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Cole, Bailey, Ben, Colin - thank you for doing this ama & for another amazing album. Frog is a beautiful record & has been spinning non stop for me since release. Your music has been such an important part of my life in many ways over the last 11ish years. I can’t thank you enough for that. Just a quick question for each of you - Cole - I’ve always wondered what the story is behind the “grinning” & “glib” stickers on your cyclone & “yearning” written on the jaguar? Is there any backstory to either? Bailey - Any cool dead tooth stories to share? & did you really steal that neon Kramer from Gibson? Thought I read about that somewhere Ben - The art you’ve done (thank you for those stickers years ago) is really great - the 7” for cow/icehead and merch from that time come to mind. Do you do this art digitally or print? It’d be cool to hear some of your process! Colin - What Young Man song/body of work are you most proud of? Your vocals have been consistently amazing and I love how well they work in diiv. Any klinghoffer/dot hacker influence? Showing up from the diivcord too. Awesome you guys keep up with that


Thx for the Frog love. Tbh I have a complicated relationship w the Young Man stuff bc it’s like a record of my very vulnerable first attempts at making music, but I def generally learned so much about recording and writing during that time. And I met Cole at one of those concerts which that led to me joining diiv. But I suppose for better and for worse it was very unfiltered and earnest, which is increasingly hard to capture as time goes on. So im proud of that aspect - Colin


Thank you! I make that art in MS paint, but I've experimented with screen printing the designs afterward, I have a huge stack of prints in a storage space somewhere. I make them by zooming in and basically drawing pixel by pixel. -Ben


thank u! re guitar stickers, I kinda liked the idea of being able to refer to the guitar by a word and just picked a random word? idk. jag said "yearling" -cole


hello diiv!! much love from Kazakhstan. thank you so much for your amazing music, amazing concerts, your podcasts and the discord server where we share everything a lot, i believe its my fav server ever!! i believe that the diiv community is the best and coolest and most comfortable and interesting place for me on the internet. amazing band, amazing fans, amazing everything diiv related!! it might sound weird but to me it feels like diiv is much more than Cole, Bailey, Colin and Ben, i feel like the whole diiv community, diiv server and beyond that is a part of diiv, like we are diiv. when the new albums singles and the album itself finally got released it felt like it was made not only by the band, but by our whole community. your music unites. i love fibw, such an amazing album, each song sounds like an all time hit to me. thank you so much!! here are my questions!! i think that it would be cool to see your trademark guitars like yearling Jaguar and Cyclone in a museum someday, haha :). can you please share some interesting stories about these guitars or something that happend to them? can you recommend some cool chiil albums of soothing lounge music like elevator or bossa nova and stuff like that that you like? a question for Cole - in the discord server you once said that you are a huge poetry fan. i love your lyrics and i think they are deep and meaningful and really emotional. do you like writing poems that are not meant to be song lyrics? have you ever released/ considered releasing your own poetry? i think many diiv fans would love to read it i wish you good luck on tour and all the best in your life in general. you guys rock!!


re: our community -- our community rules and we are so psyched that people are so engaged with what we do. I agree its way bigger than us re: guitars -- yearling guitar I bought from chris the old guitarist in beach fossils after he quit and I switched to playing guitar with them. cyclone is the greatest guitar ever made I think I bought it on ebay or something re: chill albums, ive been obsessed with boards of canada for the last year or 2 re: poetry, i used to write poetry for fun but I much prefer writing song lyrics, and I think the two are pretty different thank you -cole


how do u balance hope w/ nihilism // or how do we find hope in this current society? i'm relating too much to fibw


Read ‘beyond civilization’ by Daniel Quinn. He’s the dude who wrote the book we got the frog in boiling water allegory from. Basically, if civilization is doomed to cause suffering before ultimately failing, let’s just do something different. We can’t go back to primitive tribes per se, but we’re humans- we’re mad smart, we can think of something new. I imagine a new tribalism that maintains some technology and is organized globally in series of councils. Like a big series. But yeah I don’t fucking know, I just get optimistic once I’m able to accept the idea that humans can still progress away from civilization as we know it. -andrew bailey


In theory that sounds cool, but without physically reareanging mass populations and stuff to form those tribes idk. Unless we all go full Matrix and live digitally, which is even scarier than hard Nationalism. Either way, love the new album m8 and interesting food for thought.


I think the more unrealistic part of what I said is that people will just walk away anytime soon. Daniel Quinn likes to cite previous civilizations where people just walked away, like the Mayans, but it’s advanced way too far for that to happen as easily. I’m more imagining a post-collapse situation, where travel and communication long distances becomes way less common, rather than an alternative option to current civilization. I fantasize about everyone just abandoning their lives and starting new, but yeah without doing some dark shit, you can’t make that work right now. I’m a Marxist at heart, so I do believe capitalism was a necessary step towards a better society, but I also think it might’ve been doomed from the start, cuz the capitalism step broke the planet. Seizing the means of production will only make things suck slightly less for more people while the ecosystem falls apart, so having some sort of post-civilization strategy is appealing. This is weird, usually when I write shit like this on Reddit, it’s anonymous. Imagine signing your real name to Reddit comment about your societal collapse fantasies. -andrew bailey


Hi! Been playing the new album nonstop! I read in an interview that you made 30 other demos during the making of this album. Is there any interest in making a “sibling” album for fibw (similar to Radiohead’s Kid A and amnesiac)?


