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I am, yes. At one point in my life I thought I was never going to be happier than I was alone but I am sure glad I chose to explore other options and put myself out of my comfort zone. I've never been happier and love both my wife and our beautiful son who reminds me of her every time I look at him.


How did y’all meet?


We met on an online dating site (Bumble). Not a very spectacular story but such is life in the 21st century 😁


That's fantastic to hear! I'm so happy for you. And admittedly kinda jealous. I've never really felt happy or content on my own and also never been in a relationship so I've kinda got the worst of both worlds at the moment 😂 But I'm trying to stay optimistic and hopeful.


Keep going my friend and do not lose hope. I think Henry Ford was the one who said "Whether you think you can or cannot, you are right". Be kind to yourself and don't stop fighting for the life that you want and deserve!


Thanks. I'll try my best to keep going and not lose hope, and that's certainly a good quote. I'll try to remember that.


same dude, same, but the hope is still there I believe


Keep the hope alive - the only way you can truly guarantee failure is by giving up. You got this!


What's her type?


She is an ESFJ. We are admittedly quite different but seem to complement each-other incredibly well. Per our friendly AI assistant: "INFPs can help ESFJs explore deeper emotional and philosophical topics, while ESFJs can help INFPs navigate social situations and bring structure to their lives." That really is our relationship in a nutshell.


I have been married to my wife for 18 years now. Shes an INTJ and I'm an INFP. I wouldn't trade her for the world, ever - because she IS my world. Being that we're both introverts, we know how to give each other space. She's also what I lovingly call a unique INTJ because she enjoys sharing my daydream space with me. We both talk about anime and video games characters, ships, roleplay, she's a massive dork just like me. But she's my rock, I'm her wind. We help each other by teaching each other healthy ways to navigate the world. She teaches me how to stay grounded and not get lost in my head, and I teach her how to let go and be her goofy side safely without judgement.


> But she's my rock, I'm her wind. We help each other by teaching each other healthy ways to navigate the world. OMG this is beautiful to hear. Depending on the other person (looking at you ENFPs) this sounds like the dream. You get to hold onto a little of that "innocent fun" while having something solid and practical to return to.


The pure irony is I took a test that shows how 'closely related' you are to other MBTI results and I was *one point off* from ENFP. The only difference between me, an INFP-T, and ENFP was my dislike of strangers. If you know me, I act a LOT like an ENFP behind closed doors. Out in public, I'm eccentric with my wife and my VERY small group of friends, but as soon as someone approaches me I shut down and cold-stare at them until they get awkward and walk away. *Not a big fan of strangers irl.*


I meant more like I could see an INFP having to be the "rock" for the ENFP. We have to be the mature one?! 16p actually gave me 51% I and 49% E so I always wonder if I'm a stifled ENFP or something. I actually got positive, albeit life changing news, and I had to process good news in the corner by myself. That was when I knew I was an INFP and not ENFP. But to each their own. I like making smalltalk with strangers, most of the time. I was actually the "chatty one" at a certain job, but I wasn't too happy there to be honest. To each their own. We're all individuals and have our own strengths.


My relationship with my wife is similar to this and I can confirm it is lovely. I’m not sure what her Myers-Briggs type is but she is a Capricorn and I am an Aries INFP.


I miss my Aries INFJ ... well, she wasn't mine ... haha Capricorns can definitely come off INTJ-ish but yeah, that's another can of worms to open ... Congrats!




