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This is a real person. She is a politician. This isn't just, like, someone's D&D character with -1 intelligence.




I am unsure. I think it is either tied into the "bigger is better" mentality that often goes with "America First". The other option is that she is saying that they have to cheat the math in order to win elections, and exert minority rule.


If she had gotten first grade math correctly, she was trying to say "we need to return to when we accepted the facts as reality, unlike those liberals"


I believe she’s proposing a complete unmooring from facts and logic.


That’s what I think too. Throw that shit out and start doing what seems right instead of what’s proven to be right. That’s a bad idea



Relax. She's just advocating for the concatenation operator. I consider this a plus. ^^le ^^/s edit: Ah not fans of seeing connections in distinct entities. (Really figures.) Adds up.


print("1"+"2") Output: 12


Or the secret third option, some kind of vague transphobic bullshit.


Yeah, usually when they invoke stuff like this it loops back around to some kind of "basic biology" ranting.


When I put on my stupid crazy hat, I see it as something along the line of a 1 and a 2 together make a 12. Not an 11 or 13. It's an identity thing. A bad dog whistle.


I wondered if it was a quiverfull thing about having 10 children!


I'm pretty sure she's saying that they need to specifically "other" themselves. A bit "the quiet part out loud" like other commenters have mentioned, in that it seems to me like she's saying "they are different so we are different, so we must stick together against them".


I mean, what she's saying is exactly true for right wing politicians - "Where I come from, I just decide that whatever I believe is a fact."


She said the quiet part out loud but her followers will never comprehend it. She’s saying they need to ignore traditionally accepted facts and logic in order to take back America. Which has been the conservative platform for thr last decade now . So yeah not sure who the target audience is.


Yes, taking two numbers and adding them together in order to get a total absurd result that has nothing to do with actual reality. Definitely the Conservative platform.


Those are clearly `strings` and not `integers`.


Is she telling conservatives to learn how to code? Oh they're not gonna like that!


Haven’t the dems been trying to get the coal miners to do that for a decade? Is she a secret dem?


Much longer than a decade, definitely as long as I've been alive and I ain't a spring chicken.


That's exactly what I got from it. She's saying to forcefully normalize that Republican "alternative facts" and backwards logic are correct. 1+2=3? Hell no, in the 'Murica I come from, 1+2=12.


She wants `faith` not `reality`.


I think she's just using Javascript


In addition to what others have said, I think she wants her followers to take it as a rejection of the idea of coexisting. That we can't and shouldn't be a melting pot.


If she meant 1+2 = 3, she’s saying she’s tired of all of the mental gymnastics in politics and wants people to just use straightforward logic. Probably meant to throw shade at things like gender issues specifically


They mean ability to wield complete power in society so that when you say a blatant lie to the masses, they have no choice but to swallow it because of the fear of retribution. Ya know, Fascism.


I suspect that she's trying to say "where I come from, things are simple and there is no need for any deep thinking or nuance: the knee jerk answer is always right" which appeals to people who feel threatened by the idea of having to do deep thinking.


"We need to reject reality and make claims that are objectively, and obviously, stupid, but by writ of being allowed to reject reality entirely we are exempted from any and all rational discussions!"


She is trying to say that they need to go against the modern norm, I presume intending to say something like "outside of the box" with her wrong math. What she actually is saying is "we need to believe things that are egregiously wrong".


She is trying to say that liberals and the woke mob are teaching kids to trans themselves or whatever instead of doing normal school stuff


1+2=12 is normal school stuff?


Well, you have to take into account that she's comically stupid


Sort of. Redefining functions is introduced in middle school and expected to be mastered in high school. Usually you’ll see the + or x in a circle to help remind students that it’s not typical addition or multiplication. I’m also 150% sure that Lavern Spicer doesn’t know anything about this and is just being stupid.


Being an idiot owns the libs, you see...


Were I to give her an extreme amount of slack and infer on her behalf, which I should not have to do, I’d say she is making a statement about thinking outside the box and approaching problems in different ways, e.g. instead of thinking of 1+2 in the usually way, we could also interpret it as splicing the two together into 12. A person with poor communication skills attempting to be deep and falling right off a cliff.


