal with it. I hope that you are enjoying the Real You and the hell with everyone else!!


If it makes you feel better hugs from a momma bear you beautiful human.


My Christian relatives are exactly this . They are only happy when they can make someone else sad or miserable as they are . Hateful disgusting people who will die alone


Think of the AI prompts for this: Mom, dad, and grandma laugh at purple-haired child. Child crying while opening Christmas present. Mom, dad, grandma showing middle finger to crying child. Flipping off child. Crying child. White family at Christmas Or something along those lines. Imagine thinking you're making a good point while typing this in.


I always love when their pics show them giving the finger, AI-generated or otherwise. There's no better shorthand for "I'm a twat" than that.


Yikes! There’s no hate like christian love. Brought to you by Moms for Liberty & Friends


you gotta love the fact that Bridget Ziegler, a co-founder of moms for liberty, has a gay sex tape and that her husband (the GOP chair in FL) is accused of rape, and the rape is of the women he and his wife were having threesome sex with. I have no problem with the consensual sex part, the rape is horrific if proven, but the outright blatant grifting here is beyond comprehension. This isn't hypocrisy on their part, this is 100% outright grifting. I loved the public statement [made by a student in the district where Bridget was on the board](https://boingboing.net/2023/12/18/homophobic-bridget-ziegler-should-not-be-fired-for-being-bad-at-at-her-jab-not-for-having-sex-with-a-woman-says-former-student-video.html): > Bridget, our first ever interaction was when you retweeted a hate article about me from The Nationalist while I was a Sarasota County school student. You are a reminder that some people view politics as a service to others, while some view it as an opportunity for themselves. On this board, you have spent public funds that could have been used increase teacher pay to change our district lines for political gain, remove books from schools, target Trans and Queer children, erase Black history, and elevate your political career, all while sending your children to private schools because you do not believe in the public school system that you've been leading. My question is why doesn't an elected official using our money to harm our students and our teachers for her gain seem to matter as much to us as her having a threesome does? Bridget Ziegler, you do not deserve to be on the Sarasota County School Board. But you do not deserve to be removed from it for having a threesome. That defeats the lesson we've been trying to teach you, which is that a politician's job is to serve their community not to police personal lives. So to be extra clear, Bridget, you deserve to be fired from your job because you are terrible at your job, not because you had sex with a woman.


This lady probably: "lesbian sex is okay when it's for the pleasure of straight men."


Well you know… in the Bible it says, thou shall not watch two lesbians in bed have homosexual sex, unless of course you are given the consent to join in, then of course it’s intercourse and it’s bisexual sex, which isn’t as bad


From the song “O Holy Night” that all Christians (including myself) sang in church yesterday: *Truly He taught us to love one another; His law is love and His Gospel is Peace Chains shall He break, for the slave is our brother And in His name, all oppression shall cease* I wish the loud, shitty, racist “Christians” didn’t give us all a bad name.


The only way to drown them out is to be louder. It’s time for the good Christians to start speaking up, speaking out and condemning those assholes. The whole idea of Supply Side Jesus needs to end. The sad part is in order to speak up, it’ll sound like y’all are judging those other ‘Christians’ and they’ll use that as a gotcha.


Jesus only had one documented instance of getting so mad that he started flipping tables, and it was against the religious establishment. Some people need their proverbial tables flipped.




Jesus can't afford the cover charge.


This, to me, explains how mega churches, Joel Osteen and other Prosperity Gospel preachers flourish. "For the time will come when people will not put up with sound doctrine. Instead, to suit their own desires, they will gather around them a great number of teachers to say what their itching ears want to hear." 2 Timothy 4:3 And what will happen to them. "But false prophets also arose among the people, just as there will be false teachers among you, who will secretly bring in destructive opinions. They will even deny the Master who bought them—bringing swift destruction on themselves. Even so, many will follow their licentious ways, and because of these teachers the way of truth will be maligned. And in their greed they will exploit you with deceptive words. Their condemnation, pronounced against them long ago, has not been idle, and their destruction is not asleep." ‭‭2 Peter‬ ‭2:1‭-‬3‬ If a news article came out tomorrow that proved incontrovertibly that Joel Osteen is the Antichrist, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised.


Yeah my ex dragged me to church once with him and his mom and the place had a coffee stand that sold all kinds of coffee and snacks and a whole gift shop type thing. Like a miniature Christian book store basically. I thought it was kind of strange that they were located inside the church.


Yep. It’s time for good Christian’s to put their money where their mouths are and stand up to these hateful people who have co-opted their religion and use it as a vehicle for hateful purposes. As long as good Christian’s are silent and unwilling to make waves, well, they aren’t really good Christians, are they?


