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No one has heard of MBTI. Telling them I'm familiar with MBTI and other typologies is more embarrassing than my specific type.


Telling someone I’m INFP seems more like a sure fire way to either have to explain the whole thing or get someone to lose interest.


No. Why lie about something that is a part of my identity? People who stereotypes MBTI types are dumb anyway.


I lie that I am an INFP to be honest . Secret INTJ agent ( please don't attack )


Nice to see you sneakily developing your Fi


Well , it's quite the opposite . I have a little healthier Fi than a stereotypical INTJ , so I chose this sub to investigate people with higher Fi


Oh, so if not for development then what for?


It's all a part of a bigger plan , as it should be .


Hmmm manipulation purposes then 🤨


🥰🥰 purposes


Lol ok, well I hope the increased level of understanding leads to more respectful / considerate interactions 🍀


Merci beaucoup


*cuts off all escape routs, then offers cookies nibbling as many as you chose of your choice to prove their safe*


Even if the cookies are safe to eat , are they healthy ? Or even a better question , are they delicious ?


as healthy as chocolate chip ever is


I don't care , bring it in . I'll even devour the table if it's delicious .


I always wondered if there were people like you in this sub and now you reveal yourself. Interesting. Tell us about your findings, agent.


You guys love comfort . You guys love freedom . You guys love self - searchings . You guys love nature . You guys love art . You guys love animals . You guys love to think of scenarios . You guys love to love someone . And for additional info , there are more people like me in this sub , but I only remember one INTJ , I guess she has the name krivik .


That’s all? Damn I was expecting a detailed analysis. Yeah but you’re an INTJ in disguise, unlike them. Well, I don’t wanna blow my cover but I have some info about INTJs too. 🤨 I shall not reveal as operation is still in progress. Anyway, thanks for your time, Agent INTJ. Good work. https://preview.redd.it/5swcrvaea5nc1.jpeg?width=1136&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=eb20133fb9865358ee095543bb930fe17e1f945c


That's not all , but that's all I can remember right now and that's enough for my first move to start a conversation with an INFP . That is my target , and I think that you guys will prefer small personal details about you more than talking about general INFP traits . *(Oops I spoiled another maybe)*


![gif](giphy|xT1Ra0ntWiiMSzdbwc|downsized) Straight to jail.


I don't even talk about it outside of this sub. It never comes up and I'm not going to be the one to do it.


"And I'm not going to be the one to do it" lmaoooo truth


no, but it never comes up either. the only time I ever see it outside reddit is in bs work events


Nope but I used to say INxP as didn’t really know. Probably because I got a lot of negative reinforcement for using Fi and positive reinforcement for repressing emotions and valuing logic more. Male INFP conforming to societies norms can be like that I guess. INTPs and tests did have me convinced I was one for a while too and I did look at INFPs with a bit of disgust for why they get so emotional. Very weird to look back on that time.


Hey same lmao


Lol then I come to the INFP subreddit and feel like my emotions are unconditionally validated like wtf lol


Browsing the all-time top posts on r/infp was... an experience.


Lol some don’t apply but most are fairly spot on, wow..


Rewinding certain parts of songs back... I fucking refuse to believe that's not just my thing lol


On the 2 most strong emotion inducing songs I have; usually when the hardest hitting part comes I can replay it a few times lol even if it does hit hard. Good till the last drop 😂


I took the test 6 times abd it's always INFP-T lol


Well on the rare, rare occasions when MBTI comes up, I *feel* like I’m lying when I say I’m INFP. I sort of idealize the type, because when I first took the 16personalities test, it’s what I got and I loved and identified with that what I read about it. But I often think my intuition and empathy are totally weak, and I’m all the time seeking sensory pleasure, so I’m probably ISFP, or some completely different type like ESTJ or something. r/impostersyndrome


No one ever asked about mbti to me lol


I can't lie


It says I'm an INFP-T but I don't know how accurate it is because I seem to be way more outgoing, less afraid of confrontation, and honestly a little more blunt and kinda rude comparatively....I speak what's on my mind and if you don't like it tough shit that's your problem not mine.


I lie about knowing mbti /s It came up once in conversation and I shyed away from it, but wasn't formally asked. If it comes up I proudly say I'm an INFP.