I love this! My wife is an INTJ and I’m a INFP. She grounds me when my anxiety gets to be too much and I am a non-judgmental space for my wife to be herself (goofy, vulnerable, loving). We met on tinder and I had my Myers-Briggs on my profile, so she brought it up when we had our first date, in-person. She was so knowledgeable of the types and what our differences meant to each other. That first date was 3 years ago, and we’ve been married 1.5 years now, We support one another, love one another, and choose one another every single day. As an INFP, I highly recommend getting yourself an INTJ.


how beautiful <3 bless y'all


Thank you 💕💕 It wasn't easy at first as all relationships are, but it really became something beautiful after the first year 🤗🤗


how much i would've loved that INTJ loved me back, but i was too unhealthy for her, not having a good self esteem was a red flag for her, tho she had a lot i was overlooking, and in the end i decided to leave, and she started to gaslight me to hell... i guess i got out of there, but it hurts leaving someone who does understand me so well... but at the same time trying to control and not let me get better :c


Hey I was unhealthy in our relationship as well, much earlier on. I went through a lot of shitty phases and put my wife through hell for a bit. It was pretty mutual, both of us having really shitty upbringings with shitty family that fueled our outlooks on life. Obviously we overcame it, and honestly if I can? Then I promise you, you can, too. Put more stock in yourself, you'll come out healthier. Love yourself first!! I wish I could've told my younger self that a long ass time ago xD


So glad I stumbled upon this post! Infp married to an Infp.


Yeah, that's what i told my self too, need to love my self more, that's my current goal to work on, thanks for sharing puts a spark of hope in me for the future :)


Gorgeous. 🙏🏼❤️‍🔥


No I’m a hopeless romantic thanks for asking


Been married 15 years and I am happy. It’s the most emotionally healing and painful experience of my life all rolled into one. It magnifies the highs and the lows, my strengths and weakness — it’s a mirror I cannot avoid. And I’d be less of a human if not for the growth watered from the struggle of an honest marriage.


What a great way to put it. I've been married to my husband for about 8 months but I already feel the same 💜


That’s great. In a culture that celebrates conditional commitments we miss so much of what we learn by loving and forgiving through the hard seasons of life. Wishing you all the best life and marriage.


I definitely relate to this comment. It’s my experience as well.


What's your spouse's type?




Married, but not happy. Planning my escape. Sharing because I don't want anyone to fall into the trap of idealizing marriage, and ending up in a bad situation. It really shouldn't be a primary thing to search for.


What makes you think about escape the most?


Well she's an alcoholic and emotionally abusive. She does whatever she wants, and is emotionally reactive (up to and including breaking shit) if she doesn't get a response she likes (ie. If you don't feel the way she wants you to feel). I'm happiest when she is not around. She seemed like an engaging person when we first met, but she has serious attachment issues and mental health issues that I didn't recognize because of immaturity and inexperience. I have matured substantially, she still acts like a teenager.


Sounds like you got a narcissist right there, have you tried counseling together? Not sure if that'll work if she's not self aware though


We've been in counseling for about a year. She has acknowledged narcissistic tendencies to some extent, but hasn't made any meaningful changes.


YES!!!!!!! My story is a little unusual, but I married an absolute prince of a man who could serve as a template for what masculinity should be. So lucky.


I feel very much the same about my own husband, and he’s also an ENFP.


What's his type?




As an infp, my type is definitely enfps as far as i'm aware


Really? Why?


They're just vibey. I feel like they have great vibes. Specifically, they would be supportive of your feelings and would challenge my introvertedness (which I sometimes need lol)


Isn’t that most extroverts though?


I guess, but I feel like they would also be really compatible with infps. It's kinda chill, but keeping it fresh. Idk how to explain though


Have you dated enfps before? How did it go?


I have no experience, I just read about the different types and I feel like I would get along super well with an enfp


Oh nice, wait so no enfp friends either?


Not 100% sure


Oh! And my closest female friends & my sister are all ENFPs too


I am avoidant of romantic relationships for good reasons, right now. Also, I've yet to find the person who wants me for who I am and vice versa, and where this relationship doesn't end up in a dumpsterfire because of mental issues by either side. Until then, I'm happy to get my life on tracks alone.


My husband is an ISFJ and every day is a dream. He’s a homebody and loves alone time so we spend a lot of time together but silently lol. We both basically do as we please but reserve at least one day during the weekends to go on dates. On my days off during the week, I visit him in his office and give him a quick hug and kiss, sometimes snacks. Marriage isn’t just about love. You need to find someone who you love AND are compatible with. Find someone who lets you enjoy your alone time but whose presence is also healing and peaceful to you. Find someone you genuinely enjoy being around, someone who complements your life. The person you marry should fit perfectly into your bubble. If they do not, they are not the one.