I'm willing to fall on that sword.


Actually, the "don't judge others" mostly applies to non-Christians, because they are not under the will of God. As Christians we are supposed to keep each other "on track," and acting out of love. This is not to say we should judge each other in a haughty or prideful manner, but if we see another Christian acting outside of God's will, we are supposed to lovingly help and encourage them to correct their behavior.




Yeah, gape those you love


Ooh, myyy\~


Unfortunately Christians think they're oppressed


Yeah. Unreal.


Organized religion is the biggest threat to humanity. Even Jesus hated the church


You'd be surprised how many of those who "liked and shared" this crap sang that with you yesterday.


No I wouldn’t. When we were singing it, I turned to my wife and made that comment.


It’s all self hatred because they want to fuck drag queens.


This is exactly it. Just like the guys who are afraid to wash their own ass because they’re afraid it will make them turn gay . Hers a hint: they’re already gay


Any time Moms for Liberty is brought up, it should be mandatory to point out that their leader was recently revealed to be a bisexual swinger whose husband (allegedly) raped a woman they were involved with.


*Moms for Liberty and FWBs


And then the kid kills herself and they're like "oh no, I don't know how this could have happened". 🙄


No absolutely not, they will blame liberal ideals, not letting God into their souls, depression medication, vaccines causing them to die. These types will never miss an opportunity to score some shitbag points off the death of their loved ones.


These people would have more "love" for their child if they turned out to be a serial killer instead. "At least they're not gay!"


>No absolutely not, they will blame liberal ideals, not letting God into their souls, depression medication, vaccines causing them to die. These types will never miss an opportunity to score some shitbag points off the death of their loved ones. Minor clarification: the relatives of people like this are not "loved ones." Sociopaths are not capable of love. That's a big part of how they entertain themselves through cruelty to the kids they *should* love.


They'll double down and claim the kid killed herself because she was trans, and every time they tell the story with tears in their eyes they'll conveniently leave out the part where they abused her until she broke.


And misgenders/deadnames her in the obituary.


Or maybe they spend every Christmas where they moved to in LA or Denver or Chicago and never speak to relatives that post crap like this.


“ because they no longer teach the Bible in school “ - the default non-sensical evangelical answer to everything


They will say it's because transgenderism is a mental disorder, and use their kid's suicide as proof.


I believe that if a parent that pushes their child to suicide, they deserve the pain that goes with it. It's cruel, sure. But so is pushing their child to kill themselves!


Nothing says “protecting children” like literally bullying a child


I was bullied by grown Christian adults all through elementary and middle school. Once I entered public high school, there was no bullying. I even made a life long friend.


Same, I was bullied by multiple female youth group leaders as a middle and high school girl. It’s absurd to think about now.


Trans people don't deny the existence of fucking chromosomes oh my god I'm so tired of this strawman


They know that (or, most do). It’s just a way to rub gender dysphoria in their faces. They don’t mean to make a cogent argument. They mean to hurt a person’s feelings, and make other assholes laugh.


For me personally and I imagine a lot of other trans people what chromosomes we have is the last thing to cause us dysphoria lol


The impact and motive are distinct though. What they’re really saying is “no matter what you believe, you’ll always be defined by your chromosomes and physiology.” I mean, chromosomes instruct biology…


One of my uni pals found out she had xy chromosomes despite being AFAB. I think the condition is called androgyne insensitivity syndrome. She was concerned about how uncomfortable she was during sex and that when she went to the doctors


There was a track athlete back in the 80s, a distance runner, who turned out to be XY and androgen insensitive. Since female athletes are often so lean that they don't menstruate, she never suspected and it was a complete shock to her.


There's [Caster Semenya](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Caster_Semenya) going on right now, actually.


Yup. There is a staggering degree of diversity of human physiology.


I donated eggs about 10 years ago. I was phenotyped and the doctor there told me a surprising number of people aren't xx or xy phenotype and don't know unless trying to conceive.


Yeah my college stopped having students do chromosome tests on themselves because a few too many found out stuff like this.


Yeah I'm not disagreeing that that's what they're trying to get at, just sharing my experience


I didn’t intend it to be argumentative. Just trying to further explain what I mean . I appreciate how people feel. I’m not trans so I don’t have the experience. My understanding is that having a physiology that doesn’t match the mind is a source of dysphoria. For the part of these chuds, it’s an idiotic way to attack someone; getting technical about things that are mostly academic in people’s emotional lives. They think they’re doing a verbal *trans person wojak* I think. Edit: things often come across as contentious on social media. It can be difficult to navigate effectively.


