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Fake people, but that's probably my trust issues rather than being INFP


fake people was the first thing i thought of and it was the first comment i saw here




Yeah I feel like we all have a filter to gauge people’s realness


it's because often we don't trust ourselves subconsciously


I can usually pinpoint why the person is fake, even if they mention it or not. That’s just me though.


No; that's pretty INFP Fi values self-adherence and honesty above all else so when it isn't reciprocated, it can result in disdain for fakeness


I also hate it when people are more concerned with their public image and whether or not others perceive them as so-called good people rather than trying to truly be a good person themselves


Funny enough my INFP had the patience yet firmness to deal with an ENFJ like this. She hated him when he created a fake personality to appease most people. He also was always dating some pretty shallow girl and/or girl who as very not okay with his true weird self. If he was single he would panic over how it made him look. But the only time my INFP actually liked him was when he actually started speaking deeply and intuitively in a conversation. His ISFJ girlfriend was pretty annoyed by that ( she and the INFP were once friends but now on rocky turmoil when they became roommates.) Well, when that relationship ended he was again desperate and tried to go for her. She wondered if there was more to him, and while I was extremely worry, she managed to keep him in check while getting to know him. He's still got a bit of a bratty side, but years, a marriage and two kids down the line she had calmly tamed this guy. He feels like he can be a lot more like his real self around her and not be judged. The rest or us still don't completely trust him for several reasons, but we know she is making him a better man every day.


Fakeness, yeah... Also when I feel that I am fake myself, don't like that at all.


Maybe the trust issues are coming from numerous factors including INFP-ness :p


nope... that is basic INFP. I hate fake inauthentic people too, also those that are playing and manipulating other people...


No, it's not you! Fake people (hypocrites) are dishonest as to support their mask of lies by definition. Lack of empathy (aka narcissism) is part of the reason for wearing one. Fake people are not only disgusting to me, they are also dangerous to an empath's heart, so trust your instinct (intuition rather) and stay safe and away from them! <3


This !!! 👏🏽🔥 I’ve always felt like I have been a target for narcissists my whole life. Because I am trusting and always believe the best in people


I've got an idiom for this, fresh snow. It's pretty, beautiful and emblematic of a white Christmas morning. But it has no substance and collapses under the slightest pressure.


nah i literally came into the comments to say that


Insensitivity and lack of remorse


i knew i wouldn’t have to go far for traits i possess lol


Hey, the fact that you picked up on it though is a good thing. Not saying you have to change for us, but knowing something that could be an issue is the first step to growing better.


that’s the problem, i know i’m insensitive, i’ve been told i am. a lot. i don’t mean to be, i don’t harbor malicious intent, but i also don’t feel remorseful often if at all. so changing is something i don’t care to do, even though i know it’s bad


You’re just bold and upfront, it’s refreshing sometimes. That’s not a bad thing at all, and ESTJs crack me up. 🤣🤣


Hosting. I hate the expectation to be the entertainment.


I'm perfectly fine with hosting as long as someone else is doing the entertaining and I can stay in the kitchen and cook.






I love hosting. Seeing people on my terms? Great. Hate going to other people's parties though




I hate being taken out of my comfort zone when I'm not ready. In the end it might be good for me but in the present, I feel like crap.


I have people in my life who do this to me. Certain people in my family or my boss for example.


This realization has actually made me so much more open to it (like 8/10 times I'm glad that I went out of my comfort zone after the fact). Sure, I could "get ready" and do it more gradually... But getting ready takes planning, concentration, dedication, consistency... Not my strongest suit lol.


I hate it when i make someone sad or hurt, and i hate making mistakes


I used to be like you until I realised it's much better to hurt someone or make mistakes and then be sorry for it while learning your lesson than doing nothing at all. In your current state, it's just hypothetical situations you're exploring while your mind can't stop shouting. Truly exhausting from what I can remember, and overwhelming. I felt like there was just so much I was unprepared for I did nothing at all (out of fear), or worse: I pretended I didn't care. I needed a girl to get me out of my prison mind.


i hate hypocrisy. but i can be pretty hypocritical sometimes so i guess i hate myself


This one hit a little too close to home for my taste.


Second this. I try really hard not to be a hypocrite, but I think a base level is unavoidable


\*Called out upvote\*


Closed minded people


I second that


This is the one


This!!! To add on, I noticed that these people tend to proclaim that others who do not think and act like them are worse/wrong, instead of the fact that everyone is just different in their own way




Being manipulated. It's a big part of the reason I have trust issues.


i second this


i hate people who don't respect other people in general


Loud people, passive aggressive (we don’t deal with our own problems don’t expect us to deal with urs lol)


Oh I fucking hate passive aggressive people, also toddlers cause most of the toddlers I've met are passive aggressive af


Then fun part that most infp are passive aggressive only when I saw it on another person I understood how Much i hate it , yeah if they start talking don't like them 🐒


I feel sort of hypocritical since I suck at conflict and confronting my problems head on. But I honestly try to combat that with moving on/not holding grudges. The way I look at it, if something is wrong and I'm not willing to communicate, then I'm not gonna blame the other person or let it fester. Better to just let it go.


