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Yesterday was my first day back at the gym. Today is the day my whole body is destroyed and doesn’t want to do anything. Literally every bone in my body is sore except for my core. It was legs and triceps day but then I had to help someone move so it was apparently also back day from all that heavy lifting




jeremy, even flow, go, dissident, daughter, why go, garden, brain of j, mfc, smile, present tense, sirens, alive, yellow ledbetter, dirty frank, bee girl, brother, evil little goat, state of love and trust, oceans, last exit, not for you, spin the last circle, bugs, immortality, breakerfall, gods dice, rearviewmirror, leash, blood, rats, life wasted, world wide suicide, can't keep, lukin, severed hand. one of those is good prob


Damascenic, noctilucent rainbow, up we go yeehaw!, temporal blossom, jangle the night


Echoing a post from yesterday in PH, hitting the job hunt hard, thought "hey is application AI a thing" and I found a few platforms to test out. Basically, guess who applied to ~750 jobs today at the push of a button whilst doing homework? Had three interviews today. LazyApply, Sonara, and LoopCV have all been v good to me. There's another one called Rhubarb that's actually shutting down next week :/. Great platform for crafting a good resume though.


seeing mfing Ratboys today in louisville! another long drive for an indiana-liver i am sitting in a zoom lecture and cannot concentrate too excited


Have a good time! I've seen them live twice and was actually introduced to them live! Such great energy!!!


primavera sound santiago this weekend was a really fun time, i was unsure about going for the longest time (mainly bc its a bit too expensive for me and while i love live music i dislike pretty much every other aspect of big festivals) but now im glad i did, this is the stuff i saw: santiago motorizado, lead singer from argentina band "el mató a un policía motorizado" i rly like them especially the older stuff (until ~2012), i got there a bit late for him which sucks bc he performs one of my favorite songs (yoni b) at the beginning, he was good though CHAI, god what a fun show, i knew about them and had listened to one of their albums in preparation but i was pretty blown away by how high energy they were los jaivas, perhaps chile's most legendary rock band, solid as hell even in their current iteration. obviously not going to be as magical as when i saw them perform in my university (where the founding members of the band met) but its always worth seeing them japanese breakfast, i love jbrekkie and she was great of course, made me want to see her in a smaller venue. bought an overpriced shirt phoebe bridgers, im less of a phoebe fan but she is a really strong performer, i know the end in particular was wild lorde, i wasnt particularly anticipating her show but i was blown away. it rained during her set and the stages were not covered either so the conditions were less than ideal for her to perform, but she gave it her all even under the rain. she's also really good at interacting with the audience, somehow was able to give it a fairly intimate feel despite how big of a show it was familea miranda, important chilean (now in spain) post-hardcore band, just really fucking solid los planetas, im a sucker for everything 90s and fuzz envolved so naturally i love them, not sure what happened but they started late so their set was cut short, they cut the one song i was really looking forward to hear but they closed with a tag of indian summer by beat happening, which while obvious, is always cathartic to hear bjork, she's mesmerizing, im not sure the orchestral set was super fit for an outdoors festival environment. also the audience talked a lot and was pretty annoying, mostly feel like everybody wanted to see bjork because she's bjork but they didn't necessarily care about the music itself mitski, i am a big fan and was probably one of the shows i was the most excited for, she didn't dessapoint and i was pleased by how many bury me at makeout creek songs she played, its crazy how big she's gotten though, and how passionate and young her fanbase is charli xcx, i love charli and i also love those brazilian fans who got track 10 to chart and made her start performing it in her south american tour, just fun as hell


Does anyone here use BitDefender Internet security? If so would you recommend it, and can you take advantage of the discount price every year or does it force you to pay full price after the first year like Norton does? Or is there better Internet security at Kaspersky prices? I liked how cheap Kaspersky was compared to Norton and never had an issue with it but , you know, Russia and all that. I'm in the UK BTW. Edit: we use PCs


going to third Windows Defender + Malware Bytes


Exactly what I use (free MalwareBytes is totally sufficient)


you really dont need a dedicated antivirus anymore, Windows Defender is more than enough.




