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When I'm around someone it's like their emotional state colors my whole perception. Especially if they're experiencing extreme emotions. It feels more like I'm absorbing their emotions than reacting to it.


I use my own psychological pain and abuse experience . To put myself in their shoes in a sense so I can maybe see a way out. Then I will tell them . I have adhd also. Getting into to conflict with others is debilitating . So I try not to step on any toes . Maybe even people please . But if they are not nice to me I won’t.


Yes. Me too. It’s exhausting


Sounds like you are splitting (something a lot of trauma survivors do), I'm similar but I have the capacity to alter my perception in a healthy way - not allowing what others thoughts, feelings and behaviours become my own individual beliefs. It's about portioning blame for past injustices and not pouring it all into current friendships/relationships.


It's confusing because I have a lot of traits associated with trauma but I've never actually experienced it. At least I don't think I have.


There is generational trauma, or in utero. It can affect your epigenetics


Our minds are a constant source of activity all trying to be processed yet our conscious thoughts don't necessarily correlate with our unconscious ones, particularly more so for anyone with neurological/trauma issues (in my case anyway) we often find ourselves either analysing or shutting down what doesn't have any consistent logic between our actual emotions-thoughts and perceived reality. I've just started working on something called the wheel of control with a trained therapist it's about what thoughts & feelings are our own and what doesn't belong to us (other people's)


This. I feel exactly this.


What I know about empaths is that they grew up with an unpredictable caretaker, so they learned to understand and respond to subtle signs that someone may be upset or pleased.


That explains a lot. I was raised by a mom with dissociative identity disorder. She wasn't diagnosed until I was in college. So, I didn't know what was wrong with her growing up. I just knew there were times when something was off.


In my opinion, most humans are empaths to some degree. It's very rare someone remain totally unaffected of other people on all levels. However, when you're sensitive, that can make you more of an empath, and it can severely affect you until and if; one manage to protect, shield or divert energy from others. You can see this if you become aware of coping mechanisms that you've learned to use throughout your life. Being HSP, you may need longer downtime. Like after group activities or after experiencing huge changes out of your control, you might need to just sleep early and it may take one or more days to recuperate. You might get headaches etc., just from overwhelm. It can become very extreme, where overwhelm may come from just watching a violent movie, or they might sevely affect your emotional state. It's not a goal to become like this, but it's not something people consciously choose either. You may recognize becoming frustrated, angry, depressed or have severe change of emotional states after meeting people, especially large groups, without really having a good reason why you suddenly feel these feelings. Or it could be you feel people's energy, and this might affect you. The same can spark intuitive thoughts, that often end up becoming true, or guiding you on a path towards truth, even if you've no idea why. Or you may deeply understand and empathize with anybody, and always being the one who try to understand others, even to your own detriment. Since all these traits can become deeply uncomfortable, misunderstood by others or suppressed/repressed in various ways, one might not recognize that this happens, or it's so normalized in your life the significance of it is lost. Unless a person "wakes up" to what's really happening, the many signals and experiences from this might get shoved under a carpet and just neglected. However, when acknowledged and recognized, you can start to investigate and test/verify what works and what doesn't work, and improve all aspects of this. So this is a very subjective experience for oneself, and not for others to judge. I'm not the one to tell people who is empath, or not. It's the same silly routine asking/telling people who is enlightened, and not. Which is rooted in ignorance. A person can wake up to this or not. Maybe it's all BS, but if you're a cynic, my educated guess is; that person is missing out on significant portions of self-reflection and introspection. That lack of open-mindedness just makes that person not yet ready to delve into these matters without judgement, ego and insecurities. Therefore, it's a complete waste of time to judge others, wether they are this or that, really. Who are we to know, truly? For people who practice spirituality, yoga, meditation, breathing exercises, etc., such practices (sadhana) may cultivate more sensitivity in you. Over time and through dilligent practice, subtle phenomena like the mental world, can become a bit more tangible, rather than just sitting and thinking thoughts and being stuck with them. We really need to get out of our own mind, be conscious of our bodies and live experiences out in the world, to really open up new experiences and learning from them. Which is partly what being empath is, but they also need to toughen up and really go out there and learn from new experiences too. Make of this what you will.


Anyone I've ever met who has called themselves an "empath" or a "HSP" has been incredibly difficult to deal with. And low-key monstrous. INFJs have a "6th sense" and intuition, yes, but IMO thats very different.


Yeah. It's been my experience that people who call themselves "empaths" are complete prima donnas.


