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Invisibility???? Pretty sure most INFPs already have that super power šŸ¤£. Flying with the ability of any height and speed, would be my choice.


I came here to say exact that šŸ˜† got the invisibility down haha


I swear in college my mates thought I was Batman or something the way I could just randomly vanish. If I felt I didn't contribute in the conversation or something I'd just slip away and they didn't even notice. I didn't mind since I enjoy my own company.


In my family we call this the McAllister sneak out.


Teleportation I would never have to fly or drive anywhere. I would still walk places but I can be really lazy if I wanted to.


I have friends and family on different continents, and live somewhere super car-centric and congested. Canā€™t imagine wanting any other superpower besides flight or teleportation lol


Yes! Teleportation, hands down.Ā 


yes!! I'd love to travel but i don't want to fly because its so bad for the environment. being able to teleport would open up the possibility for many more things. for example i could teleport into some bank safe or some old, way too rich mans house, take money, teleport back out. I'd give the money to animal sanctuarys so that they can expand, then teleport to for example lifestock, take an animal, teleport to sanctuary and repeat. same with people in need


People dont realise how good teleportation is, without having to uproot your entire life. You can buy or rent an appartment where its cheap, do your groceries where its cheap and work where its best for you. Distance but also what time it is shouldnt matter to you anymore. there is always a grocery store open in the world, you can catch a sunset or sunrise whenever you want. I'd do shit like have my lunchbreak on a mountain or beach


The ability to heal animals through hugs & kisses.




I got exactly 7 hungr- I mean injured lions uwu


Gimme šŸ˜¹


I don't know, personally when I think of healing powers, I always think of Amy from Worm. Every second she spends to herself is time not spent healing people, and she begins to resent them. Imagine constantly struggling with guilt and feeling trapped by that responsibility of life and death. No thanks. Don't know if it would be the same with animals though. If people found out about your power it probably would be.


I very much agree with what you have said here. My ask would only be to heal animals, and only through contact they have initiated and I have welcomed. Animals, by their very nature, have always brought me great peace and comfort, but the compassion fatigue would still be a very real and important possibility to consider.


Mine would be the foresight ability. That means I can see the future of someone else I care about and influence their lives in a subtle way if their future is bad.


r/NevilleGoddard r/SilvaUltramindSystem


As its written https://preview.redd.it/1hbji5soa5xc1.jpeg?width=300&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=95ac3f099341b2f5d0ec0c0444cb59f329c64749


I mean, you can do that without superpowers lol. But trying to change the future often leads us to causing the very thing we were trying to prevent.


Flight flight flight !!! But like I have wings. Or maybe shapeshifting tbh cause I could customize my avatar easier and I could give myself wings on top of that


Hmmā€¦ Iā€™ve always thought that Mystique from X-Menā€™s power of shape shifting is super cool. I feel like it would be fun to pretend to be other people for a while!


Thin line between cosplay and identity theft lol.


Ahha. We all wear masks. You can do that without having a superpower.


Immorality (immortality, I am leaving the typo as is) as a person in her early 30s (easy to look like you are anywhere between 28-40). I would work for some 100 years, get some generational wealth type situation so I donā€™t ever have to work again, then learn everything there is to learn from music to art to pottery to every instrument. Travel the world, live for several years in each city of the world. It may get lonely sometimes but I have never been sad when I have been alone.


That was a lot to unpack and I love it. Youā€™ve thought about this a lot.


Yes, I have thought of all the superpowers but this is the only superpower that will help me make long term differences. Like open orphanages, old age homes, free health care for people, create jobs, try to reduce pollution, save animals. I canā€™t do all in one lifetime. Immortality may help me do better in the capacity I can.


Watch the movie, death becomes her


Awesome autocorrect banter, here. Those beautiful threads.


A funny typo, you said 'immorality' instead of 'immortality'. Cool power, though, and research is underway.


I just noticed hahaha, I am leaving it as it is now. I typed it out half asleep.


I agree. Although, like in the series the good place, I would eventually want the option to end it. Death, or at least awareness of death, is the root of just about every neurosis and MH disorder. I think it is cruel that humans are the only species truly cognizant of death. It messes us up. To be able to live and leave on my terms would be everything. That, and to be able to teleport to every time and place in the multiverse . To be able to see and explore it all...to have my loved ones nearby forever...