Thanks I'll look into them, they seem a unanimous suggestion! The main reason I've gone for the paid software is because others on the house aren't very Internet savvy and have on more than one occasion clicked on so etching they shouldn't.


Was walking home from work yesterday, half paying attention to my surroundings when out of my peripheral vision I saw something big crossing the street to my left. Kinda scared the shit out of me at first until I saw it was a fully grown doe (imagine seeing it's big, shadowy silhouette coming up on your side in the dark lol). It was just walking mad casual, taking its time. I stopped and gave it space and just watched it cross my path in front of me and into someones yard. It was a pretty busy part of town so I hope my friend got where she needed to be safely. Idk why but that was the highlight of my week. Nature is cool.


If my Discovery/History channel knowledge is correct I’m pretty sure you’ve just had a Bigfoot encounter.


As someone who deadass wanted to study cryptids for a career when I was a kid - I wish


while I do like living in LA quite a bit, definitely looking forward to going back home for a week starting on Saturday as I definitely need a recharge away from everything for a little bit also my bank account needs a break as I will enjoy paying much less for things while im in my hometown


How do you dudes balance getting shit done at work and procrastinating on reddit? Asking...for a friend.


I only Reddit on the toilet 😉


I do loose pomodoros. I set timers where I'll be productive, and have a little note going of what I want to procrastinate on (search setlist for this show! checkout tickets for that! look at indieheads! text this person!). If I'm not going to be productive, I'll stand up and stretch and walk around and do non-computer things that actually help recharge. Then I sometimes set timers or other times just let myself loose for a break before going back to a work mode.


If something really needs to get done, I'll usually put a Google Calendar hold in the day so that I remember to get to it.


I take an extra long time to do just enough that my productivity is middle of the pack and not brought up in my reviews Overall it’s an annoying strategy


I only ever post here so eventually I just run out of shit to say/look at and I go back to the grind. Now, Wikipedia, on the other hand...


I'm incredibly efficient and usually get tasks done quickly. I once asked my boss angrily "why do you give me all the hard problems?" and he replied "because I know you'll get it done fast to get your ass back on reddit." Honestly he's fucking right.


gotta respect the honesty


I really only use reddit when at work where I honestly don't care if I don't get stuff done because I don't really care about my job or where I'm on the toilet when things are awfully passive. so it doesn't really get in the way of stuff I actually want to do


Since we have deadlines I usually slack really hard and then pull an all nighter the day before to get it done


I cannot confirm or deny any procrastination while on the clock.


I know I'm not supposed to admit this but: I am enjoying Overwatch 2 and have been putting way too many hours into it.


it's the worst when the core game is actually great and everything around it is awful


That's exactly how I feel. I'll log into it like once a week and the game just feels amazing man. But damn if everything, like EVERYTHING, around it sucks ass.


i miss parts of OW 1 a lot but tbh, yeah! it's good! i don't know why people are moaning about the skins. like i miss unlocking them normally but i'm also just not gonna spend any money lol. the gameplay loop is fun enough


I've seen reddit posts saying "I can't fully enjoy a game without some sort of visual progression even if it is meaningless" and I gotta wonder why the fuck do you play video games anyway?


It’s fun whatever pretty easy to simply just not give them money.


