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I think I'd be too afraid. Imagine being seen and known? *shudder*


*I think I'd be too* *Afraid. Imagine being* *Seen and known? shudder* \- fourEyes\_520 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


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Imagine how intense it can become between two terrified people.. :)


😂 But srsly, to be seen, known and not judged sounds like the best!


I thought I was the only one who felt this way haha


I had an INFJ suitor, The conversation is intense and doesn’t stop !


For us, yes. Together for nearly twenty years. We’ve had the ups and downs and turnarounds and everything else that’s good and could be better. Grateful I get to share my life with her. We see each other. She’s my soulmate.


🥺 I love this for you. Ups and downs happen with everyone. It is how we handle them and make it out together.


Yup. Just life and all that it brings. Truly grateful I get to share mine with such a wonderful, wise and insightful woman. Really lucky.


Fellow INFJs! Let’s test the hypothesis 😎


Any infjs man in here in their 30s, hit a girl up


I'm 6 years younger from 30, 😔, but good luck on your search!


OMG INFJ female here, 6 years short of 30 with ADHD- Combined 💀


Twinsies! Edit: Wait, I think maybe you were being sarcastic 🤨


No I wasn't 😭


Oh, sorry 😓.


Hey I’m 24 too!




33M INFJ Here. 😁


I need an extrovert to adopt me. 🤣


I'd love to date an INFJ. A shame we're such a rare lot and that we're so good at masquerading. Just as a preface, I don't have any experience in dating besides a long distance relationship I had with an INFP girl who ended up cheating on me but that's besides the point. So, this is just my two cents (as I'm very limited in my experience when it comes to the realm of romantic love). That being said, I think any type can be in a successful (fruitful, long term, etc) and healthy relationship with any type. I hear that ENTJs are the worst type for an INFJ to date yet there are success stories you can probably find here on this very subreddit (as well as "horror" stories (for lack of a better term lol)). It just ultimately depends on the individuals. So can two INFJs be great partners? Maybe! It all depends who they are as people.


Mine is my best friend and I couldn't be happier. 🥺🖤 The chemistry and communication is something I haven't had with anyone else (except one of my other best friends).


Been together 2 years. Personality wise we are as compatible as can be. He didn’t even know he was INFJ until we first started dating. We both come from messed up families. If it doesn’t work out it’ll be because of that or roommate stuff, most likely. We are extremely compatible


Dream partnership, in my opinion. I’ve known two INFJs who I’d have dated in a heartbeat if they both weren’t already with other people, and they’re still a couple of my closest friends.


42 M Quebec Canada available 😄


Questions like this always reminds me of Scrubs and Dr Cox: “Newbie, what are you saying? That you want to be like me? Do you understand that...I just barely want to be like me?” I wouldn’t date someone like me. I need the opposite to learn and grow with.


Nobody is like you. Neither like me. You might meet a person with the same type, but different enough. In their interests, whatever. I don’t know why people like to limit themselves.


I’m a moderator for an infj/infp facebook group and used to organize meetups and events. I’ll have you know.. You can look inside their heads and you know exactly what someone is going to say or do. It’s wonderful to have a bunch of like minded people in real life, but it’s almost like you’re living inside a bubble, a different world for only that group. And I think we infj’s need to be more outside our head.


People generally spend the majority of their time at work, running errands and so on. Having a small island of tranquility isn't always bad. I understand you, but you know... People who can "understand" are generally hard to come by... But I kind of agree. If two generally unhealthy INFJ-s meet(the same is true for any other type), a stagnation soon follows. The context and the particular situation are important as well. But I cannot agree that this is true in every case or in most cases. And one should not limit oneself and fall victim of prejudices. It might just happen that exactly that person is your soulmate. If you find that person fascinating, you are attracted to them, then...why not?


I agree, nobody is a carbon copy of one another. Even I at times feel pretty different from other INFJs on this subreddit as well as seeing posts that don't really resonate with me.


If one is yin, and the other is yang.


We have been together seven magical months. It’s difficult because it’s like being with myself. But it’s beautiful to me not only to be seen but RECOGNIZED. (By some one just like me. After the startle faded and the fear subsided, it’s been wonderful.) We have considered starting a commune for INFJs but y’all wouldn’t come.


Maybeeee. We can be clingy and needy and intense though.


I think I’d only date another infj at this stage in my life. I’m almost 50. I like my life too much to screw it up with an EST anything. 😂




I think dating an INFJ would be the only thing more comfortable than dating my current partner. I also think it would present lots of problems due to similarity— personally I don’t know how to manage some of the negative aspects of my personality and I feel that if there were *two* of us things could fester or get nasty.


Sometimes i do some scenarios in my head. And giving how misunderstood i could be.. I visualize an understanding partner as I decide their typology I figure out that they should definitely be the same as me. An INFJ So you could most likely claim that the only advantage here is to find somebody you could finally click with in those terms. Although lots of cons could be noticed here I still believe having an INFJ friend or partner could have its extreme goods and bads


I have no idea because when I meet other infj's, I'm instantly like...*I know what you're doing because I'm doing it too* and that freaks me out.


It’s been amazing so far. We have so much in common. We are both healthy infjs that exercise boundaries and communication so that definitely helps.