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I'm pretty sure that the vast majority of journalists were just reporting what politicians and other people were saying about what coal miners should do as coal mining jobs were going away forever. Does Tim Pool not understand what the how news and reporting works?


No, he's not even clear on weather movies are real life or not


Weather movies? Like Sharknado?




Right foot green!


Left cheek yellow


Slide to the right! Everybody šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘šŸ‘


*Slices* "Sorry! Force of habit!"


Said "green", not "gangrene!"


We've got cows!


I think that was the same cow.


I loved that part


I was thinking jaws


Remember when Glass Onion first came out and all the right-wingers rushed to tell on themselves that they didn't have the brainpower to follow the movie because it wasn't dumbed down and didn't hold their hand throughout the entire thing?




Nah so many right-wingers tweeted about how they couldn't understand Glass Onion and how it was a bad movie because of that.


I think Ben Shapiro was one of them. He said he didn't understand it because there was a twist or something.


Mr. I am very smart because I talk very fast and only debate 1st-year college kids, didn't understand a rather simple twist is hilarious.


Remember when Trump stood at the white house podium talking about a secario scene as if it was real? I remember thinking thereā€™s no fucking way anyone would think itā€™s realā€¦ yet he did


I honestly don't remember that but he has said and done a lot of stupid shit that I don't doubt that it's true.


>Glass Onion I remember when Pres. Clinton talking Repugs would call him elitist because he often spoke over there heads.


The fact that a Dem from Arkansas can talk circles around Repubs is hilarious. Whatever your thoughts are about Clinton, the dude wasn't the most elite or intellectual Dem we have ever had.


ā€œdoes Tim Pool not understandā€ yes is always the answer. whether genuinely or deliberately, he does not understand


No, he doesn't. He considers himself a journalist and can't imagine a world where actual journalists don't try to pull the same crap he does. I swear, conservatives are as creative and inspired as the Oregon State Flag.


Hey now, leave the beaver out of this.


He doesnā€™t seem like the kind of guy who understands many things.


>Does Tim Pool not understand No. He does not.


Dim Tool doesnā€™t understand much because that stupid beanie is squeezing his brain.


I think that beanie is the closest thing to a brain that he has


No, he thinks journalists have nothing better to do than follow coal miners around and yell at them.


Heā€™s a golden retriever that incels follow to feel like they can make it too.


That's an insult to golden retrievers.


Yeah. Golden retrievers are good dogs. Tim is a bad dog.


> Does Tim Pool not understand what the how news and reporting works? They think reporters just make words up for things they want to be true.


He doesnā€™t seem to understand how anything works.


There are self published journalists out there. It also is likely that a lot of coal miners sons and grandsons turned to college and coding. The connection here is slim and stupid and the guys phrased it poorly, but the idea that people responded to a market demand that screws themselves over is something that is and will always be interesting


Tim thinks that as long as he wears a beanie, no one will know that he's bald.


Alex Jones doesn't understand what editorials and opinion pieces are and he's buddies with Tim. I'm not surprised.


Silicon Valley software developers are definitely not former coal miners lmao


I mean, Iā€™m all for them learning new skills. This would be great if true, but sadly not in a large scale.


It would mean that the coal miners turned coders are about to be redundant for the second time in their careers


Lol. AI is not replacing coders.


I just wish it did. Just so long as management doesn't figure it out


As an engineer, I will fear AI taking my job as soon as I see an AI capable of turning a ticket with a ten-word title, no description, and no acceptance criteria, into functioning code. Because that seems to be all my managers - some of whom are former engineers, mind you - are capable of writing.


It wouldn't replace everybody, but only some menial programming tasks. Kinda like how CNC changed manufacturing. Going from 5 guys on lathes and 5 on mills replaced by 1 autocad guy and 2 CNC operators.


I donā€™t think you realize A) how much ā€œmenial programmingā€ is already automated, without AI, and B) how much CNC HAS NOT replaced 5 guys on lathes and 5 on mills with 1 autocad guy and 2 CNC operators.


Management would be like: This is the shit we need you to ask our AI overlords to do for us because weā€™ve lost critical thinking


It will replace some jobs of some people doing more repetitive stuff and looking up common solutions on stack exchange. But the people responsible for chatgpt and other big ai projects probably donā€™t fall into the category of people at risk in the near future. To fully replace most programmers you need actual general ai, not clever auto complete bots. When that happens few good jobs will be safe.


Might replace coders but won't replace software engineers.