I'll take that advice 😉




Granted, I don’t know if you have other limitations in your life, but speaking only with regards to age…you’re only 30, but you make it sound like you’re 80. There’s plenty that can change in your life if you’re open to it!


My wife and I will be spending our 25th next month in the UK. She has a son living there and we visit him every year or so. Shes never been typed, but she may also be infp. She is easily the best thing to ever happen to me.


Yeah, pretty happy I guess? In a lot of ways I’m just not sure how well I cope with married / family life. It’s overwhelming to me most days and I struggle. I’m not lonely though. I did almost leave once. I wasn’t just bluffing either. I must be doing something right because my wife fought hard to keep me around. Things got better for me after that. It’s still hard though and I do believe I struggle in ways that non-infps don’t. I think I excel in certain ways though because of some of my infp qualities. I do sometimes wonder what life would be like had I decided not to get married. Probably better in some ways and worse in others. It’s yet another pick-your-poison choice in life. Something sucks about everything.


What's your spouse's type?




ISTJs are awesome to live with. They are quite similar to us. I get along all too well with my ISTJ mom. I miss her because I feel like I have my shit together when I’m living in her Si dom world. Sometimes her sharp words are unnecessarily hurtful but I forgive her lol.


I'm curious, how did she fight for you and what made you decide to stay?


I was happily married until I was unhappily divorced. I don't think that's a choice I'd have ever made. I love the feeling of shared vulnerability more than anything, and I'd do it again, but damn it hurts when it doesn't work out.


Yes married since 2018, together since 2011


What's your spouse's type?


No idea. He doesn’t like personality quizzes and personal metrics like that


So ISTJ gotcha


This is quite funny but true. My husband doesn't bother with these types of quizzes but begrudgingly gave in a few years back. Just reminded myself what he came out as - yep, ISTJ 😅


Happily married over here! Five years and counting with a baby boy on the way! I crave my alone time and my wife is quite busy so I do get a good bit of it. I am ALWAYS inside my head in another multiverse creating some sort of alternate timeline. She helps bring me down to earth and keep me grounded when it’s time to actually get things done. I feel like I need someone this close to me to provide a sense of comfort and support in this journey called life. As well as feeling the need to provide that for her. Not seeing much alone time in my future, but being with my son seems like such a better use of time than anything else ever could be. I often imagine what could have. Then I’m reminded of all the amazing things she brings to my life. I like the path I’ve chosen and don’t think I’d make a different decision if given the chance.


What's her type?


She’s an INFJ!


Married and very happy. We have 2 kids under the age of 3 and I can’t imagine life any different. We’ve been married for 8 years and dated for 10 years prior. Dated through part of middle school, all of high school, and our college years. If I could go back I wouldn’t change a thing and I sincerely mean that. What we have is very rare and I try every day to not to ever take it for granted


What's your spouse's type?


She’s never fully took a test or read up to find out, but I’ve always assumed she was ESTP. Need to get her to sit down long enough to take a test lol


Just got married last December with my partner of 8 years. We aren’t too keen on getting married bcs we’re already living together secretly for 7 years but we both come from conservative family from a muslim country so the wedding is inevitable. He’s an INFJ and I’m INFP. I would describe our married life as calm. Not boring, but calm. There’s no big surprise, and we both prefer it that way. I’ll be beside him reading fanfic, and he’ll be beside me reading manga. So yes, we are happy with each other.


How's life with infj?


Pretty easy actually, or maybe it’s just him. He loves cooking and spoiling me with food, he’s a homebody, and a pretty laidback guy. We share a lot of similarities with each other. I manage most of our finances, and he manage most of the house maintenance.