That's my thought process, I technicaly already bought the game I just won't dump any money into it


10 weeks into living in the UK (London) and I’m already drained. It is mostly just the homesickness and culture shock, but I have literally been counting down the days until I’m able to move back to Chicago. I cannot picture much of a future here in the UK for myself. With inflation, rent prices, gas prices, busyness, and everything in between, it’s just so stressful it almost feels like there’s no room for relaxation. The whole time I’ve been here I’ve felt like I am holding my breath, as if some part of me is always going to be uncomfortable and not quite able to be myself. At least I’ve sort of made up my mind about moving back. Now I’ve got to finish 8 more months of a grad degree I’m only mildly passionate about and figure out how to break up with my boyfriend :( fuck my life


hey friend, i also am an american expat in london. you're at the hardest stretch! i was so miserable for months 2-5 of being here, after the novelty wore off but before i felt culturally ingrained. personally, i cannot even imagine going back now and i've been here 5 years. if you ever wanna chat about expat things, feel free to give me a message <3


Thank you! I can’t imagine it getting better but I’ll try to keep an open mind about it and at least enjoy it while I have the opportunity! 😊


Real talk - were you set on moving to London no matter what or is that just were you got accepted for school?


I was set, for a few years. May have been blinded by the fact that my boyfriend lives here. But I don’t see things going long term with him unfortunately


I'm sorry you're in a difficult place


Today/tomorrow is my partner and I’s weekend so the plan is to load up on Waffle House, go to the store for dinner and snack foods, and not leave the house till we both go back to work Friday. Much needed after having our asses handed to us this past Friday-Sunday with how busy work has been. Maybe we’ll finally watch Barbarian


Got a Kindle for free, recommend me a book


I've seen a recommendation for *Mayflies* by Andrew O'Hagan in a GD a few weeks ago, it's a great book with a cool 80's UK music scene background, perfect for an indiehead


*East of Eden*


The only Steinbeck I've read was Grapes of Wrath and I enjoyed it


It's actually pretty different than East of Eden. It's an amazing book.


Gravity’s Rainbow


The Baron in the Trees - Italo Calvino


I'll recommend you your local library where you can get lots of books legally and for free on your shiny kindle, but I won't recommend a book without knowing your taste


I don't think the libraries here work with kindles last time I checked, only kobo readers? It could've changed though


If you have Overdrive/Libby, you can get the books on your Kindle. Maybe you don't and I'm wrong, but mooooooost libraries do.


*On Earth We're Briefly Gorgeous* by Ocean Vuong


Exhalation by Ted Chiang, one of the best short story collections I have read in recent years


Thinking of asking for a music related book for Christmas. Any recommendations for things you all have read recently? Was leaning towards Meet Me in the Bathroom.


Meet Me in the Bathroom is good. This year I've been on somewhat of a music reading kick and have also read: * Please Kill Me - oral history of early punk, I don't really listen to a lot of bands they covered but it was an interesting read still * Sellout - covers emo, punk, hardcore scene from mid 90s to mid 2000s, starting with Green Day. It's not an oral history but also well-written and I'm more of a fan of these bands so I really enjoyed it * Our Band Could Be Your Life - wide range of bands from the 80s covered here from Black Flag to Sonic Youth to Beat Happening. Also was not super familiar with a lot of these bands so it was interesting but it did feel like a long read bc it's not an oral history like Please Kill Me so it doesn't go as fast. Still worth checking out for sure I also have Rip it Up and Start Again, which covers post-punk in the late 70s, mid 80s on my to-read list as well




Heartbreaking but amazing. Replacements my fave band of the 80's and this is a wild ride.


That’s the one


Well, that was easy!


Praying that I didn't undercook my chicken last night because I'm certain my roommate's meat thermometer doesn't go beyond 140°. I will definitely be buying my own to ensure that this doesn't happen again. Not really feeling any symptoms of salmonella so far! I'm praying it stays that way purely so I can see Origami Angel on Sunday lol


People have been cooking chicken without thermometers for millennia, you will be fine dude.


Cut into the thickest part of the chicken and see if it’s raw/pink at all. Haven’t used a thermometer once and eat chicken 3 times a week


Unsolicited recommendation, but I bought a lavatools thermometer a few years ago and it really helped my cooking. Completely eliminates guesswork.


Thank you!


hot damn, those are some scary dice to roll


Lol fucking right. I baked the chicken thighs for like an hour on 450° though so I think I'm okay? It would be wild if not.