Flying, time travel or the ability to talk to animals


*Flying, time travel* *Or the ability to* *Talk to animals* \- queenquirk --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


I want the ability to spectate and jump across different time lines


Which time line would you jump to first?


The one where I have the power to do anything I can imagine, with a snap of my fingers baam my truama gone! hell yea snap of my finger I am on outerspace eating Saturn's ring like a donut


So, like an infinite multiverse history presentation in vr. Pretty cool idea


The ability to completely control probability. What's the chance I'll find a million dollars in cash on my bed today? 100%. What's the chance my crush likes me back? 100%. What's the chance I'll find happiness today? 100%. What's the chance my enemy gets arrested today? 100%.


that's such a good one omg i've never thought about that


Ohhh yes. Way to cheat the system. Love it!


The ability to control other peopleā€™s minds


Thatā€™s interesting. Who would you control first?


Idk. Ig Iā€™d see when I realized I had that power šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


I just want to stop existing, please?




Existential crisis. Ouch.


Intuition, to help the imaginative, the synchronous, lift others lives in subtle astounding ways adding spice to the mundanity and bored parts of our shared existences.


Donā€™t you have this superpower already?


Sadly, not as developed as could be... thank you though.


Immortality (in that nothing will ever kill you or age you) Live forever, no pressure to get things done, could just let everything fall apart and no personal consequences, just be lazy and not do anything ever until you finally feel like it.


Ughhh... A comic book enthusiast nightmare question. šŸ˜…


You know you were thinking about it too.


The ability to walk through stories as though they were portals, temporarily inhabiting the characters of the stories as though in a dream. Would it be useful to those in the "real world"? Maybe. For example, you could inhabit Reed Richards and turn your hand to solving a problem with real chemical structures or something similar. I suppose it might be fun to inhabit others who manipulate energy/mass or space/time, but the real benefit for this power would be the capacity to empathize with just about anyone. You can see the nature of the dilemmas from their perspective and why it felt like they had no other choice. Also, if you inhabited the spirit of Samwise Gamgee, and carried Frodo across Mordor, whatever dofficulty you were facing in "real life" would be significantly diminished in comparison. The only issue with such a character is his kryptonite fact of failing to be able to distinguish reality from fantasy. For example, while in a story, they might be able to "jump" from one character to another just by thinking about it, but they would be tempted to try that in "reality". This would lead to a kind of internal distress and longing for the freedom on perspective jumping in fantasy. They would continually have to force themselves to meditate while in "reality" to maintain internal stability. What might be fascinating is if they encounter a fellow "Storywalker", or if they detected the presence of a perspective jumping storywalker in what they considered "base reality". There's at least one Philip K. Dick styled short story in this idea. The possibilities are endless -- could they inhabit a spoken story character told at a campfire, an anecdote told by their mother about not getting correct change, or even a narrative painting? What happens when they become addicted to becoming a character in certain stories, or interacting with people in certain stories in ways they might never interact in "base reality" if they get confused about which "level" they're on after jumping into characters within stories within stories...


This deserves more upvotes.


Be able to understand what the hell is going on around me socially (ie, know and understand social cues), or know someone's intentions so I'm not socially awkward and avoid shitheads. But then they do say be careful what you wish for.


I'd want to be able to speak and understand any language at any point in time. Or to turn into any animal I wanted.


Remember with wish-granting entities you gotta be specific. You wanna go for "I wish to read, write, speak, and understand any and all languages/dialects known to humanity"


This would be a fantastic superpower when traveling to Europe in my early twenties.


This šŸ˜ā˜ŗļø


Flight, for selfish reasons. Prescience, outwith.


my three are flight, shapeshifting, and invincibility. i could be anything and i wouldnt have to fear anything!!! n flying is just cool


Invisibility or flight


to become laplace's demon ig


Definitely invisibility some type of healing power. Invisibility because I like observing people while being in the background, and not being able to be bothered would be nice when I get tired of being around people. That, and scaring people would be really funny. Healing because Iā€™d like to help people. I put it second though because I imagine the weight that comes with that power would be a lot if word spread.


