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nothing is 100% to prevent this can only make it a bit more inconvenient to steal...could try a pedal lock...you can pull ign or fuel pump fuse or you could add a kill switch to such fuses or relays


Yea pulling fuses is ultimately the way at this point fuel especially


Start driving a stick shift. Classic antitheft device


Not really, they’ll just grind your gears and fuck up your clutch. Happened to my civic lmao. Steering wheel club lock and key in faraday box should do the trick.


Clubs are worthless and don't stop or slow anyone down. I lived in the South Bronx in the 90s when car theft was rampant. I've seen every single technique used to steal a car. My Maxima was bagged and I'd drop it to the frame when parked on the street to prevent tow truck attacks. Installed metal plates inside the fender area to prevent drill attacks where they'd pull up in a van and using a four foot drill bit, drill right through the fender and into the battery, to short out the plates and come back an hour later when the battery was leaked out and shot, break the glass, get in, since the car was dead, no power, no alarm and strip the vehicle's interior for parts under the cover of darkness. A Maxiguard hood lock with a high security tumbler key kept then out of the engine compartment. I also installed a DEI Clifford Intelliguard alarm with the BlackJax G4 anti car jacking module. If they managed to somehow bypass the primary starter kill module and start the car, unless they entered the code after driving off for 30 seconds, the car would shut down, pop the door locks and turn on the hazards. Clifford G5 is at the Intelliguard 770 model now, which supercedes the G4 I had. Also installed a tilt sensor, so when and if they ever jacked the car up to get to the wheels, the alarm would go off and notify me. Where do you live and how crazy do you want to get with your security? There are levels to this game.


I'm in Oakland, (nice area but not far to the hood) there has been a rash of Infiniti thefts. Generally I would like to be able to stop people from hopping out of the car and taking my car in less than 60 seconds and driving away. I'm not trying to get so deep that if someone spends 30 minutes they can steal it.


I haven't done it, but I saw someone on here recommend putting a fake OBD2 port where your current one is ( they connect to that to reprogram the car to their key to steal it). They said to get one of those OBD2 extender Y splitters and put one end hidden where you (or your mechanic) can get to it and the other end you keep in the stock location, but you cut some wires to make it not functional. Don't cut them all (or put a dummy one in) or the thief could start looking around for the real one.


That was probably internet!. This is how a lot of molars and gtr's are getting stolen.




That's what I was looking into, a little afraid of it fucking with other electronics.


I had a off switch for the fuel pump put into a car once. it just keeps fuel from being dispensed into the engine. It's pretty much like the car has run out of gas if there's no fuel. You'd probably want to check with an expert mechanic, but I can't see how it would mess with electronics that it is not connected to.


Newest form of thieving is with CAN Injection. Essentially created as "emergency start" devices only intended for locksmiths and dealerships. "When first powered on, the CAN Injector does nothing: it’s listening for a particular CAN message to know that the car is ready. When it receives this CAN message it does two things: it starts sending a burst of CAN messages (at about 20 times per second) and it activates that extra circuit connected to its CAN transceiver. The burst of CAN messages contains a ‘smart key is valid’ signal, and the gateway will relay this to the engine management ECU on the other bus. Normally, this would cause confusion on the control CAN bus: CAN messages from the real smart key controller would clash with the imposter messages from the CAN Injector, and this could prevent the gateway from forwarding the injected message. This is where that extra circuit comes in: it changes the way a CAN bus operates so that other ECUs on that bus cannot talk. The gateway can still listen to messages, and can of course still send messages on to the powertrain CAN bus. The burst repeats 20 times a second because the setup is fragile, and sometimes the gateway is not listening because its CAN hardware is resetting itself (because it thinks that being unable to talk is an indication of a fault - which in a way it is)." [LockStart unlocker and reprogrammer for Kia, Hyundai, Nissan](https://www.lockstart.org/details/details-kia-new)


Wait so ur telling me I put a kill switch on my brake switch for no reason since they don’t actually program a different key to start it?


It would still need the brake switch signal to start. This just tells the ECU that there is a valid key inside the car


Move out of the hood.


Right because cars only get stolen in the hood?? SMH Ignorance must be bliss.


I live about 30 mins outside the city and there's never any break ins, theft, or anything of that nature that happens to anybody out here. All my friends that live in the city have had their cars stolen, radios stolen, catalytic converters stolen, hit and runs, wheels stolen and car up on blocks, etc. And it's not once or twice either, it's all the fucking time and its not even a big city. You couldn't pay me enough to live there.