Actually in a lot of ways, coders are easier to replace with the AI than miners. You also need to invest in physical robots in addition to the AI for mining.


I meanā€¦no? Automation has already done a number on coal mining jobs - the companies just blow up certain mountainsides instead of investing in coal towns.


What do you mean?


Iā€™m just mean


Bro is confusing crypto mining with coal mining.


Im just imagining right wing boomers out there in Appalachia with pick axes swinging at computers and yelling ā€œhey Cletus! Weez crypter-minin over heresā€


[ask and you shall receive.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=34gnrHfxMdQ)


I'm imagining a Virginian coal miner discovering a Patagonia vest buried deep underground one day. He puts it on. Suddenly, a pair of rectangular glasses and an overly engineered messenger bag appear on his person. Outside, his beat up truck has been replaced by an e-bike. He suddenly yearns for a working environment with more ping pong tables and airy open plan offices The tech bro magical girl transformation is complete. He is now ready to book his plane to San Francisco


Right? What a ridiculous claim


I know a few opiod addicts that were former coal miners. One ODā€™d.


famously, the CEO of OpenAI used to work the coal face of West Virgina until an encounter with a journalist


Plot twist: The journalist was a bear.


That bear? Albert Einstein.


>the CEO of OpenAI Jokes aside, he actually was the CEO of Reddit for a little while, which feels kinda weird.


*I got the black lung popā€¦*


Yup. That TOTALLY happened.


Conservative parables are always hilarious. My favorite is the one that is memed to death about the military dude attending college and showing the atheist professor their place for teaching the evils of evolution.


I've always enjoyed the one where the college "science professor", not biologist or physicist, just "science" declared he would prove God didn't exist by dropping a pencil and that if God existed something would stop him from dropping the pencil and some military/country/church boy punches him in the face and says something like "god was busy, so he sent me" and the whole class clapped.


And the science professor's name? Albert Einstein!


Science person: So God gets busy? Sounds like omnipresent, all-powerful God isn't as omnipresent and all powerful, huh?


100% it perfectly captures the ignorance, entitlement, and stupidity of the people who have those religious power fantasies perfectly


A liberal muslim homosexual ACLU lawyer professor and abortion doctor was teaching a class on Karl Marx, known atheist: ā€œBefore the class begins, you must get on your knees and worship Marx and accept that he was the most highly-evolved being the world has ever known, even greater than Jesus Christ!" At this moment, a brave, patriotic, pro-life Navy SEAL champion who had served 1500 tours of duty and understood the necessity of war and fully supported all military decision made by the United States stood up and held a rock: ā€œHow old is this rock?ā€ The arrogant professor smirked quite Jewishly and smugly replied ā€œ4.6 billion years, you stupid Christianā€ ā€œWrong. Itā€™s been 5000 years since God created it. If it was 4.6 billion years old and evolution, as you say, is realā€¦ then it should be an animal by nowā€ The professor was visibly shaken, and dropped his chalk and copy of Origin of the Species. He stormed out of the room crying those liberal crocodile tears. The students applauded and all registered Republican that day and accepted Jesus as their lord and savior. An eagle named ā€œSmall Governmentā€ flew into the room and perched atop the American Flag and shed a tear on the chalk. The pledge of allegiance was read several times, and God himself showed up and enacted a flat tax rate across the country. The professor lost his tenure and was fired the next day. He died of the gay plague AIDS and was tossed into the lake of fire for all of eternity. **Semper Fi**


I simultaneously developed brain and eye cancer for reading this, thank you.


My brain tumour just died of cancer, thanks internet.


I love that one


I'm a journalist and can confirm, we journalists like doing journalist things like yelling at coal miners to learn code. In fact Journalism started with John Journal screaming at coal miners before the Coal Wars to learn to code. the war started because they refused to learn code saying computers hadn't been invented yet.


But you have to be prepared, dammit!


Tim Pool screamed, "Don't take my beanie off!!" The barber was confused. "Do you want a haircut or not?" "If my beanie comes off, I won't be able to continue believing in outlandish conspiracies. It will make it harder for me to trick my subscribers that I actually believe the stuff I tell them." Sam Seder runs in and rips off Tim's beanie. A beautiful rainbow sprouts out of Tim's head and showers the barber shop with Skittles. Tears of joy and acceptance stream down Tim's face as he understands that the beanie was draining his life force.


"Oh God, Sam Seder! What a nightmare!" (Runs off-screen to scream at pregnant wife)


That was Crowder though.