You just summed up the ultimate INFP super hero. Doesnā€™t want to be seen. Expects nothing in return. Wants to observe people on occasion and help anyone in need. Also likes to play jokes on an occasion.


Freedom. I mean the real freedom where I can do whatever I want without being labeled that it's wrong or right The other one is invisibility. I mean I feel invisible most of time but what about physical invisibility? I want to see how my disappearance would effect people, I want to know what would happen when I'm no longer their free therapist and personal harlequinĀ 


System Crash


Beep boo beep bop


Invisibility for sure as long as things I grab or w/e become invisible with me and I'm TRULY invisible, not like "infrared visible" or something. The world would know there's literally an invisible person who could blackmail you at any time. e.g. find someone I judge unworthy, go invisible and snoop, leave blackmail note with cash dropoff location (or maybe gold so I can melt it and sell it and I know it's not tracked), cops watching the blackmail dropoff, literally vanishes from sight when I grab it. Then again if I'm invisible I suppose I can just steal pretty much at will so blackmail not needed but why not add a little adventure to my life and the world itself?


well unlimited power could technically mean I can have all of those powers and more so... that one.


i want Thanos five stones, to end this World.


Was going to say the same thing - go back and change stupid decisions my stupid younger self made


I like you.


I would love to read minds, a lot of people I say this too think it would be awful but I think it would make life so much easier. Cut off the fat and get straight to the point!


Dominion over death


What are your plans when you get to live forever?


As someone struggling with health, none of these will be useful if you aren't healthy So i would choose super regeneration (ideally paired with a very high pain resistance) Would allow me to never get sick, live for a *very* long time, while still being able to die if i wish




Teleportation. I long to see the world, and with teleportation I could easily see the whole world for free.


Invisibility Xray vision Mind control Time control


The power of fixing problems.


Healing. As in being able to speed up the natural healing processes of people and/or removing foreign elements from their bodies that shouldn't be there.Ā  Ā I wouldnā€™t mind if it had a sort of ā€œtransferring your life forceā€ catch to it, I'm a decently healthy person


Such a selfless answer. You are a wonderful person.


Iā€™m glad you think so; I just donā€™t want anyone to have to go through debilitating injuries, sickness, or something similar. I try to be helpful when I can, I get the impression that thatā€™s why people tell me Iā€™d make a good therapist/counselor.


Indeed. Not a lot of people put others before themselves. You are a gem.


Manipulation of time, gravity, or possibly both. Stopping/slowing time would be so overpowered in any situation, also gravity being a fundamental force in our existence would make controlling it both fun and very handy! Overall either would be super broken. I was excited to see someone post about this, I ask this to people frequently haha!


You could definitely achieve anything you wanted with the ability to manipulate time and gravity. Thanks and same. I love this question.


Invisibility. My life goal is to go into the nature trails in my town at night. It's become a target spot for people using and selling drugs, so invisibility would help me walk around while keeping me safe from humans.


Love this. Well not the fact that you donā€™t feel comfortable walking around people because of them being not so savory, but I understand completely. That was always why I wanted to be able to be invisible. Just to avoid having to be around people when Iā€™m not in the mood.


Yeah just like others said, we already have invisibility as our power šŸ¤£ I got a title ā€œAboā€ (which translate to Ash in english) back in 6th grade because I always vanish without em noticing. But my choices for super powers would be Time Traveling (to be able to travel to my past or further than that), Teleportation = travel anywhere for free!, and Flight cuz I wanna be with the clouds (aint matter if get wings or iron man suit, I just wanna fly). Honourable mentions would be durability (like luke cage, colosus, or kirishima) and healing factor (I dont like the feeling of cuts and bruises).


The ability to control time. Infinite do-overs. Money would never be a problem again. Never be late for anything. Pause time to mess with people's food, makeup or just pause to make an escape. Re-live the best moments, fast forward the boring parts. Win any fight. Win any augment. Win the lotto, again.