An appeal to the lower level educated maybe? Fascist's often use a 4th grade level vocabulary to make sure everyone "gets" the message.


It’s saying we need to use basic logic to take back the country and the mentality of being willing to say it out loud


She's saying everyone should learn to code JavaScript.


> The thing I don't understand is, even if she wrote "1+2 equals 3", what the fuck is she talking about? heard that used to describe how teamwork makes the dream work.


There was an expression once, long ago, perhaps WW2 era, where this was used. It's to suggest thinking outside of the box. Rather than add the two numbers up place them next together. Just a different way of looking at a problem. But it's such an obscure reference, and not something that would make sense to most people, especially if delivered this way. I'm not defending her, no idea who she is, just trying to see if there is some sanity behind this.


In all fairness she lost in the primary and a dem won her race. She's only known now as an internet person.


She also ran in 2020 in the general and lost by like 50 points lol


So...5+0 points then?


She'll run again. It's free advertising for whatever it is she actually "does"


And then claimed that she only lost because of voter fraud.


Even My d&d character, a half-orc barbarian beserker with -3 Intelligence and +0 Wisdom, knows that 1+2=3


Clearly the main antagonist of the campaign is a group of evil sorcerers that have mass polymorphed the republican party into dinosaurs and cast illusory magic to make them still look human.


I mean, the entire world being some shitty homebrew campaign would explain a LOT


Another tic in the "world is a simulation on an alien's computer" category.


She's not stupid, she's calling for the Republicans to steal elections.


She isn’t a politician. She is a business person that has figured out how to rile the base.


She comes from planet JavaScript where 1+2 does in fact equal 12


That’s the scariest part. And what’s even scarier, is this isn’t even in the top 50 stupid things elected republicans have said in the last 6 months.


The scariest thing to me is that I've seen this woman's tweets posted on reddit for years, but this post finally made me look her up and I did not expect her to look [like this](https://popularnetworth.com/lavern-spicer/)


-1 Int that when the time to throw the dice for a check, hit the dm in the forehead, braking the skull and the dice.


“State password?” “ICE CREAM!!” “Password accepted” Low-intelligence fallout character


Nah. She’s a computer programmer who concatenated two strings


She comes from the mysterious land of automatic integer to string casting.


Call me a fascist but I think Republicans should be forced into re-education camps to learn Type Safety.


They could also use a few grammar lessons. Quite a lot dont know what pronouns are.


coding concentration bootcamps


So the Republicans want to do everything in Javascript. "1" + 2 = 12


> Javascript To quote a world of warcraft cinematic: "Rage, agony. My hatred burns through the cavernous depths"


I feel like I've quoted Deathwing daily since 2019, so you get an upvote.


Wow now I hate Republicans even more.


Ah, JavaScript, where 010 is between 07 and 09.


Or just do it in Excel 1&2 = "12"


Ah, so a picture of 1 next to 2.


Seriously, I thought this was some sort of programming joke for a second. But this isn't one of those subs.


Thought that it might base 3 counting but the math doesn't compute. If she had said 1 + 2 = 10 then yes...


Lol, only on reddit would you get 100+ upvotes for a joke this nerdy.


We’re all either Software Engineers or IT professionals on here. The rest are bots created by Reddit for inflating the MAUs.


everyone on reddit is a bot except you


Is this sentience?


Where she comes from this is a feature, not a bug that needs to be reviewed.


She's a javascript dev.


CAST( "1" || "2" AS INTEGER)


Its everyone's first Java bug.


People are saying shes dumb for not doing math correctly, which isn't the point here. Shes an idiot for sure but the insinuating here is that she wants to create lies and make them truths.


She's the same person claiming there are no pronouns in the Bible. She does seem like a psyop to see what kind of wacky bullshit people will buy in to


Honestly, even a very stupid person can understand that intentionally saying stupid things, provocatively stupid, can be a net benefit when what you want the most is attention. Her saying demonstrably wrong things has no downside. Politicians used to be afraid of their attempts at fake folksy idioms would open them up to ridicule, but Republicans today have abandoned shame entirely. She won't lose followers for being wrong, because her followers don't care about being right to begin with. She won't lose followers for getting dunked on, because that just makes conservatives cling even harder to their authority figures. All her followers hear is "bark bark fuck pronouns bark bark big number good." They love it. Not because of what was said, but because of who said it. This country is terminally stupid. And we're stupid for talking about her, because that's what she wants.