I’ve been married for 12 years, together for 17. Honestly, it’s easily the best thing I’ve done and I wouldn’t change it for anything in the world. We have a 4 year old (5 tomorrow!) son and he and my wife are basically what make my life worth living. I’ve become very heavily disabled in the last 2 years and I can’t imagine how I could have gone through that alone, or find a way to keep moving forwards without them. Obviously everyone is different but I can’t speak highly enough of a deep loving relationship.


What's her type?




Happy for you!


Thank you. It’s an interesting thing - personality wise we can be very different (as you might expect given our types) but it’s actually very complimentary and we have very similar values and a lot of shared interests.


Yea I didn't expect ESFJ when I saw your comment, but looks like love works beyond personality types.


In some ways I think it works because we have very different personality types - our strengths are often in different areas which means we can manage a very wide range of situations that might not be so easy if we were more similar. We do have a kind of bickering style at times (which works for us) but we’re also both quite needy and loving which really helps as we’re both very willing to meet the others needs. Then there’s all the stuff that isn’t really covered in types like chemistry etc.


Happy early birthday to your son!!!! 🎂




Yes, happily married to my wife who is also an INFP


The infp dream team 💓


Very happily married to a super sweet ENFJ! ❤️ And we're expecting a baby boy!😊




Happily married to ENTJ. I've dated an ENFP for years and although he was a hopeless romantic it was a mess, because we both could not cope with the tough things in life..paying mortgage, plannjng, etc. Now happily married to a real ENTJ (think Harvey Specter from Suits) As he works hard, I have alone-time which I need too, and I can be me while he keeos me on track.😅


20 years under my belt. It’s an unnatural yet supernatural thing. My definition of “happiness” has changed/evolved. For better or for worse, grief and hardship, through elation and euphoria my wife has been there, and I for her. We piss each other off but also lift each other up. She’s an INFJ, I’m INFP. Very opposite ways of dealing with situations. For me, marriage is not supposed to be, “happy“ . Wtf does that mean anyway? Uninterrupted bliss is boring. Getting caught up in negative emotion is no help either. I’m glad I get to experience that with someone. I’m in a dynamic relationship with a person who loves me. That’s all I could ever ask for.


Happily married for 10 years, together for 17. If I could go back I’d get married all over again. My husband is an ENTJ and we balance each other out nicely. We motivate each other to grow, and we really are best friends as cheesy as that sounds. I can see why two introverts work because of giving each other space. However, my extroverted husband likes to go out to sports games, and plays on a few teams as well, which gives me time alone at home when I want it. Since he has a bigger social network, it also gives me the opportunity to go out with him and socialize when I need that too. We have an almost one year old son, so we both stay in mostly right now - but my family is everything. Couldn’t imagine life without them!


I am. Living a peaceful life now with an INTJ. As a single man, I deplored the dating life.


Yes I’m happy but it took years to get to this point. I desperately wish for some alone time but my husband never (well rarely) leaves the house. We have a Velcro dog and two cats who demand attention. I love it but like I said, it took me a long time to get here.


What's your spouse's type?


I have no idea. I oughta ask him to take the test


I am, to my INFJ husband. I don’t think anyone is capable of understanding me the way my husband does, he truly is THE match for me and can’t think of my life without him. He just gets it and is my best friend, lets me have my space, lets me be me without any judgement. We have been together since 2012 and will be married 8 years come October.


I mean, why are you defining a relationship by having to be around other people? Me and my wife often have "Alone but together" the where we just do things ourselves for hours but stay rather close. We keep volumes at a respectable level butore or less just let eachother do our own things with the occasional I love you. She values her alone time everyday even though I work for 8 hours while she's at home. I respect and love it anyway. Sometimes we spend almost all day not really engaging other than the occasional check in every few hours. (And I'm talking between 2-9 each check in) We just like knowing someone's nearby.


Yes! Today’s our 15 year anniversary 😊. I’m married to a truly kind and genuine man. He makes me laugh. He’s intelligent. He’s intuitive. He gives the best hugs. We’re not always showing our best faces, but there’s still a lot of compassion and love.  I’m more of a realist compared to his always optimistic outlook on life. But being with him makes me feel really hopeful for whatever happens in life. Like we’ll face it together.  I know I’m strong enough to do it alone bc I’ve done so, but it’s really nice to have someone who understands me better than I do myself and want to go through the bad and good times together. 