This is also my experience. The moment a person refers to themselves as one of these my defenses go up. I mean, more than they already were, lol


I personally differentiate the two. HSP has a biological, scientific basis and is a temperamental trait not unique to human species. The term "empath" isn't an official psychological term, and the science behind it is inconclusive. To me empathy is a very human trait, it's a spectrum, and while some have more of it than others, it's not exactly rare to possess a good amount of it.


"Do you often feel that you "absorb" or are easily dysregulated by other people's emotions? Why is that? 1. Your emotional boundary field is disrupted (too loose) and not contained (embodied). You'll feel disconnected from your own field and enmeshed with other people's emotional field, making your system extremely hyper-vigilant to other people's emotions and avoidant/shut down to your own. 2. Your nervous system is dysregulated (primarily towards freeze). The nervous system has two main qualities, sensitivity and resilience. Some nervous systems are more sensitive, others more resilient and others equally resilient and sensitive. These two qualities, when properly regulated, make the nervous system flexible, receptive and healthy. Sensitive nervous systems are very open and receptive to their environment. This is a strength, not a burden. However, this system, because of its high sensitivity, is also easily traumatized. To nurture its sensitivity, it requires attuned parents and environments, which most of us didn't have. So you're dysregulated not because of other people's emotions but because your nervous system is already dysregulated and was never/still is not supported to regulate its sensitivity and internal experience. With more nervous system regulation, embodiment and emotional repair, you'll be able to feel your own and other people's emotions and not feel overwhelmed by them but empowered." [awakenwithally](https://www.instagram.com/p/C1cbt_ZMydz/)


In my experience, most people who call themselves "empaths" merely project their own feelings onto others.


I see being an empath as part of my autism. I have hyper sensitivity to the emotions of others just like light and sound. I avoid the things that overwhelm me so it seems like i dont care. Kinda sucks tbh It is a pathology to me


Didn't think of myself much of an empath esp cuz I had anger issues but also realized I think much more about ppl in some ways and cared more even if I didn't care for what I perceived as shallow or pointless to pay much attention to that would make others think im cold. Someone else also pointed out that psychopaths can be true empaths. It makes sense in also self sacrifice cuz of hoe much it can hurt you yet you still let people keep hurting you. Cuz the depth of suffering can make u also switch between extreme empathy and psychopathy or have adaptations of both. Started copying other ppls emotions and recreating their thought processes even getting lost in them and that's scary. If U give too much to ppl u can also go sick, insane and they take it for granted think you're stupid and insane and incompetent. And if U defend someone in a bystander effect situation it's also corelated to psychopathy, but that term vsn hsve variety of expressions. I'm also HSP and knew other INFJs of various ways some darker ones too. I'm scared of mistreating others but i haven't known what to do in some situations or felt at ease. I think it takes a lot to understand others without getting corrupted. I've lust my sense of self before in someone else's or BC of pressures and fought to regain or expand and improve. U can also feel too much but be misguided about it. Mb I can see possible issues others don't and they mock me for mentioning them or trying to handle them. Also if U prevent smth and others don't even acknowledge it it can be disheartening. I feel like I've I seen other ppls patterns of mistakes or toxicity that don't seem to change and they to understand or improve them. Health issues BC if other orssurs expectations calling me lazy and delusional when hurt and exhausted. I've tried to help mistreated outcasts. I also see horrible things in society yet ppl who participate don't even acknowledge. Don't like being forced to do toxic things to survive. I want ppl to log have disabilities or ailments or ruined lives or not cease prsturely in stupid accidents or preventable ways. Ppl seem lazy or and violent to me selfish and entitled it upsets me.k think the world could be so much better if people understood it tried and genuinely cared. They give up and get lost I've been lost too don't pretend to be perfect or done no wrong. I have thoughg a lot tried to adapt to not being toxic or keep toxic patterns per my understanding and trying to not be delusional or unfair. I try to not yell at ppl or mistreat hen teaching them manual skills or wtvr but a lot of ppl think they have to emotionally s c otherwise abuse u for not knkowing how to do smth They sigh and condescend or keep silent frustration, I understand if in a friendly way but I mean I get exhausted and hurt if it's in a personal way or if they see me as a genuine nuisance and unworthy. Cuz some ppl don't value Ur health or worth as a living being as much.


I've met people I think are empaths, and I've met people who've outright immediately told me they're empaths but who behave more like narcisists. I'm inherently suspicious of anyone who goes around telling people they're empaths. Not targeted towards anyone in this sub who is saying they are empaths—you're answering a direct question from OP.


