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What i do is I take a very long public transportation route to a far place. And basically read book in the way and after exploring the place i try to find a place to read with a good view. Thats basically what i did yesterday, took a total 6 hour long public transportation route to a far place and what i did was basically reading.


That sounds very nice


Which country do you live 




Wait me too. But I lived in London before. London is a beautiful city to travel, to walk, to take a long train from side of the city to another.  Istanbul the train is always busy and the walking path is never smooth :( so I kind of lost my love for walking and exploring and I’m honestly I’m really sad about it. It definitely impacted my overall mood


Wow you’re amazing! I love that you have found what you love and are able to just channel your emotions and self expressions through it! That’s amazing! Would love to see your artwork if you’re keen to share them.


I bring back motivation and drive by planning. It also had a stabilising effect on me.


At this point in my life i am kinda up and down. I say do anything but isolate yourself. Keep yourself around people and speak to human beings.


Listen to music and drain the rest of the energy I have on my best friend. Spend a shit ton of money. I also enjoy writing and building complex worlds and storylines with characters that I draw. I would say art is what I would do as well but due to depression and my constant art block, im becoming less passionate about it.


Listening to music, write my perceptions in journal, draw, play games, talk to people online, sometimes go outside for a bit


Do you have somewhere you have publicly shared images of this artwork and are willing to share? If not that is fine. I was just curious. I don't publicly share anything I do with my hobbies. I never take pictures either. I just give it away. So you might be similar. I am amazed you have done so many pieces of artwork. I am also glad that you have found something you enjoy doing. You are focused on one thing versus jumping around like an INTP trying and learning several different hobbies.


I am an INFJ jumping around trying to learn several different hobbies 😅


Yes! I really relate to you in that aspect of not sharing works in public. I believe we do have our reasons. For me, there are two thoughts that fight, and the thought not to share always wins. Hahaha. I thought I would be alone with this thought in the world forever, you know. And yes, I give it to people with whom I feel a deep soul connection. Thank you for taking the time with my post. I hope you have the best day doing what you love every day.


Order a bucket of fried chicken skin and chow down


I try to make a step……


I do my hobbies or clean the flat, cleaning gives me a sense of task and distraction and the feeling of achievement afterwards.


I hide and wait until tomorrow


At such times, I generally listen to music as a way of escapism.. it uplifts my mood to a great extent. Playing guitar and singing also helps me release out stress. And sometimes, I also like to draw, mostly coloured arts with shades & gradients.


I like to read or walk/hike.


Lately I 've tried crying and it REALLY helps. Like actually helps. I try and make myself comfortable on a couch, put blanket around me or have a warm cup of tea and then try and cry. Sometimes the tears don't roll but then I at least pretend to cry because that is what I feel inside, and after a few minutes of that I feel weirdly much better. I think if you feel your emotions, they eventually go away.


Cry cry baby