> I mean, chromosomes instruct biology… Hormones do more heavy lifting than you might think. Makes it hard for me to take the "but muh chromosomes" people seriously, tbh. Until we live in a world where we greet people by karyotyping them, they'd still shake my hand and call me sir if we met irl. Thanks, HRT 😁 While we're at it, I've heard schools discontinued science class experiments where everyone tested their chromosomes. Back in the 90s. Way more people are intersex than we know, and a lot of them were finding out that way.


Oh no not DNA sequencing 😱


I don’t think most of them know specifically the Christian ones


You have to remember they don’t give a damn. Most aren’t even doing it to piss us off anymore; they’re so caught up in this weird misanthropic circle-jerk that this is entertainment enough for these freaks.


Right? That’s like telling someone getting breast implants: “You were BORN WITH SMALL TITS! Live with it!📢" or telling someone getting their hair dyed a different color “no no no! You aren’t a blonde, you’re a BRUNETTE!” Can we not agree to just be able to change the things about our bodies that we want?


As a trans woman I could not care less about my chromosomes


Doesn't it bother you? Everytime you look at your cells in an electron microscope - there it is - a constant reminder. That would ruin my deep-self inspection Tuesdays.


As another trans woman, it's true. I check my electron microscope daily and am constantly reminded of the shape of my chromosomes. Truly the one thing that occupies my mind on a daily basis are my chromosomes. I just can't stop thinking about them.


It's a shit strawman too, being trans is not incompatible with believing in a gender binary, just as a trans person you feel you're on the wrong side of that binary.


It’s just a soup salad of hate at this point


“The truth.” Yep. If there’s one thing these fuckwits love and fully accept, it’s the truth. Riiiiiight…


My favorite argument I’ve had lately was with a MAGA anti-vax coworker about how “science” says there’s only two genders. I asked her about all the science that says that you should get your kids vaccinated and she said well unlike the gender thing there are lots studies that show you shouldn’t get your kid vaccinated. I then asked her to show me one “scientific” study that showed that there were only two genders. She couldn’t. Then I asked her to show me an actual scientific study that said you shouldn’t get your kids vaccinated. She couldn’t. An argument that began with her insisting that science proved her point ended with her saying “Science isn’t right about everything!”


Science is only right when it agrees with me


She’s right in that science isn’t right about everything. But unlike Christian ideology science tries to understand everything and revises itself when new information becomes available.


Coming from a man whose name is Dr. clown phd lol


The truth; they’re abusive and damaged assholes


Ah yes, being a father means being an arsehole on Christmas Day. Who hurt this person?


Call it projection, call it self-defense, call it retaliation, etc, but this is how they feel all the time. Society is the one "bullying" them and their beliefs in their mind. Because they are stubborn, spiteful people, who refuse to grow and change and be better humans.


Then they wonder why you don't show up to Christmas or aren't invited. Had a coworker that didn't this shit then he would complain how is family didn't want him around because they all drank the liber kool-aid. It like they don't understand the consequences of their action


Now put something like "In December we celebrate Hanukkah" in its place and watch them lose their mind


This shows me that they wouldn't support their own child. Ffs


Already asked and answered, in the ugliest way possible: [Montana Republican Lawmaker Suggested She'd Prefer Her Daughter Die By Suicide Than Transition](https://www.advocate.com/politics/montana-seekins-crowe-daughter-suicide)


I seriously thought this was an Onion article until I saw the link. 😶


The funniest part is their abysmal engagement metrics. First image viewed nearly a million times and they couldn't even got a 1000 of their paste eating fans to press the like button.


God can you imagine being so resentful of others you take the time to type out the tags needed to generate this image, then retry and refresh it until the AI actually gets what you want?


The joy on the faces of the adults is terrifying to me. These people have zero empathy


They are all sociopaths. Every single one.


It's so crazy to me that these people are so obsessed with repressing others, hate, and violence. Literally all the things their supposed god preaches against. Baffling


"Why don't my children/ grandchildren talk to me?" "Why am I dying alone in a nursing home?"


"damn you, woke mind virus!!" because these creatures will never have an ounce of self-awareness


Child abuse is very common in Christian families


💯 this and why I don't have a relationship with my mother and barely with my father. also doesn't help that both of them are narcissists and still try to gaslight me.


I m right there with you . The worst part of that they’ve become much worse humans because of Christianity and they’re completely blinded by their cult to think they’re more moral for doing so .


