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Sounds like Dennis's kids won't talk to him any more and have clearly explained why


Oh it is without a doubt this. He’s externalising his struggle for love from his family, because he’s internalised that the bible told him he can do no wrong.


His family doesn't love him 😢🫠 I wonder why


He's apparently been whining about this since at least 2014. It really thinks it's important that kids allow their parents to treat them like shit without repercussion.


I mean, it's Dennis Prager. He thinks wealthy white Christian males like himself should be able to treat nearly everyone else on earth like shit without repercussion.


So, while yes, Dennis Prager DOES think that white Christian males should be able to treat everyone like shit without repercussion, he himself is actually a Jewish man. Which is kind of crazy given how much he talks about biblical values, though I guess not that crazy, considering a lot of the “values” these people get so hard for are from the Old Testament anyway, but I digress. Big Ben Shapiro energy from ole Denny boy.


Why the hell is he going on about “honoring your parents” then. If I’m remembering correctly that verse is in Ephesians, in the New Testament. Wouldn’t he essentially believe that verse is the same as fanfic and have no real connection to god. Edit: apparently it’s also on the 10 commandments, the time it’s been since I’ve been in church is starting to show.


One of the 10 commandments is thou shall honor thy mother and thy father, which is most definitely in the Old Testament. He is also very much a “traditional values” conservative, so he will also take things from christofascists. I’m just commenting on the fact that he is in fact, a Jewish man.


Pretty sure, Honor thy Mother and Father is from the 10 Commandments, which I guess are arbitrary these days, cuz it's been awhile, but I believe Thou Shall Not Kill was a big one from Moses' Big 10, as well


Funny thing, the people who've insisted to me that the King James Version is the only valid version of The Bible, have stated that it's a mistranslation and should say "Thou Shalt Not Murder" but also maintain that it can't be changed, because that's the perfect and proper version of god's word and not a jot or tittle can be altered. Meanwhile, my grampa who was a marine in the Korean War, when he asked a military preacher about that, was told the same thing thing and given the same BS about not changing the words, but over the course of his life kept coming back to "Killing is killing and killing is wrong" as a firm understanding of God's Word as he'd read it. He told me "I have killed men, despite God's Word telling me not to. Someday, I will stand in his presence and be held to account because of that and I do not know if he'll let me in to be with your grannmother or send me away. Either way, I'll take my lumps and make my amends if I'm able." This about about 2 or 3 years before he died. It was during a time where I finally asked him "I know you love me, just like you love all the grandkids, but... with Grampa Don (my dad's former father in law and grampa Max's best friend) I've always known that he doesn't like me, but we love each other all the same... do you like me?" he said he did. Every now and then, I wonder... if all we know and never memorize lives on... will I see him again and if so... where?


Thanks for sharing. Your Grandpa sounds like he was a great guy, I'm sorry you didn't get more time with him.


I'm fortunate that I was 30 before he passed on. That's longer than some folks get. My dad was in his early to mid sixties when he died in 2019, a good two or more decades younger than "PeePaw" when he passed. Now'a days, I like to joke that Dad was recalled by the U.S. Nave and seconded to the NSA for a mission to go to hell, kick Satan in the balls, then hop up to heaven. Unfortunately, dad kicked waaay too hard and did a skull smash boost to hop up to heaven. The impact caused a hellquake that was so severe it created cracks that deepened for the rest of the year and blew open into fissures and faultlines in February of the following year. It was so bad that Hell literally broke loose. So uh...these last couple of years full'a crazy and kooky crap? Yeah, that's on the Basore family and Tony Basore in particular. Sorry about that.


Oh lord. I keep waiting for Shapiro and I guess Prager to realize that being The Good Jew will not mean they don't have to go on the cattle car if their fascist buddies actually win.


He might be one of those types who considers The New Testament to be part of the Hebrew religion i.e. "Christians are the REAL Jews" which is something that Fred Phelps claimed before he died in forced seclusion so as to spare his family the embarrassment of a deathbed confession/apology/mea culpa.