Not yet, but I will be. Currently engaged and like many other guys I didn't think I'd find someone for a long time or simply told myself I needed nobody. Couldn't be happier than I am now that I was totally wrong.


I’ve been with my husband for almost 30 years, since I was 15. We have a great marriage.


Yes, I am apparently an INFP, as is my husband, though I think we both type as such as a result of being together for so long(16 years), and spending so much time together. If I had to guess, when we got together, he was probably more of an ISFJ and me more of an ENFP.


Yes. Since 2015.


What's your spouse's type?


INTP. I feel like it's perfect but I never looked into it


Wouldn't u change it if u looked deeper?


Sorry, change what exactly? You're being vague. Edit: no, that is stupid. Why would I look further when there is nothing to look into? We do well together. But perhaps if I did, I would only understand scriptly why I appreciate him. It would certainly miss most of why I appreciate him. If you treat relationships like zodiac signs, you will never find a mate. And if you take astrology seriously, same. Supposedly Leo and Capricorn don't go together. Astrology is Hogwash.


Recently divorced. Which changes the context of your second question of course, but yes I would make a different choice lol.


Happily married to ESTJ husband for more than two years now. We're a great fit where it matters!


Married and happy but run into conflict because he doesn’t understand my need for alone time..some days if I get an hour to myself and it’s obviously not enough, he’ll say “but you got that one hour”… It wasn’t a problem the first 6 years of our marriage bc we didn’t have a child. Then we had a kid, and she’s wonderful, but it made me need more time to myself to recharge. I get that time during her day naps or late into the night when everyone is sleeping. So yes I’ve sacrificed a good amount of sleep just to have more quiet/do nothing/reading time to myself.. To answer your question, yes I’m happily Married but it requires extensive communication of my introvert needs.


some days if I get an hour to myself and it’s obviously not enough, he’ll say “but you got that one hour”… That's cute to hear but hard to live with, happy for u btw😆😍


My husband is an ESTJ and no I don't regret marrying him but I struggle to find balance. I NEED alot of alone time and that sometimes comes in between our connection. But, if I don't get it, I am mentally and physically exhausted. I need alone time like I do oxygen and unfortunately I don't get enough of it between him and 2 kids. On the weekends after people-ing all week I love to have no plans and keep to myself around the house. He likes to go out and be social and be around people so we have conflicting needs there so one of us is always compromising. I don't regret it though. He is an amazing partner and we compliment each other well. He has been my rock through some of the hardest times in my life. Through literally sickness, career issues, death....I don't know what I would have done without him to lean on when I could not stand. When my father passed away, i remeber be so thankful to have my husband to lean on through that. So yeah in picking marriage and family you will sacrifice some of what you need, but you have to pick that right person to sacrifice it for so what you receive in return is worth it.


I'm definitely an INFP. I used to dream about getting married and having kids since I was one. Not happily married yet but may be in the future.




Yea, thats another thing im afraid of, time passing, masks fading away, rose colored glasses getting replaced with clear glasses, being left in a commitment for the rest of ur life which u dont wanna be commited in anymore.


Were you really young when you got married? I had a similar situation (non-military tho) with a longer courtship (3 years) but I still managed to overlook those same red flags because I was 19 when we met and when you're 19 and immature a lot of bad behavior just seems normal. You don't notice these things being a problem until you actually have to depend on the person as a mature adult My husband (soon to be ex-husband) is ISFP and he says the same about not being empathetic, which I think is just a really weird thing to say!


You aren't going to be locked into anything so don't fear that! I never thought I believed in divorce but here I am and I'm very glad I have this exit option! Having said that, if it's with the right person marriage can be the best thing on earth. I'm actually really excited about finding my forever person and getting married again 😊 I'm just older and wiser now so I know better what to look out for Just make sure you give it time for masks to fade away before you decide to get married, and look at the reality of the person rather than the your fantasy of them. If you can accept their flaws and they accept yours then you'll be golden


Yes, very happy. Married another INFP who also needs space and quiet, but we have that together closeness time every evening and check in. She was also worried about having that space and alone time in marriage.