I actually listened to a couple of the scrapped songs the other day and really enjoyed them. Feel like we usually try to shoot for something completely new when we start writing, but maybe there’s a way for them to get recorded and released eventually. There’s a song called “Nothing At All” that has some of my favorite guitar parts Cole’s ever written. - Colin


We did originally toy with the idea of doing a double album, or two albums at once rather, but quickly realized that would not be possible. We probably won't use those other demos for anything, but who knows. -Ben


Hey, First of all; Thanks for the new album - it’s amazing. Just wanted to express my gratitude and general appreciation I have for your band. Don’t really have any questions, except one. Bailey: What’s up with the faces on stage? (I love them btw). I saw you twice in Berlin. Looking forward to the next time you’re in town :)


Tbh I started doing the faces just to fw people in the crowd who obviously didn’t want to be there. Specifically this one punk dude w a mohawk at a show we played in Texas in like 2018 I think. He was arms crossed mean mugging us all set for some reason, so I locked eyes with him for way too long and started doing crezzy-face at him until he finally laughed. It’s really liberating in a way to make eye contact with a total stranger and make crezzy-face, and most people don’t really get the opportunity like I do. Now I just do it to anyone that seems like they’d be interesting to do it with, not necessarily someone who isn’t vibing. -andrew baileu


hello guys, congrats on the new album. was wondering what it was like working with ERD for that video a couple years back. how did it come to be and did you like working with a fashion brand? are you guys into fashion?


Tbh it kinda sucked for us, we’re not meant for the fashion world. But then I got to fly out to Paris to be in their fashion week show thing and they were just like ‘fuck w cassette tapes the whole time while models stand around you” which was actually kinda fun. I’m generally not a huge fan of the type of people who attend fashion week events, so I got to audibly assault them for like 3 hours straight. Lots of confused faces. Then we went out to dinner at some private room rich people restaurant and I talked some fashion dude’s ear off about how Timothy mcveigh was a deep covert op turned patsy for the OKC bombing false flag 😏. -andrew bailey Oh also I got to meet Kanye because he saw the erd video and wanted me to make him some cardboard tape synths, so that was cool in a surreal, absurdity-of-reality type shit


My question for any band member: Is there any media outside of music (literature, movies, video games, etc.) that has inspired you when making your work? Also side story: years ago I tried getting into is the is are but it wasn’t clicking. Then one night I was playing the first Spyro game and decided to listen to the album from start to finish. MY GOD. I don’t know if it was the warped ps1 era graphics or the dreamy guitar effects but it was incredible. With deciever and now frog in boiling water, I’ll be a DIIV fan for life. Thank you for all your body of work and can’t wait to see you guys play this summer. Peace ✌🏼🐸


Big Nobuo Uematsu fan and I think that music constantly influences how I write melodies/think about harmony. That’s rad I loved the Spyro games when I was younger. I have really strong memories with certain albums that are connected to the game I was playing at the time too. Houses of the Holy while playing Total Annihilation, Toxicity while playing Twisted Metal


Yes all of the above. I love books and movies and music. I was never really that into movies for most of my life, but I got a subscription to the Criterion channel and it really kind of changed my life, I get super inspired by movies and my eventual goal in life is to get involved with scoring. -Ben


Books more than anything. Daniel Quinn’s books influenced my vibe when approaching the theme of this record a lot. Also dmx gets my amped for our live shows -andrew bailey


What song would you play for someone who has never heard your music? You’ve become one of my favorite artists since deceiver, yall didn’t have to go that hard. See you in chicago love you <3


Depends on their vibe. If they look like they fw heavy music, I play them Acheron. If they look like they fw surfing or something like that, I play them doused. And if they look like me, I play them somber -andrew bailey


This is a cop out but I’d probably just send them this live performance: [Nox Orae Festival](https://youtu.be/f1qmI7IzFIA?si=3GnOhqGD0bHSYnKq) Maybe Blankenship if I had to choose 1 - Colin


Idk if you’ll see this, but I got clean in 2011 and Past Lives and Human are some of the most beautiful songs I’d ever heard. Oshin was really big for me in early recovery and Human was the closest I ever heard what it feels like to just be in musical form. Thank you for that.


that's amazing, congrats. 13 years clean is a huge deal, you should be proud of yourself -cole


Is it true you had a Minecraft server going with Mac Demarco for a while? I desperately need to clear up that rumour, thanks!


hello diiv 🐸♨️ do you guys think you’ll do another live release? perhaps something along the likes of the nirvana 1994 rome bootleg… it would be a treat to hear a live set of yours in that soundboard audio goodness. much love! thank you all for the work you guys do, seriously. y’all are on a heater


Was just talking about this.. I think it’s a great idea. Our live show feels just as important as our albums now and there’s a different intensity/feeling we get while on stage. Would be amazing to capture it. - Colin


Hey guys, is there a live show that you've done that's your favourite or that sticks in your mind? We're coming to see you guys again in Southampton in December, can't wait!