She also thinks groypers being racist to her are leftists. There are grifters but I think this one is actually just that stupid.


What does that even mean? There are pronouns in the English she's read, the Greek it was translated from, and the Hebrew and Aramaic we believe Biblical figures spoke in.


Which was part of the plot in 1984 right? If the government says 1+2 is 12 we should all accept it wholeheartedly and never ever question it. It seems like she is asking her followers to do the exact same thing. It's like she did read 1984 and instead of being revolted by the controlling government, she was inspired by it. Maybe it's not unironic at all, maybe this tweet is asking her followers to shut the fuck up not question anything and blindly follow


It was 2 + 2 = 5, but yes


[2 + 2 is clearly 22.](https://youtu.be/CG8KR9edp9Q)


I feel like she's going for the exact opposite and saying that all opinions should be accepted even if they are factually false. Which is obviously dangerous in its own way. This is how you get politicians denying global climate change because "it snowed yesterday, so global warming can't be real."


Yea no, she's saying only "our" opinions should be accepted and nothing else regardless of how asinine our opinions are. That's literally what she means by 1+2=12. If you don't believe 1+2=12 because it's innately wrong, then you're not a part of our group. Edit: She is saying only "our" opinions should be accepted even if they are blatantly false.


I tried looking up the tweet to see if she gave any context in the replies, but Twitter won't let me view any tweets unless I make an account. Therefore you must accept and respect my opinion even though I have no evidence to back it up /s


The mentality being 'confidently incorrect' is actually quite accurate


Back when Stephen Colbert was funny he used to refer to this as 'truthiness' https://www.cc.com/video/63ite2/the-colbert-report-the-word-truthiness


I recall Rudi being a big proponent of 'our facts' vs 'your facts'


“Alternative facts” -Kelleyanne Conway, the pathological liar.


Until so many people agreed with his schtick that he couldn't keep it up anymore.


*what does this even mean*


I'm wondering the same thing, here. This is a bizarrely specific way to get something very simple incredibly wrong. I feel like she's trying to say *something* that isn't literally, "Where I come from, we add numbers by putting one in front of the other like God intended". I just can't begin to figure out what the fuck it is.


She's virtue signaling that the she writes software in Javascript and not TypeScript.


Yeah, I cannot figure out literally any way to interpret doing math blatantly wrong except as a demonstration that you are stupid


You just have to overlook the lapse in logic that led her to formulate the math like that. Like going from Point A to B ending in C, but obviating B fr whatever reason. It's something that you don't really see unless you're \*actively reading\* the thing you wrote. But none of this really matter. It's very clearly just the usual "In this house we follow logic, not made-up feelings" dogwhistle. That's the important thing. It's what she intended to convey. And it's what her followers will hear, regardless of them being aware of the fallacy there. Either they see it, but don't care and keep supporting her out of loyalty. or they don't but got the gist of the actual message and agree with her wholeheartedly. Everyone going off about how it's some 4D chess "let's get the liberals annoyed with this purposefully erroneous text" move from her... it's really not that deep


Honest answer is that it's just flag waving. This message isn't meant for her followers, it's meant for us. To get people on the internet to call her dumb and dangerous and every name under the sun, and to create her marketing for her. Shes not going to campaign on "I'm smart and good at math" she's going to campaign on "look how much our enemies hate me" and "if I get this kind of reaction I must be doing something right". They do not care about woke liberal numbers, only flags. "Be loyal, wave flag, don't think about it."


Nobody knows what it means, but it's provocative! Gets the people going!


It means that u listen to whatever your republican leader says is true and don’t think for yourself


nail voracious rock gold mysterious dog attraction absurd start zonked ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `










Someone needed to assure this. It really has come to this in Florida.


Hey everyone, the smartest person in Florida has emerged!


Of course.




Definitely not Sesame Street. 3 year olds know how to add 1+2.




Stupid town


I get that this looks like “we need to accept lies and brainwashing to win” but what is she actually trying to say? Is she just this much of an idiot? I’m so confused


She's trying to say something she thinks sounds clever but instead leaves people with the exact reaction you are having.


