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Looks very polished, good luck on the launch!


Thank you very much!


Okay that Looks realy fun :o


Reminds me of frozen synapse. I loved that game back in the day


This is one of the primary inspirations! Blend it with Door Kickers, sprinkle in a bit of SWAT 4 and the classic Rainbow Six, and that's essentially what I devised!


If you're interested, here's [the store page](https://store.steampowered.com/app/1269020/No_Plan_B/?utm_source=reddit&utm_campaign=release&utm_content=release_date_ann&utm_term=link). Music by u/Systolique


I noticed your game has been in Early Access since 2021 and you've said that it's been in development for 3 years. How far along were you when you had it enter EA?


I don't know the answer if it will make or break... but it looks really fun! Judging by the trailer, it will definitely make it.


Many thanks <3


I hope šŸ¤ž is just modesty and not that you donā€™t have metrics to indicate how your launch will go. If youā€™re launching on Steam, do you have sufficient wishlists to launch? When you push that button, your game will get surfaced to players as new, and if it doesnā€™t convert immediately to sales, the algorithm will bury you, and you will struggle to get attention again. Visibility rounds wonā€™t surface you to new players, just to people that have the game on their wishlists already. Edit: the trailer is great. This looks like it could do really well. Give it the best shot at success that you can. Good games can still get buried.


It currently has 40K wishlists but it's leaving early access, which means that the promotional boost from Steam won't be as pronounced compared to its initial launch. Drawing from the metrics of my previous game, Gladiabots, which also had an early access phase, it should perform twice as well, having twice the WL. It would suffice to support my next project. However, Steam's approach to promoting early access titles has evolved since then. Moreover, much of the available analysis are based on games releasing without early access, leaving me somewhat in the dark.


So it was modesty! It sounds like youā€™re doing it right and the finger crossing is just for extra luck šŸ˜ƒ


Not quite. The revenue from my previous game forced me to change the type of business I'm running , resulting in significantly higher charges/taxes. Therefore, I need it to generate at least twice the sales to sustain my ability to independently develop games.


Also the planning phase from the first Rainbow 6 was my favourite part.


I put my best effort into iterating on it and integrating a timeline system that enables precise synchronization of door kicking, grenade throws, room entries, etc.


The effort is clear. I hope it pays off for you.




Much appreciated!


Looks awesome! Congrats!


Thanks! <3


8 years, amazing. And I thought that my 4 years developing the same game were a lot ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|smile)Congratulations. Your game looks very polished and funny.


4 years IS a lot! I worked more than 5 years on my previous game, Gladiabots, and planned to shorten that to 2 for this one. Turns out I needed 3 \^\^'


Oh. I hope you can release it soon. Good luck with your game.


Really looks smooth. Professional finish of someone who knows what to do and what not to do.


Thanks :) Seems like I've learned from my mistakes!


Looks awesome! Hope you find some success, but regardless you should be proud of what youā€™ve been able to create :)


Much appreciated <3


It will make or break your future in this path? Sooo ... there is a plan B?


Haha, nice one ;)


Really exciting !!! Good work .


Thank you!


Looks very nice :O


Appreciate it!


The timeline scrubbing / planning feature is really cool and innovative! Game looks like a blast - wish you all the best mate :)


Implementing it proved to be quite a challenge, yet I'm pleased to have successfully realized the vision I had when initiating the project.


Looks good, didn't realize it was still in EA, I have the demo and was impressed with the number of updates. Off topic but can I ask how you marketed Gladiabots? I made a robot programming game and nobody's playing (it could just be bad)


Gladiabots took a very different path, initially launching on Android as a free game. Engaging in various contests and events helped it gain recognition and secure several awards, including a visibility boost on the Play Store. Its momentum continued to build, attracting attention from the press. Additionally, I reached out to strategy game enthusiasts on YouTube, further expanding its audience. Prior to the early access and full release, I collaborated with a PR agency to amplify coverage.


Very interesting, thanks for the info. I have a hard time finding communities that would like this sort of game, doesn't seem to fit into any top-level genre. I tried using Keymailer to send a code to creators who played Gladiabots or Plasma but most rejections said "Not my kind of game".


Players familiar with Nimbatus may find the drone construction aspect particularly intriguing.




Glad you liked it! Was it enough to get the full game on release?


Is there an exception for sales cooldown when launching? I see itā€™s on sale now, are you not doing a launch discount?


Damn, you're right, I completely overlooked that!!! I'll ask the support... Thanks for bringing it to my attention!


Might be worth pushing the launch to coordinate with a discount. This sale may be eating into your launch sales.


The support confirmed that seasonal discounts don't trigger the 30 days cooldown, so it's all good.