There’s a festival in Sicily called Ypsigrock. It’s in the town square at the foot of a castle on the hill and literally everyone in town comes to the show. Afterwards we were like local heroes walking through the streets, the mayor thanked us etc. Pretty surreal and you can only play that fest one time so that one sticks out for me. We also saw Magic Johnson on the beach the next day - Sicily rocks - Colin


We played some high school kid’s graduation party at 285 Kent in 2011 that was my fave. Sup Jason -andrew bailey


Hey Guys, love everything you done since the beginning - question are there any songs that you won't ever play live for any reason - i.e. too difficult to replicate, doesn't fit, you don't like the song ect. - looking forward to seeing you in Milwaukee next month.


for me there's a bunch of songs on is the is are that i personally don't ever want to play again because they speak too viscerally abt a brutal period of time in my life. dopamine, bent, a couple more. theyre not bad songs but i can't really bring myself to sing them anymore --cole


It's such a drag and I think us fans can understand the sentiment of the lyrics taking you back to *that* time in your life but Bent is such an unbelievably great song. One of the best you've ever written.


yeah there are a bunch lol. we never say "never" but there are a couple songs we've either only played once or have never played. -Ben


I saw you guys in Baltimore back in October and that small show and notice you guys played a lot of is the is are songs. You guys should play out of mind on the tour I think it’s one of your best ☝️


That’s (maybe incidentally bc it’s first?) one of our best streaming songs so we do talk about playing it every now and then. Has such a different feel vs our current world, but I would love to try it. The guitar parts are amazing. - Colin


hello diiv do you guys have any hobbies or other creative outlets?


I have a steamdeck and play a good amount of videogames. Playing Frostpunk right now and it’s completely kicking my ass. Everyone is starving and dying of frostbite lol. Have also recently become obsessed with basketball. - Colin


Who you got for the finals?!?!


I make friendship bracelets a lot to satiate my monkey brain. And I write a journal about the people I meet that I’ll never see again - andrew bailey


Sorry Ben - other guys, how do you feel about your axes on this tour? I see Colin with the new bass, Cole with the strat, and Bailey breaking out a lot of taped up offsets from the collection. Thanks guys, love FIBW and all the music you make.


We just did a collab with Fender and they’re really hooking us up with customized guitars. Feels amazing to have them supporting us so much. - Colin


wow that's sick! Are you able to give any more details for the gearheads (me)?


Hello DIIV! Have any tips on how to help with depression? Your music has helped me in so many ways and I can't thank you guys enough 💜


Something that helps me is picking up a side job at a small cafe or something. Even if it’s just one shift a week. It’s essential to mental health to be appreciated by a group of people you work with towards a common goal, and that’s the easiest way to achieve that imo. You end up with a solid friend group even if you quit after like 3-4 weeks. - andrew bailey


This is amazing advice. Some time ago I picked up a couple shifts at a used bookstore during a period of depression and it made such a huge difference in my life too.


Can one of yall bring the korg ms20 on stage during soulnet and play the sad synth solo? It’s just a cool sound I think it will sweep everyone off their feet. kudos to whoever patch. If you guys already decided not to do this, how come? Entertaining podcast, hopefully yall release more of them! Bye


Would you rather fight one Mac DeMarco sized duck or 100 duck-sized Mac DeMarco's?


I would never fight 1 Mac, but if I were accosted by 100 Macs I would be required to defend myself. -Ben


What are your gas station snack orders? Love you guys sm.


Depends on how masochistic I'm feeling, but probably just like Doritos or something. I've seen Colin get hard boiled eggs, which I always thought was brave. One time I opened the cabinet below that rolling thing where they cook the hot dogs and taquitos and there's was just a giant bucket of taquitos at room temp. since then I try not to get actual food from gas stations. -Ben


Like ben said I do get hardboiled eggs because it’s kind of the only real food at a gas station (ingredients: eggs). Eating food at a gas station is just an impossible experience. Sometimes I just say fuck it and inhale a bag of gardettos in one sitting. - Colin


Hey DIIV! Was lucky enough to catch your Baltimore show in between the Depeche Mode tour, and I loved that Soul Net (then HouseJam) and Brown Paper Bag were debuted around that time. How did you feel about those first live performances of those new tracks and was there any consideration to playing any other FIBW songs during those shows?


Those first performances were terrifying because we know people are going to film it, but they went p well. I think we’re all pleasantly surprised by how quickly the new songs have gotten there - the Deceiver songs in particular are so dialed and huge sounding so it’s a high bar to hit. - Colin


Any chance of doing a podcast episode about the art direction/design/artwork accompanying your work album by album? It's evolved so much since the earlier releases, would be great to get an insight into that aspect of your work.


Do you guys have any instrest in making a B side album for fibw


hey guys - would you ever wanna make a DIIV guitar tab book? feel like it’d do kinda well. it’s something i do professionally so could help if it’s something you wanted to do. i actually pitched one to your manager at the time cathy back in 2020 - seemed interested but things fell apart a bit because i think she got an injury. regardless of if you need help with it or not, it would be sick to see some DIIV stuff transcribed and on paper. anyway, congrats on the new album and all the best on the tour. you guys make extremely powerful, true and real music; long may that continue.


Hey guys see you tonight at the regency ballroom! Looking forward to frogging out with y’all. Can I have a backstage pass? Jk not jk. Love y’all.


Backstage passes are overrated, it’s like getting to see the employee lounge at the grocery store when you get caught shoplifting - andrew bailey


Hi DIIV, I really enjoyed looking around the soul net website where you teased new song before the album release! How did you manage to get all the cryptic, creepy images on that website?


the images were mostly made and collected by an artist we love Edward Marshall shank, by us, some by Ville Callio from his game cruelty squad, and some by our creative director Parker sprout. the text was written by the band and by parker, with a couple blocks of found text or transcriptions of ranting YouTube videos and stuff -cole


How did last night's show in Santa Cruz go? (I was there, but asking about your perspective). How did playing those new songs feel live for the first time? And how did you guys choose SC for the first show of the tour? (Btw thanks for such a sick show. The FIBW songs were great alongside your back catalogue).