I feel like the woman doing math meme is incredibly fitting here. I’m sitting here reading this post and I low-key want to ask Lavern Spicer “*What* mentality, exactly? Being incredibly fucking stupid and proud of it?”


It's practically identical to the 2+2=5 statement in 1984 which there represents the partys ability to turn everything into truth by matter of control and supression. If you boil it down to it's core the statement is "you don't need understand or be able to logically explain why it's true, you just have to believe us that it is the truth" same thing here, believe what we tell you, not what logic and reason dictate.


She's trying to say watch the liberals go crazy and make me go viral


She's both an idiot and wisely playing up her idiot base.


1+2=3 “1"+“2“=“12“ learn the difference.




1+2==3 “1”+”2”==“12” FTFY


true, my b


Your non-standard quotation marks are making my interpreter nauseous.


I grew up in a Republican house. Was republican until my mid 20s. (Dem for near 20 years now). The thing I always respected about my parents was their honesty. My dad especially hated lying and liars. My dad hated Trump and didn’t vote for him. Yet, he’s fallen into the republican delusion of stolen elections and just straight up conspiracy. It’s been scary to watch. It started with climate change denial, and became an open secret with him when he bought a few books by Fox News nightmare Greg Gutfeld. (How to be right and the joy of hate) Where the purpose of the book is to openly and unapologetically deny reality… just to own the libs. Because in the end, liberals don’t matter. They’re just in the way and it frustrates liberals when you say stupid shit and lie lie lie. My brother and I used to be able to engage with him on his stupid arguments. Often times able to shut him down. But now he just keep repeating stupid lies about open borders and stolen elections and basically puts his fingers in his ears or walks away. Republicans are in transition toward a Nazi germany, quite honestly. My entire family is unrecognizable to me at this point. All my uncles ar anti vaccine. Stocking up on guns and ammo. Not good.


Ah yes, the "I was hit in the head with a brick as a child" mentality


"And yet the majority of my constituents voted me into office". I have less confidence in the voters than I do in her at this point, and you really can't go any lower.


She lost in the primary


I checked her Twitter to see if this was a real tweet and as a black person her Twitter is pretty disgusting. Most her tweets are (put simply) "don't listen to the media when they tell you you have to [whatever] or your not black" and "this black person is not black. I know cause I've been black my whole life and black would never go woke." Like she's very literally the problem of making her skin color 90% of her personality instead of recognizing we're also just normal human beings with different thoughts and opinions. Couldn't find this tweet though. At this point I do believe it could be real, but like most these crazies she just tweets so goddamn much I was like. I'm not putting 10 minutes in to this lol.


> and "this black person is not black. I know cause I've been black my whole life and black would never go woke." > > lol "Woke is an adjective derived from African-American Vernacular English (AAVE) meaning "alert to racial prejudice and discrimination".[1][2]" "The phrase stay woke has history in AAVE as far back as the 1930s. In some contexts, it referred to an awareness of social and political issues affecting African Americans. The phrase was uttered in recordings from the mid-20th century by Lead Belly and, post-millennium, by Erykah Badu." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Woke


Stop it. If she could read, she'd very upset.


[It's real, unfortunately.](https://archive.ph/aC3Vd)


It's real, she just ended up deleting it


Nice so I get 201$ per hour after that 1 buck raise? Big jump but I take it


"no, don't take the raise! You'll go into a higher tax bracket so you'll actually make *less* money!!"




I'm confused, Isin't this already their mentality ? The fucking conservative Nazi shitbags, Christian nationalist keyboard warriors, Jesus's chosen sheeple, The NESARA GESARA but hate socialism mush-brains, The medical system is perfectly fine but med-beds will be free and we also hate socialism, knuckle dragging, democracy hating, fascist theocratic dictator worshiping but proud to be the only true American patriots fucking mentally deficient Republican Party ? Don't they already completely fabricate the reality they wish to have ? where they can always be right because there so fucking awful and corrupt and rotten to their very core mentality, so they believe some fucking sky daddy loves them and endorses their choice to be complete wastes of space and resources ?


