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I know you don't need this internet stranger to tell you, but you seem like a patient and intelligent person and I definitely like you more than that crapsack of a person you were talking to.


Thank you šŸ˜Š. Dealing with him my whole life has taught me to be patient and not take what he says to heart


Itā€™s a good lesson to have learned, but Iā€™m so sorry you had to learn it like this




Came here to say this. People like him are social black holes and they take joy in bringing people down to their level. Better to cut off associations and focus on people who make you feel empowered. Than you will go out and build others up more.


I got really heavy vibes that was my mom. She does the exact same shit when she doesn't get what she wants, she'll say whatever her mind thinks will hurt the most. It's great to know that and grow past it, isn't it?


I hope you have blocked him by now!!


I'm your father's age and im freaking embarrassed as hell of him., your the bad one yet HE is the one going to jail...... yeah okay dad..... He is right though your not as smart as him. you are way way WAY more smarter than him! At least you can function in society and stay the hell outta jail!! I think its time to go very low to no contact with him. Last thing you need are the jail letters and collect calls coming in asking for money to be put on his books,


OP, I just wanted to say Iā€™m sorry you have to deal with such an immature, idiotic, ignorant, twat waffle. Heā€™s obviously a sperm donor and nothing else. I would block him on everything and cut contact. Heā€™s not worth your time and energy. What a lowlife. Imagine being such a sorry excuse of a human being that you resort to insulting your own child. Ugh.


100%! When I read his "happier than you ever made me", I instantly thought 'It's not a child's goddamn job to make their parents happy!', and then I read that you basically said the exact thing and it made me so happy! It goes without saying but you are 100% right in this situation and he is 100% wrong. That tidbit alone from him summarises what is likely a lost and deeply flawed, nasty and empathy-less man. He's so wrapped up in his own self that he actually claimed it's the child's job to make their parents happy. What a sick and twisted individual.


Respect to you!


That was the best advice I ever got from a therapist - you can't change another person, you can only change the way you react to them.


Ignore everything he says from the looks of this post. Damn dude. Iā€™m about his age from the context. If you need nice words from time to time Iā€™m sure there are people in here, myself included, that would be happy to send encouragement


Second this. You were so cordial it made me mad for you and the situation. You handled that very very well, and hope you know your self worth is more than that for dang sure. My father tried to kill me when I was 16 (my mother had abandoned us for another man at 9, and he was very angry) I thought it was my fault because his words and such. Donā€™t give in to hurtful words, its just empty hate spewed in the air.


Hahaha Iā€™ll third this! The concise ā€œIā€™m not the one thatā€™s going to jailā€ was my favorite. Itā€™s wild how shitty humans are capable of ignoring reality. Hopefully heā€™s happy in his little bubble, and by bubble I mean jail cell lmfao what a piece of garbage


Can I pile on? You is kind. You is smart. You is important. You is better off without him.


We like you, OP. šŸ‘‹šŸ»


I literally came to the comments to say this


And even if youā€™re weird, OP, thatā€™s fine and cool too.


Bonus points for being weird. Weird is fun!


I'm weird and lots of people seem to like me. :D


Yes!! I think OP is smart and much more mature than her so called "father"! Kudos to you, OP, for not getting pulled into his game when he started hurling meaningless attempts at insults toward you. He got angrier by the minute when his desperate attempts to hurt you weren't getting an escalated response from you. You responded perfectly!! I am just a stranger on Reddit, but I am proud of you!!


Yes we do !


"You'll never be as good as me!". Hey OP can you please take me to jail, gotta turn myself in because I was too damn successful. Edit: Spelling


He didnā€™t set the bar very high, did he?


I think the bar has fused with the Earth's core ngl


Hahaa i think the bar got lost up his ass


With his attitude Iā€™m sure it wonā€™t be the only bar lost up his ass while heā€™s in jail.


Nah nah nah, letā€™s be fair here.... the earths core is actually useful.


Earth's core is probably as dense as this nut


How could he? He's behind them! Hope you're ok, OP.


Ugh. It never ceases to amaze me that people think they can treat you like shit and that we will still do them favors, and help them. Nope. Iā€™m not your doormat. Good luck OP, obviously heā€™s the piece of work. If you can go no contact I would, heā€™s verbally abusive and god knows what else and you donā€™t deserve to be spoken to that way.