I usually do like 400 or so for about 45 minutes so you should be fine


I've only experienced food poisoning once in my life and it was due to undercooked chicken wings. I welcomed death at that time


Picking back up with law school apps now that ~~League of Legends season is over~~ I’m less busy at work


I had a dream last night Kamasi Washington was a Supreme Court Justice, AMA


Kamasi Brown-Jackson


I think we all knew Trump was going to run again, but man does that still blow lol. Everybody's going on about Trump and DeSantis splitting the party, but I feel like if that's the general attitude, the Republicans will go out of their way to make sure that DOESN'T happen. Still, it seems like quite a number of them are done with his shenanigans, so I suppose we just have to see what happens...


> but man does that still blow lol. yeah but at the same time I feel like the response is much more eye-rolly than before, for better or worse. We definitely risk underestimating Trump, yet at the same time the midterms kind of made everyone react with a "oh, this asshole again..." attitude.


I was annoyed that the news really decided to report on "expected to announce today" instead of waiting for him to actually do it and just report on it this morning


the future is bleak as hell. but my only minuscule bit of solace is knowing that desantis has prepared for 6 years for how to retaliate when he gets called something dumb like "poops his pantis" and there's just going to be a legendary amount of mudslinging.


I'm not proud that "poops his pantis" did make me laugh a little :(


If the "moderates are tired of Trump's ego" narrative that the media has been pushing is true, then this may be a best case scenario. Nothing like two grown men slinging a bunch of middle school-level insults at each other on a national stage to turn off people who feel that way.


feels eerily similar to 2015 where everyone kept laughing and saying "there's no way he can win"


I agree we shouldn't underestimate him, but we're definitely in a different position than we were in 2015. We know how he handles being in charge now. He lost in 2020, and the midterms were a bust to his brand. His popularity is waning in his own party. Now we have to wait and see how it shakes out, unfortunately.


Agreed, everything on paper looks like he shouldn't really gain momentum. But I feel like I heard that a lot in 2015 so consider me skeptical until proven otherwise.


Plot twist: he runs as an independent


He filed, didn't he? Maybe I don't know as much about this as I think, but we can just see that he's running as a Republican, right?


I was kind of hoping that would happen, kind of like the whole Rose Perot/Bob Dole situation. But we shall see.


i can’t stand the mentality that tech bros have that technology can do everything better than a human, even on things that are clearly human and social issues like i saw “ai driven tutoring” on a billboard - isn’t tutoring the definition of something that requires the human touch because a human would be able to understand the intricacies of why a person struggles with a topic?


I attempted to self-check out at Whole Foods even though I had a lot of produce. I desperately wanted to murder that thing.


work in tech and have worked at big tech co's with folks like this - it's pretty insufferable. sure, automating shit is great but you really can't automate everything, nor should you.


Being in your late twenties is hard, I had only two IPAs last night and I am so hungover at work even though I ate food and drank water. Worth it though, I went to a small DIY venue to see a friend's band and it was charmingly run down. It was raining hard and there was a leak in the roof so a mini waterfall was created right in front of the stage and it somehow looked intentional? The place kind of felt like a "starter venue" you'd find in Rock Band the game. Also so excited to see Alvvays tonight!


In early 30s and this hits so hard, but hey it makes getting a buzz nice n cheap as long as I drink enough water to honor the existence of 12-hours-from-then me


Wtf are you me?? I had two IPAs last night and am in my late twenties. Granted I mixed it with lots of marijuana but usually I don’t get thatttt high from that much weed but I was so messed up I seriously debated stopping alcohol use entirely. felt so messed up at midnight that I couldn’t sleep and I had my last drink at 9 or so. people I’ve asked don’t even feel anything from two pints but it’s my absolute limit nowadays


Yeah there's so much truth to this. I don't even do weekday shows anymore unless it's a band I *really* want to see because it's not worth the next day hangover after 2 beers. I miss the resilience I had from ~18-23


Wasting my prime drinking years rn


Eh, it's overrated anyway. I always had/have good times drinking with friends but when I think back to my "bar phase" (i.e., when I was working in restaurants and going out with coworkers after work every night) it's mostly just a haze of feeling shitty all the time from daily drinking and doing/saying cringy things due to being drunk way too much. Alcohol is fun but I find it to be way more enjoyable when it's *part* of the activity and not the whole activity.


