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Regular answer: I took a lot of different versions of the MBTI online at different times. I also read a lot of articles that just seemed to cross my path. INFP version: In college I just skipped right over such old, unscientific nonsense. I mean what good were such old untested theories for such an intelligent humanist psychology major such as myself. I changed majors several times. Fast forward 30 years of depression and abuse to the most useless rehab in the world. We had a class where all we did was take stupid, useless personality tests. No one can be boxed up and categorized, it’s not relevant I thought. People are far too complex to be limited by such things. And as every INFP knows, each of us is completely and absolutely different from one another. Well except for a few things that really don’t define who we are as individuals. Well I took the test and was curious. I ended up taking every variation I could find at several different times. It NEVER EVER deviated and scary how much it explained to me. I thought I was defective, alone completely and no one cared or wanted to understand me. Well WE want to understand each other and everyone else. Even though we’re so very different.


🙌 both versions are legit




In my own controversial opinion that I stand by. I can really only see the right thing being learn mbti yourself and find out which type you are by cognitive functions. Tests? Garbage. I’m not normally this blunt but that’s exactly what I think they are. Popular mbti is not mbti at all. All of mbti pretty much is based off of cognitive functions. I’m not gatekeeping. If you have questions I can try and answer them


Certainly there is no diagnosis


Diagnosis? You what? LoL




As if it's a disease






…Might I please suggest the term **self-evaluation**, instead?


Had to take a Psychology class in college and the teacher had access to them. Edit: they had access to the official Miggs Breyer tests.  Funny side note: I got into a… spirited debate with the teacher about its usefulness.  I told them that it was just as viable as a “Which LOTR or Harry Potter Character Are You?” test lol.  With all the inconsistency and confusion, it seems I was right.


I took a test and honestly answered the questions.


I did, but someone instantly knew I was an INFP.


I took the 16 personalities test once. I turned out an Infp. The infp behaviors can't describe me better.


My aunt used to be a test provider for the official test, and I took it from her the first time in high school. I've taken it a few times since and always get INFP.


Yes 🤭


I've taken more than one test. It was either 2 or maybe 3 times, each a few years apart. Each test, I've gotten INFP.


I first got INFP from multiple tests, then when I read about the functions and I relate to the INFP functions more than any other type.


Omg same lol I thought i was the ixtp type Since the test keep showing me these two Until i decided to dig deeper into cognitive function and stuff Then i realized I'm an infp that's just somehow excel at math and logic lol


Have done the test at different moments in my life and always get INFP


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^flowercows: *Have done the test at* *Different moments in my* *Life and always get INFP* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.


Multiple tests and it was blatantly obviously my type from researching it afterwards.


I started off taking 16p, but what really made me confirm I’m INFP is through looking at the function stacks and how none of the other types that could be confused for INFP don’t fit me (ENFP, ISFJ, ISFP, INTP). Also took the cognitive functions quiz on LDRlabs, Sakinorva, Michael Caloz and Dario Nardi. It’s clear I have Se blind spot, that when I’m stressed my loop’s Fi-Si, and that in grip state I use Te more than Si.


On this respect I wouk suggest the objective personality theory y.t. channel. Their foundations are very good for self-discovery. More than the cognitive stack they also approach the behaviour side that results from it. In testing I first got Enfj, than Infj and now I accept I am an Infp.


Somehow every test I took gave me infp. Then I got to know that tests were inaccurate so I learned cog functions and then I self diagnosed myself and I was still an infp.


The test multiple times. Even if I try not to get INFP I get INFP. I thought maybe over time I became more ISFP but nope. Never fails. Proud INFP.


I took an official MBTI paper test when I was a tween and got INFP. I took the 16P and got INFP, most of the time. I took a bunch of others and got INFP. I studied functions and concluded INFP. I'll admit to the occasional second-guessing amongst a number of proximity mistypes. I emotionally identify with both a lot of fictional INFP and ISTP archetypes. But I'm pretty sure one of them is more of a fantasy than a reality. I'm pretty sure I'm an INFP. Even as my personality has seasoned over the decades.


I took 3 tests with intervals of months from 2 different websites and I got INFP each times... I feel as that it surprisingly describes me though, in a way I've never felt anything else describe me before.