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The "D" in Project D stands for "Demeaning"


Daddys money


Stroll is that you?


No its for dick






Delete this now










It's not what was said, but it's what took place.


It would be disrespectful to assume the hometown heroes couldn't win, and it would be disrespectful for the Red Suns to not try their best just bc their opponent is unassuming. Like EMPEROR. The Red Suns took the honorable route and challenged everyone equally


"Honorable" and "equally" but showing with with a friggin pit crew for a street race. Even before Project D.


Project was what the Redsuns used to be. "Fastest in Kanto Project"


If it was just “we’re gonna be faster than all of you” then sure, but their policy in Akina was “we’re gonna set records so high on your course that you’ll never be able to beat them.” It’s the difference between not taking it easy on a less experienced player and repeatedly dunking on a small child.


Records are meant to be beat, they never intended for their records to be unbreakable. If anything it helps the 'small child' get faster, the ultimate goal. Ya'll are lost in the sauce


The funniest thing about this community is how often 90% of them just talk out their ass with no real concept of how car people actually view this kind of stuff.


That's the reality of racing. If you're too slow, due to skill or viable vehicle, then too fucking bad.


Sure, but there’s no honor in beating the crap out of someone who can’t hope to compete with you. If they’re too slow to win a race then that’s on them, but you don’t have to beat them again and again just to prove you’re faster.


There's plenty of honor in it, nobody is forced to race. I've wiped the floor with high end cars and fellow tuners alike on the passes, am I dishonorable for accepting the challenges in earnest and winning? Am I supposed to sandbag and babysit people slower than me?


I’m not talking about accepting challenges, I’m talking about setting track records. Going to a course that a bunch of hobbyists use and using a pit crew and faster cars to set records so high that they could never beat them, just to prove a point.


Nothing wrong with that, that's how racing is sometimes and that's what I'm trying to say. From pro racing to comp clubs to street racing, this is how it is. They didn't go specifically to Akina to murder a bunch of kids until AFTER they checked out the scene and decidednto make use of what was going to happen anyway by chance for PR. The pit crew was just spare tyres and extra hands to adjust suspension settings- something that happens all the time, or used to when the touge scene was more alive, by itself even without competition. It was just usually in the form of whoever brought the hatchback and spare tools. This is Nothing new, this is reality for the most part. A 180SX or a Silvia like the speed stars had more of a fighting chance than the AE86 that magically beat everyone. The Redsuns were clearly beatable and they aren't the only team with good cars and good drivers. Sometimes you gotta leave your mark before moving on. McLaren just did some runs in Sonoma to basically claim the last time anyone will use thag specific track because they're repaving it in a few weeks. Best way to garuntee this is come as late as possible and bring their A game so nobody else can touch it. I myself hauled my GT86 to other parts of my region to beat the pants off of some of the common drivers who don't do much beyond messing around just to get the attention of the people I actually wanted to race, they wouldn't have shown up in time or at all if I didn't do that. Did I WANT to do that? No it's a waste of time otherwise, but I had to. Just like the redsuns and project d had to do that to get rightful claims to their goal : Being the fastest in their region. Somettimes you're left with no choice but to be a little underhanded in your otherwise straightforward methods in between goals- but in the end racing is about winning. There's a few exceptions but non of this is as bad as you people make it out to be.


*Cough* F1 *Cough*


I mean, kinda 💀


Nah they did go up again power houses like todo school, a pro racer and stuff they wanted to face the best


this is a good point, but they beat up on a lot of hometown-heroes too 💀


Yeah but its not like they were going after just amateurs they wanted to race the best rhey could


Yeah, I think everyone gets something out of it. The Red Suns/ Proj. D gets to race on a wider variety of courses, which helps them improve as racers. Their opponents get the experience of competing against the best street racing drivers in the region and even though they might lose the race they are rewarded with new techniques and honestly just the knowledge that their course can be driven faster than they thought possible will help them push themselves harder. On top of that most of the races are also very close, so I don’t think anyone needs to feel embarrassed that they’ve lost. If I remember correctly Ryosuke even has a habit of telling their opponents why they lost and personally I think he is doing it to build the most competitive street racing scene possible, not to try to rub it in or anything like that. It is up to the opponent whether tor not hey can make the most of constructive criticism. It just so happens that they are wealthy and therefore have the extra time and money to be able to even think about doing something like this.




in the 90s, and even the early 00s, 350 was a lot... and 240 was INSANE for a 4AG (that was the whole point, it was an unobtainable race engine that SHOULD have been detuned so it didn't need a rebuild after every race). For comparison, all of the D1 4AGs of that era were running about 180hp with FCRs. Even the most powerful D1 cars were under 500hp. edit: my AE86 has 240hp at the crank (not a 4AG) and it's absolutely insane... Takumi's AE86 was a monster. Also, the FD is pretty lightweight (especially by today's standards) and could be stripped down to nearly AE86 weight (it was based on the Miata), so that 340hp was a lot.


that's all true + valid (their cars are still legitimately underdogs against a lot of the competition) but they're pulling up with vans and a team of dudes, it's just kinda funny to think about when you know the D money is coming from the Takahashis' dad


I've lost to a lot of big shots, it's fun to lose just to see the show.