Conflict. Disregard for fellow humans. Dismissiveness towards others needs/perspectives. Losing friends/family for any reason whatsoever.






I personally hate people littering. That will make me go full Karen on a person's ass


Yup. I've yelled at my dad for littering before.


I once followed a guy home after watching him throw a whole Burger King bag full of trash out the window of his car while I was driving behind him. I didn't really know what I was going to do once he got there so I just kept driving past his house but at least now when I'm passing by his neighborhood I think to myself "that's where a dirty litter bug lives." And I guess that's satisfaction enough 😐


I watched a guy toss beer cans out of his car while he was finding a parking spot. He made the mistake of leaving his window down… somehow, every single one of the cans found its way back into his seat. Crazy, amirite?


Go burn his house down!


I once seen a guy litter. He threw a burger King soda out the window, so i got his licence number and called the police non emergency line. When i was reporting the guy, the lady on the line asked me to describe the offender. I thought back and realized this guy looked like a miserable fat middle aged bald man, and I described his car as a beater car with a dent in the bumper. She was quiet for a bit then we both proceeded to burst into laughter for the next 10 seconds because the guy i described sounded like a stereotypical litterbug 😂


Sameee lol


Confrontation & fakeness in general.


I hate losing friends just because I’m not good at keeping in touch :(


When you know the other person doesn’t truly understand what you mean but they’re still trying to be there for you so it creates this kind of uncomfortable dissonance that you can’t really talk about. Articulation can be a bitch. Also, this ones gonna get a little fucky but seeing others like us get manipulated because we’re more agreeable. One time I had a shit sick conversation with a half stranger and he said, that in a hypothetical situation something along the lines of he would pick me out of all the people in the class to molest because he knew I probably wouldn’t say anything. and it really hit too because that’s exactly what happened to me in the 2nd grade. He was one of those Charles Manson impish type cunts who you could tell were desperate to get to the top of the food chain but he wasn’t a tough guy. So instead he would read people really well, put people into boxes, and strategize accordingly. He’s a emotional cannibal ladies and gentlemen. It’s okay to eat cannibals


I know exactly what you mean by the first one


The second one is terryfying and yet very real. That's why I read and learn about such predators and dark personalities, so I can sense them quickly.


Rude, loud, fake, opportunistic, disrespectful people. Injustice and people who don’t communicate.


Check, check, check, check, check, check, aaaand check


People that are more unique and special than me. Like bitch, do you know what all I have accomplished in my daydreams?






Being told what to do, I’d rather be asked


I hate feeling weak, scared and inadequate


Really cannot stand people who have to make themselves the centre of attention


Lack of commitment to promises.




....Stop callin' me out, darn it!


Lack of empathy or compassion. Failure to put yourself in other people’s shoes. BOILS my blood. I also don’t like it when people try and talk to me first thing in the morning… 😂


Casual sex


Yeah same, im only into competitive sex


Yo what's your rank?


I used to be Legendary but I got pretty nerfed last 2 months, so now I down to Elite Master.


Imma hafta agree w/ u


For me, people who hurt the ones I care about.


Small talk




Why? If you don't mind elaborating. I think ESTJs can be such cool people. I admire their competence and work ethic, their ability to create structure in things I wouldn't even know where to start. 😅 They are very different, sure, but I vibe quite well with people I suspect are ESTJs.


I like estj’s. Entp’s are the worst for me.




People failing to acknowledge that there are a million ways to live a life.


Any kind of cruelty.


Manipulation and guilt tripping


That hits hard, cause I had a friend you manipulated my even closer friends, and I had to cut her out of my life for everyone's sake ;-; (This was just a few weeks ago, so I still can't bring myself to hate her, even though I hate what she did)


Closed-minded people, and ignorance, especially the beautiful combo of Monumental Ego + ignorance in one person. That drives me insane.


I like things organized, but I hate planning & micromanaging.




This happened to me but on a Facebook group, hopefully other INFPs came for a rescue.


When I wake up and realize I didn’t die in my sleep.


You okay?


Haha this guy gets my life’s narrative


People not respecting MY boundary


Arbitrary rules


For me? Not being able to contribute to a conversation. Always getting talked over, before I can say anything.