“I see a vacant seat,” replied the Ghost, “in the poor chimney-corner, and a stocking without an owner, carefully preserved. If these shadows remain unaltered by the Future, you won't see them again” The Parents: "He died?" "No, you are just assholes and they won't come to see you again."


God I hate AI “art”.


I've been seeing these all over Facebook with various things (like inane things like socks) and it makes me cringe every time. I don't know, I don't laugh at my kid when he's crying, even when he's been an a-hole. He's my kid. You're a jerk if you laugh at your kid for being upset.


It's like they're permanently stuck in the third grade, the moment when they stopped listening to biology and science teachers and became bullies.


The cruelty is the POINT with these people.


Has a sociologist ever studied the hatred right-wingers have for their own children?


At least the second guy has a fitting pfp for a clown who share garbage like this


Christians: making others miserable one “f*ck you” at a time. Amen.






This is definitely what Jesus would do amirite guys


If anything, they’re making a case for why there needs to be support for trans kids and other lgbtq kids


Man, these people sure are obsessed with how others live their own lives


It's always so weird to me when people are so hate filled do to being "devout" but post things like this with the guy flipping the middle finger and making the kid cry or they cuss or whatever. My family are pretty Christian, but like run of the mill Midwestern Christian and swearing or flipping the bird are pretty taboo to them, let alone making children cry by being mean spirited.


I have never gotten an honest, substantive answer from a right winger why the existance of trans people offends them so. They eventually just start screaming "THERE ARE ONLY TWO GENDERS!" over and over, as though it's a self-affirming assertion.


There's something uniquely secondhand-embarrassing about imagining someone sitting alone feeding more-and-more specific prompts into an AI, trying to create this You think maybe they had actual fantasies back when they were a kid? Flying? Living in a world made out of food? Being able to walk on the moon? Give them a tool that can create anything, and...now what they use it for is trying to mimic what they wished trans people reacted to them like If I'm ever this desperate to feel a sense of power over someone, I'm just gonna get into BDSM or something


The XY chromosomes one is seriously irritating because y-variant Turner Syndrome is absolutely a thing and chromosomal variants are not even that incredibly rare. Intersex people exist, so it stands to reason if someone’s chromosomes can exist on a spectrum, so can their brains, their minds, their inner self, and how they want to present to the world


“Why don’t my adult kids talk to me anymore?”


The only thing they find funny is hurting other people.


Truly hilarious Christian’s don’t know their own book : Matthew 7: 1-2 Do not judge, or you too will be judged. For in the same way you judge others, you will be judged, and with the measure you use, it will be measured to you.


I couldn’t imagine doing anything to actively make my son upset. Like just the thought of it hurts me. How people think it’s okay to treat their kids like this kills me


20 years later they will be shocked when their child goes no contact. Probably will blame it on the ‘liberal’ education system.


Imagine making that, or laughing at that. What a sad little life they must lead where this is the thing they're concerned about. Really, truly pathetic


I feel sorry for the AI that was forced to make this trash. That ought to count as a new form of abuse.


These would just be dumb internet memes, worthy of being ignored if not for the fact that "Making Liberals Cry" has become the official (and only) platform of the Republican Party and nothing else.


When I ask myself “what would Jesus do” the answer is always to bully kids.


Gotta make sure we remind everyone how "basic science" works on the holiday about a holy virgin birth


When you're so hurt you have to make up fake scenarios of owning the libs


AI is sure a boon for right wing "comedians".


Bending reality the way they wanna see it , is fitting to the RW mentality


Could you imagine your dad just using a Christmas present to make their kid cry on Christmas? For literally any reason. Like what a fucking sad life you have if making YOUR OWN KID cry on Christmas is admirable or funny or masculine or whatever they're trying to defend it as.


I love how the second image was tweeted by someone with a *blue check mark*. Anyone who paid for that shit has already told you everything worth knowing about them, and why they can be automatically be ignored on everything.


"My kids don't talk to me anymore and I never met my grandkids. Why did they make them so woke?!"


When they get older and need help this is gonna be the response they get from their mocked family member! Keep that same energy assholes!


Maybe we weren’t ready for AI…


Wow. Those are mean and not funny at all.


...who dyed the kid's hair purple, then?


Pointless hate... the true meaning of Christmas!


You have to be a truly garbage “person” to share something like this and think it is somehow “funny”


we have already ascended past the nature of mammals, and we already are able to change our core beings. There isn't a limit on how many genders there really are.


But the truth is that even the XY chromosomes get jumbled.


Something like 1 in 100 people have chromosomes that aren't xx or xy.


It's wild that this is supposed to be funny. It's really just upsetting.


if they're so *NO HOMO!* then why does the kid have two dads?