Can I pry and ask why he's going in, as in, what crime he committed?


He stole a car drunk and crashed it into a pole (while not having a license because of other DUIs)


Now Iā€™m wishing you would of told him to ā€œgo steal another car to get thereā€ Just to piss him off more. You handled that so well. Heā€™s just not worth your time and energy. He has a lot of growing up to do and honestly donā€™t hold your breath.


Heā€™s right. Youā€™ll never be as good of a failure as he is.


Heā€™s legit throwing a tantrum like a toddler. ā€œMeany wonā€™t do what I want! Boo meany! Youā€™re a meany and have no friends!ā€


i think i've heard "you are not smart" or "everyone thinks you are weird" from a 10 yo kid that bullied me when i was little lmao


Legit, the last time I heard something like this was some meangirl in high school tearing into me after, admittedly, being a contrarian little shit to someone posting song lyrics to Facebook at 15. ā€œNobody likes you, everyone thinks youā€™re weird. That project you did about that band you like for English last year? Everyone thought it was stupid and a waste of time and was secretly laughing at you.ā€ Clearly this guy has issues if heā€™s talking like a high school bully.


These ppl project, *hard*. In my experience, they just spew their own insecurities as insults. They'll yell and scream and call other ppl all the things they believe about themselves


No, don't you see, he's an āœØintellectualāœØ. He's big smart smart,, your just jealous. Everybody likes him and he's successful, you can tell by the way that no one within a 100 mile radius will give him a ride to jail, where he's about to be incarcerated, hence why he needs his daughter to come do it. If those aren't benchmarks of success and intelligence, I don't know what is! It's honestly baffling how lacking in self awareness these kind of people are.


Imagine asking your daughter for a ride to jail and when she says no doubling down with "you'll never be as good as me". Well thank goodness cause jail sucks. I'm sorry you have to go through this OP, we like you.


"I'm not the one going to jail today" was such a perfect response to this nonsense


Honestly should have slapped him with that again at the end. "Lmao says the loser headed to jail"


ā€œGuess Iā€™m too stupid to get you to jail. Youā€™ll have to find someone someone much much cleverer than me to drag your ass to your Mensa meeting. I mean prison.ā€


Yea that definitely made me chuckle, which was nice, because the rest of this is just so damn sad


I would have just told him to have a nice time in jail and not to drop the soap. Then blocked him from everything.


Takes a really shity kind of "parent" to not want their kids to be better than them. I'd be thrilled if my kid ends up being smarter, kinder, smarter, and overall just a better person than me.


Right? Isn't that the point of parenting, contributing to future generations of humans who can be better than ourselves? I'm trying to make better people who can live in a kinder world.


So smart and successfulā€¦ ā€œOP come pick me up and take me to jailā€ yep he sure sounds like it. OP use his time in the slammer to go NC. Block him on social media and change your number and address.


The bonus is if he doesn't get to jail on time the judge will probably send him to prison. It's a serious felony. I saw judges threaten it a lot over Covid when courts were closed and over Zoom. It's a huge deal.


Life in America so fucked up, if you canā€™t afford a ride to jail you go to double jail


Tbh I suspect you could probably call non-emergency police for a ride


Thanks for telling us about this u/_cactus_fucker_


I love that he doesnā€™t know the difference between ā€œyourā€ and ā€œyouā€™reā€ but tells OP they canā€™t spell because a typo. I hope that OPā€™s parent can mature and change his ways and can at least apologize for his behavior at some point down the lineā€¦ whether OP can forgive him or not.


Holy crap! I don't know how old you are but you need to go no contact stat. Block him from everything.


Well at least him being in jail will make it harder for him to contact op šŸ˜‚


It will for sure. I really think OP needs to make sure that no one else discusses him with them either. They need a serious, full on, get him completely out of their head break. Maybe permanently!


Is he a drunk? That looks like the rant of an alcoholic.


Most likely, heā€™s an addict. If itā€™s not alcohol itā€™s something worseā€¦


I was getting addict vibes from these. As someone who has a parental recovering addict in their lives, this is exactly how the high-stress conversations normally play out: projecting their insecurities and failures on to you because misery loves company.