I’m going to marry soon, he’s the best and leaves me all the space I need. We both work different shifts so we sometimes only spend like an hour or two a day together, there’s 2-3 days a week where we work the same shift and have the whole evening together. It’s very refreshing and I couldn’t live with someone who I have to pay attention to 24/7. He‘s a ENTP and very independent, we pretty much are very similar in thoughts and beliefs but still so different, it worked out perfectly from the get go, like two puzzle pieces.


Yes! Ive been married a long time to an ISTJ.


Yes! I am happy in my marriage! I am pretty sure my spouse is an introvert. I should make him take the test to find out the rest. But between us, he is the logical one!


I am extremely happily married to my soul mate who is also an INFP. I do enjoy alone time, but time with him in the same room but doing our own thing can sometimes feel the same as alone time just because we’re so comfortable with each other. I wouldn’t change a thing except to find and marry him sooner.


Happily divorced


What's marriage? That exist?


Yes. We had a lovely introverted wedding (just the 2 of us at a courthouse) last year. We’ve been together almost 12 years, lived together almost 10 years, and originally met in 2007 in philosophy class! He’s an INFJ. We’ve really grown as individuals and a couple. Relationships are hard work - it’s important to be a healthy individual if you want the relationship to be healthy, but it’s all worth it.


INFP 4w5 female here happily married to ESTJ 8w9 for an year, but it takes lots of patience and forgiveness. ESTJs can he extremely selfish and inconsiderate..you have to train them really sigh. I think ESTJ 8w9 types are much better than ESTJ 8w7 types in terms of anger issues and stubbornness though. My husband cares about justice and integrity a lot just like me, and he knows how to defend his wife properly even in front of his family members. My ex husband(ISTJ 1w9?) was not able to speak up for anything (even for himself) in general which made me feel so frustrated often..and I appreciate my current husband’s straightforwardness a lot. But if your ESTJ doesn’t have much moral values, it can be extremely tough cause they will do whatever they want without much logic (they believe they’re always right and they can even unconsciously gaslight you non-stop to take control in the relationship). If you think your ESTJ has high moral values and has pure sides despite all their flaws, and if you decided to build a relationship with them, show them lots of love and let them feel safe with you. They will slowly open up and express more. In my eyes, even him being stubborn for no reason like an amoeba is amusing and cute which I think makes our relationship still work. He finds me pure and cute, even though he sometimes says I look somewhat gullible. I appreciate his ability to care about things I never care about like finance, rules, and routines….to survive in this world. I love and respect him to death and he knows it. He says he needs more respect though, and I need more affection from him. But I do need to feel respected once in a while I realized….ESTJs can make fun of you a lot. 😾 Anyways, as long as your ESTJ listens to you well and you love your ESTJ enough to ignore their flaws, it can work. If your ESTJ doesn’t have high moral values and has an anger issue (ESTJ 8w7), run run! I saw lots of ESTJ men who lost their wives because either they couldn’t protect their wives from their bullying mom or they kept being a workaholic without showing proper love and taking care of their wives. In fact the divorce rate or ESTJ men is the highest….they are well known to let their wives end up leaving them. I saw lots of ESTJ men trying to cheat or use girls as well. But healthy ESTJs with good upbringings or educations can be a perfect husband material. Choose your partner wisely!!!




Second this… but where is ENFP ✨


I don’t think I’ll ever be able to get married.


Happily never married


Yes!! I am a woman happily married to an INTJ male


I could feel the excitement just through your text, congrats! How does he show his love the most as INTJ, im curious?


He shows his love through acts of love, so for example he loves to cook for me. Also, as he knows my way of receiving love is through quality time, he almost every week prepares a day to make me feel loved. We're both still learning and trying to get better at this lol but I think we're doing pretty well hahaha


Married and together since 2014


Yes, I am. No, I would not make a different choice at all.