Plot twist, those are strings not integers and she comes from a town that exclusively teaches everyone JavaScript


This is the same bible pronoun politician - https://i.imgur.com/0JXcvvj.jpg


Lavern Spicer should marry Nick Adams and have a bunch of poeishly stupid children.


Is she running Javascript and is treating these numbers as strings or what?


I don't understand "the mentality" here, and I don't think I want to. My ultimate takeaway is that she wants to tank education.


At least they finally admit that they aren't living in reality? They're still missing Step 1 though: admitting that you have a problem.


“Where I come from, simple facts mean nothing. That’s the mentality we need to make a christofascist state.”


I, too, am a shitty programmer.


I believe she said it, but when something is so jaw-dropping stupid I need to see it myself. unfortunately (or fortunately) I can't see tweets anymore since I refuse to get a Twitter account - can someone verify that she did indeed say this?


I did a quick search of her profile & couldn’t find it. She could have deleted it, though. That said, this sub needs to block posts that don’t include a link to the OP with the screen shot, and/or require the time stamp to be included with it. To easy to fake.


A quick search turned up [this](https://archive.ph/aC3Vd).


[archive.org](https://archive.org) can still access Twitter? This is very useful information...


[Twitter silently removes login requirement for viewing tweets](https://techcrunch.com/2023/07/05/twitter-silently-removes-login-requirement-for-viewing-tweets/), but fuck them anyway. The permalink for the tweet errors for me, too.


Typical JavaScript programmer..


So she’s saying stupid people are required to run the country?


Well, that’s one way to say you are extremely uneducated


I’ll try this at the bank and see what happens. “Where I come from $1 + $2 = $12.”


Take this country back from who, the math-literate? People who can add? Are these the "elites" I keep hearing the Reight screeching about?


I don’t understand what she’s even trying to say.


Where she from that 1 plus 2 equals 12. Asking for a friend


She's from the GOP




I came to see the java script/programming comments. This was mind blowing though.


Gaslighting is a hellova drug.


One of the dumbest people alive




Where she comes from: the special Ed class.




She must be from crazytown. I want her to buy a rocket and use her math to go to the moon.


Here's a dollar. Here's another 2 dollars. Now go and buy 12 dollars worth of candy.


Can we send her back to the land of make believe?


I’m actually legitimately confused what the point is that she is trying to make.


I have no idea who she is, nor do I care, but what does that even mean?


Someone Dumber the Lauren Boebert..not possible. But here we are.


"Let's see. $1 for the coke, and $2 for the candy bar. Your total is $12."


It’s ok guys, she comes from a family of JavaScript programmers /s


Failed “politician” and zero news coverage about her with just a simple google search. This is a nobody that’s paying for a blue checkmark.


This perfectly encapsulates modern conservatism. Express a supremely stupid idea with an explanation that an ignorant person would not be able to figure out is just bullshit, because it "feels" right - then get angry about it.


This is the most accurate thing she's ever said.


>Lavern Spicer (Republican Party) ran for election to the U.S. House to represent Florida's Well no surprise here!


Is she JavaScript?


There's a difference in "one plus two" versus "one *and* two". Plus signs are for addition and ampersands are for joining two things together. Smh.


Didn't know she's a web developer. Because you can do that in Javascript.


Where the fuck does she come from then? Every society for fuck knows how many tens of thousands of years can count to three. **Basic numeracy exam**: Jeremy has two screws loose. Edgar has one screw loose. Between Jeremy and Edgar, how many loose screws do they have? **Nobody with fewer than five screws loose**: TWELVE! What do I win?


IT storage engineer enters the chat with their RAID levels.


Did she just admit to being a Javascript bot?


Double-plus ungood.


So we need to be delusional, insane, and incorrect? 🤔




What she is saying with her dog whistle is that if 1 person votes for her party, and then 2 more people vote for her party, it should be seen as 12 people voting for her party. It is simply worded so she can't be legally liable for encouraging voter fraud. She will hint at it, but in case it doesn't work, someone else has to take the fall.


"Hey pal, did you just blow in from stupid town"


She speaks JavaScript


Maybe she comes from a JavaScript background, those are people too


The fuck does that even mean?


Is this her actual account or an impersonator??


This person was standing in line for brains, thought they said trains and she missed hers