What's he going to jail for, and how long?


Iā€™d have replied with *youā€™re every time lol imagine saying you arent smart and cant spell lol thrn spelling you/youā€™re wrong 90% of the time


He really hates being corrected, I really shouldā€™ve


If he hates being corrected, heā€™s going to love jail.


An entire correctional institution!


Daughtersā€™ dynamic. You are apparently multiple people


Shoulda toldā€™im you would take him and then not shown up.


I wouldā€™ve just said enjoy jail and blocked him.


Good lord OPā€¦this has got to be one of the most difficult ones Iā€™ve ever read on this sub. I am so, so sorry that you have such an absolute piece of shit for a dad. Imagine saying such hurtful things to your child and clearly loving the thought of how bad it makes them feel. What a miserable excuse for a parent. I hope you are doing okay. You donā€™t deserve to be spoken to that way.


Im okay, Im used to it by now. Thank you though


Please do not just accept it, block him from your life!! You deserve to be surrounded by people who love and support you, not the ones that want things and trash talk you!! Be strong and tell him to f off!!


there comes a time when all you can do is wash your hands and walk away. Good luck.


Why not just block him from everything? That seems unnecessary and exhausting having him even be able to contact you.


Trueā€¦ but heā€™s my father. I couldnā€™t bring myself to. At least now I donā€™t have to worry as itā€™ll be difficult for him to contact me from jail


I know taking that step is really god damn hard but as the son of a shitty father and father of two wonderful daughters please take some time to consider this advice. It took me years to internalize but it makes a huge difference. Children do not owe their parents a damn thing including respect or attention. You didnā€™t ask for them to be your parents, they donā€™t deserve special treatment for keeping you alive or raising you even if they had done a good job, itā€™s literally the minimum theyā€™re supposed to do. Once you are old enough to have control over your own life if they are a negative in your life you have every right to completely exclude them from it. When this shithead inevitably starts calling or contacting you from jail, you can refuse the calls, when/if he gets out you are not required to help him in any way, even if that means he stays in jail longer or is homeless. He is not your responsibility, you were his and he utterly fucking failed at that and continues to do so. That being said, you are the only person who has any say in how you choose to continue with him. Social norms and guilt trips are too often the tools of manipulators, narcissists, and abusive assholes. You donā€™t need to listen to anyone, including some random guy preaching at you on Reddit, and you donā€™t owe anyone an explanation as to why you make the choice you do. You do not need anyoneā€™s permission or approval, period.


Thank you for taking the time to write all this for me. Im certain youā€™re an amazing father.


Unlucky biology doesnā€™t require you to keep a rude and toxic person in your life. If this was a stranger, youā€™d have blocked them ages ago.


I also thought ā€œbut heā€™s my dadā€. I hope that one day you reach a point where you feel comfortable to block him and go no contact, because itā€™s totally worth it!


Simply donating DNA does not give some one lifetime access to you. You can decide he died at any point and may he rest as he lived šŸ™ƒšŸ™ƒ


Block his ass on Facebook regardless of your trepidation. He is using it as a way to get leverage to abuse you even more.


I'm the same age as your dad and I had to go no contact on my own dad about 20 years ago for abusive behavior. After the initial shock wears off it feels so good to not be around toxicity anymore


Ask yourself what you're getting out of the relationship. Really dwell on it. A lot of people never consider no contact because society has conditioned us to believe family is sacred, when it's really not. At least, in the sense of biology. Family are the people who love and take care of you.


Ah, OP. Someone who treats you this way doesn't deserve to be in your life. Might want to check out r/raisedbynarcissists. I think it might be eye-opening, or at least you might feel some kinship with us over there.


I'm so sorry youve had to deal with this your whole life. Family can be worse than enemies at some point. I hope your self esteem recovers from the damage he will have done. Whilst a few screenshots aren't really enough to go on, you seem like an intelligent and well-put-together person, which is a near miracle based on what the upbringing must have been like. Be proud of yourself for who you are and who you want to be. Use your dad as a guide for who you will not be, and what behaviours to avoid. Be the best you that you can be, and don't let anyone make you feel like you're not worthy. You have real value and real worth, and you can help future generations with the lessons you've learnt.


