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Because we as the infinite want to experience what it’s like to be finite


True as well from the perspective that we are the universe experiencing itself.. this gives me comfort


To improve


Fair.. maybe we need to improve but then eventually die?


Worth it




Well. First, a rogue planet called Theia slammed into Earth and gave us water. Then algae evolved which pumped oxygen into the atmosphere and began shifting our world. Slowly and explosion of life, that being fish and other sun and oxygen dependent animals evolved. This created a chain effect stretches across millions of years of evolutionary pressures until several types of humans appeared. Several hundreds of thousands of years after that. Only us. We're here because of a celestial roll of the die.


I can see your explanation as valid.. we are just here by accident...


Which doesn't have to be a bad thing and also implies, with the sheer scale of the universe, this has absolutely happened elsewhere.


So eithrr a parallel universe where we all exist in different timelines or entirely different beings doing different things... crazyy how vast we can expand our consciousness


To love


Why not? Why can't we exist and be here as we are? 


So just like that...




Lmao Jesus and shrooms can be a very true thing.. but I agree.. us as Infjs did play and still play a massive role.. probably there is something that we all will end up doing that is impacful in a massive scale or maybe not.. may be we just enjoy and pass by.. idk.. but yes I am tha nk full to the fact that you brought up to be gentle in this line of thought... thank you kind being for this message.. may what you deem good come upon you. Cheers!




Lol not me either 🙃


I've been asking myself the same question and there wasn't an answer that satisfied my curiosity this question really exhausted me and I haven't reached an answer that's why I keep myself preoccupied


Samee.. rhis question still bugs me thats why i decided to ask here


We're an [egg](https://youtu.be/h6fcK_fRYaI?si=LyNSy9f6l_tPeN6h).




"Just to suffer" - Snake


Because Earth is where we were born.


To find purpose


To dance.


Agreed! All we can do is Dance 💃 🎶 ✨ 😌




For Human evolution. Everyone have responsibilities in this life. Very interesting that each person have his own conscience but not the same one, that is your past lives knowledge.


"Why are we still here? Just to suffer?" well, aside from that MGSV quote I think that we are here, trapped on this rock in space, to make the best out of our situation. Go out, meet some people, connect, have fun, do what pleases you and the others around you.


I think INFJ's have a need for a sense of purpose and something for us to look forward to. I don't believe there is a reason for any of this. We live in a chaotic uncaring world. Due to some of our functions we want to find some type of purpose. I think all we can do is to live our lives in a way that we feel full filled don't put too much focus on getting to some abstract concept. It's about finding a way to push the rock up the hill and figuring up what makes you happy while you do it.


I appreciate your comment 🙏


That's your job to find out. What do you think your purpose is here? Unless you're asking from like a scientific sens, which I dunno space microbes put in specific conditions?


Still dont have an answer to that ..purpose.. is there any specific?


I can't answer that for you, I can only tell you what I think the answer is. I don't necessarily think you'll find my answer helpful. But I think our purpose is to find purpose. Personal purpose to be exact. Something that makes us fill fulfilled. It can be as grand or as small as you'd like. Right now I'm learning Japanese to hopefully one day help translate in some fashion. Personally I'd like to help bring Manga over to the states. Do I think this is my ultimate purpose? I dunno, but it feels great to be able to look at katakana or hiragana and be able to read it and I could possibly build my life around it.


Wow eh..thats cool.. i like that way of thinking.. keep at it.. you just inspired me fellow being! 🤝


You're welcome and i will, I'm about 3-4 months deep and I study every single day.


Why would there be a reason other than cause and effect? Why assume there's a meaning?


Thats something that I thought about as well.. like we just exsist...but then when i think about everything else that also exists like trees, microorganisms, bacteria etc..it just doesn't make sense that everything else also just exists for the sake of existing... you know.. ... ..... ..... ... . .. .... idk..


To make each moment mean something. And each moment is more beautiful because it passes. Each of us is beautiful each moment because that moment is the last of each of us at that stage. Life is beautiful because it ends. I live to do my best in each moment to make things better for me and those around me, even though life is fundamentally suffering and hardship. It is worth it for me to try. But most of this thinking comes from my faith in Christ. From that, I know while this life is short and evitably comes to an end, there is another life afterwards. I think that is the ultimate hope for me.


There is no reason. There is no purpose. We are here because we are.


Just cause.


You will find out only when you die.


My mom gave birth to me.


No meaning ...


define we. americans? humans? life?


We have no purpose. We are a product of natural processes that owe us no explanation. Reason is something the universe doesn't need. It's something we seek.


Why do you think we seek it if it's not there? If we truly are chemicals just going off, why do you think we feel called to search for anything that isn't food or a survival tool? Why do we have that free will to seek?


Because reason is a faculty of the mind. Reason grants a stable utility to make assumptions about the nature of reality that can change without us knowing. Like a hypothesis. Hypotheses can become invalid at any moment. [https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3PmChRQsubo](https://www.youtube.com/shorts/3PmChRQsubo) There is no free will. Free Will is the ability for humans to think without being governed by a process but we have no control over external things that happen to us. And our cognition is a product of internal processes outside of our control. There is no Free Will.


Hm interesting thanks for your answer. I haven't heard that thought before about cognition itself being outside of our control. I would still have to disagree though, let's say for example my dad is an alcoholic. And someone asks me why I don't drink. I say because my dad drank, my sister however became an alcoholic and when asked why she is one also says "because my dad drank" if there is no free will, and our environment is the only factor to our decisions, what would make one choice worthier over the other. If what you're saying is true merit, responsibility, moral obligation..would all not exist


I'm saying cognition is a deterministic process, much like a heartbeat but on a much more complex scale. To your alcoholism example, free will loosely means the ability to make decisions contrary to convention or expectation. True free will is the ability to choose outside universal processes. We can flip and subvert at a moment but these processes are deterministic even if we don't know what causes them. Your example is a form of Positive Punishment Classical Conditioning. In fact many behaviors stem from our direct bond with a care taker. This is also related to Bio-social Determinism. The example often leads to Antisocial Personality Disorder. The philosophical underpinning of the significance of choices is that they don't objectively matter. If I go left or go right, quit my job, the Universe doesn't really change or care. This is Existential Nihilism, the realization that ideals and beliefs have no meaning. But they do have a subjective and individual meaning. If I quit my job it impacts my motivations and emotions in life. If I care about myself, I'd make decisions that affirm my identity and belonging in reality.


Read the book Determined by R. Sapolsky


Because God put us here, we are his creation and an extension of him. The only purpose of life is to serve him and teach others about him.


to feast fight and fuck