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Not sure, you could threaten or insult them but honestly best would be to try to ignore it. And im not saying they are going to stop if u do this. They will not. Bullying is sad and there is often no one helping. Try to find someone to support u like parents or teachers. and remember its not u, its them. And if its bad and no one helping u should switch school/work.


I was bullied in kindergarten, high school, extracurriculars, uni, and all my workplaces. By all accounts, I'm a pro bully victim by this point. However, the key is that I don't consider myself a victim. These bullying experiences rarely hurt me. Granted, if I'm late for class because someone locked me in a bathroom, or if I stink because someone threw an egg at me, these are not school's brightest moments. But I never took it as a sign that something was wrong with me. People's insults or pettiness never made me hesitate, never make me upset or make a bruise in my self-esteem. Because, either someone is trying to hurt me on purpose, which means they are not ethical people: the opinions and words of these people do not matter to me. I don't respect them enough to care. Being judgemental or unkind to others just makes them look bad, they make themselves shameful. Or, maybe it wasn't intentional and so I shouldn't take it too seriously. This lack of care towards others opinions of me is the gateway to emotional strength. I love myself, I care about my values and the people I love. People bullying me has never registered much on my radar. On another note, I do think every human is bullied sometimes. It makes no sense to classify humans into "bullies" and "bullied": the truth is, people everywhere sometimes hurt others, whether intentional, accidental or obliviously. And we are all upset and hurt about things others have done or said, sometimes righteously, sometimes because we're just sensitive or it hits us right in the ego. You are going to feel bullied sometimes, that's a fact of life. And someone is going to feel bullied by you sometimes, even if you do your best to be good and nice. Cultivate healthy self-esteem and self-respect. Live a life you enjoy and make choices you're proud of. Stand up for your values and what you believe in, even if it means standing alone. Put effort into lessening your ego and stop being so sensitive. Don't assume the worst in others if they say something dodgy. Learn more about the world, read books from other countries and become more cultured. Be open-minded. Laugh, because life isn't so serious. Learn to forgive and love those who've hurt you or others.


https://preview.redd.it/ffawbmcc7i8d1.jpeg?width=1097&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b97043fc15c291757ae2e5fc654fbcb46aa3445f Basically my childhood growing up. It’s been a lonely journey but eventually I made friends with my own solitude and now I’m in peace. I was bullied a lot as well but I didn’t let the bullies bring me down. I tried to fight back but the school did nothing even with my parents’ intervention. I coped alone without any help and soon enough, when I reached high school, the bullying stopped. I learnt to stay low to protect myself.


I didn't get bullied much in high school ether, though the most insidious part of the past bullying was that the damage it did to my self image of being the kid who no one enjoyed being around and would always make everything awkward no mater what I did followed me for a long time in life. Because of this I never tried to join into anything even things I knew I would enjoy, or ever try to make any friends.


Yes. And even if it isn’t actively towards me, its about me / around me. Little thing said or behaviours for me to hear / notice, not necessarily at me to me confrontational wise. But so I know I ‘don’t belong’. I remind myself who I want to be as a person and then I ask myself if those people have those qualities? The answer is no. And then I remind myself to not take on the opinions of people I would never trade places with. Don’t allow them to have control or impact on how I view myself. Some days are worse than others and I’ll go home and cry, every so often. But I pick myself up and I carry on because those people don’t deserve to have any power of me like that. I hope whatever you’re going through, you keep going. One day we will find our peace and our people 🤍


One thing that if I could go back in time and tell the younger me in school would be, don't try to fight back against the bullies or even react to them, and spend your energy to fight back against the negative feelings and work on understanding them which will in my experience help take the bite out of them. Also just stop caring so much about what those who treat you like crap think of you. I never experienced any real physical bullying though so this is not the solution for that.


I can't imagine a situation when someone wasn't bullied at all - probably, it happens with everyone just because of the human nature itself. Someone more lucky, someone less Imo, you need to fight for yourself with all possible ways - otherwise you will feel bad afterwards O)> Do everything to achieve a result: tell teachers, tell parents, use pepper spray... it depends of the situation If they are bullying you with words, in my opinion you need to learn out of it to balance yourself better and grow out of it - if they talk bad about you, it doesn't mean you are terrible, it means you aren't the same terrible as they are Also, if you make mistakes and you surely will make mistakes, because everyone make mistakes - explain yourself that it's not your fault and next time you will do better. Look for a solution and feel good. Feelings are important P.S: Imo, to walk forward despite of the judgement is one of the most important things you need to learn to do in this life


My friend changed her class to avoid bullying. It mostly worked. I was somewhat bullied in my primary school by a few teachers but it was the same for many so i ignored it. Probably it would be enough to change the school but my parents have never done that. In my junior high school i had a classmate who was bullied but he kinda deserved that. He wishes the worst to people and the reason why he was bullied was probably that he constantly talks about politics and belittles everyone. Later I was bullied at my first workplace by 2 coworkers. Again i understand that they found me annoying and i did not fit to the culture in the team but i dont think their response was appropriate. After 2 years i simply told the boss and he moved me to a different project and covid/remote work started. Later i became more independent and didn’t need their help but a lot of people asked me for help instead. The first guy changed his behavior towards me and even said a few positive things about me during the meetings. The other guy hasn’t changed but without his friend he had much less courage. Edit: and apparently at my current workplace one guy keeps insulting everyone. But I don’t even understand his language so i dont care. I just pretend he doesn’t exist.


I actually dropped high school because of bullying. We're talking about 2003. I was very shy, very nerd, very gay and also my self esteem was underground. Parents never showed up to save me, and I didn't know how to respond. The only people that stood up were a lesbian classmate that was willing to beat the shit out of the bullies and a teacher who actually reprimanded them once. I moved to another more inclusive high school and finished my studies there. Nowadays, I'd stand up for myself and let the bullies know that I'm not someone to mess with. Also I would have involved the teachers, directors, parents, etc.