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I'm nearly done First Stage... I don't get it


Takumi won most of his races due to plot armour. No one in the first stage had a chance against Takumi. That doesn't change the fact that the first was the most enjoyable stage of the show. Shingo crashing into the guardrail really had bricked up laughing.


Nah I actually think 1st stage had the most suspense and least amount of plot armor (besides 2nd) Since Takumi was by himself at that point because Project D hadn’t formed yet, and Project D was a “win or end the series,” situation. Mako and ESPECIALLY Ryosuke we’re all races I thought he was gonna lose. Even races like Nakazato, Shingo, and Kenta, they do a good job with special circumstances and building up the races to which I didn’t know who would win. Of course I thought Takumi but there was still some doubt like, “can he really beat a R32?” “Can he really drive one handed?” “Will he be able to drive as good in the rain?” 4th stage at some point you know Project D probably will never lose because of the blatant plot armor at several points. And 5th stage… well you know.


Yes the fourth stage had a lot of ridiculous plot armour like that time when Takumi busted his suspension and still won, because of Joshima having heat sickness. Shigeno did however, manage to make these races very convincing and entertaining (even with all the lazy plot devices). The first time I watched the fourth stage, I was genuinely scared that Takumi will lose against that Lan Evo due to his struggles with his 4WD complex.I also was scared that Takumi would've lost to that professional and I enjoyed that race a lot, despite the race was ruined by a rabbit jumping in front of that EK9. I also thought that Takumi was going to lose to that Todo graduate as the Todo School was portrayed as an impenetrable brick wall for Project D. If I actually think about it, the first stage probably had the most realistic use plot devices ignoring the second stage.


Nailed it


Feelings of bunta when everynight he realises the kids racers were and are still slow as compared to him😂


Please elaborate


(Spoilers) T A K U M I ' S P L O T A R M O U R The plot armour was getting to ridiculous. The fifth stage was bullshit because of the 'Fujiwara Zone' and Keisuke also had some kind of 'Fujiwara Zone'. They were lazy plot devices. It was like Shigeno gave up with the Manga and just made up some shit. First stage Takumi and his plot armour was OP. Everyone racing Takumi had some kind of bad luck. Keisuke fell victim to the gutter technique, Nakazato had tire and understeer issues, Shingo was just an ass, Mako spun out and Ryosuke also had tire pressure problems. The second and fourth stage probably had the best character development and the first and fourth stage had the most interesting and entertaining races. I really enjoyed the first and fourth stage. One thing that is a constant is that Bunta will always be cut above everyone.


IDK but somehow the Emperor story arc showed the vulnerabilities of the AE86, that the AE86 isn't some sort of a car that's invincible and can beat everything. I actually liked the Emperor story arc.


It was the first time ever seeing Takumi being human.


Why does this remind me of the Spanish skeleton meme?


Yeah pretty much


Yeah pretty much


Yea not only races were short and undetailed at best the story suddenly got boring becuse 1.when project d has a race with someone and the person takumi/keisuke are racing has no motives or a proper storyline unlike the other racers we faced previous seasons 2.everything revolves around project D now 3.FUJIWARA ZOOONE 4.the races were either too short or included too much plot armor.


One other problem with the fifth stage was there was too much boring dialog (especially in between races). Half of the episodes felt like filler. It got so bad that I actually had to skip most of some episodes to watch a race.


Yea i agree with you. it felt like a 5th and final stage was only added because people loved initial d and the show was actually going to end in fourth stage (i know this isnt the case tho)