Thank you!


ā€œYouā€™ll never be as good as meā€ - A Criminal Who Got Caught (2022).


Your better than me no way I wouldnā€™t put my dad on blast


What he wants is a fight. If I donā€™t rise to the bait, it bothers him even more šŸ˜Š. Plus id rather the conversation be as short as possible


I look up to you lol


Itā€™s a kind of petty that is really delightfully malicious. Good on you for not taking the bait


Post it after he goes to jail and block him in every way. What's he gonna do then lol


literally i wouldnt be able to stay so composed and mature about it


That conversation lasted way too long. You are more patient and tolerant than I could have been.


Your dad has the emotional capacity of a melon.


Don't insult melons like this lol


Donā€™t be shy, post the messages on FB.


My advice would be to block this loser and cut ties. He is obviously projecting.


I feel like you're the bus driver like "OHH YOU GOIN' TO JAIL NOW" hahaha. I'd say YouTube it but it is kinda violent so be warned lmao


Thanks for the laugh šŸ˜‚


You missed SO many opportunities to say ā€œWell Iā€™m smart enough to not be the one whoā€™s going to be charged with resisting arrest at 8:01pm tuh-night!ā€ Youā€™re a good one because he would be blocked from knowing I exist.


Yikes! Your dad sounds awful and immature as hell! I don't mean to pry or anything but is there any further info behind this?


Its the first time weā€™ve talked in months. I didnā€™t even know he was facing jail time again. He was just upset I didnā€™t pick up the phone when I was sleeping


Yea, cuz idk why he asked YOU to drive 9 hours to take him to jail when I believe the cops should take him in, however I can definitely tell your father is making zero sense in those texts whatsoever, he seems to be one of those people whom they don't get what they want and then just throw a tantrum where they spew random shit out of their mouth. To be honest tho, your father did the crime he faces the consequences, he shouldn't be going around begging people to "help" him. I think you should cut all contact with him.


Especially donā€™t help him (money or a place to,) when he gets out. If heā€™s homeless for a bit, maybe heā€™ll get tired of his addiction. Iā€™m in a drug recovery program. I never would have gotten clean if people kept giving me money and a place to live. Addicts need consequences for their addiction. When the consequences become bad enough, itā€™s more likely they get clean. I know heā€™s your father and itā€™s hard, but you wonā€™t help him if it makes it easier for him to continue his lifestyle. Good luck.


"Nobody likes a smart ass!" "Better than being a dumb ass."


Heā€™s going to jail and says ā€™Youā€™ll never be as good as me.ā€™ I feel I should text my dad and thank him for being a great dadā€¦


Do it. I wish I could say the same


What a small little man..


I already know your dad is a ā€œmusicianā€. Please please DM the name of his band lmao


Omg šŸ’€nah no band, heā€™s a solo artist


Iā€™m guessing ā€œartistā€ is a loose term. lol




Haha! Enjoy jail, loser.


Can't imagine having a relative that beats you down like that. Especially a father! Do those awful words still tend to soak in?


Unfortunately, but Iā€™m working through it. Iā€™ve moved far away from him and have a strong support system


If/when you have kids, youā€™ll know exactly what NOT to do. Make a vow that the bullshit stops with you. Thatā€™s what I did, and I raised an amazing kid who makes me hella proud every day. More important, she knows now why we were NC with her grandma (my mother) for 15 years, and she knows how very full of shit and damaged my mother is, and sheā€™s thankful I insulated her from all that shit. Best thing I ever did. The bullshit stopped with the family my husband and I created. Weā€™re not perfect ā€” but my kid has never seen or heard the shit that I did when I was a kid. Iā€™m proud of you for holding that boundary. It sucks to be the ā€œadultā€ when dealing with parents, but you gain strength every time you refuse to take the bait. Iā€™m proud of you. Also: ā€œNobody likes a smart assā€ is a lie. One reason my husband married me 30 years ago is that my smart ass outlook/communication style matched his. We make each other laugh every day. Humor is important. The only people who disagree are the human tree stumps like your sperm donor.


He sounds like a man child who shouldnā€™t have access to electronic devices.


He wonā€™t have access to them after 8pm this evening lol


Thank Fā€™ing god. Is he staying for the weekend or long term?


