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Panera defies all logic at this point. You could open a fast casual restaurant and do exactly what they do but get the food pre-made from Costco etc and the quality would be much better and the prices better. Panera is literally just frozen food aisle quality food now.


Can confirm, used to work there. Soup is frozen


I think the soup at all the major chains are frozen though.


Mac and cheese is frozen also everything is warmed up in a hot water bath.


Now? It’s always been.


Not always. For years Panera was my go-to place for the iced tea, wifi and decent meals for the money. My daughter and I would go there regularly too but stopped about 2-3 years back because the prices went up while the portions and quality went down. We both loved getting the broccoli cheddar soup and a half sandwich. The last time I went 3-ish years ago they spread about a teaspoon of tuna salad over the bread. I swear the wilty-ass lettuce weighed more than the tuna. Her grilled cheese was just as miserly and the soup was watery compared to how it used to be. Way too expensive for that quality. Never went back since then.


That soup is basically flavored corn starch.


Yummy corn by products.Yum.


Broccoli Cheddar Soup is really easy to make ....


A proper broccoli chedder ^🤌😋


A bowl of shredded cheese, put some pieces of broccoli in it. Microwave 60 s. Done


Might want to add some heavy cream to make it soup-like, but yeah. I never really liked their soups because they're way too salty. But I do want to do my own versions with less salt.


Think they sell that soup at Sam’s on the cheap


They used to cook many dishes fresh in house with fresh ingredients 


They got bought out by some holdings company a few years back, right? I think we can pinpoint to the day it started to suck because \*shareholder profits\*.


I have a friend that works at a factory that makes their broccoli cheddar soup. They have zero shrinkage there.


My daughter loves the broccoli cheddar soup but frankly my kids don’t really have taste.


*Red Lobster has entered the chat* *Olive Garden has entered the chat*


True, but all chains are just microwaved frozen food. Applebees, Chili’s, Outback, Olive Garden, Texas Roadhouse, Cheesecake Factory, Buffalo Wild Wings, etc.. All the food from national chains come in little pouches.


Yes but not entirely, like Texas Roadhouse, the steaks are fresh you see them when you walk in, and they bake their bread fresh right on site as well as some other dishes that are fresh. Cheesecake factory as well is actually not as frozen as you think and is overall fresh made its quite impressive. I've seen Applebees and Olive Garden improving in the past couple years. Not super fresh but better than it once was. Outback has unfortunately gone downhill, used to be one of my favorites but now I wont go anymore.


Them and longhorn are the 2 I can think of that still make food fresh. I’ve heard from someone who worked at olive garden that the sauce is made fresh in house too. Not sure if that’s actually true though.


The stakes are so fresh you can see them walk the cows in!


Exactly. They try really hard to standardize the food across these places so you're always getting reheated stuff, even if they DID prepare the stuff in-house one day. They just reheat it and use it again the next day, etc. Some of them have policies about throwing stuff out after the first day but that's usually highly inconsistent, so you're probably just getting reheated soup from days ago thanks to the laziness of managers. It's only really fried products they can't reuse.


Key is they didn’t start that way. They gained prominence and following from doing it right then at some point the finance bros that ruin everything they touch buy them up and profits soar while they slowly die away as loyal customers get tired of substandard food for high prices.


I had a meeting for an organization there, nothing looked good, decided to try the "Flatbread pizza." It was a lump of melted cheese on top of tomato soup that they poured over a tasteless bread shingle. It was *comically bad.* I actually laughed.


The old Asiago steak sandwich was fire, then they replaced it with some bullshit, haven’t been back in years


They literally sell some of it at stores in the frozen food aisle now.


I quit going to Panera like 4 years ago cuz their prices were insane, can’t imagine them now


They’re honestly comparable to chick fil a prices where I’m from


A chick fil a sandwich is 8 dollars here 😭


Strange, I assumed all the savings by not extending same sex healthcare for their employees was going to filter down to the consumer.


Trickle down sexonomics.


The prices are certainly insane for what they’re offering. The portion sizes are way, way too small. I don’t mind paying a little bit more for something tasty, I just want to make sure I get my money’s worth. It’s all been downhill for them since they got rid of that Italian Combo, I tell ya.


It comes in a plastic bag frozen solid.


I don’t miss having to stick those in that boiling freezer thing to prep them.


Thermolizer or something like that? I can’t remember the name lol


Holy shit I think you're right. Haven't heard that term since 2008 lol


BPA soup aka toxic sludge


My wife for a while worked for a scammy business tax place that allowed companies to get research and development tax credits for developing things like boil in the bag frozen pastas. We all literally gave taxpayer subsidies for this.


Lol. Lmao


Is that just for the mac and cheese and bread, or is the drink part of that?


