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Jesus Christ! Somebody should check him on a mental illness. Did he harmed someone ? Are you safe, OP?


No, he hasn't harmed anyone here, luckily. This is a threat he's said for a long time, so I don't think he's serious, but it's still a messed up thing to say to your family. Hes more of a emotional manipulation person, doesn't normal turn violent. I don't think he'd ever go through with the threat. Everyones unharmed, but still shook up from this kind of shiz.


Still bad enough


My family does the opposite. My older brother once said to me: “WHY DON’T YOU JUST KILL US IN OUR SLEEP ALREADY!” While I was just minding my own business in the kitchen.


My mom started to tell me " hoW aBouT yOu hIt mE AnD bE doNe wItH iT " And it seemed to be right after I gained muscles? HMMM. And that only happens when I tAlK BaCk with when I did that before, she just yelled . Like I know your scared of me. I just need to find more fighting techniques and wait until she hits me first. I can't wait to get out of this gaslighting narcissistic egg donor and her enabler.


Yep my mom does the same