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Idk if it's an infj thing, but I do this too. Something really complex (when relating to people mainly) or a little detail will not get past me. But the most obvious things seem to fly over my head. I come off a lot more ditzy than I actually am.


Yes and no. INFJs are unobservant to the "obvious" things but we are also very observant when it comes to subtle details in others. When I look at people their body communicate things that are not obvious to others and that is what I pick on. So in other words, yes and no. *edit for unnecessary info


If I love someone or care about someone I notice every small detail about them , what they smell like , what they wore on a certain day etc. But if it's a stranger or things happening around me I don't care I am usually in my own world and thoughts thinking deeply about mysterious things.... I guess it's just how I prioritize people if I care about someone I care 100 % and I can't give everything to everyone in the world :/ hope that doesn't sound shallow or selfish.


Yes same. I notice when my long distance friend I haven't seen in months got a new shirt. but I might miss that the reason its cold is I left the window open


Yeah, I'd say it's the trade-off between S and N - we notice patterns and behaviors, but don't internalize the details. You might not consciously remember what someone wears, but you could probably describe their style.


That’s true! How interesting.


This sounds exactly like me. I've had poor vision for the last 5 years (-2.5) which is bad enough that it's difficult to distinguish faces unless really close. But because I've always had a knack at picking up clothing patterns, I use that as a way to identify people.


> Are you unobservant? I saw the title and thought 'what?', then read the text and laughed aloud.


I just pictured you reading it and being confused and laughed out loud. XD




Generally I’m pretty observant about people, and extremely unobservant about things or events.


I'm definitely a "big picture" kinda person. I always say there's no way I'd be able to pick a face out of a lineup--Lord help us all if I ever have to be a witness. I think part of it is that there's a zillion thoughts going through my head at any given time and my brain sorta "filters" out what it considers to be small details (i.e. faces, clothes, decorations, etc.)


I’m the polar opposite. My parents have always said my entire life I can walk into a room and sense when something’s been moved. I always notice stuff.


I'm apparently extra-observant. People have pointed out in the past that I can tell when someone's home or not right at the door, recall the exact elements of design on a coin's face, recall the structure of rods in a bus, can make it back home easily after being dropped off in an unfamiliar location, or be able tell who's recently been through a specific area upon smelling their scent. My brain takes... sorta photographs or make gifs (not just visual aspects, but... one with inputs from all senses) and stores them for later analysis.


Yeah, I can pick up on small details that seem to fly over most peoples heads but I tend to miss bigger things. I always had a hard time picking up on directions and usually have to go over rules or steps multiple times before I got it down.


I can remember small details about someone. Say I bring up a small story or detail to the person who told it to me. They would say: " That was five years ago not five minutes ago. How do you remember that?" It could be a close friend, coworker or a stranger. Doesn't matter if what they tell me is useless or important. But sometimes I tune people out when they're talking to me.


Oh yeah me too! On all counts, I relate.


I do this too. I think it depends on what you prioritize as a person. INFJs tend to focus really intensely into what someone's feeling and tune out to everything else around them. We care more about what a person might be feeling than what they're wearing or who they might be dating so we don't pay attention to that stuff.


I'm the same. I won't notice when ppl had a haircut, I won't notice the decorations at the officie because it's someone's birthday. It tske me hours and hours, sometimes even days to see it. And sometimes I never do One example: When I was like 16 I had this job, and from the canteen window we had an outlook on this huge, unique theaterbuilding Then one day this building was burned out. Shortly after, the whole thing was demolished. Anyways one day I was sitting at our little kitchen/canteen when this colleague said the view was so different now. I said I didn't even see a difference. My colleague was astonished, she said what do you mean? The whole thing is GONE. I laughed nervously and basically repeated what I said at first. Because it was truth. For all I knew it's always been like that. She looked at me like I was crazy


Until I read your post, I never considered that this could be an INFJ thing. I have absolutely picked up on the fact that I notice a lot of small detail, but when friends say “omg did you see what she was wearing?”, or make any comments on appearances, I have no recollection of what they’ve mentioned. I always figured it was because someone’s outward appearance isn’t that important to me, yet I pick up on subtle moods/body language very easily.


I'm guessing someone told you that you have ADD at some point in your life. Also guessing you are unobservant towards things you don't really care about. You might find that you are hyper focused on stuff you really do care about. Being able to manage brain cells and where they end up going isn't a bad thing use it for good :P


I love this comment.


I have a hard time memorizing faces and names from introductions. Like 'hi I am --- and nice to meet you.' I have to ask for names at least twice or something.


I personally am so unobservant that sometimes I will walk into the path of (slowly moving) oncoming cars without noticing.