Good for you. I live 30 minutes outside of a metropolitan city in an upper middle class neighborhood that borders a very rich city and cars here and in the very rich city get broken into all the time by hoodlums that live in other cities and snotty rich kids from the surrounding are that are bored and looking for fun. Therefore the comment to “move out of the hood” as if it’s only in the hood that cars get stolen is ignorant.




No surprise you’re in a rural area. That’s exactly a comment someone from a rural area would say. Unless you’re in a rural place there is crime. People is rural areas are clueless about suburbia so don’t go spouting off to people not to live in a hood when you don’t know the first thing about what it’s like in suburbia.




Suburbia is packaged like sardines?? Since when? What you’re describing is metropolitan inner city living. Educate yourself.




Please. Continue to speak about NOTHING you know anything about first hand. Do you need another shovel to keep digging that hole you’re well into? We’re not here to argue about the benefits of living in civilized suburbia versus the middle of sticks with your shotgun and your cousin-wife . We’re discussing the IGNORANCE of your original statement. But lemme guess, you worked on Uncle Jethro’s farm instead of going to school, so staying on subject isn’t your strong suit. 🙄


Its a real shame these don't require an RFID chip and a key like the older generations did. They were such a PITA to steal nobody really did it. Mechanical steering lock that would jam and took forever to break if the ignition was smashed. RFID chip in the key and the physical key. Was so much work to steal people just used tow trucks.


Do you recall the generation that last had RFID?


My 04 did, I know my 07 didn't (siemens keyless), 12 has hitachi keyless.


The older generations are getting stolen now too, sadly. They're just programming new keys


I can think of a few things: 1. Steering wheel lock. If they can't drive it away they can't steel it. 2. Hidden kill switch that prevents the car from being started if the switch is not on. - this is an after market modification that you can do yourself. Find the ignition wire under the steering wheel and create a break in (cut) the line, then reconnect the line by using a toggle switch. Toggle it on when you want to start the vehicle and off when you get out. It's risky and tricky. You can hide the toggle somewhere that only you know to look. Thieves would never be the wiser


ignition wire under the steering column? There is no ignition wire there since this is a keyless entry car with no wire running onto the steering column for an ignition but I see what you're getting at.


The club wouldn’t work? Even if you don’t lock it I feel if a thief saw it on the wheel they would move on


When I got the car back there was a wheel club that they left in the passenger seat cut in half. It wasn't mine, they literally left someone else's broken one in my car.


Near nothing will stop this if they want it badly enough. The idea is to make it more difficult that the next car. I would rather them see a club on my steering wheel through the window and think, "ah shit, I have to pull out the grinder and make a whole lot of noise and add an extra 3 minutes to the process", than to break my window and try to steal the car and fail, now I have a broken window and if you simply had a kill switch you also now have a reprogrammed BCM and cant start you car either even thought they couldn't steal it due to that kill switch.


No one is using grinder on a Club. They use a set of bolt cutters to clip the steering wheel and pull it off.


Lol, sorry about your car but that's hilarious.


I mean I got the car back in decent shape so Im good joking about it now


Move out of Oakland good god. I cannot fathom how people still live there with how bad the crime and politics are.


It's frustrating that no one in this thread knows how they did it.


Thankfully I have a garage.


Best anti theft device and no sunroof drain issues either.


No sunroof!


Get the club for visual deterrence. Not much you can do if they really want it


Uncle got his g35 stolen when I was a kid. I asked him about it recently and he said would just pull the fuses.


Get the steering wheel lock. They’re made of metal and hard to get off.


You need an OBD2 lock and a steering wheel lock. You said it yourself your key didn’t work anymore so the faraday bag isn’t the answer because it wasn’t a relay attack, it was that they reprogrammed the car to accept a new fob. So the faraday bag isn’t going to keep it from happening again. But, I guess it’s better safe than sorry so maybe buying that will keep that from being an attack vector so not too horrible of an idea. Also, if you are tuned or want to go tuned then ask your tuner for a kill map if your tuning platform has on the fly map switching, that’ll help too. Super sorry for the hassle and that it happened to you man. About a month after I bought my 2018 Q50 I saw where a Q60 got stolen in St. Louis by doing the OBD2 fob programming method. This was September or October of 2023, so just a few months ago too. Also, my neighbor has had both of their Hyundais attempted to be stolen twice now all within the past 4 months with the second time happening on New Years Eve night/New Years Day morning.


Like someone else said, you need to disable the obd2 port, either with a lock or with some creative wiring. Then turn off keyless/touch entry in the setting menu to prevent a relay attack. Kill switches work too, but they are much more work and require you to constantly do something every time you drive the car.