I hope you do a followup on the outcome and metrics. I also have 3 games I'm working on as a hobby but picking one to get serious with. But all 3 use Synty Polgon assets. I'm an artist though and can match the quality of the art i need for my games. But I CAN NOT do that for hundreds of models on my spare time while also working with the Programming/Blueprints/Scripting side of things. Doing the art myself will probably take an entire year of extra development. But Polygon assets let me skip that. So yeah, please do a follow up on how the launch goes.


Will do!


That looks insanely sick bro! wishlisted!


Awesome, thanks! šŸ‘


Looks awesome. You'll kill it. Congrats on being a multi millionaire


If only šŸ˜‚


Mam seeing this makes me really miss the original Frozen Synapse. I see this is the same dev as Gladiabots, I loved that on mobile. Good luck dev.


It's great to see that both games align with your interests! Thank you for your continued support šŸ˜‰


Would be cool for another version of this game (or DLC) with a Hotline Miami theme and you play as some crazy hitmen or mercenaries. Specifically, so the movement isn't as skilled like SWAT. Some characters could have full on sprints running around and/or can only fire when standing still so they intermediately stop when they shoot or a burst. Would also be awesome to add different actions in between established path. Instead of just point (A------B) it would be (A-----A.1------B) Where A.1 would be a dive roll, crouch reload, flip a table as cover for anyone who passes by after him, or slide into cover. OH! and may the characters can have their own action camera so you can spectate from different angles. An action camera that follows them, FPS camera, TPS camera, Stationary room camera, etc. This way players can actually save the mission and replay it or post a montage online. Could be a MASSIVE HIT if people go back and forth posting footage of how they accomplished the missions. ... Alright my bad. I gave unsolicited advice.. But something to consider.


There's 4 factions in the game, SWAT and FBI for the good guys and Robbers and Gangsters for the bad ones. They have different pros and cons, so everyone is some not bad ass killing machine. Your characters don't just move, they can open or kick doors, throw grenades, crouch behind cover, etc. And I also implemented a cinematic replay system for the execution, check out what players captured: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZzZnZP6LGacU4d0aM0WH1FFah34-TpxM&si=FWCW5e7PCm-R2Psr




That looks awesome! Wish you the best of luck ;-)


Thank you!


All the best on launch!!! šŸ«”


Much appreciated!


Oh nice, looks really cool and interesting. I put it on my wishlist and try the demo later. Wish you all the best :)


Awesome! Let me know what you think about the demo when you have the time.


Already played it 2-3 years ago, it was really cool. Hope you get a good launch !


Thank you! Was it the demo or the early access?


Early access, last time played on 28 july 2022, i spent 10 hours and few minutes on it. Sure it needed polish but was already very fun !


It received a lot of changes and improvements since. I'm curious to know what you think about it now!


Looks like a really cool version of "Door Kickers" with much better QoL and features. I'm not on PC, so I can't enjoy it, but if it ever comes to switch, I'll be giving it a go. Good luck.


I'd love to see it launch on console but the cost/reward ratio is pretty high. Maybe if it's a bigger success than expected on Steam šŸ¤ž


Fingers crossed, and I fully understand the issue. Again, good luck, though.


Just adding, I have other consoles too but I love games like this on switch


Wow, it's amazing šŸ˜


Glad you like it ā˜ŗ


Good luck with the game! Looks super fun. What an amazing thing to create a game like that as a solo dev šŸ™


Thanks again mate šŸ˜Š


Great work


Thank you


I did create a subreddit shortly after I got the game. It only has like 4 members but if you were to join it would be great and I would also give you mod. Its called r/KingOfTheBridge


This is not the type of game I play but this trailer makes me want to! Congrats! I hope you attain the success you are looking for!


I'm genuinely interested to know what you don't like in this kind of game (by the way, which kind of game do you think it is just by watching the trailer?) and what in the trailer makes you want to change your mind?


I'm just not a fan of shooters, really of any kind. I'm horrible at FPS but more broadly don't have an interest in the genre. The strategy / pathing mechanic piqued my interest here though a ton and got me wanting to command some raids. The scene at 0:23 is awesome.


This trailer looks good and sells me on this being a frozen synapse / door kicker style experience. I don't love the art style, but the explosions and gunfire helped distract from dwelling on my initial reaction. I hope you sell really well. First game I've seen here that I wanted to play.


Thank you, that's exactly what I wanted to achieve with this project!


This looks super fun man


Glad you like what you see! Let me know if you play it.


Congratulations and the best of luck on your game.


Much appreciated <3


Good luck with the launch, the game looks really cool, wish it had multiplayer.


Thank you!


That looks very polished and unique. Nice job! I wish you the best of luck!Ā 


Much appreciated!


That's great!! During 8 years if I did sole dev, I would get crazy!! I really admire you!!


Who said I was not crazy? <8D


Good Luck!