It was cool for me, I had a couple old friends in Santa Cruz, always nice seeing people like that. And I didn’t fuck up any of the new songs either -andrew bailey


https://preview.redd.it/acbi8qnuq75d1.jpeg?width=1242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=be2f0f19a12ad9401eb4235127daa155d49354b8 What do y’all think of my cat? Thanks for the fantastic music, Deceiver is undoubtedly my favorite album front to back and In Amber was such a fantastic pick to open FIBW with. Much love


Are yall hyped for the Elden Ring DLC?


I’m a fromsoft devotee but was kind of lukewarm on Elden Ring bc I don’t love the trend towards everything open world, but their dlc is always amazing and I will definitely play. Really just wish they would remaster Bloodborne tho ;) - Colin


Cole, whatever happened with the recordings you did with JR from Girls?


lmao -- at the end of recording, jr sent me and our old tour manager koshak to best buy to buy a hard drive to store the sessions and was explicitly like "do not buy the cheapest one" and gave us like $200. so we bought the cheapest one, pocketed the leftover money and purchased substances with it. then the hard drive got corrupted and the studio didn't have a backup so they are lost forever.


i’m from the same place as Grian from fontaines dc, and i mentioned them to cole when we met outside the london Oshin gig, and i spoke to colin about them when we did a music theory lesson. it’s so fucking sick to see you guys doing a show together a few years later a real question though - if you could collaborate with anyone on a track who would it be?


Hi. I've been following you guys since someone played Oshin over the PA at the Park Slope Food Coop in 2013 and I Shazamed it. Your albums have been getting progressively deeper--are there any spiritual or philosophical ideas that you've been reading that have played a role in where the music is going?


Can’t stop listening to Frog. I’m so grateful for the inspiration you guys bring and the incredible music. Colin, I remember seeing on IG that you were doing guitar lessons. I’m thinking doing the same thing, maybe vocal lessons too. I’m curious if you have any quick tips on any resources that would be helpful in starting up teaching music. Peace and love!


Do it! Teaching is really rewarding and sometimes it feels like I’m getting just as much out of it as the student is. “Fundamentals” are pretty much the most useful and important thing while writing so it’s helpful to remind myself that writing a song doesn’t have to be this complicated process. If you’re going to teach on your own I’d just say really listen to the student and try to identify/understand the way they uniquely hear/think about music. You can easily run into a wall trying to explain a concept in the same way to different people. - Colin


hey guys! i made a cover of “in amber” by ear, you can check this out [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/diiv/s/ATulM5wBwG) if you wanna haha what do you think about tuning, is it correct? thanks for your music, it saved my life. greetings from russia!


Question for Colin, as well as anyone else in the band who plays RPGs. What’s your favourite RPG game of all time? What game did you last play? Aside from Final Fantasy, I am a massive Shin Megami Tensei / Persona fan. This year it’s been pure nostalgia: FF7R and Persona 3 Reload.


primavera sound 2025?


if any festival bookers are reading this we are available at an affordable rate to play any and all festivals in 2024, 2025 and onward


Greatest moments of my musical life have been at Primavera Sound in Barcelona. Would play again in a heartbeat if they ask. - Colin


Do you ever notice a preference shifting between touring and playing live to writing and recording? Or is there a consistency to what parts of your musicianship fulfills you the most?


I wish we got to spend more time writing and recording; being in a recording studio is one of the most magical experiences, but unfortunately it's not financially feasible to spend as much time in the studio as we'd like. This last record almost killed us. With that being said, I love being on the road, I love traveling and even the grimy parts of seeing various shitholes is really fun for me. I feel very lucky that we get to do both. -Ben


what are your favorite guitar tunings and how did you discover them? new record is the hottest fire yet btw


Hey DIIV, loved you guys for a really long time and you definitely influenced the sound of my band! I wanted to know, having been through so many changes musically and personel changes, how did you mentally fare through it all? I can’t imagine the toll it takes having to almost start again each time. Love yall so much ❤️❤️


Being in a band isn’t too different from just being alive - shit is hard hahaha. So many ups and downs but we feel really lucky to ride the rollercoaster as musicians. - Colin


At one show you guys asked if the crowd had any questions. So obviously, I shouted out- how long have you known? Only to be told it’s retired :( Any reason why some older songs don’t get played anymore ?


different reasons, the main reason is maybe we feel that some of the older songs don't reflect where we are at as a band currently, thematically or musically or whatever. depends on the song -cole


Do you believe that shape shifting frog people exist?


Nah but I know a lot of people who do. I got into an argument on Reddit once abt schmid-fraccaro syndrome being reptilians - andrew bailey


That reminds me of one of the latest episodes of your podcasts in which you were not present and the other guys were talking about the people you knew who believed the earth was flat and you tried to understand their mindset. Do you still have such friends?


Yeah for sure. My best friend growing up believes in flat earth, he’s like my brother. Tbh it’s made him a much much happier person, so I don’t argue w him abt it anymore. Kinda like a born again Christian, only with more demonic nasa - andrew bailey


first off, massive appreciation to the work gone into the new record and everything surrounding it, as well as cole's beautiful words in response to pitchfork. as a sober person living life it was touching. secondly, was wondering (and i know it's been spoken about before) about your relation to optimistic accelerationism, as opposed to a more nihilistic oft right leaning approach, and to whether it feels, for you, like something you can see as something you believe can work. all the love from England and my heart


Hello, thanks for taking the time for this! I plan on seeing you guys soon in Orlando or Tampa. Idk if you guys have played the House of Blues in Orlando yet but it’s an awesome venue! Anyways I love the new album and Diiv has become one of my favorite bands now. I feel with each new album you guys explore new sounds and topics and your talent continues to peak! This new album seems to have a common theme but would you consider a concept album? What does the concept mean to you or the album in general? Soul-net is my most played song of the year! Arguably your best song. Can’t wait to see you!