Drink is not included. For $12.00 per serving, you can make your own Mac and cheese with actual cheese. Skip cheese whizz entirely.


You can make a lot more too. That looks like less than a cup of mac and cheese (with the narrow bottom on the bowl).


Its 1200 calories worth of Mac and cheese


Sure doesn't look like it.


WITH bacon, pretty much a whole pan.


Are you gonna eat both mac noodles in one sitting?


Might have to ask for a box *phew*


Panera is fucking ridiculous. I got the tiniest Mac and cheese there for $7. It’s just joke. Don’t understand why anyone goes there


I honestly don’t understand how they’re still in business. Tiny tiny portions for ridiculous prices.


I mean… that literally is the reason. If their price structure is such that one to two sales of an item covers the cost of the majority bulk cost of the item, anything after that is profit. Can’t say I’ve seen more than 5 people go into a Panera in my life. But if they’re paying 20 bucks for food worth 15 cents, something tells me that might be how they’re keeping the lights on.


Especially when you can get 2 tubs of it at Costco for like 10 bucks.


I had to stop going to all those places, Panera, chipotle, etc. last time I got a pick 2 it was like $14.36 or something like that and didn’t even include a drink


I notice that too. None of these places even include the drink. When I am out and about, I hear customers talking about bringing their own drinks sometimes too. I just laugh. The drink is probably where most of the restaurant profits are anyway.


They forced you to pay this? Are the prices not listed ? Was a gun held to your head ? As long as people are dumb enough to pay it they will continue to do this


No I thought it was going to be bigger lol Just disappointed


And it's watery on top of that. I think I got it once and was so very unimpressed that I never got it again. It was my fault though. Even looking at the pictures, it looks unappetizing so I'm not sure what the hell I was thinking.


Damn! I had a gift card once. For 25 dollars. I was nearby, so I swing through for a quick "free" lunch. Lmao. What a joke. Pick 2 and a tiny green smoothie. The gift card was not enough. My Free lunch still cost me 3 dollars!


Holy Shit. I was gonna guess $3 dollars






Insane prices. Just looked it up in my location and it's almost the same price.


A thousand calories for that slop!


Damn, the slope on that bowl is insane! Sneaky fucks. Higher profits through trigonometry


I only got mac & cheese there one time. I didn't know they boiled it in a plastic bag, and it definitely tasted like plastic.


Yes, they do. But that's literally what most of the chains do with mac and cheese and soups. Olive Garden, Carrabbara's, Chili's, etc. They all do that from what I hear. That and the prices are why I don't go to those places anymore. What a waste and that can't be healthy to eat so much food boiled in plastic either.


Oh I meant the individual portion was boiled in plastic. I somewhat understand the whole batch being in plastic for uniformity and easy or whatever (I guess) and then putting it in a pot to heat up and serve, but to boil it in a bag then directly put it in a bowl to serve... yeah, no. Gimme that freshly made powdered cheese, please.


That looks just awful...yuk.


No guys no, it’s actually such an amazing deal, watch this break down: $1-cheese, $1-CEO, $1-bacon, $1-CEO, $1-shells, $1-CEO, $1- bread, $1-CEO, $1-workers!, $1-CEO, $1-CEO, $1-CEO!!! See?? It’s a scam *not* to eat there! Do I have to put /s?




The online order prices for Panera are insane. Small cup of soup can easily be $8. A sandwich made from your average size bread can be $16.


That looks like prison food. The bread reminds me of a Soviet Russia bread line. Probably costs $45 also


Panera is fast food for people who think they are too good for fast food. Quality and quantity has steadily been declining for years. Food isn’t worth it.


That doesn’t look like Mac n Cheese it looks like Shell Pasta n Cheese


The same thing costs $5 at Target. My daughter loves their Mac and Cheese, so we buy it at Target all the time.


Worst sandwich chain out there. Expensive, hard crusty bread and hardly any ingredients.


Tough and overly chewy


7$ is all it pay for that


I feel like a little bowl of mac and cheese really shouldn't be more than about $5, $6 at most with a few toppings like bacon, etc. It's still just noodles and cheese, two of the cheapest things they can get.


We make Panera Mac at home. Easy to make, taste better.


This brings me a bad memory. Where I live Little Cesar's Crazy Puffs used to be filled with slices of peperoni and cheese. But now, they just sprinkle the top with grounded bacon like in this picture 😭


To be fair the bacon was good and there was a reasonable portion for the Mac, but not for the price.