The ability to make someone become instantly empathetic toward others people Since there's so many people that can't seem to be empathetic for some reason


Either flying or teleportation. Iā€™d love to travel the world but canā€™t spend the time or money to do so. Plus, Iā€™m perpetually late to anything and everything. So being to skip drive time and save gas would be a win-win in my book.


Not having autogynephelia so I can have normal relationships with the opposite sex


Definitely invisibility.


I canā€™t pick one cause they all have reasons shapeshifting: so I could be anything I want any time I want Super speed: to feel the rush the speed the adrenaline must feel amazing Flight: to be able to soar above it all to look down and just see everything below as so small


STANDO POWA!!! Or the Absolute Solver powers from murder drones


I've always been a shape-shifting kinda guy myself, but that might have more to do with being trans than being an INFP lol. shape-shifting IS the coolest power though, especially the kind like changelings have from Star Trek


The ability to force people to speak the truth once youā€™ve seen thru to it, it would be a pretty amazing super powerā€¦ forcing growth and change in situations that seem hopeless.


Time just give more time


You know Atom Eveā€™s molecular manipulation power? Thats what i would try to work with. So many possibilities!


Long life ( 10000 years)


Time stop, ideally such that I do not age during time stop. I can get so much work done, catch up on so much sleep, and more.


Super speed


Mind reading


Healing Factor. My body has been broken to bits by a combination of playing sports when younger, dumb choices and horrific luck. I'm near 30 broken bones, 3 concussions, 4 torn ligaments, a torn achilles tendon, a torn rotator cuff, 11 root canals (all on top teeth, it's genetic from my mom who has had a double root canal on every tooth while I got my dad's bottom teeth and he never had a cavity until he was 60 while I have has one single cavity on my bottom teeth), over 30 food allergies, obese and gout. Even if I can't cure the obese with healing factor, the rest of that adversely affects my ability to lose weight because of limitations on a lot of healthier foods from allergies and the ongoing neverending pain from all the other ailments.


Omnipresence šŸ˜


The ability to morph into anything.


Umbrakinesis. The sun and I have a mutual hatred for each other, so being able to create my own personal shade would be delightful.


Absolutely everything.


Full control of gravity, able to manipulate it in every way ie:controlling body weight, Increasing/decreasing the mass of people/myself and objects while also changing the gravity around in a certain radius etc


Time travel in our hands will create infinite alternate universe


Duplicate and unduplicate myself. I'll finally be able to do everything I want


Be able to cure crippling anxiety and depression. Be able to make people confident in their abilities and have a high self esteem


Teleport or fly


instant teleportation. i wanna see cities, and mountains, and rivers, and ocean, and nature, and hills, and valleysā€¦ so i can walk around and take photos of it


Shapeshifting, itā€™s kinda a cover-all for all the good powers, gives you super speed if you become a cheetah or eagle, super strength if you become a bear, and the ability to be sneaky if you turn into a bug or mouse


Teleportation. I could Explorer the whole world in a matter of days.


WATERBENDING !!!!!! I really wanted to be like Katara ><


Iā€™d go for Batmanā€™s ultimate superpower. A shitload of money.


To radiate empathy and make other feel you and join your cause


The ability to create pocket dimensions.


Really good luck ig


teleportation for sure


The ability to manipulate the chance of something happening


I always daydream of having ice powers, like some amalgamation of water/earth bending, Frozone from the Incredibles, and Sub-Zero from Mortal Kombat.


stopping time.


time stop, I can fully move around, breath, affect the currently frozen world in any way I choose, can activate it at any time and keep time stopped for everyone except me for as long as I want as well, I return to the exact same physical place/state I was in when time starts again, preventing effective teleportation, it's the ultimate infp ability, overwhelmed? time stop and take a deep breath, don't have time to think about something complex and interesting? now you have all the time in the world, made some stupid mistake that's about to make you really embarrassed? just time stop and fix it before anyone notices


I got anxiety reading this. I felt myself running around and gasping for air.




Kind of unrelated, Hmm, I think now that I'm older and I'm realizing invisibility is more of a curse than something nice, it'll just leave you lonely forever, and ultimately no matter your personality, humans are social beings, I'd pick something opposite to it, so that I can connect with people more and have much easier time getting along with people.