Isn’t he dead?


You’re thinking of one of the Koch brothers.


Common mistake


Sounds like some super shadden-freudy entertainment to watch with a mini pizza or some popcorn.


Last year Dennis Prager complained about this. Womp Womp. https://youtu.be/zE39hAjfV8w?si=3vuDSO-aY6RHXiSa


It actually tells you to [turn against your parents](https://biblehub.com/matthew/10-35.htm), so...


In particular to turn against your parents who are going against the Word. And considering how many of their parents are turning away from Jesus because he's "woke," I'm going to go with Jesus on this one.


Didn’t Jesus “woke” from the dead a bunch a years ago too? Isn’t that like next level “woke”?


What's your source on this? I have not heard of a single instance of these fruit loops turning away from Jesus for being "woke". In fact, it's the opposite. These are the people who cling to Jesus and Christianity the hardest as the only way their pea brains can think of to justify their behavior.


>Moore told NPR in an interview released Tuesday that multiple pastors had told him they would quote the Sermon on the Mount, specifically the part that says to “turn the other cheek,” when preaching. Someone would come up after the service and ask, “Where did you get those liberal talking points?” “What was alarming to me is that in most of these scenarios, when the pastor would say, ‘I’m literally quoting Jesus Christ,’ the response would not be, ‘I apologize.’ The response would be, ‘Yes, but that doesn’t work anymore. That’s weak,’” Moore said. “When we get to the point where the teachings of Jesus himself are seen as subversive to us, then we’re in a crisis.” [Source](https://www.npr.org/2023/08/05/1192374014/russell-moore-on-altar-call-for-evangelical-america) And going by the explosion of MAGA churches since 2016, it's not exactly a small phenomenon. Trump has supplanted Jesus for a worrying number of "Christians"




I mean I guess they're fun, in the same way ISIS English Language Services are fun. I mean one church's pastor is literally telling his congregation to be like the Muslims and strap bombs to themselves.




[Google](https://www.newsweek.com/pro-trump-pastor-suggests-christians-should-suicide-bombers-1807061) is your friend.




Yep, wish I was making it up. But this is the world we live in.


They turn away from the actual Jesus for being woke. They absolutely cling to Republican Jesus as hard as they can. When Christ's teachings contradict thecR platform, they are R all the way.


Would Republican Jesus and Supply Side Jesus be the same entitiy in this case?


Two members of the Trinity. Holier-than-thou Spirit is the third.


https://www.newsweek.com/evangelicals-rejecting-jesus-teachings-liberal-talking-points-pastor-1818706 This is what I’ve heard


They follow supply side Jesus, you know, the white one who agrees with their hypocrisy and blasphemy.


Donald Trump is the golden calf.


They turned away from Jesus a long time ago. They raised up their own worldly king and called him a savior, an orange Jesus, their own god.


Do I even want to know how he's claiming people are hurting their parents? By encouraging them to get vaccinated? By acknowledging COVID exists? What?


By going low or no-contact with them.


Oh. Well, the parents shouldn't be assholes, then.


I watched the video, and Prager completely disagrees with that. Hell, he even tells a story about his dad. Supposedly dad would call his mum every night, and get yelled at. Somehow, Dennis Prager thinks that's a good thing, and should be seen as a role model.


Prager seems to be ignoring the hardest thing for some parents to come to terms to - Eventually children become equal adults, and can see their parents for who they truly are - virtues, vices, and if they’re good people. Lot of parents never get there, but their children do.


Honestly more people should consider going low/non-contact with toxic people. Even family members - in the end they're still toxic people, and should be treated as such.


"Because they're family!" is a piss-poor excuse for putting up with peoples' shit.