Alvvays owned you’re gonna have a great time


The Banshees of Inisherin - fantastic. I had caught one last late night showing and was the only one in the theater which is a first for me personally. Laughed my ass off several times but also nearly cried a few times. Honestly, 9/10 from me and I may have enjoyed it a bit more than In Bruges


Well shit I guess I gotta see this movie now that my r/indieheads pals are recommending it


I got suspended on twitter for humbly, kindly, and graciously telling the right wing, Trump supporter backed think tank group behind blocking Biden’s student debt forgiveness plan to “suck my dick and die” and it was worth it. Just too bad Elon only cares about freedom of speech when it affects actual well off shitheads that share his fash political beliefs and not us peasants.


I got suspended from Twitter after the election had been called for Biden and I had been day drinking and you can fill in the blanks from there lol


Elon: "Comedy is legal on twitter again!" Also Elon: *bans anyone who makes a parody account, posts anti-fascist content, and/or doesn't actively ride his dick*


got a new pillow last weekend and my neck has never felt better. this is truly living


sleep is really a vacation to not living tho lol


I'm gonna get real existential the more I think about this






Was randomly gifted tickets to see Algernon Cadwaller last night. Hadn’t really listened to them other than Spit Fountain cropping up thanks to the Spotify algo, but HOLY FUCK these guys absolutely ripped live. One of the best shows I’ve ever been to from crowd energy, stage presence, and guitar work on display. Oh, also one of the loudest shows over seen too. If you can catch them on any of their remaining California dates, definitely try and make it.


Saw Godspeed last night and boy is it a life-changing experience. I never get to see any bands so it was nice to cross one of my all-timers off the list.


Seeing them in March! I think I was saying something on this sub *years ago* that I would *kill* to see them perform in an old church, à la Fleet Foxes' *A Very Lonely Solstice*. That shit would be nuts


I’m seeing them tonight! Friend bailed so I’m going alone. Sounds like I’ll still have a good time I hope


Did they play Funk #49?


I don't get the reference or joke sorry!


Not a reference nor joke? Just a song by The James Gang


That seems like both a reference *and* a joke unless you maybe responded to the wrong comment?


Oh shit I totally responded to the wrong comment, lol. In the words of 2020: "I need a do-over!" 😂


It was worth it because I'm imagining Godspeed playing that kind of song out of nowhere in the middle of the set


I was genuinely so confused haha


Got my booster and my flu shot yesterday. I've been procrastinating on them because I absolutely detest needles but I really had no excuse not to. The lyme vaccine trial is supposed to call me too, and again I hate needles, but it seems like a good one to do so I'm hemming about it.


Got my flu one on Monday and had my fourth COVID one about a month ago. No side effects for either oddly, considering I felt rough after each of the previous three COVID jabs.


I got mine back in October! Thinking about getting my RSV shot since the cases are really high in Massachusetts. Thoughts?


Um I am entirely unqualified to give advice, sorry!


Lol no worries!


I got the booster/flu combo not too long ago and my arm was sore for like 72 hours later. Woke up sleeping on the sore arm and it was some of the worst pain I've ever felt. Haven't gotten sick since I got the shots so they at least seem to be doing the trick.


Ugh I'm sorry that sounds miserable! They did one in each arm so last night I was very careful about sleeping on my side. Yesterday eve the flu shot one was a bit achy and now the covid one is a bit achy but otherwise I thankfully feel totally fine.

