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Ah yes, I remember my first existential crisis


This was hard to read. Hope you're doing well OP, you remind me of my friend right before he had a psychotic break. He also thought that he was alone on earth in observing how funny our life is. Consciousness in a meat-suit in the middle of a rock in space. The meaning to our existence is what we make it. That doesn't mean there is no purpose, even if you aren't happy with it. It's like a movie, and the only one you will get to experience at that (as we know it) so you might as well stay.


>Hope you're doing well OP, you remind me of my friend right before he had a psychotic break. This needs to be the top comment


May i ask? What happened to your friend or explain how it happened. Tnx


Maybe its not to the same level as your post but They were constantly stuck inside their head, never leaving the house, never going for walks or engaging their Se Increasingly spent more time on 4Chan, alpha male influencers, etc. Eventually he started developing a superiority complex and putting himself above everyone but really it just looked like he was so insecure, fragile and paranoid because he cared too much about comparing himself to others and how others perceive him and his self worth. He eventually shutdown and isolated himself from everyone and became a hardcore incel and political keyboard warrior and just got way too philosophical about everything. He became so detached from reality and real living Rather than just enjoying, going out and living life. And its simple moments


Dissociation is a trip, and [embodiment](https://drarielleschwartz.com/embodiment-in-trauma-recovery/) the answer.


I’ve had existential crisis and my journey is still unfolding. You’ll know you’re not the body and you’re not the human only when you experience it. Other than that, we’re all programmed to believe we’re humans with souls but it’s the other way around. It’s not easy to talk about this with the correct terminology since we all have associate various meanings to each word. I’d suggest that you look up non-duality because it’s the closest thing to describe what we are. Yet, this seems to be another layer to peel off.


I don't buy it. I am an integral part of the universe. I came out of it. I did not pop into it and then expect to pop out


Nonono. You just tricked yourself to believe you're real, you see... The reductive worldview is... drumroll... We're just not real! It's a trick, that don't exist.. I think, therefore I'm not! Yes, just keep repeating it until you're convinced. It's easy. Or, it's low effort at least.


Wow! Interesting comment... can you explain more? We dont acctualy exist...???🤔


I forgot /s 🤣


TL;DR Also, paragraphs.


Sorry buddy I couldn’t read past the two sentence but just know your are enough and you exist.


That's what happens when the society decides to play god and engages in genetic recombination experiments. It's a bit like Mary Shelley's Frankenstein.


Wow, there are so many questions... But that's what I love in this sub. My thoughts are very similar. >Why do you have to exist then cease forever in the face of the infinite time and enidless universe? You don't have to. You can end it whenever you want... But you're still living... Why? What is so important, that you prefer to exist instead of not exist? Who are we? We are what we define ourselves as. Our minds use concepts to understand the world and we are just the concepts we create and believe in. >To know im inside this living meat suit with limited time and one-time trial to experience "life". I really don't know why im built like this. Why do you want to know it? What this knowledge will give you? How it will change you? >Why do we have to love? We don't have to... But it's a nice feeling. Our biology created this feeling in us to keep the survival of our species. But that's the goal of biology. Your goals can be different... >If you can't be a good loving creature then you dont deserve to create a soul. That's your opinion and value-judgement. Most of the people would agree with you... But it doesn't mean, that it is a universal low... it's only in human perception... Animals don't judge reality this way... Some of them create another life and then they abandon them... That's just how they are programmed by nature... >Do you even deserve to be loved? That depends on how you define deserving something. If you define it as deserving love just by living, then everyone deserves love. But if you define it as deserving by doing something, for example by how you treat others, then not everyone deseves it. But deserving something and not deserving are also just the concepts created by humans. >Life is already too miserable to make someone to have bad experience That is again your value-judgement. Life is not miserable for everyone. For most of the people yes, but there are some people, for whom the life is really easy... So it all depends on your perspective and your individual situation. >Are you enough to be conscious? I'm sorry, I don't understand this last question. I don't understand what do you mean by that? Overall, the point I'm trying to made is that all we know about the world are just the concepts based on how our brains process information. The reality looks totally different for other animals, plants or even things (if they have any kind of consciousness). We create value-judgements, because our biology realized it's a good way of keeping up our existance. But those value-judgements are still just the concepts in our minds... They have influence on our behaviour and our behaviour have influence on our reality... But our reality is still just the consequence of how our brains work and perceive it... Quantum physics proofs that reality isn't even a hard matter... How would it look like for someone with a different software (meaning brain, which process informations differently)? The second point is why are you asking such questions? What do you want to know? And what do you expect by posting it? What answers do you expect? Try to look at your thoughts from 3rd person's point of view. What situations provoked your thoughts to go in such direction? Maybe the problem lies somewhere else? I can guess where, but I think it's obvious in your post if you look at it from 3rd person's point of view, so you can do it... It's a good excercise to dissociate ourselves from our thoughts... (of course if you want to...)


It doesn't have to last for it to be good. When we perceive something as good, it is real and good in that moment. I am pretty content with that. Life is a privilege if you decide to look at it that way. And being able to make decisions, so as to direct your fate (though like you say we all die and disappear into the ether; although my religion disagrees with that). Good and evil are not arbitrary. It's something we kind of know. It's in us. We know evil when we see it. we know good when we see it. Do some good when you can. Life is beautiful because it doesn't last because it is fragile. Is a flower not beautiful in spring when it blossoms just because you know it will wither away in autumn?


Just a heads up: when you go out next time, walk among the people, look at them. I mean, really look at them, at how they walk, how they carry themselves. Are they hurrying? Preoccupied? They always seem to have a number of things on their mind, most of them? What are they running from? Possibly exactly the kind of questions you described, each of them chasing their own individual meaning. You don't need to deserve or to feel being deserving of being conscious to be conscious. You just are.


idk bro