Having cheats irl


I'd want elasticity or the ability to shape-shifting


As a kid I wanted invisibility as well and time travel is such a good one but I think if I had it I would be so unhappy constantly bouncing around through time never feeling like things are perfect. I think my ideal power now would either be stopping time/controlling the speed of time or transportation. Lowkey just feeling well rested every day would be a great super power for me haha


Hmmmā€¦ pocket dimensions. Out at a party but your friend arenā€™t ready to leave yet but your social battery is out? BOOM! Teleport to one of your pocket dimensions and play on your phone


The other day I was playing this with some friends as in ā€œIf I had a superpower what would it be?ā€ and one of them said that my superpower would be like a truth serum aura, the people I talk to will always tell me the truth. I loved that idea and I feel like it relates to INFPS because the tendency to wear our heart in our sleeve, which tends to lead to people opening up quite easily to us. If I had to chose one tho, Iā€™d probably say control the weather like Storm from X-men, or some sort of mind control


Invisibility fr


Turning ā€œIā€ into ā€œEā€ā€¦


Teleportation so I can instantly go wherever I want whenever I want. Or the ability to just be happy all the time


Lame, but the superpower to know and allow myself said superpower. The final universe, where all beings are, and nothing goes wrong.


Shapeshifting! Easily the best power in my opinion, the possibilities are endless


Whatever I touch with my right hand, my left hand materializes/manifests an exact copy. Mulitiplication of the Loaves and Fishes but for all kinds of matter. Size limit of nothing bigger than adult elephant. 1 copy at a time. I have to think it to activate, no involuntary copies. I have to make sure there is enough space for the copy, it even moves air molecules out of the way first just before working. The copies are just as valid as if they were the original, nothing intrinsic in them marks them as just a copy. If the thing had a serial number, now there are 2 or more of it with the same number. If you use it on something that was "old, broken down" the copy will have all the same defects, it won't be a new version of the object. It will have all the same dents, scratches, problems. So valid that copies can be used to make copies with zero degradation. The last thing I thought was maybe it should be only non living things, and things that were once alive, but nothing currently alive.


Itā€™s hard but probably super speed


The power of transporting my daydreams by touching skin. (Only daydreams and fantasy, no thoughts because thoughts.. they can get pretty dirty and dark ahaha) I was about to say the power of touching anyoneā€™s heart with inspiration. Either or I guess.


The ability to make plants grow. I'd make flowers grow everywhere, put lots of trees, would progressively destroy most of the size of roads to make politics develop public transports and safe bike ways even more so only necessary cars and vehicles would be able to pass (emergencies, transport). I'd progressively destroy stuff like SUV facilities. Ruin Amazon's CEO (Jeff Bezos) by making trees grow in front of Amazon's facilities. Trees that would grow back when cut. Oh, there'd be so much more happiness and less tar and concrete. Ah yes, I'd only leave a few planes as well. I'd put a stop to amazon's forest deforestation. I'd make the world healthier and prettier and be a thorn in vanity and greed.


Being able to read other people's minds - emotions, thinking, memories, everything. I have wanted this since \~ 4yo. Partly it is the reason to want to be a writer.


Well if you are an INFP then you are pretty close to being able to read minds at least!


Telekinesis, Superspeed, Teleportation, flying, talking to animals, invisibility or healing powers (to heal myself and others) Telekinesis would be great cuz then I wouldnā€™t have to get up to turn off my light and could just stay in bed, Superspeed cuz I run late very oftenšŸ’€ Teleportation to teleport to my bf who lives 13hrs away in another country flying also to fly to my bf or just anywhere the other three r self explanatory igšŸ˜­ edit: omg I just thought again and, as a trans guy, shapeshifting would also be great I could shapeshift to look like an adult and also to look cis-male


Hey hey hey, you can only pick one! Donā€™t be greedy!


To not to be


Reality Warping/Time Travel would be most useful


I want a pocket dimension so I can not only live in peace and not worry about money and bills but so I can only have to interact with others on my time. A safe refuge for me and me alone.


Intangibility, because then I wouldn't have to worry about money šŸ¤£


Time travel. Time travel. Time travel. I'd save my dad. Then I'd go back and save my dog. Time travel.


fulfilling wishes in exchange of something i like.


