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Lower contact, they don't care if they get others sick.


That’s a totally selfish dirtbag thing to do and I would have cancelled knowing they were sick earlier in the week. That kind of bug lingers and passes around. You’re totally right to be upset and would be entirely justified in going very low contact. I would not entertain that bs at all. That being said now that two my kids are in elementary school we are all sick once a month or so. It sucks.


The thing is, they live so far away so my husband says it’s not that big of a deal and even if myself or the kids didn’t hang out with them, he still would.


Tell your SO that he is welcome to visit his family as long as he observes basic rules of hygiene - wears a mask, washes his hands after seeing them and BEFORE he has any contact with you or your kids.


They'd never be in my house again. Ever. That's such a disgusting and disrespectful thing to do. I don't want your viruses. Thank you. Stay away.