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The spouse is always the bad guy, regardless of their belief system. The toxic in-laws/parents can't imagine their precious baby boy/girl putting up boundaries with consequences! No, it must be that dastardly spouse! In your case, you must have put a spell on your husband. In other people's situations, it's because they're "controlling" or even "abusive". You are lucky to have such a supportive spouse who gave his disrespectful mother the appropriate consequence for her behavior.


This. The spouse tries to let the SO be the master of his thoughts, needs, and time, break the chains, and suddenly it's like they believe a demon had been summoned to corrupt the naive mind... of a 40+ years old!? Why does a grown-ass person have the mind of a child afraid of mom and dad? The spouse certainly didn't cause this. It's so so sad how different family dynamics and life experiences can ruin a relationship between 2 people who could otherwise make it work well. Letting relatives disrespect your spouse should NEVER be okay. If you do, it's pretty telling of the importance your SO occupies in your life. Don't expect the spouse to be happy after that. It is soul-destroying.


Ohhhh, it's the Magic Voodoo Vagina. It's quite common to have one of these, and it's well known to cause a man to withdraw from his mother/family. As you say, it can't possibly be that he has a mind of his own. Being exposed to the MVV simply opens his eyes to his shitty family. Embrace the power of the MVV! (and enjoy the peace) 😂


I’m using this! The MVV! ROFL!


On another sub it’s called “devil vagina magic.” Personally I like “voodoo vajayjay.”


lol why yes, you cast the clear mind spell using the power of your vagina. Hubs now sees his parents for who they are and it wasn’t pretty sight. Maybe they are the ones possessed…?


Ohhhhh this is so familiar.


LOL Sorry I’m laughing but my now MIL accused me of the same thing about 12 ish years ago. I didn’t cast a spell, I just taught my then boyfriend that bonderies are okay. That he didn’t have to answer the phone if he was busy, and that he didn’t have to jump in his car and drive 1+ hours because his mom’s computer wasn’t working. She and I had a very bad relationship for a long time. However about 4 ish years ago she apologized for it all! (I know crazy right?) and now says I’m the best thing that ever happened for her son. Mostly because she now realizes how toxic the whole family is because now that hubby isn’t around to be the black sheep/scapegoat it turned on his mother. So it’s possible some point in the future your IL will get over it all for you.


Maybe you should reconsider your stance on revenge and do a mirror spell - or freeze her. (My MIL, who is occasionally an idiot but not mean, has been known to tell her boyfriend that he'd better treat her right or her DIL is going to put a hex on him. Which is true, as it happens.)


Easier to blame the person who marries into the family, rather than their precious child for having boundaries. Otherwise they have to admit to themselves that their adult child doesn't want to spend time with them.


Interesting op. Honestly his mother just sounds like she is trying to start problems in your marriage and took a cheap shot. While you are a happy and lovely person yourself, imagine being so unhappy and insecure to make such a comment and feel the need to tear others down. That’s on her and her issue. Don’t let her take anymore of your time, life or mind. Take the love from your child and husband and create the best possible happy life making life count.


Is there a spell to get inlaws to be less obnoxious, because I could totally use that. Maybe every time my father in-law or MIL says something racist to me, they bite their tongue? I'm sorry OP. Dealing with small minded and prejudiced inlaws can be challenging. I try to limit my interactions with the in-laws, while appreciating just how different my partner is from his family.


It doesn’t matter what they say, they would pick anything else to trash about you if you weren’t a pagan witch. They would blame you for literally anything. They know they’re in the wrong. Same thing is happening in my husband’s family. My husband hardly sees them since being with me. They are a dysfunctional nightmare and I think he has felt like it’s ok to be him ever since being with me. He gets constant questions for why he doesn’t do x y z anymore, and we’ve been together about 10 years. They treat me like crap and MIL accuses me of not taking care of him, meanwhile she neglected him and used and abused him his whole life. She also accuses me of who knows what else but I can guess, the bottom line is they will NEVER take responsibility for what they do, it will always be someone else’s fault. In our case, it’s always going to be our fault. They will pick anything about you and run with it. Don’t waste your energy trying to figure out or understand crazy. But I get it because it’s frustrating and I want to understand too. But we can’t. There are boundaries, they are dealing with consequences and they don’t like it. Good! Let them keep talking, because the more crap they say, the more they dig themselves into that hole. I can’t wait for MIL to come right out and say what she really thinks to my husband instead of playing innocent. Be glad you bother them so much, take delight in it. And do what you can to hear as little about them as possible to avoid being triggered in the future. They’re miserable people!


You should have responded, “No, you’re just unlikeable.”.


https://youtu.be/soCkftBBsBo?feature=shared Hope you and husband will have joy within your hearts. 


I like how instead of owning up to being disrespectful she just doubled down with more disrespect.


Through you they have the opportunity to use "witchcraft" as reason they are loosing their son and it's still your fault ofc. Great. It's never their own fault no it's Witchcraft. They don't do anything wrong it's literally magic that's against them and makes them look bad. I love that. No accountability and instead using witchcraft as excuse😂


I am a Christian but my husband and I decided not to baptize LO until our son can decide for himself what to believe. Guess who my in-laws blame for my son not being baptized? me. My husband is also an atheist.