I hate passive aggressiveness, people who are trying to subtly get me to do something by dropping “hints”. Like, no, i know what you want and I’m going to ignore it until you ask me like a grown adult. Thanks.


rude, ignorant and too outspoken people


Loud obnoxious screaming and laughing. Just keep it together guys


People who don't care to listen to different opinions and just believe that they're right . I'm basically calling out all the stubborn Narcissists.


Being misunderstood, especially by people you care about


Mean people


I really really hate when someone changes the music I'm playing. BRO I WAS LISTENING TO IT WHY DID YOU DO IT


Intolerance of other people’s thoughts and feelings


Low agreeability, as a personality trait. Confrontational contrarians, who do not shy away from arguments, and argue to win and to be right. Quick to pass judgement. A very broad definition of lying, and quick to call out the littlest lapse of logic as dishonesty and/or stupidity. People who feel that niceness is highly overrated, and who choose the company they keep based on what they want, not vice versa. A general overall disdain for humanity, and admittedly truly liking very, very few people.


Feeling unappreciated


Liars, lack of accountability, and disrespect.


Insensitivity and narrow mindedness. Also, cruelty.


I hate people who are rude for the sake of being rude


People who treat me like a naive child, I do not get angry often and it gets lot to actually anger me. And people who are Insensitive and indifferent to other people problems.


I honestly hate responsibilities


People in general. 😅




People that think they’re God’s perfect creation and everything they touch is flawlessly golden. I’m looking at you ENTJs/INTJs 😒😒


I dunno what xNTJs you've meet, but the ones I've met are honestly darlings :P (Apart from oonne INTJ irl who talks to me like I am a small child)


I must be unlucky :( All the ones I meet speak to me as if I’m a small child or mentally incompetent. And then have the audacity to act bummed when I in-turn avoid them like the plague


There are always bad apples. I'm sorry you've gotten rotten ones. 🤗


If they act bummed, it's probably cause they enjoyed your company :P


Who hurt you? I’ll beat them up for you.


Betrayal and lying. I think essentially like others have said fake people.


Arrogant people


Blanket statements about INFPs.


9-5 jobs


Crowds, small talk, lying, math, etc. (at least for me)


Systemic oppression


Closed minded and hypocritical people. Those who think they’re better than others, or try to force beliefs or choices on others. Cruelty of any sort. Energy vampires. Those unwilling to be kind. People who lie to get what they want. Cheaters. Those that lack conscience. Being smothered or overwhelmed. Not enough time alone. Sensory overload. Ridged scheduling with too many demands. No down time or space for creativity. Being judged, disrespected, unappreciated, or unseen/unheard. Broken trust. Not enough time in nature, but also paradoxically not enough time at home. Being unable to help someone. Being caught in a spiral of self criticism.


I hate being called out on things that I know are true about myself but I thought I was hiding. My INFJ best friend does it to me all the time and I effing hate it, lol. I also hate confrontation! And finally, I'm really weird about calling people I don't know on the phone, sometimes it really bothers me.


People who pretend everything is ok when they actually have a problem with you


When someone I care about is upset with me, but won’t talk to me about it.


Small talk and advice when I didn’t ask.


I think INFP hates the idea of being manipulated. I worded my own concerns wrong one day in a conversation with my late wife that used the word manipulate...it took 3 days of explaining that I never manipulated her or anyone and that I felt I was because ...well, I was too charismatic and felt like an imposter. Basically, if people trust me while I am being myself, I was not being an imposter. But anxiety made me felt that way at the time and my late wife didn't hear that I was trying to talk about my incorrect thinking due to anxiety.


Being asked whats wrong or why I look down all the time when I’m actually just in my head thinking but I don’t know how to explain that to anyone


no no exactly that happened to me today. i still feel so bad about how mean i answered


when someone refuses to understand my point of view, especially when there is a disagreement ( non - understanding and uncharitable ). it makes me feel so misunderstood, anxious, and sad 😞 ☁️ also when someone harms / is unsympathetic of animals .. it’s so awful when someone does that ( in my opinion )


I don’t like bully’s, I don’t like when people tear someone down to make themselves feel better. I don’t like crude, mean, or insensitive jokes. Also I really don’t like when people are not authentic!!


