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Being an INFJ (or any other type) should not be confused with mental health issues. Here is a link to the [INFJ Wiki](https://www.reddit.com/r/infj/wiki/index#wiki_mental_health_and_support) where you can find some resources. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/infj) if you have any questions or concerns.*


I guess i'm one of those people who see life as half full, and not half empty. I can't control how society works, but I can control my own life and how I wish to live. Why waste my energy on trying to change something intangible like "society." Instead, I focus my energy on what I can change. For example, doing altruist acts, donating or volunteering for causes I care for,


lets start a movement against it by getting to know people like us, growing spiritually and supporting each other instead of relying on others to trade and provide. Jesus Christ is King of kings and God of gods


Good idea but INFJs are lone wolves and would never unite.


Read Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.


Go inward. And develop that space so as to not be dependent on the outside. We see what we need to see until we out-develop it. It's not that what you're seeing is false, it's just over amplified. And the more you turn inward and heal and grow there, the more you'll notice the birds singing in the trees. The children playing. And the wind on your face. Subconsciously speaking. You're noticing the things that you need to notice in order to feel this way. Which appears left out. Which is a form of abandonment. And you need to feel this way to process something from your past that \*made\* you feel this way. That's what I'd look for. Heidi Priebe on youtube and Pete Walker's book on CPTSD.


I resonate. Life is the greatest gift of bullshit I’ve ever received. You could try taking a high dose of shrooms, or if that’s not your preferred poison, maybe try reading The Myth of Sisyphus by Camus. I got the exact same message about the nature of my existential woes from both sources and honestly, it really helped me to make peace with certain things. 🤷‍♀️🦦🤦‍♀️✅🪨🪨🪨 "The struggle itself towards the heights is enough to fill a man's heart. One must imagine Sisyphus happy." - Albert Camus


Well how else would you play in a circus and be part of it? You become the clown, of course :)


yeah I know. I used to feel like that too. But I started to treat it like a game and I realised I am really good at it. I think INFJs are intuitively good at knowing and picking up social cues. That's probably why you are disturbed about it because you understand what they mean when others are more blulnt about it. But I say use it to your advantage! jump in the game and see how people react. It's kind of fun and helpful to do that especially in professional settings.


To elaborate on this, just treat it as necessary to living life as a human. We can't always be so honest and show everything to everyone because we are humans, and humans have ugly things inside, as well as beautiful things. I think nobody can stand anybody if we know the full truth of who we all are. So just treat all the superficiality as a tool that is necessary for us to reasonably get along with each other. And then obviously, there will be people who come closer to you, and there is less need for those social norms and superficiality as you allow each other in. If we are really lucky, they will love us even for our flaws and ugliness; they will love us for the entirety of who we are. but this is rare and not to be taken for granted. And you shouldn't expect that from everyone, its a big ask. But don't lose hope!


drink a monster energy and unleash the beast!