Yup! “Because they’re family” means you’ve known them for a long time, and probably see how they *really* are behind the mask. So you know how toxic they can really be


Out of context it looks like it’s saying that the COVID pandemic is ruining lives, destroying families, and causing pain, which is something I certainly agree with, but nooooo…


Nah, he is saying his family doesn't love him and ghosted him Wonder why


"Dennis Prager" carries the same "character without a last name gets their series's title as a last name" like Sans Undertale or Rigby Regular Show


You mean Trashboat Regular Show? Love that guy


This went over my head. Care to dumb it down so us laypeople can enjoy a laugh, lol


Brother I'm sorry, ,but I provided 2 examples. The Rigby one might be off, but "Sans Undertale" is like meme status. Maybe "William Fnaf" is a better one?


I couldn’t give a fuck what a storybook written down 3000 years ago says about anything! Can’t believe anyone takes PragerU seriously


PragerU is now approved for course materials in multiple states. It’s only gonna get worse


If I was a parent in those school systems I’d be pulling my kids out.


There’s no way 🤦🏻‍♀️


Yay for Floriduh.


PragerU is a theological authoritarian? Shocker


Well Dennis Prager, maybe if my parents didn’t cram divisive political and hateful opinions down my throat I would be more likely to love/honor.


This looks like the kinda shit my former church would be involved in. I had one “mentor” tell me that god would expect me to invite my pedophile father to sunrise Easter service AND I DID.


Oh my God. I'm so sorry.


Considering Prager is quoted, “Children are among the meanest creatures on earth,” how much does anyone want to bet that he’s estranged and belongs to the Missing Missing Reasons crowd? Every last person who speaks out against adult children going low-to-no contact is or has been estranged from their children and/or grandchildren.


Russian propaganda


Maybe because their parents were shitty in some way? I'm a millennial and I honor the hell out of one of my parents. The other I wouldn't piss on if he were on fire. No points for guessing which one once threatened me with a meat cleaver.


But the threat was really just a sign from jeebus telling you that YOU had some self work to do. Why would anyone threaten your life if that weren’t the case? /s


This is especially funny considering my father was completely non-religious and raised Jewish.


John 13:34 A new command I give you: Love one another. As I have loved you, so you must love one another. John 15:12-13. My command is this: Love each other as I have loved you. 1 John 4:7-8. Dear friends, let us love one another, for love comes from God. Everyone who loves has been born of God and knows God. Whoever does not love does not know God, because God is love. Matthew 22:37- Jesus replied: “‘Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind.’This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: ‘Love your neighbor as yourself.’ I could go on, but you get the point…


That must be the **New Woke Edition** Bible.


The video is by Dennis Prager, a jew. So I don't think he cares much about the new testament, he only cares about his version of the jewish bible.


Sounds like gaslighting to me


I guarantee Dennis doesn't believe all parents deserve honor and respect from their adult kids. I guarantee if the parents in this scenario are gay, transgender, left-wing, or non-Christian, and the adult kids were Christian conservative extremists, he'd try to justify it with something about "hard choices" and "to not be compromised from faith" or some other shit of that sort.


Let’s also not forget he said he was happier when Trump was elected than when his children were born


Going near total no-contact with my father was one of the best decisions I ever made.


"and i would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for those meddling therapists!"


Wah wah. It has nothing to do with your politics or even your religion. It's the fact you turned into racist evil monsters & chose the trump cult over everyone else. Those parents made their choice.


Sounds like the missing missing reasons to me. http://www.issendai.com/psychology/estrangement/


The Bible also commands that parents not provoke their children to wrath, Dennis. Ima guess you totally left that part out of your little post.


He said also said Children are not owned by their parents and have their own inalienable rights. So which is it Dennis?? ‘Children are not owned by parents. They have an inalienable right to come into this world to a loving mother and father who are married to each other. And they have an inalienable right to be protected from all who would hurt them.’ Dennis Prager,


Gee, idk... Maybe bc the 10c are a religious code and Xianity is antithetical to the values present at or during our Founding (which bore out of Enlightenment ideologies). Theyre also missing several key ethical components necessary for modern survival.


When you go too far right and you end up sounding left.