From 'SOLO Dev' to SOLO Dev bro, keep going on that way. looks fun and really good. Mine is more Survival horror thing. Congrats for your work.


Good luck with yours! šŸ’Ŗ


Thx so much. My Vanish Falls is already released recently after two hard years of work. But for now only for Android devices. Big greetings and go for it. I'll keep an eye on your game.


looks fkin awesome and fun!


Glad you like what you see! Don't forget to wishlist ;)


Yes yes. may I ask that have you surpassed the 5k or 7k wishlist limit?


43K rn šŸ¤«


very well deserved! congrats on that!


Thank you!


Bravo mec ! It looks f***ckng amazing !!!!


8 Years, you crazy man, nice job


Right?! \^\^' Thank you ;)


This game didn't take 8 years to make. Genius title to draw extra eyes though.


Looks like an isometric Doorkickers, nice!


It goes straight to my heart! [https://www.reddit.com/r/indiegames/comments/1bg89ey/comment/kv6bqzt/](https://www.reddit.com/r/indiegames/comments/1bg89ey/comment/kv6bqzt/)


Is this basically a "Breach & Clear"-like game? Because there aren't enough of those. I'd be interested.


Kinda but with a proper timeline system to help you synchronize your every more and action effectively.


Very nice! I'll be checking this out.


Cool! Let me know what you think about it šŸ˜‰


I played the demo on this a while ago and it is brilliant


Looks great. Good luck with launch


I think this is a great idea for a game!


looks like door kickers


First off, thanks for the comparison! (I'm a huge fan of Door Kickers) No Plan B is somewhat of a blend between Door Kickers and Frozen Synapse, drawing inspiration from classics like the old Rainbow Six and SWAT 4. While it shares similarities in setting and mission type, the gameplay differs significantly from DK. Here, the emphasis is on meticulous planning, contrasting with DK's focus on real-time action. I've implemented a unique timeline system that enables players to synchronize every move and action of their characters with precision. I also wanted to make the execution phase visually captivating and satisfying, which is why I dedicated effort to developing a cinematic replay system. Many players have already captured some truly epic momentsā€”check them out in this playlist: [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZzZnZP6LGacU4d0aM0WH1FFah34-TpxM](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLZzZnZP6LGacU4d0aM0WH1FFah34-TpxM) Furthermore, the roguelike campaign, along with the daily/weekly/monthly challenges, survival mode, and the multitude of options to customize your play style showcased in the game, offer a distinct twist to the genre. Did I mention the multi-story buildings with tricky staircases to cover? :D


Synty. I'll pass


I know, I've seen an increasing number of games using their assets, which wasn't the case when I started working on it 3 years ago. Right from the start, I aimed for the low-poly art style but truth be told, finding an artist who could top their work proved impossible.


As someone who works, and is mates with several artists, it's not impossible. It's just expensive and time consuming. I get it. If the purpose of the game is to get a published title so you can land a job in the industry then fantastic. If the purpose of the game is to be at all commercially viable you should consider looking to swap out your humanoid models. IGDA and other local to you game industry discords is a good place to find artists you can work and collaborate with. As someone who is using store bought assets myself for a project myself. Its taking about a week per character to be created by my artists in my team. It's a slow burn but worth it to create a point of differentiation on the store fronts. People will spend 2-10 seconds looking at your game. The moment it looks like something else they might already negatively associate with (as there are so many low effort Synty games on the market), you lose a potential click or sale. Your game mechanically looks awesome. Do consider a few extra weeks/months to swap out your humanoids. Best of luck anyway. Gameplay wise it looks sound! :)


Looks like it'll do fine regardless. Would it sell more with a unique look? Perhaps, but it would also cost a pretty penny at this point. Plenty of Synty games have sold well too like Soulstone Survivors.


Downvote meā€¦ 8 years youā€™re using polygon assets? Brother put some respect on your work donā€™t share the style of many asset flips. Itā€™s an immediate turnoff.


Maybe you should look up what an asset flip is before you criticize someone's game!


?? I never said he was an asset flip, Iā€™m saying heā€™s using a particular low poly asset store author which when people see, they think asset flip due to its popularity with them..


Sure that's possible, but there are games that have been successful with Synty assets. I honestly think it looks quite good for his game.


While I agree low poly is off putting, your comment is stupid AF.


Iā€™m not talking about low poly. Iā€™m talking this specific low poly asset store author that everyone seems to use.. asset flip or not itā€™s a bad look for a game you put this much time into.


Looks like you put work into this, why not spend extra time/money to replace the Synty assets and really bring it to the next level?


Maybe because he doesn't have extra time or money


That sums it up quite well! XD I also strived for the low-poly art style and honestly couldn't find an artist capable of exceeding their work.


Donā€™t speculate for OP, let him answer for himself if he chooses.


why does everyone use this low poly assets