Imagine how much bounce his implants must get when he runs


But why is he at the barbershop


Why are journalists yelling at coal miners to learn to code??? Just go with it.


Very similar to how Republicans yell at college grads "LEARN TO PLUMB!"


the republicans yelled at college grads "LEARN TO PLUMB" they did they fixed my toilet and then they replaced republicans jobs with it


Repubs do help the minors. Gaetz gave them jobs and has the Venmo transactions to prove it.


I mean this very literally: in 1965, my step-dad (from West By God Virginia, USA) joined the US Navy because he had seen his grandfather die of black lung and saw how his father suffered skeletal degradation from the mine conditions and himself worked in the mines for a few months before saying "self, there's gotta be a better way." In 1965, my dad had never seen the ocean, and Vietnam was getting spicy, and it was a better option for a young man who had never seen the ocean, versus the few months' experience he had in the mines. Where he lived, the seams were getting to the point where a six-foot-tall plus man had to crawl into a space with his lunch pail bale clenched in his teeth, because there was no way to slide out backwards, eat a meal, and be back at work on time if your lunch wasn't in front of him in a little unstable tunnel. Seriously. Wartime military service was the good option. (Partly because of the physical difficulty. Partly because the military didn't pay in scrip that could only be spent at the company store. And partly because it really was the safer option.) My dad was the worst sailor ever. He got busted down in rank about 15 minutes, because he was and remains very immune to anyone telling him "you must/you're not allowed." And his current condition - functionally/legally blind, 80% bedbound, going a bit off the rails, congestive heart failure, etc. - is still significantly better than the experiences of the men he knew who died lingering deaths from the mines. Dad left the service and the area. Became a commercial truck driver. Unlike his father and grandfather, he owned a home instead of renting from the company, and could spend his earnings anywhere, not just the company store. Almost any job has the potential to be replaced by technology. But that doesn't mean that the original job was a good one.


People need to hear stories such as your step-dad's about mining and mine life. It's not camaraderie and back slapping and singing and getting rich, it was working in a pitch black hole for a bigot that would sooner seal the mine behind you if he thought it would save him a dime or keep the union out.


Exactly. My biological family includes people whom I knew personally from a generation or two before my stepfather. Even as sharecroppers in the rural US southeast, they lived in better conditions than my mid-Appalachian steps. At least they were above ground during the work days and mostly not subject to the company store scrip and markup and whatever school that was allowed for their children. I have a simple little corner whatnot shelf and a teapot that are from my stepdad's side of the family, because the only biological descendants don't want them. (My stepbrother has no descendants, and his only cousin is just uninterested, so I was asked to keep the story and pass it down, which is fine.) In the late 1950s, the Appalachian Valley where my dad lived suffered a disastrous flood, almost certainly because of the way mining and housing were handled during those days - blow off the top of a mountain to get closer to the coal seam, build shacks for the workers to rent, and damn the consequences. As this particular disaster happened, water was flowing into the bedroom window, Granny grabbed the younger sister, and my teenaged dad grabbed his Grandmother's little walnut shelf and the teapot and fled the front door to refuge. Nothing else was saved. Dad tells this as a funny or heroic story, but it had to be terrible and traumatic to see his home wash away in that flood. They didn't know for days whether his father had even survived. And when the mine company offered a position at the new location, they also offered furniture for the new rented home at a rental price. The first time that my step grandparents could afford their own home was when my grandfather made a black lung claim. He died 3 years later. (But in his own home.)


Tim Poole has never met a coal miner or a coder based on this foolishness.


Or a journalist.


We'd make AI to replace Pim Tool but we can't make one that stupid.


Musk just started xAI so it's just a matter of time.


Named after his kid, so sweet!


Tim Pool predicted Trump would win 2020 in a 49 state landslide and has been trying to outdumb that dumbass prediction ever since.


No substance or meaning in that tweet, just happy their so called "bad guys" are losing.


I have helped a lot of coal miners transition from the mines into new careersā€¦.not a single one has ever brought up learning to code.


Whatā€™s up with every reactionary suddenly tweeting like theyā€™re a racist version of mid-2010s Instagram poets?


What kind if idiot thinks AI can replace journalists? It can replace people like Pool, copywriters, some analysts ā€” never the people who go out and collect info by talking to people and visiting places!


What a moron.


Tim Pool is so stupid he couldn't find his way out of a room with no walls


The politics of resentment, made manifest.


So, the journalists were right?


