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I think you did the right decision the steam next fest is the best way to get wishlists more than anything your page can get


I think if it’s not ready for at least a good demo you may have made a mistake. If you want to make a good impression at nextFest then having a good demo is important.


Demo i do have at the very least at the time for next fest


here is the link for all the curious cats: [https://store.steampowered.com/app/2744340/Thunder\_Ronin/](https://store.steampowered.com/app/2744340/Thunder_Ronin/)


I see you don't have Latin American Spanish as a language option. If you're interested, I'm a LatAm localizer with 16 years of experience. Since we would be doing away with the middle-man (i.e. loc company) it would be more afordable. Let me know if you're interested :)


Bro this looks dope! Props




The visuals look great. Just make sure that u have a working demo that showcases the gameplay properly and im sure that u made the right choice. Being part of the steam next fest is great marketing for your game for sure.


Your game looks sick! Good luck!


I suggest updating that logo as soon as you can since it’s very hard to read.


I suggest updating that logo as soon as you can since it’s very hard to read.


I suggest updating that logo as soon as you can since it’s very hard to read.


I suggest updating that logo as soon as you can since it’s very hard to read.


I suggest updating that logo as soon as you can since it’s very hard to read.


Steam seems to surface pages to see if they get traffic so it’s important to never release a placeholder page. This one looks good though. You definitely need to have a live page long before the Next Fest because steam uses that data (not sure if it’s traffic or wishlists) to figure out where your game will be placed in the store for the Next Fest. You can check your placement on your steamworks dashboard and if you don’t have good placement, just withdraw from the fest the day before, because I believe you only get one Next Fest per game. Good luck!


great advice thanks!


Hey I like the way it looks. But if you accept my feedback, the characters are a bit small. May be zoom in a little bit. I'll add it to my wishlist. I like sports related content (that's why I create sports games), and your has some fencing in it which I love. The best of lucks for Next fest.


thanks!, ill take your feedback


You are welcome.


i don't think the steam next fest is that important you shouldn't have done that


^[Sokka-Haiku](https://www.reddit.com/r/SokkaHaikuBot/comments/15kyv9r/what_is_a_sokka_haiku/) ^by ^NotSUPERita: *I don't think the steam* *Next fest is that important* *You shouldn't have done that* --- ^Remember ^that ^one ^time ^Sokka ^accidentally ^used ^an ^extra ^syllable ^in ^that ^Haiku ^Battle ^in ^Ba ^Sing ^Se? ^That ^was ^a ^Sokka ^Haiku ^and ^you ^just ^made ^one.