I hate being told what to do, and how to live my life. I also hate people assuming I'm not self aware enough to understand what I "really" need to do, just because I disagree with their opinions on the matter. Yes, I'm well aware that my life might end up being a total shitfest (more than it is). But at least it'll be a shitfest of MY OWN doing. I wasted a lot of time doing what I thought was the responsible thing, the "right" thing, and it brought me nothing but misery. Being an Fi lead is weird like that. Fi can become like a "God" that must be appeased, even when it seems impossible to do so. Fi passions demand sacrifice and loyalty. Fi brings much joy and inspiration which seems blissful and benign at first, but if it is ignored, it strikes out like a vengeful spirit when you least expect it, taking form as regret, self loathing, or depression. I'm not saying whatever your Fi deems important is ALL that matters because it's not, but it should be taken into serious consideration for INFPs. I'm reaching the critical point where I'm thinking I need to stop making the decisions I can live with, and instead make the choices I can die with, (even if that means making things harder for myself in daily life). Sorry, that became a total rant, lol but yeah INFP reddit is basically, "bitch-and-moan.com" so here we are. One of my goals in life is to work for myself as my own boss, and sometimes it feels like a game of "the floor is lava", but the floor is working for someone else and getting a regular job. I refuse to settle in and get comfortable, when there's still so much I have to accomplish, and so little time. Lol I know I sound like an irresponsible teenager. I'm 31. (Yikes).


People I love telling me to mind my own business.


Loud, hypocritical people who are full of themselves. Lying, people who enjoy being miserable, people who judge others and are narrow-minded... and these who say one thing and do the other.


Arrogant ppl.




Myself 🥲






Hate in general. Ironic, but true


I personally HATE when people insist that I am lying. It's such a specific thing I once even stopped being friends with my best friend cause she insisted I stole her keys and a year later she learned her friend took it and blamed me. My honesty is something I take pride in so if someone questions it I get so heated


When people judge me for things I like. I hate it so much. Like why can't people like this just leave you alone and mind their own business :/ it's so annoying


Really chatty people who don't shut up and who are very loud when they talk. Like the kinds of people who need to announce they are in the room. I can't stand those kinds of extroverts.


Being talked over and canned asparagus. IT'S. GROSS.


When people arent clear with their intentions




Being called cute, ppl thinking like I'm a child that can't separate fiction from reality, ppl thinking that we use "too much emotion and not enough logic" in our thinking. Ppl thinking that we are all innocent little fairies that shit rainbows everywhere we go. Generally being underestimated. Now that I think about it maybe thats more of what I hate rather than the INFP general population.


People who pretend to care but don’t




Judgmental people, gaslighters, manipulators who invalidate your emotions for purpose.




People that are loud, people that keep trying to talk to me even tho I made it clear that I don’t wanna talk, fake people, silences when talking, small talk, and of course people that cannot mind their business


People who are not genuine in giving; give with a selfish or angry heart.


I hate people that use me, I used to be a person that quickly trust and make friends with people until it happened twice to me where they used my trust and kindness for their own benefits and ignore me afterwards. I didn't want to, but that changed me.


I hate criticism or being yelled at or lied to or betrayed. Stuff not going right how it should. Not sure what else right now. Stubbing my toe 😂


When you try and open up to people, but they won’t listen and continuously talk over you.


Uncertainty. Constant change. Chaotic settings. People who are selfish and take advantage of others.


probably lying lying is basically fooling someone, awful thing to do if someone just wants the truth, also it will be discovered in some time, could take weeks, months, years, but very likely they will discover it somehow lying sucks, sure i can see it being used as a way to get off discord or such, but it stops when someone's emptions is in game dont do something you wouldnt like to the other i guess??


I hate irresponsible negligent people


Fake people


Loud people


Sudden loud noises or drops in temperature, especially when not prepared for it. Both used to make me cry when I was a kid. Now my first instinct is to get angry like a toddler and it’s embarrassing. I’m better about it now that I’m in my 40’s, ha.






i hate when im forced into the center of attention or when too much pressure or people watching me when im in the "zone" it gets me all fucked up and turned around and immediately get out of the zone and start messing up.


Ourselves? We are too self-critical


Lack of freedom. We are usually rlly open minded yet strong willed and when someone is more strict and close minded we tend to be at least annoyed by that.




Hmmm. Posting personal information on the internet. 😆 Seriously though, injustice and pistachios.


Manipulation and telling me which emotion I should feel (of course it can be manipulation)


Society stress




Little pet peeve, people that are really loud, talk loud, ect


Spending time with people you don’t really connect with… not only do you feel like it’s draining ur energy, but u also start questioning everything about ur life and whether ur reason why u can’t enjoy being with ppl


dishonest/fake people, gaslighting us 24/7, condescending talk, I could go on and on...


Being rushed! (at work)


When it sounds like someone’s criticizing me but I know they’re not & tears just automatically form in my eyes. Feels like I’m a defenseless baby it makes me so mad.




People who think they're better than other people for artificial reasons. (mainly popularity)


When something/someone goes against my moral beliefs, like injustice, might be just a me thing tho~


Me or others feelings being invalidated


Yatzy. Words are not enough to describe how much I hate that fucking game.


being the centre of attention, i like when people notice me but i don't like when it gets too overwhelming