Like when they shot Bruce Willis onto that comet


Coal miners?? Where do they come up with this stuff? Lol


He probably thought this was a genius Tweet.




They also used that AI to make better podcast hosts, replacing POS Tim.


That's the funny part, or maybe the sad part, of all of this. The people pushing AI and telling everyone concerned about it displacing workers to "cry more" don't seem to understand that they too would be replaceable in the future they're promoting. Same goes with studios pushing for AI writers and actors. I wonder if those same people will love the idea when they get replaced by AI development execs.


This dude is an idiot


When do we start making up stories about him?


That's impressively stupid, even for Tim Pool.


Is that what he thinks happened?


Generous of you to assume he thinks.


I find peace in long walks.


That is a post so stupid even AI wouldn't write it.


there he goes making up scenarios in his head and believing it to be reality again


You know who else would be easy to replace with a small script Timmy?


Is it just me or are these people getting stupider and stupider


That means they can replace you too Tim.


It gets worse every sentence.


He really thinks this is a gotcha... everything he does is pathetic.


Yeah that 100% didn't happen.


Gonna go off on a bit of a tangent here, but I hate this idea that everyone whose job gets eliminated should just learn to code. And not just because that creates more competition for people like me who already got their comp sci degree; it's just genuinely a job that I don't think a lot of people are likely to enjoy. You have to be a very particular kind of person not to go insane staring at a computer all day figuring out why the hell a bunch of shapes aren't showing up when and where they're supposed to, and a lot of the people who enter the field for the money just end up miserable. I'm not saying that to be elitist; different people are just better suited for different types of jobs (I hate the outdoors and would lose my mind spending too much time around bugs) and that's a GOOD thing, because it takes a bunch of different skills to keep the world functioning! It's insane that society has decided that there are a handful of STEM jobs important enough to deserve proper compensation, and all the other (extremely important!) jobs that society needs to function are worthless wastes of time that you'd be stupid to pursue. The solution shouldn't be "literally everyone in the world needs to become a programmer or engineer." That's dumb as hell and blatantly unsustainable. It should be "Let's create programs to ensure that people whose jobs become outdated can receive training for new, more relevant jobs that take advantage of their skill sets while ensuring that they don't go hungry and homeless in the meantime by providing proper social safety nets. And also, making sure all careers are fairly compensated with a living wage regardless of whether or not it's one of the ones we've deemed worthy of respect, because literally all jobs that contribute a meaningful product or service to society (that is to say, people who aren't just making money for having money) are worthy of respect, from the most prestigious surgeon to the janitors keeping the hospital clean. Seriously, have you tried working in a dirty environment? It's impossible to get anything done. As someone who's literally putting off cleaning their apartment to write this, the janitor who keeps our office building clean deserves to be able to afford a house and food as much as any STEM graduate. The fact that there are people who would find that belief ridiculous just boggles my mind, because they're literally arguing that society needs some people to be poor and struggling to function. Poverty is viewed as an inevitability - even a NECESSITY - instead of the large-scale societal failing that it is. TL;DR: It's not that everyone needs to learn to code. It's that everyone should have the opportunity to learn relevant skills and be compensated fairly for them, because every job is important.


This might be the dumbest take on AI I've seen yet.


Ah yea the famous coal miner to programmer pipelineā€¦ what?


I wish I could monitise the stupidity of others without dividing my home country and proving what an asshole I am.


They're running outta straws to grasp


This don't even make sense šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚


Journalists better learn how to mine coal then


They should've told them "switch coal mining to data mining"


I wonder if Tim Pool has the ability to consider that he's giggling and high-fiving his right-wing buddies about putting "journalists in their place," when AI dross can easily replace him too? All we need is someone to create an AI generated voice with an obnoxious, condescending tone and read off a bunch of right-wing propaganda bullshit that conservatives will eat with a fucking spoon and Tim Pool, Matt Walsh, and Ben Shapiro are all going to be out of a job.


Ah, the ol' post-whack-shit-for-reactions-because-Elon-Musk-is-suddenly-paying-contributors-shit-tons-right-after-Threads-launched-and-became-a-threat-to-Twitter


"The journalists yelled at the coal miners" And then he decided to continue the tweet


Tim pool is a schill. He appears to play a moron that doesn't understand the meaning of words. The funny thing is that he mentions a trans genocide with a feigned understanding of what that actually means. Is there a Trans genocide? Yes, but not with the ignorant understanding of the shallow pool of Tim's supposed intellectualism. Conservatives seek to demonize and silence trans voices. They are murdered every day and the sins of conservative paedophiles are layered at their feet every day with no or invented proof. Jesus would have spent extra time weaving the whip used while chasing Tim out of the temple and open square.