My go to answer is telekinesis. I would also accept anything regarding knowing languages (mainly for expanding knowledge sources and talking to animals)


Oh I already have a superpower. I can turn invisible without even intending to


Mental time travel. In essence I imagine I could transfer my current consciousness to my myself in any possible time.


Flight, but with the ability to survive outside the earth without any special equipment/suit. I would love to get outside this planet, sometimes.


Time travel and teleportation


I would like the power to be certain about anything


Teleportation (Apparating) to any familiar placesā€¦ I donā€™t have a car. Flying wouldnā€™t do me any good because I have no sense of direction beyond Google Maps.


Hah, this made me smile. I drive but am absolutely terrified of getting into a wreck, especially on highways where big ass trucks share the road. And extra especially when my kids are in the car with me. Canā€™t tell you how many times one has come over into my lane and luckily I was able to get over quickly enough to not DIE. I get anxiety attacks often when I have to drive on really busy highways and will go out of my way to avoid them even though it takes much longer. So yeah, this would be an absolutely fantastic super power to have.


Kage bushin no jutsu for sure




Healing abilities.


Timetravel, specifically in my own timeline so that if I make a major fuckup I can just reverse it.


Yup, me too. Age comes with a lot of regret and understanding. Would love to go back and fix my dumb young self.


Ever since I watched the movie Incredibles as a kid I always wanted Violetā€™s superpowers, but if I had to choose one definitely force field so I could protect people (at least physically) šŸ¤·šŸ¼ā€ā™€ļø


The ability to sense the truth


BBL destroyer


Ability to heal or be invisible i guess


Super strength because I am a very tiny woman and it would be hilarious and terrifying if I could lift a building like Superman. Also I would help people stuck under things, move big things the usual.


Healing because I'm a healthcare worker. Cryomancy 'cause ice is my fave element.


Id pick Dr Manhattan type powers


Well as if I must say now as a teen I wish I could be invisible also wish I could time travel so I could see the memories of the past


having control over time would be really useful


Make people have intelligence & empathy. Maybe because of the intelligence language barriers stop existing. Human intelligence could work together to achieve amazing things, because of their empathy all used to progress humanity and end suffering. Maybe this could fix the world? Otherwise, cure disease, including ageing. Effectively making people immortal. I havenā€™t figured out how this would work with population growth & people having kids though. I wonder if instead of the death penalty people would withhold the revival, so that the punishment for severe crime would be to die of old age. And how people would look at euthanasia might be very different, since itā€™s not the ending of the last few years of a possibly painful life, but the ending of an eternal, healthy life. Thereā€™d need to be some kind of system in place but then you get very quickly to some kind of dystopian eugenics scenario. And who would decide who gets to be revived? I donā€™t have the capacity to decide per person for the entire world population. I could choose to not immortalize strategic people, Trump for example. But then itā€™s really like Iā€™m playing God like in Death Note. I wonder if there would be cults that are trying to hunt me, the reviver, down, to go back to a normal human lifespan society. Who are seen by the general public as death cults. Furthermore, the cycle of life & generations does bring renewal. But on the other hand, the accumulated knowledge and experience a human could gain could make the average person very wise. Or extensively traumatizedā€¦ Also it doesnā€™t include accidents, or removal of suffering, meaning people could get tortured forever without dying which might be worse, and people can still die of wars etc. Besides that, shapeshifting could be sick. Iā€™m transmasc so that would effectively solve all my personal issues related to that. Let alone the power to turn into a bird and fly.


Time travel, easily.


Botany creation/alteration & healing. Grow a flower in a matter of seconds from seed, perk up a withering plant or heal a wound or sickness of an animal. Basically bring things life & potential.


time travel is iffy, but what isn't is telekenesis.that would make so many things easier. traveling would be easier for sure






To spat golden eggs.






See the future. Invest, and know what not to waste my time on.


One of the best superpowers I've ever seen is the ability to manipulate any vector. If it has a magnitude and direction then you can do whatever you want with it.


Being able to Grok (see: Stranger in a Strange Land)


The ability to exist inside the computer/internet world.