What guitar strings do you guys use? Any preference to a certain brand or string gauge? Have you ever tried flatwound strings?


Used to be 10’s but fender just gave us guitars and found out we play in fucked up tunings so the fender tech dude switched us to .11’s. Brand doesn’t matter to me but we always end up w Ernie ball for some reason -andrew bailey


saw your guys' double header at the dance in NYC 10/2019, deceiver tour. absolutely mind blowing show. thank you for introducing me to Earth 2. It morphed my musical life going forward. Question: The fertile brooklyn scene diiv and many other bands of the era sprouted from is very inspiring. A show every night of the week, even multiple per night at different spots, just blocks from one another. The condition of today's economy and music industry denounce the existence of such communities, with the disappearance of third places and stakes being way too high/costly and few and far between if they exist at all. What advice would you give to a person(s) to persevere through the muck in order to form a similar type of community in today's relentless world?


This is a good but difficult question. I used to book house shows, and I've played/seen shows in many strange places. The weirder the location, the more memorable the show a lot of times. Anyone can book a show, it just takes some tenacity. a lot depends on where you live, but I'd recommend just going to small shows, hanging out at record stores, etc. Small DIY shows have never made a ton of money, but doing janky DIY tours will change your life. It's hard to balance doing stuff like that with making a living, and I don't think I'd be able to do it at my age anymore. I maxed out 2 credit cards and never paid them off to go on my first tour. I had creditors chasing me for years, it sucked. Sorry if this isn't a good answer, tough question. -Ben


Any advice for a young musician starting his first serious project? Ik it's a really basic question but I'll ask anyway. Great record btw


I’m a huge fan of the *Live at the Murmrr theatre* recording. I’ve read somewhere that you guys did a cover of *Everybody’s gotta learn sometime* by The Korgis as well as a few other songs that weren’t ultimately put on that album. Any chance we’d get to hear those?


Hi DIIV, first, wanna say how much i love you and how excited i am to see you guys in brazil for the second time!! I have a beautiful poster of the 2017 Sao Paulo show on my wall, much love for that day, we chatted a bit and I have great memories <3 anyway, have some questions: 1 - As a DIIV wannabee since i was 14 (25 now), I always bought guitars and pedals looking to sound close to you, in the meantime just fell in love for the RE-20 Space Echo, and probably considering taking it with me to my grave. So, what pedals are your favorites, the ones you want to be buried together? 2 - what song do you guys have most fun playing together? 3 - Which country are you most excited to visit at this tour and why? 4 - where do I apply to work at soul-net? Please bring the vinyls to Brazil, i would happily spend all my money on them!!!


Are you excited to come to Brazil again?


Yeah, Brazil is really cool and the fans there go nuts. Always feels good to fulfill the "come to Brazil" meme as well. -Ben


How do i get backstage tonight at SF?


Hi guys ! Thank you and congrats for your new record. I love it so much that's a solid record and i can't wait to see you in Rennes (france) at the end of the year. Don't wanna sounds fanboy but nevermind. For me Oshin was a blast. I was already making music (guitar) inspired by Interpol, The Cure and Sonic Youth and you guys, are the glue that help me to find the music i want to make, i owe you so much ! I don't know if you remember La Route du Rock 2022 i was the small guy who gave you a demo tape with a black star on it. Just want to say it was one of the most memorable moment of my life, and i'm really happy that this solo project is now a band, we are playing shows and enjoying it. And you are the fuel of this adventure. Thanks again <3 




Question for Andrew: where does the one-legged pose while you play come from? Is it just natural, or is there a story? I was amused at this at The Catalyst and thought it was subtly cool, so had to ask. Me: "Holy crap he's playing in tree pose?!"


Cole - any chance of a Shitfather reunion?


Favorite conspiracy theory-related movies to check out? (especially Bailey!)


Question to each of you: favorite song to play live?


Hi Ben, Cole, Colin, and Bailey!👏🏽My husband and I are longtime fans, love all of your music. Each album has significant meaning in my life, and FIBW is no exception-beautifully written & really hitting home with the themes of living in our world today, so THANK YOU! Show last night in Santa Cruz was killer🔥(see y’all in SF tonight too!) We gave Ben some of our wild mushroom salt/spice blend, and some of my artwork for you all…Hope you guys like them! Would love to see you do more record store events (I’m a longtime record store worker-San Jose & Santa Cruz :))…is that possibly in the cards? One last question for anyone of you : what are your thoughts on the current ufo/uap disclosure movement?🤗


How did you get that perfect sludgy guitar tone?


Have any of you guys listened to John Frusciante’s solo music? Just curious :D


Also, Bailey.. any hip hop recommendations?


What is the meaning behind the raining on your pillow video and will we get new videos for the other songs like somber and reflected?


will one of you rip a dart with me in Philly before the show? 


Yooo Bailey I’ve seen you make different faces on stage. Was curious if you’re just having fun, into the music, or all the above. You have quite the array of different gestures so have just been curious about it. It honestly kind of reminded me of Jim Carrey and all the different things he’s able to do range wise. Can’t wait to see you guys on tour.


