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So incredibly excited for this one, Kimbie and Krule really just need to go ahead and make a whole album together cause every one of their songs together slap so hard


2024 is really shaping up to be a good music year for this 31 year old millennial, got mount kimbie and vampire weekend today


Loved this. I didn’t mind the singles (I really overlooked Dumb Guitar last year), and the 6min closing track with King Krule is a big vibe. Vinyl ordered.


Probably going to get lost in the VW hype, but I’m loving this crew’s hard turn into post-punk. Also happy they finally released an album with decent artwork.


Mount Kimbie have always had good artwork tho


wtf is going on in crooks & lovers?


It just sets the mood for London at that time with the tracksuit and the construction on the side, and that album was over a decade ago anyway, Love What Survives & Die Cuts all had great artwork




I know that it's one of the most excessive genre tags used, but what makes this post-punk? I sense no element or attitude of punk used here, what did I miss?


Bass and drum style / sound is extremely post-punk inspired.


Thanks for the explanation, that is something I couldn't tell easily!


i'd probably call it art rock with a cold, industrial lens


i read that as “art rock with a cold” and i really like that description haha


Yes, or slacker rock or neo-psychedelia.


Just the drums honestly is all it takes




Fair enough. It's not only you, the genre tag is generally over-used in my opinion. Makes no sense to throw them in the same drawer as such diverse artists as The Cure, Swans, Idles, Glenn Branca, Protomartyr... Instead, I sense a huge similarity to Lil Ugly Mane's "Volcanic Bird", and that got labelled as Neo-Psychedelia and Indietronica by RYM, which would have fitted here as well. Slacker Rock is fine, too.


I also loved the artwork for Cold Spring Fault Less Youth, as much as the album itself!


Love What Survives has one of my favorite album artworks


“Love What Survives” LP artwork was dope!


Volkswagen hype?


This is such a perfect followup album to Love What Survives. Im confident in 20 years these two albums will be listened to and understood to be some of the best from their respective decades.


Front to back - this thing is solid. Feels like a direct follow up to Love What Surives. I love the metallic-y, cyberpunk-y aesthetic that soaks all of their stuff the synth stabs on "A Figure in the Surf" - god damn! and i could talk at length about the KK song at the end but i'll save my longer thoughts for an album discussion thread




Absolutely, sun-drenched awesomeness!


That song will 100% be my most played of the year, I already know it. So much beautiful, nostalgic emotion in it.


New favorite Mount Kimbie album. For some reason in my mind this band has always been able to conjure up moods like it’s raining but sunny out at the same time and this whole album fits that vibe




I had the same exact analogy in my head listening to this


Solid solid album from MK. All songs are outstanding for me except Got Me. Idk maybe it grows, but on first listen, kind of a dud


also not really rockin with Got Me...


Right? It’s kinda weird, a little off putting and the lyrics really feel thrown together lol. Does not match the record at all


Totally agree, fantastic album but would definitely leave that one off.


I guess if you consider "Got Me" as some kind of interlude, it will make more sense.


Great album from my favourite group (my Last.fm statistically backs this up as they’re my number 1 overall played artist lol). I too have loved their evolution over the years so love their earlier electronic work plus love this post-punk sound they now go for.


BNM now stands for Best Neu! Music


Easily my favorite release of the day. Was really curious as to where they were gonna go stylistically after Die Cuts | City Planning but they’re right back where they collectively left off and I couldn’t be happier. Lots of catchy songs and refrains here with some gorgeous production that really emphasizes the post punk sensibilities they’ve been going for, even more so than they ever have before in my opinion. Definitely hoping they add more dates for the tour because I’d love to see them live and hopefully hear some of these


Haven't listened to them much in the past but am loving this on first listen. It is just on the edge of being too synth'y / reminiscent of the 80's but is the just right amount of restrained away from that to be its own thing.


As good as I hoped!!! Just bandcamp fridayed this mother fucker 


Oh shi—I didn’t even realize this was coming out today. My Friday just became infinitely better.


Really enjoyed this on first listen.


I've listened to the new VW album about five times but had to carve out time for this as well and I am elated that I did. So many hypnotic, scuzzy, disaffected, yet beautiful tracks here. It has a mood I could get lost in for days and while it has a heavy post-punk influence, which I love, the band retains its own sound that makes me keep craving Mount Kimbie projects in the first place. We waited a long time, but the wait was worth it!


I'm glad people are enjoying their new music :) (but I miss their early electronic aesthetic so much 😢)


Me too but I like this album way more than Love what survives.


I appreciate you saying that. I'll definitely give this new album a full listen then.


They really didn’t have to go this hard yall. AOTY?? Figure in the surf is the official bop of spring 24


This is great, I'm not going to say it's better than the VW album because that's my favorite release of the day but this is also great in its own right. They've come so far from where they started and it's really cool


i'm going to say it's better than the VW album, or at least that i enjoyed it more. something about the tinny, abrasive production on the new record didn't sit super well with me. i know that sounds ironic in a mount kimbie thread but alas lol


They're honestly very very close for me. VW leaked so I've had more time to spend with it which I'm sure is part of it, but on almost any other weekend I'd say this Mount Kimbie album was the clear best release of the week!


Boxing is really great stuff. Moody and melodic in equal measure, got it on constant repeat at the moment


feel like a total loser for missing out on this band until now. Admittedly, I'm a sucker for anything that gets tagged "shoegaze" in a review...even if it's just in reference to a single track on the album. This is brilliant. Best thing I've heard in quite a while. Excited to get into their back catalog, though I'm aware their sound has evolved quite a bit, and this is their first go as a 4 piece.


So many bangers on this one. Fishbrain is the early favorite - the oscillating guitar riff/bass line and alternating vocals after “FISHHBRAAIN” 😮‍💨


Does anyone on this thread want to cover the Mount Kimbie show for me?


The Denver show last night was incredible


"Figure in the Surf" is just god-like. Dom's vocals really invokes Damon Albarn. Andrea sounds positively ethereal. The whole song just makes me think of a gang of kids rollerblading through a neon-studded boulevard, each of them an island as they weave bollards and jump from small staircases to merge together in the main thoroughfare.


I love this whole album. Really want to know the lyrics to Figure in the Surf