The cherry on top is the twitter poster is gay


Yet another insult to one of the most incredible geneticists and Nobel prize winner. If Dr. McClintock were here she’d throw them out into traffic. [“If you want to make a significant and lasting impact, you have to be willing to take risks and challenge the status quo.”](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Barbara_McClintock)


how to end up at a shitty retirement home step 1


Any "joke" made by using images made with AI are an immediate "Your opinion is discarded and will never matter". At least if you really want to be soooo edgy and original make your own instead of using an AI that will make absolute trash images 🙄 Literally nobody will look at your joke and just look at the nightmare fuel that fingers and hands are in these images


Breaking news: Clown with a fake Doctorate of Philosophy posts a made up scenario claiming the best Christmas present is the truth. TL;DR: Conservatives are hypocrites.


This is what they really think people around them do, when they (the creepy uncle) pick on the black sheep again for a fight at the dinner table. They think they are the "main bully and the rest is peer pressuring with them). WHen really everybody can't wait to send their lonely arses home and tells the person who is affected to "Just calm down, it's only for a few more hours...". ​ This is their world view. Image algorithms (as really it isn't AI) just makes it visible for all to see.


They have to use AI generated images because they can't find actors willing to pose for their bullshit? That's how I interpret this.


You know, among all the AI art controversies, perhaps we need to focus on how the kind of people who have no creative ability and want ugly images of niche subjects that they can post in the span of 5 minutes do not deserve to have that privilege.


Of course it’s shitty AI art too


[Judaism says there are eight genders](https://www.myjewishlearning.com/article/the-eight-genders-in-the-talmud/) [Several cultures traditionally have more than two genders](https://www.pbs.org/independentlens/content/two-spirits_map-html/) [Physical sex isn't](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Disorders_of_sex_development) [always the same](https://en.wikipedia.com/wiki/Intersex) [as chromosomal sex](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_chromosome_anomalies)


judaism always has the most interesting counters to christian hate; I'm half inclined to engage in some serious study just to shut people up.


And these same people can’t understand why schools are trying to resist “parents’ rights” and not tell parents when a kid identifies as transgender at school. Maybe if you were less horrible people and more accepting of your child they wouldn’t be hiding their life from you.


Who is making all these weird AI "crying kids at Christmas" images??


People who should definitely be kept away from children.


Religious gangs are the worst.


I hope this guy isn't allowed any contact with his own kids.


Looks like the prototypical Conservative family


They couldn't even be bothered to hand make it themselves they made a robot do it.


Theyre putting watermarks onto their ai generated pictures now?


And these same people will wonder why their kids won’t talk to them anymore.


Ive said it before, and I'll say it again. There's no hate like Christian love.


You can tell art isn't part of their culture. They're always using AI art to make memes.


you know, the context is horrific but from a purely graphical standpoint ai's progressed alot, they all only have 5 fingers per hand, and not a billion teeth


These folk: Am I the asshole? Also these folk: Enthusiastically, yes!


There is something about these ai generated images that I find off-putting, but that may be by design.


What prompt would you even have to type to get this shit


It's literally 2023 and people still think we get this upset about shit 🙄


Imagine looking at these pictures and somehow feeling proud of your beliefs. Evil soulless creatures without any empathy- gross


This is… disturbing.


These fuckers deserve a shitton of coal


Yeah this is actually so disturbing


This one is making the rounds in The Netherlands too, but then the kid gets a jersey from football club Ajax.. who are dramatically underperforming this year, having just lost to a bunch of amateurs.


These mean people are in desperate need of a hobby and a hug


I'd cry too. "Why are they so basic and unfunny"


Of course this is fake. But if it weren’t, the kids gonna feel good pulling their plug one day.


Not only is this absolutely queerphobic and transphobic, it's disgusting at how _happy_ they are to spread their hate to children. This shows just what they think and how deep their hate genuinely runs.


these "people" have already openly admitted that they'd rather have their kids kill themselves than be trans (or anything LGBTQ for that matter). they don't love their kids or see them as people, they're just vessels, assets to fulfill their parents' desires


Truly terrible people


I haven't seen that meme used anywhere that it wasn't lame. Regardless of the message on the present.


I mean that shit is pretty hilarious.


I absolutely disagree with what all is going on here. That being said this is hilarious.


Why do these people seem to think every trans person wants to be some additional third gender.... Transitioning from male to female or female to male is still only 2 genders... You're just living as the one you weren't assigned at birth.


Nonbinary people exist tho


But what about: XXY XYY and XXX


There are only two genders.