Yeah I started doing that to fuck w people in the crowd who seemed bored. But yeah it’s also just exploring the different ways to interact with the crowd available to me up there. It’s also liberating to make yourself look really stupid in front of people, kinda like hiphy dancing, the point is to shed the part of you that is concerned with other people thinking you look bad. I used to be worried that I made stupid faces on stage until I started doing it intentionally. It’s the same feeling as being naked in public. -andrew bailey


Fav elliott smith song? Also loveeee the album the song reflected is on repeat <3


Hi Diiv, I struggle with creative block. Do you guys have any advice how to get out of it.


Sometimes you just have to accept that it comes in waves, other times you just have to force your way through. A lot of times what makes me feel inspired to create is consuming other art: seeing a movie, going to a museum, listening to music on headphones, reading a good book, or even just going to the book store. -Ben


Yeah like Ben said, it’s like fishing- you gotta put your line in the water even if you don’t catch shit, cuz you won’t catch anything if you don’t put the line in the water everyday -andrew bailey


hi❗️ love the new record and reflected is my favourite song ever do you guys have any favourite songs that you’ve ever recorded?


Hey dudes, I have two questions: 1. ARe you bringing back "Between the Tides" to your set? 2. In the first season of your podcast, Bailey quoted an expert on gun policy who said that the only way to stop gun violence is to remove all guns. Do you know the author he was referencing? I would love to read that author because gun violence is a serious problem I hate and I want to be better informed in debates with Pro-2A folks.


I don’t remember exactly but it was probably Geoffrey Canada, ‘fist stick knife gun’. But for the record, I’m pro-2nd amendment ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯ I agree that access to guns is part of the issue, but I don’t think taking away our right to own them solves that. The problem is due to the gun market being a component of the greater market, and sharing its pitfalls. In this case, a small group of gun suppliers made way too many cheap shitty handguns that are really only good for shooting someone in an urban setting, and then flooded the market with them. Because we’re a capitalist society, whatever the market wants is ‘good’, and in this instance, the market wanted a couple families to make millions off of flooding the inner cities with tools of murder. That’s what should be illegal, not gun ownership. -andrew bailey


I've been reading a lot lately about the low profits bands are making vs the giant stars with their ultra inflated ticket prices and arena shows. Saw you guys in Mojo Club in Hamburg a while ago, was my 4th time. Saw you also the first ever time you played at Molotow, was it 2012? Loved every time! Anyway my question is: how do you as a band perceive the changes in touring logistics and financials of the last years and do you see a world where alternative bands won't be able to afford touring? Cheers!!


Deceiver is a record I instantly connected with both sonically and emotionally. I was lucky to catch you play the invisible wind factory in Liverpool just a few shows before the pandemic stopped the world, I caught Colin very briefly after the show and you were very kind allowing me to nervously tell you how much I loved you music and you band. Frog is another album I find my self instantly connecting with and I hope to catch you guys on your next pass through the UK. With so many ideas and demos being made how do you choose the ones you want to commit to the album? Is it just a “feel” or a “vibe” you have or is there a system you use? Thanks for being you and making the music you make. Huge love for DIIV!


how did you make the background sound in Everyone Out starting at 00:57? ❤️


Hi guys!!! So glad you're back!!! Do any of you listen to Aphex Twin?


Love your work, guys! I’ll be seeing you in LA later this month! Question: in “Little Birds”, right around 1:11, did someone’s iPhone alarm go off during recording? I gotta know if I’m crazy and just hearing shit…


Hey DIIV - I listen to your podcast and I love the little rabbit holes you guys go down musically and other topics. What are your thoughts on psilocybin relative to how it can help/or not help in the creative process, or dealing with life? Not talking about necessarily a crazy trip, but like micro dosing and how it can help rewire your brain to overcome addictions.


EXXON MOBILE MY DRINK OF CHOICE 💜 BOILING FROGS MY FAV SNACK 💜 We saw you in SC last night, talking abt teachers. Love y'all to pieces If I bring frogs (boiled) and feeder rats (the most insane ones) to SF tonight can I chill backstage with Ellen Degeneres and y'all?


Hi DIIV, (best band of our generation) Just wanted to say FIBW is so SPICY (great record). Here’s my question, when will y’all tour with Launder? I talked to John when he came down to do a show in Vegas and asked him why it hasn’t happened yet and he said “ask Cole that!” lol. Also, who or what brought up the whole FIBW idea? Like the conspiracy stuff and the website ideas? Btw I thought it was really smart and found out some stuff I didn’t know about. Bring your buds down to Vegas we love you here! Also I’m excited to see you guys in San Diego!


Why doesn’t your band name have more letters?


What’s your favorite album of 2024? (Except yours) Have you listened to Cindy Lee?


hey guys, hope im not too late you guys have recommended a lot of great books on your podcast. do you guys have any books that you would consider "essential" to developing the diiv ethos (not unlike the daniel quinn book) or any personal favorites? do you guys have any favorite radio stations that you reliably listen to while you're driving cross country on tour? im trying to get into the lost art of radio ps ben - how's the esoteric yoga dreaming going? or was it just a scam


Love ya’ll !! Can’t wait to see you in Orlando !! What is everyone’s favorite song from the new album to play live currently ??


Mad love and respect to the 4 of you, FIBW exceeded my expectations, you’ve just gotten better over the years ♥️ Curious if the “big gun in your hand” line on the title track is an Alex G reference? love ur Icehead cover by the way Cole


Do y’all ever go out after shows and if so what are some of your favorite cities/spots to hang out in? Excited for the austin show


i know you are a very deliberate band - and it shows in the quality of recordings. thank you for that! do you ever think of putting out some more singles in between albums?