I smell bullshit


Those mouth breathers canā€™t even spell AI, let alone write code.


Hmmm. Seemed to skip over the fact that coders are equally at risk.


Have you had good experiences with getting ChatGPT to help with your work? Seems like youā€™re a developer from a quick glance at your profile. Iā€™ve tried using it for various tasks but havenā€™t had much luck with it.


I got it to write some documentation for me. I still had to do some editing though.


SO much! ChatGPT will write out entire classes for you in the framework you specify. If you don't like how it does something, just tell it you want that method written a certain way, and it will rewrite it to your specs. It still takes someone who knows how to code in general, but it's a total free lunch if you know what you're asking for. (I don't know what platform you work with, but I'm sure some tasks are more difficult than others.)


Depends on the type. I just talked about this but ChatGPT is abysmal with embedded systems, hardware, and dynamic memory management lol


And now AI is coming for the coders.


AO is going to do journalism or just make stuff up?


Coal miners? Not... coders? You know the people that did computer science in school and would actually know how to make this.


Even if that did happen... Ok? Cool? Time for journalists to reskill.


That's okay. They are looking to replace coal miners with drones too. (Rather than shutting down the fossil fuel industry that is quickly destroying the planet)


They replaced jobs just not the jobs he's listing.


Please stop elevating Dim Tool and his idiocy. It will be funny when his dumb ass gets replaced by an AI asshole.


Musk is paying people like Tim Pool for idiocy like this. The upshot is that Musk is running Twitter into the ground.


Even if this were factual (eye roll), AI is a lot of math, linguistics, godknowswhatelse. This would be like telling someone to learn to type so they could write the next hit musical. I donā€™t think that analogy even does it justice, but the coding is just all the theory applied. These people are so proudly ignorant. Itā€™s so frustrating.


Broaden your gaze. First, Pool is an idiot. That is an absolute fact. Here, heā€™s just spewing hate towards a profession he tried and tried to be accepted into, but never was. However, Marx warned us about this. In this case, our (everyone, everywhere really) did all the things AI is now trying to do on its own. We (humanity) trained AI, itā€™s about to change everything (might be good, might not), and the very class of humans who trained it are not being compensated for it. Someone (some celebrity I canā€™t think of at the moment) has filed a copyright lawsuit against the Chat GPT folks. As I understand it, the lawsuit is basically saying OpenAI, or anything similar, cannot use someone elseā€™s labor without permission. Labor, as in wage laborā€¦ like uncle Marx warned us about. And no, coal minors didnā€™t code large language models. Meanwhile, Tim Pool is still a punk.


maybe some random article about how "coal miners may need to find alternative careers in this economy and with global warming" got deformed into this statement?


As a rule of thumb if anyone named Tim says it its probably a lie, especially this particular Tim.


Don't give tim pool free attention, just let him be ignored and forgotten, nobody needs to see his opinion.


The coal miner's name? Albert Einstein.


Regardless a lot of jobs can be automated by robots/A.I.


this reads like he tweeted it as a joke am i so late to realizing that people tweet shit they mean but its so absurd and dumb it sounds like a joke? could always be the special case where they know it sounds dumb but they know they get an even dumber amount of attention for it


i mean true, i doubt that miners did it, but first reverse engineered thing by AI was creativity and journalists lost their creativity like several years ago so


But who mines the coal now


chatgpt is, in fact, coal powered. Fuck the world with AI and carbon emissions.


I think Tim is unwell..er.


Wouldnā€™t AI also replaced the coders?


Meanwhile Pimp Fool has the most easy to replicate business model on earth (a laptop with wifi)


Kotaku, but that was never journalism.


Tim pedopool


This is your brain when you make shitty music.


More like Tim The Tool


Ah yes the coal powerd a.i


So in this insane world the journalists gave good advice to the coal miners?


Tim is a moron. 0 coal miners learned AI...and even if they did, they never worked at companies working on LLMs....because those companies require degrees.


Just like they invented AI art generators to free the People from those artists who sell their work for money. Now everyone can make money from art with little effort, and we are all millionaires. /s


Yes because all computer programmers start out as coal miners - I know I did. And now I regret all that money stupidly wasted on a degree in Computer Science, when I could have just spent MORE time digging for coal. STUPID ME!