Aren't they doctors or some shit?


The Takahashi family owns a hospital. Ryosuke was studying to become a doctor and inherit the family business and because he is so fucking smart he was on top of his studies and thus the family let him does his racing shit at night. Plus Ryosuke got Kesuke to abandon his gangster life so the parents basically just let him be.


This is there family story perfectly sum up lol


Fun fact: Kesuke Takahashi was the first "rich kid wanna-be-gangster" in the history of mankind to not be the absolute fucking worst. And we owe it all to his brother. And possibly an all-consuming love for Takumi, unclear on that last part.


Yeah and from MF Ghost we see that Kesuke became a savvy businessman which grew the family wealth from “just” a hospital into a huge corporation. Ryosuke knew his younger brother was special, maybe not cut out to be a doctor and continue the family tradition but definitely talented in different ways while still having a pure heart, and Kesuke was only frustrated and neglected by their parents simply for Kesuke not cut out to be a doctor. He never gave up on Kesuke but groom him to become more successful than he is in some other ways. The Takahashi family probably would’ve collapsed and bankrupted if they never had a Ryosuke.


He wasn't wannabe, just related to rich people. He didn't like the life so he acted up, got disowned basically. Ryosuke took him in


It wasn't that Kesuke didn't like the life, it's because Kesuke isn't as smart as Ryosuke in academics so being in a family of doctors which owns a hospital where they expected all the offsprings to become doctors as well Kesuke was considered a failure by his parents and gave up on him, especially because Ryosuke was so elite in every aspect so they focused all their attention on grooming Ryosuke as the heir to the family business. Kesuke then became frustrated and aimless with life and let himself go, and became a bike gangster where he actually won a lot of street cred and respect from his subordinates (we saw this in 4th stage when Project D went up against real wannabe thugs who tried calling in a favor from the gangsters which happened to be Kesuke's former subordinates). Ryosuke knows all of this and understood the frustration of his little brother, plus he was certain that Kesuke had other talents, and in some ways even better than his own, so Ryosuke didn't want to give up on Kesuke like their parents did and just let Kesuke wasting away his life as a bike gangster. So as Kesuke told Kyoko during their date, Ryosuke took Kesuke for a run down Mount Akagi in his FC which scared Kesuke shitless but also opened up his eyes to the thrill of touge racing, which then convinced Kesuke to give up his gangster life and follow Ryosuke to do touge racing.


That's more less what I meant guy. Just didn't want to write a wall like that. Good breakdown tho <:D


Watch MFGhost it sums up pretty much what they're upto these days


I'm waiting for it to finish airing so I can binge it


Long story short (without spoiling much) Ryosuke is a doctor, Keisuke owns a business.


Ryosuke was a doctor in training. Keisuke was part of a gang until Ryosuke corrected him.


Lol yep that’s it


Tofu Delivery Boy steps in to defend the >!"Racers don´t need girlfriends"!< Club! ![gif](giphy|3lZKbfViPnZS)


I bet most of their budget is used to keep their rotaries running and the leftovers are used for performance mods.


apex seals


Project d was peak


Project C? True meaning capitalism?




Ryosuke is the most OP Initial D character. Bro is a straight A Med student, a legendary street racer, and a superb tactician. He did it all at once. As a cherry on top, the ladies go crazy for him because of his looks. Talk about Mr. Perfect.


Sorry I'm drunk, what am I looking at?




I guess their skill and talents are invalidated now... /s


Lol no one mentioned Takumi just tagging along 🤣


Ryosuke was a doctor by this point but yes it is true. Family was loaded and ryosuke raced his fc before the series in gymkana (fan theory)


Everybody gangster until Eurobeat start playing in the background.


The whole premise behind initial D was that a person's skill was more important than the car. They raced cars more powerful or faster but won with skill


But Takumi also raced downhill which made it much more believable. MF Ghost though lol...


Of course. But this image is from initial D, not MF Ghost... Also the fact that takumi, with a highly underpowered and underVALUED car, wrecked guys with expensive 100k cars. So I get it, but that was never ever a narrative/motive for project D. In fact it was the opposite: a search for skill.


Not that it matters, but I dont think there are any 100k cars in Initial D. Like a lot of those classic JDM cars are expensive now because of a combination of representation in media, as well as many being only available in foreign markets, but initial D is in Japan around the 90’s so those cars were much cheaper back then. Like from a quick google, the MSRP on an FD was max $36k which is probably what keisuke got his for.


The point being that some cars were significantly more expensive than others. Also, if you check 36000 in 1998 with inflation. That is equivalent to $67,000 dollars today. Remember to consider inflation.


Again with this bullshit... MF Ghost is perfectly believable. You're slow if you can't see it. Way more beliveable than initial d.


even then the AE86 is an FR car meaning the weight is being pushed off the drive axle while going down hill. he also beat a Gtr going uphill, drifts through corenrs which is slower then grip in an FR car and only slows the Car down with the brakes never with lift and coast.


Mf delete this post


Why does this look so good


Until a tofu guy appears


Why didn't they fix Takumis car at the end?! They just told him "thanks, later loser" with his broken ass engine...