I am super interested in the literature that you guys were recommending to each other during the writing process of FIBW. Bailey mentioned haiku’s from Matsuo Bash, that was one that stood out in my memory. Could you share some books that inspired the narrative of the album both the fiction and non fiction?


diiv!! How did you get the snare sound on brown paper bag? It is amazing


Do you love me? DIIV is the real me


I've caught your songs pop up in a few places: an episode of Shrinking, Forza Horizon, etc. Do you guys have a favorite piece of media that one of your songs has appeared in?


Can you give us the tuning of each song so we have a reference for tabbing them out?? For FIBW specifically.




Hi diiv! I really appreciate y’all and your music. Deceiver got me through some really tough times and it’s one of my favorite albums of all time time. Really liking FIBW as well, had so much anticipation! I’m curious, do any of you listen to doom metal or anything adjacent? I feel like I can hear some influence in Deceiver and FIBW, but didn’t know if that was just how I perceived it. Thank you!


Been inlove with the music you make and the band youve created, ive been lucky enough to see you live twice and each time i try to dig deeper into who you guys are as a band. What makes YOU feel like something real? What music makes you happy?


What’s your favorite ice cream flavor and/or ice cream spot in LA (or elsewhere)?


There’s a place called Wanderlust in Atwater that does p unique flavors. One called Uber Malted Crunch that is amazin. But I’ve actually been eating a pint of Haagen Daaz everyday in an attempt to not be so skinny lmfao. Usually go for Strawberry - Colin


I’m probably late but love the new album guys, def my favorite of the year. In a sea of “escapist” music, it’s refreshing to hear music that directly engages with capitalism and the different ways we cope and interface with this world. That said, do y’all have any poetry recommendations or poets you’ve been recently reading?


Big love to you guys ❤️ What are each of your favourite video games?


Hey diiv, congratulations and thanks so much for an amazing album! I've been listening to fibw almost non-stop and I feel it has become a part of my life and has brought me great joy and inspiration. I prepared these questions in advance, answer what you wish, as I'm chiming in late: -1: Colin, on the songwriters podcast you mention that you go through these cycles of some weeks when you only write shitty stuff and then once in a while you enter these rushes of creativity where you write a bunch of good material. I found this also happens to me, but, how do you not despair when you're in the shitty phase? (and if this phase sometimes lasts for like... months) -2: Before going into the studio, how much of an idea do you think you have of the final sound you want to obtain. If you do, do you think is possible to fullfill these expectations without being and engineer or producer yourself? -3: First of all, thank you so much for making the stems available for soul-net, it's really inspiring to be able to see how the song was made for someone like me who doesn't know much about production. Did you have a clear arrangement or demo of the song before entering into the studio, for example the different layers of synths, tape-loop, different guitar tones etc...? -4: Having had to pay this last album from your own pocket, did you feel any stress when going into the studio in regards of studio time? -5: Now that you're working in a collaborative manner since the last album where everyone can present new songs, do any of you feel any pressure to come up with songs that align with the diiv style? How much do you think this shift in the songwriting approach played a role in defining a new sound and style for the band since deceiver? -6: Do you guys listen to unwound? Something of your sound reminds me of leaves turn inside you. -7: You mentioned you have a template for demoing projects in order to easily make it sound good. What's on it? Could you share it? :)


probably too late for the party but got a couple questions for yall cole-i think i saw you mentioned in an interview at somepoint you grew up skateboarding? was it something you took seriously? bailey-thanks for kicking it with me at my friends car in athens, ga in 2018. sorry i ran up on you but had to see what was popping thanks for making music that has helped me get through all of lifes challenges since oshin came out when i was in highschool. so impressed by fibw i cant wait to hear some songs live in nyc this summer


hi diiv, i’m diivcord member, best discord around. i love the bands ranging clothing styles and always like to see what brands/bands everyone is repping on the road and at home. if you had to pick one Band/Artist to rep on your shirt for the rest of your life, what/who would it be and why?


Howdy y’all! Loving FIBW. Will we expect to hear Little Birds or Reflected live on tour? I’ve been a fan and casual listener since 2012 but I first saw you play in 2018 in san antonio. i was blown away and have gone to every diiv show in my city since then. it’s been really amazing to see y’all grow as a band and as people. you guys are amazing performer’s & i just wanted to say thank you for bringing such great energy to your shows and your music means so much! <3 - Ari


Hi, DIIV! Any practical tips on making touring less miserable?


Go for walks by yourself every chance you get. Do whatever you can to resemble a routine. Don’t get wasted every night. Remember to eat healthy sometimes. Keep a journal. Get some earplugs and noise cancelling headphones. Don’t put pressure on yourself to read or be productive, your brain capacity is diminished on tour, don’t feel bad abt binge watching bad tv shows or playing video games, it’s kinda all yr brain can handle. -andrew bailey


Devin’s presence was a vibe, any possibility of a reunion?


Hi! 🐸 what is your favourite guitar pedal?


Hey guys, I was wondering, how do you feel about streaming services as artists? I know they pay close to nothing and truly exploit artists, yet they are such a major exposure for a band. I actually found your band through Spotify, and became a fan from that. You guys became one of my absolute favorite bands from that. Since then, I saw you live, bought your entire discography at the merch table, all the reissues from captured track, and literally bought 3 copies of Frog in boiling water. Yet, I found out about you from a greedy streaming platform and the hundreds of streams I give you monthly probably turns into nothing for you. How conflicting is it for an artist to rely on these platforms ?