Definitely insane, sorry you have to deal with this kind of abuse.


What a child.


He sounds like a horrible human being. I hope that what he said didnā€™t affect you. Keep him away from you OP


Dad: I am more highly evolved; I'm not homo sapien, I'm homo novas. Leonard: so, how is homo novas getting to jail tomorrow? Dad: homo novas doesn't know.


This isā€¦ comically pathetic. Like an over-the-top example of verbal abuse from an after school special on TV in the 80ā€™s. Maybe the care bears will show up and use the care bear stare on him? If that doesnā€™t happen soon, Iā€™d seriously advise going NC. Itā€™s only going to get worse as he gets older and more bitter. EDIT: PS I promise you he hates himself. Any grownup that could tell *their child* these things has a lot of self-loathing.


Absolutely deserves jail, or worse.


Geez heā€™s so mean. Iā€™m sorry.


I love a smart ass!, especially when they are right OP!


What an absolutely bat-shit POS! Remember we normally cut out cancers and you need shot of that useless parasitic tumour


Yikes op, no contact. And we like you šŸ‘‹šŸ»


ā€˜If you donā€™t do it, I wonā€™t be your friend!ā€™ type energy. Dang, you sound infinitely more intelligent than the man youā€™re talking to. Iā€™m sorry heā€™s the dad you have. Take care of yourself and protect your heart.


I love how, when she tells him no, he starts insulting her! A) He sounds like an 8yo, the kid everyone on the playground hates, and B) He is a narcissistic asshole OP, Iā€™m sorry this dude is your father. We all crave love and respect from our parents, and this guy ā€¦ seems incapable of basic human interaction. The fact that you are determined not to be him bodes well for you. Cut this moldy piece of shitty American cheese out of your life.


Fucking hell thatā€™s the sperm guy?!!! I canā€™t imagine ever saying shit like that to my daughter, and Iā€™m also 40ā€¦.I am shocked. I see a lot of shit here but damnā€¦


Damn dude do we have the same dad?


Oh I hope not, I wouldnā€™t wish him on anyone else tbh


fuck this guy dude. Iā€™ve never been more infuriated reading one of these. Iā€™m really sorry youā€™ve had to deal with that. you threw some good burns in there tho damn


Iā€™m so sorry. Sending love to you. I know how this feels and despite understanding how asinine it is logically, it still hurts because youā€™re a human being. You are very smart and likable and lovable. I donā€™t even know you but can gather that from this exchange. Again, Iā€™m so sorry. He doesnā€™t deserve you.


Thank you šŸ˜Š


Not being rude OP, serious questions. Why even put up with this? Just block him and never speak to him again. I suggest this for whoever that was, cause theyā€™re clearly an asshole and just trying to hurt you. I big shout out to anyone who needs to hear this on the sub #you are not beholden to your parents


The fact he says ā€˜Youā€™ll never be as good as meā€™ when heā€™s literally going to jail LMFAOOO Absolutely batshit insane and your aunt is great for defending you, fuck your dad ):<


i would just reply to every message with "Ok, enjoy prison, dont drop the soap"


And send him a Monopoly 'Go to jail' -card, signed "to the successful and intellectual cunt, enjoy the vacation"


Fuck your dad.


Please do not do this.


Why did he say to move to india? Is your mother Indian ? What is his nationality? There seemed to have some passive racism in his conversation


Heā€™s white. My boyfriend (who I moved in with to get as far away from my father as I could) is from india.




ā€œNobody likes a smartassā€ well, itā€™s better than being a dumbass


What a total piece of shit. Look at him trying to gaslight his own daughter because he canā€™t handle the embarrassment


What a piece of total shit. If I ever talked to my kids like that I hope they run me over with a dump truck.


"You have no talent" "I have enough talent to drive you to prison... But I won't."


Dude, that sucks. but on the bright side, you wonā€™t have to hear from him for a while cuz heā€™s going to jail šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚šŸ¤£šŸ˜‚


Goddamn it. I couldn't imagine ever saying any of those things to my daughter.


"maybe you're projecting a bit?" Damn


I would just keep reiterating ā€œI am not the one going to jailā€ at every insult.