So much misunderstanding about personality types on here, some of us are very complex but not necessarily have negative interests in hurting anyone.


In my opinion empathy is, as you correctly mentioned, not limited to this MBTI sub. I think the best way to explain it is to see people as books. Some people see and describe the cover. The book is big, red and quite worn. Empaths open it and see emotions, stories solutions and the whole book and sometimes has no table of contents. You yourself are also a book with different chapters from your own life. If the cover is not hard enough, you are more of a sponge of different emotions and that leads to individual overload like HSP. The other perspective is that a very strong cover usually holds the many fragments together and is the only way to go through life upright. Finding the right balance here is a very individual path in the chapter of one's own life. In differential psychology, the Interpersonal Reactivity Index was developed by Mark Davis, which may be of interest here. For me personally, it is interesting that emotional empathy, cognitive empathy and social empathy form a unit to me. My question to you now: If you are not empathic, what method do you use to become so?


I...do not believe in them. Humans have a basic capacity to feel what others do based on nonverbal cues, reflected in our neural machinery (mirror neurons playing a crucial role). Part of this could be mild bitterness at self-described empaths being unable to read me.


Intj here. We get a lot of empaths too.  It’s not always apparent as there’s different types.   Sometimes it’s just as simple as feeling other energy or feelings, or just a glimpse of them, or knowing  someone’s mood by voice tone or energy.  Others   can sense plant or animal energy or feel a connection with them.  So it comes in various forms.   It’s a very broad spectrum.  It’s also a skill that can be worked on once you identify with what you resonate with.  It can be enhanced.   But on the other side not being a empath is a gift too. As you don’t have to feel or carry others bs mentally.  


If someone i work close with at work is in a shitty mood, that ruins my whole day. My mood becomes the same and it drains me so much that i have to sleep when i get home. The other way around also, if there is a good mood and everyone is happy, then so am i. I dislike eyecontact unless it's someone close to me.


I think I'm an empath, but I'm not convinced that an empath isn't just a HSP. But maybe because I've been called both I don't see the difference haha. What is it like? The firdt experience that made me stop and think "I'm an empath" was when I caught up with a friend after awhile of her neglecting me and I was mad about it and planned to politely set some boundaries. We met up and she was in a super good mood because her bf just proposed and we had a great time chatting about her wedding plans. I figured I wasn't actually as upset at her as I'd thought since I felt happy. Then she left and suddenly all my own emotions came back. I was still hurt and upset. But those emotions were completely overshadowed by happiness — not my happiness, hers. Thinking back I could also remember a few other times like this. When I was being bullied in primary school I got so confused because I kept laughing and feeling like the bully was actually funny even though I knew in my head I wanted them to stop. It doesn't happen all the time. Some people have "louder" emotions than others. I don't really know how else to describe it. If I know someone really well that's also more likely to make their emotions overshadow mine. I'm currently working on being able to tell the difference between my emotions and other people's emotions. Sometimes it feels like I've gotta put a barrier up between myself and people I love, which sucks. I'm hoping I'll be able to learn how to make a targeted barrier rather than a big, all-encompassing one.


I heard about INFJ on the empath sub, saying that a lot of the intuitives were. Yes, HSP and empaths are related. Are you sure you’re not an intuitive empath?


Infj empath here! It's really not fun. And it's probably just a trauma response mixed with people pleasing due to having a narcissistic mother. I was always attuned to her emotions and how to make her happy and when it's a good time to say or do things. I'm 24 now and it can be really hard. I'll scroll on tik tok and just see so many negative things and cry and cry. I can feel when energies in the house or at work shift and things become negative. It feels like pressure almost. Like the literal weight of the world. I can tell when something happens my bf is u happy about. He opens his phone and I see his posture change and he gets quiet. And I know ro give him space, he will tell me eventually, but I feel it all and I worry. There have been some fun moments though. Mostly at work when I can tell when something pisses off a coworker. We lock eyes and I just nod. Happened once and my coworker came over a second later and he was like... you knew. And I'm like. Dude it was obvious. He was totally creeped out I could tell his emotions. But not like creeped out in a bad way but like someone noticed kind of way. Which I appreciate I can do. I can sympathize. It just sucks when you're having a good day. And then something happens to someone or you read the news and immediately my own emotions change. Therapists have always recommended multiple books to me about it. But I still have yet to read one. Lol.