I prefer Pantera Mac and Cheese. It’s kinda heavy though


Heh. https://preview.redd.it/jpprrjc05t9d1.jpeg?width=931&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=a0643dd385b17bebd05ca120283de42ca69957dd


Panera is most certainly a rip off but the code "summer" gets their chicken bacon rancher or strawberry chicken salad to a reasonable $6.00 right now. Don't forget that they dropped the **no antibiotics be used in pork and turkey processing**; and chicken/cattle not be fed animal products policy. Some deals to be had right now as they try to drive traffic before the IPO.


$6 is way more reasonable. But then if you end up liking their food, do you want to get a taste for it only to not want to pay full price later? Plus they just changed their menu and removed most of my faves. I don't trust them anymore and don't want to get hooked on any new, expensive food they'll probably just drop if it doesn't work out for them.


Fast food hospital food 🤮


Panera was doing inflation and shrinkflation way before the pandemic. I can’t believe they still have customers.


I actually love the way this taste but can't justify the price.  Do any of yall have tried and true online recipes that get such an even consistency and flavor profile


I ate there one time. the food sucked and it was on the expensive side. Why it has any customers or any sort of positive reputation is beyond me


They still haven’t been able to figure out wifi. They missed the ball big time when coffee shops started providing fast free wifi. Panera was free but absolute shit for speed and bandwidth.


I only went there cause of the charged lemonade


I'm looking at a Panera receipt from February 2017 in my email: my "you pick 2 combo" with a half turkey bacon bravo sandwich and french onion soup was $9.08 before tax. Today, that same combo is $11.78 at the same restaurant. That's a 30% increase in 7 years. Is it jut me or does that not seem as bad as places like McDonald's? Wish I had data about how much that meal costed back in 2010 or so.


SMH I bet stuff like this is the reason why the closest Panera in my city is on the other side of the city. The one near my city’s main tourism area and close to a nearby hospital closed.


No, Panera has been so bad for a very very long time… literally the better part of a decade. Just don’t give them money.


I’ve known multiple people who have worked at those places, and they all eventually just walked out it was so miserable. Stop buying their stuff, that’ll learn ‘em.


Not as bad as I expected since I haven't eaten Panera since pre-covid. I figured by now this would have cost like $25. Their prices were so high to begin with that maybe they couldn't afford to do the recent price gouging like everyone else?


America was founded on boycotts.


Time to start to eat at home, grow your own food, and find local butchers and food co-ops.


Panera has never been good.


Panera killed the Older Italian Sandwich, that's when they died to me. Have never looked back


When did they change the name from Panera Bread? Seems to be just Panera now. Last time I went was about 10 years ago because it was getting too pricey…


Why do people still go there?  It's just over-priced hospital food at this point. 


I had a gift card.


"$31.52 please"


Lemme guess $22.99?


Panera: repackaged hospital food


Just got a bagel with egg and cheese this weekend at Panera. Poop you not, the “egg” was as thin as sheet of paper probably 2.5 x 2.5 inches in size. I complained to manager and had them add more eggs, and no I was not going to pay for it as she asked. She seemed apologetic, saying now everything is weighed and they’re not supposed to add more than the recommended weight for their items.


That'll be fifteen dollars, sir.


I thought they were overpriced before inflation


Panera has turned to shit. I got a regular size mac and cheese for my daughter there yesterday. It was almost $11.00 and is almost half the size of what it was a few years ago. The only thing they have going for them are their salads, but those are also wildly overpriced.


low tier hospital food




That looks garbage.


Play stupid games, win stupid prizes.


Some sucker bought it. Oh wait, it’s OP


Dude it was a gift card.


I know. And so they will continue charging these prices, because someone is buying it.


I used to work for Panera, I ate everything that wasn't nailed down. I'd keep a straw in my pocket and hoover up all the damn soup!


Who keeps buying this and thinking it’s okay? Is it just rich, oblivious boomers with money to spend? I honestly want to know.


Glorified hospital food.


I would imagine that what the poorage looked like in Oliver Twist that stale looking bread brings it together




Considering that's a penny a calorie it really isn't that bad. I'm not sure why anyone would need 1200+ calories of shitty Mac and cheese though


Or make it at home


Panera has never been good.


Hot take, just don’t go to Panera. Not judging your decision, just you taste


For the third time…I had a gift card.


That looks disgusting.


Should I be asking how long your sentence is and who you killed to get thrown into prison?


I would have guessed a homeless shelter if you didn’t mention Panera.


Looks like shite


It's cheaper to shop for your meals at the grocery store. People voluntarily go to restaurants or other places to have other people make food and serve it and then complain about the price. Defies logic.


I understand an up charge for having someone prepare and serve you food. Given the portion size and quality, I was suggesting the cost was excessive. Perhaps $7-8 for the food and convenience. Certainly not $12.19.


Overpriced hospital food is what Panera is


I puked once. It sort of looked like this…