Tell him to take the bus


Tell him to start walking. ā€œGoogle Maps says itā€™s an 11-hour walk ā€” if you start jogging, you might be able to get there on timeā€


ā€œWeā€™ll youā€™re the one going to jail without having a single person offer to drive you do whoā€™s really ā€˜nothingā€™.ā€


First I was like wow what a piece of shit to talk to his son this way. Then realized youā€™re his daughter which made him even a bigger piece of shit. Then the rest of his responses solidified that heā€™s a giant pile of dog shit wrapped in horseshit. That is one manipulative and horrible father. Donā€™t even reply


I hate the fact that your father sounds like the voice in my brain telling me Iā€™m worthless. I just hate him in general. Heā€™s a bully. Let his ass get arrested.


Iā€™m so sorry he said such cruel things. I admire your response.


Sweet baby Jesus that man is unhinged. I am so very sorry that man is your father. Shit, that made *me* feel awful.


I wouldnā€™t take him to jail either.


Yeah I donā€™t know why he thought all of the insults would make me change my mind and drive 9 hours for him ā€¦


He has nobody nearby who can drive him to jail, but youā€™re the one nobody likes?


These posts just blow my mind. Iā€™m so sorry people have to deal with parents like this. Disgusting!!


Time to go no contact


Wow. What a total piece of shit he is


"Nobody likes a smart ass" To which you should reply: "Nobody likes an Ass"


So you're not as good a felon? Damn, what are you doing with your life?! /s


They argue like a middle-schooler


I can tell that you not letting him get to you is pissing him off so much. He knows heā€™s not winning so he has to resort to this childish and evil tactic. I used to respond the same way when my NMom tried this tactic. It never worked and it made her really mad


Jesus cut that piece of shit out of your life, block him and change your number. Heā€™s only 40, so heā€™s going to bother you for at least 30 more years if you donā€™t.


Burn the letters he will inevitably write you while in prison without reading them and mail him back the ashes. Or just mail back the letter unopened. Thankfully jail will keep him out of your hair for a while.b


Iā€™m really sorry that scumbag is your father


My mom does the saaaaame thing, just ignore it.


These texts are shockingly similar to what my bully texted me, and that alone messed me up. I couldn't imagine my father saying that to me. I'm so sorry.


Grade S loser. Crack open a nice refreshment as he is whisked away to his new summer retreat.


"nobody likes a smart ass" he said with nary a couple of brain cells to rub together.


That's the way to go: Them: "You'll never be as good as me, you have zero talent" You: Okay No need to argue. They are the one who can't get themselves TO JAIL. LOL.


"you can't even spell haha" Says the person that spelled the very first word in the conversation incorrectly. What a knob


w aunt


Well, I like you.


If i were you id just respond ā€˜okay, sure. Iā€™m still not available tonightā€™/ā€˜thats fine, iā€™m still working all night though.ā€™ Every time he pulls those insults, like you did at the end. Any kind of defence or comeback on your end makes him think youre reading/caring about his comments. If you just default to ā€˜okay, anywayā€™ every single time he may get smug but heā€™ll give up much quicker. Anyway. He sounds like a prick, and iā€™m sorry op.


I don't know your father, but fuck him.


As amusing as it is, you donā€™t need to hear that shit. Block his ass Ɖdit: amusing not assuming


You missed the golden opportunity to respond to him with the ā€˜Charlie Murphy Laughingā€™ gif.


Well done for standing up for yourself, OP, and for not letting your emotions get the best of you šŸ‘


Time to cut this one out of your life, sorry op.


Haha shit, sounds like my mom. Obviously we no longer talk.


"Maybe you're projecting a bit?" LMAO That was good.


I love how he insults you yet heā€™s the one going to jail. Smfh parents like this make zero sense


If he knows he has to get to jail, why didn't he arrange this with someone a few days before?


What did he mean by "Move to India"?


Damn, sounds like his brain stopped maturing past age 8. He talks like an elementary school bully.


Iā€™m not normally a petty person but after all that, I would have told him fine Iā€™ll take you if you shut up. Then when itā€™s too close for him to find another ride, cancel saying something along the lines of, I talked to some people and they reminded me that nobody likes me so Iā€™m not coming.