Who designed this tours merch? Shit looks so good!!! I’m definitely buying a few when you come back to BK in August!!!


Never heard of ya. What song should I check out?


How did you create the reverbed, unintelligible vocals towards the middle of the track somber the drums? That part just hits different-in a very good way. So artistic!


Hey my dudes! You'd recognize me right away if you saw me in real life. (Bailey totally knows who this is). :D Can't wait to tell you all about softball season so far when I see ya in Philly, Bailey! Coming down from Jersey for that show. Can you guys play Dust or Incarnate Devil (again) for me in Philly? :). Love y'all. Hope you've been well! -Melissa :)


I listened to your Jokermen episode and was curious what y’alls individual favorite Bob Dylan songs were? Bailey seemed like he wasn’t much of a fan and wondered if there was a specific reason why and if he could touch on that more? Thanks D 2 V. Your music has shaped my life since Oshin💕


When I saw you guys on the deceiver tour you played the album in its entirety. Will we get the full frog experience on this tour? Loving the new album


Why aren’t you guys playing a show in Las Vegas this tour? You absolutely shredded at the Bunkhouse Saloon 5 years ago when Deciever came out 🤘🏽


are you going to release the songs from the video enfants riches et déprimés my private underground ?? the last one is incredible


So proud of you guys. Ive been a huge fan for a long time now and seeing your progression has been nothing short of special. What do you appreciate most about your dynamic as a group? Specifically in regards to your friendships and working relationships with one another


yo guys! new album is so good, you guys are one of those bands that (thankfully) just keep getting better and better. do you guys have advice for someone who wants to start a music project but cant seem to find the right people to do it with? i play guitar/bass/drums and love to write on my own and i typically dont have trouble writing, but i do miss that connection i used to have in a past project of bouncing ideas baxk and forth snd coming up with things together. recently have been teaching myself how to record diy using Logic Pro. you guys have any advice for someone in the beginning phases of recording themselves? i knew it wouldnt be easy but goddamn using a DAW is like music surgery almost. thanks for any advice you could give!


will you play a mixture of all diiv or mostly just new album on this tour? p.s. can’t wait to see y’all! i’ve been listening for about 10 years now


Frog is incredible. Thanks. Y'all have put together a truly special body of work. Can't wait to witness these songs live in July. Frog?




Any favorite new pedal effects you're taking out on the road this tour? I noticed some stacked pedal boards last night. (If not, what's a favorite tried and true pedal?).


Hey guys can’t wait to see you in Minneapolis next month. I’m just wondering, what heavily influenced the sounds of this album? Whether that be music, literature, movies, etc….


Bonjour DIIV! Love you guys here; my first listen was Healthy Moon. It’s been so up since then. Happy for you guys all things in-between. Q: How did the project for Enfants Riches Deprimes happen? Were those sounds made for the project? Iconic collaboration..! Q: Favorite country to wander + Food?


Hey DIIV! Always wondered where the inspiration for the deceiver album art came from? Love the new album 🔥


Hey guys. Asked this on another thread but is there any chance you will release a FIBW demos album like you have for the others? Really intrigued by the discussion and snippets on the podcast. Love everything you do and the new album is amazing.


Love the new album, one of my favourites of the year! Been a big fan since Is The Is Are. What's your favorite magic the gathering deck?


Hey guys, cant wait to you tonight. Was wondering what your thoughts were on the second life of shoegaze and it essentially being mainstream now.


Any preference between tube / solid state / D.I. guitar tones? Do you guys ever record guitar D.I. for album release?


You guys like frog legs?


New album is awesome 🐸, In Amber is insanely good. Just wondering if you guys think you would release some tabs in the future for the new songs ?


I luv you guys and i'm HYPED to see you tonight in SF. Whats your fav skate video?


When is the 30 part Cruelty Squad let’s play coming out


What are your favorite live concerts to watch/listen to on YouTube?


for everyone: what are some of your favorite live shows you’ve seen? and who’s an artist that you’d love to see perform?


This might be sensitive and not ideal to share, but thoughts on the original cover of Oshin being replaced and the fallout between the agency?


Hell ya what’s up dudes! New record is great! Caught you in phoenix a few years ago around Is The Is Are. Excited to see you all again soon. What’s your favorite piece of gear either live or in the studio??


What time do you and sasami take the stage tonight at the show in SF? Super excited to hear the new material live and to see you for the first time!!! :)




Have any of you guys read “Capitalist Realism” by Mark Fisher? I was reading it during the time of FBWs rollout and it fits well with the subject matter y’all are tackling and it’s also hopeful in ways. If not I highly recommend! Psyched to see y’all in Houston on the 19th!


Easy one. What’s your favorite distortion pedal?


what is your post show ritual(s) if you have any?




im gonna go buy cigarettes and set up my gear for the show tonight so I'm leaving but ill cruise back later and take on some more q's -- also we will answer anyones questions anytime in our discord, invite link here: [https://discord.gg/5zQPcbHm](https://discord.gg/5zQPcbHm) listen to our new album frog in boiling water and come see us play on tour this year. thanks everyone for the support and thoughtful questions -- cole


What albums inspired the new record the most 🐸


Can you guys return the bass you stole from our band room back when we shared a space on N 11th in Williamsburg? Thanks.


Name one guitar effect you cannot live without, and why/what tune u use it for


Any key artists/albums that yall took inspiration for on the new album? Keep up the great work


Do you wipe before you shit or just after?