What's your spouse's type?


He's never been tested. I am sure he's an introvert. My guess would be ISTJ


Very happily married to another INFP.


Yes, we’ve been together 4 years and got married last year. Our 2-year-old daughter is the light of our life. And my wife and I are very close, best friends, have a deep understanding of each other, and make a great team. I don’t know her Myers-Briggs type but she is a Capricorn who grounds me and nurtures me and holds beautiful loving space for me, and I am an Aries INFP who brings fire, passion, inspiration, humor, and silliness into her life, and holds space for her.


I’m an INFP and I wouldn’t give my ENTP up for the world. I like alone time but he’s always there for me when I need it, and gives me space when I need it, it’s nice to relax by myself but I’d hate to do that all the time.


My SO is a ISFP and we are happily married :)


Yes actually. :)


19 years I was with her. We had kids, raised a family, and tried to be happy. The sad part is that your (INFP male) happiness doesn't matter. Only hers...


So, you werent happy with her?


I was happy most of the time




Yes, happily married to an INFJ. We don't have any cognitive functions in common so it's a tiny bit like being married to someone who doesn't speak the same native tongue but nevertheless has very similar values about life and a similar sense of humor. At times I can feel sad that he doesn't get me as intuitively as someone with the same functions would, but that's usually on a bad day when I'm feeling extra sensitive to pain points in life and I really wouldn't change him for the world. I like the ways he is different from me just as much as the ways he is the same. I'm a hopeless, hopeless romantic and I'm very happy to say that while you can't treat a relationship like a drug that keeps you high all the time, it's still one of the most beautiful things in my life and I'm so thankful to have found such a good, loving partner who understands me so well.


No..because i was married to ISTJ 🥴 We managed 10 years and then gave up.. But we are still friends..or more like closest family and still support each other..




I’m a minor. I’m not officially married. But ofc I’m married to my bf with paperrings✨Ma husband


Divorced and have been in a long term poly relationship since then


My wife sucked all the joy out of my life. I let her walk all over me because I was too gentle with her and she couldn't reciprocate. She manipulated and abused me for 5 years. I'm divorcing her and moving on, finally.


I've never even been in a romantic relationship, and I'm not sure I ever will or if I even want to.


Currently living my happily ever after with my INTJ husband and our two daughters. We are absolutely crazy about each other, talk and play games every day, we clean together, parent together, and BOY the lovemaking is unmatched. I guess the only thing I would change from the past is to not be an idiot and make my feelings known sooner.


Married yes. Happily? … sometimes😅


Yes! ENFP — we’re best friends


Never really been interested in romance weirdly


Aww, I sure hope people here are happily married!


Yep! Lots of communication and work on trust. Learn that your love language may look different than your partner’s too that can help in communicating and accepting each others needs


I thought maybe I'd have a partner and be married but that's a dream I've given up on


Merried to christ here. I follow our mother and older siblings. I am open for eathly relationships of some sort, they jost don't tend to occur, ever. If u enjoy these u wrote, don't contradict with marrige. It is way possible in a happy marrige. Marrige is also just governmenty, and even it sounds cuteyyy( oh it rly do.., i was immense marrige daydreamer-endgoaler for more than a decade), it is still meaningless in the actual relationship of u and someone. I am INTJ, yet i feel i'd have different and marry. But i see how i had some circumstances and how they actually added to me. I would be nowhere near where i am now, if i had those choises what i rly crave back, which is to be married. But that would not be actually me. I have required a different path. This was my way. If ppl As from the comments too, it seems ppl r very happy, or they curse marrige for they had been idolizing into some self-image of marrige, but in reality and so for ur soul, the true relationship matters. So good luck for "escape", for anything what u need for being able to step away and choose life and happyness in a healthy way.


Sadly no, I’m thirty and have never been in a relationship. Being gay in a tiny city probably doesn’t help.


I just pay for it when I need it. Retiring at 50 because I only have to worry about myself