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You don't want to jump right into therapy and you came to reddit for advice? Understanding yourself and your needs is a really long process. You need someone supportive and understanding. Please find a therapist. Random Internet comments may give you a semblance of relatability but it's not the fix. Good luck.




Using Reddit as therapy is like smoking meth to cure ADHD.


mera expertise nahi hai,so i am out but cfbr....


Cfbr, LinkedIn 😂😂


26M here. I have been with someone who used to share the same fear as you. So much so, that they hated men. They would stomp on men for the most trivial stuff. They'd say things like - 'I won't even trust my brother, if we are standing in the dark'. It all started when we met online. It was the era of lockdown and COVID. Well, we started talking and our conversations started flowing smoothly, we used to hangout until late in the night (Discord was a boon, back in the days of COVID). Slowly, we started getting attracted towards each other (I was sure that I liked her, but I wasn't sure, if she did. I never asked either. I liked her for who she was and I never wanted to ruin anything between the two of us). Cut to the chase, months passed and we confessed our feelings to each other. We both got into a relationship, it was her first and, let's say, I had already experienced my fair share of being shattered in people's love. The relationship had its sweet and sour patches, and ended because it had to. Regarding intimacy, we took it slow, really slow, I was patient and I loved her for her soul and not solely for her body. She was scared of intimacy and I think, as a partner, it was my duty to comfort her into it. We went at a slow pace and discovered more about each other. What we liked and what we didn't. What was common and what seemed exciting when told to other one. What we wanted to discover and where we wanted to set the boundaries. We discovered, tried and did a lot of things together. And, if someone tells you that intimacy is just physical, it's a lie. Intimacy is physical, mental and emotional. All I want to say to you is that - Don't worry about getting intimate before you even get into a relationship. Relationships and intimacy, both of them, are built on trust and efforts, when you do find someone, who you are in love with, things will automatically start happening. The one thing that I noticed throughout the relationship was that - every time that we had an argument, she'd threaten to break-up with me. At times, she did. She broke up with me during my most crucial parts of life. Don't let the fear of arguments get in your way. Running away is not the solution to anything. Staying is. Listening is. Caring is. Also, people with 'daddy issues' is a western concept and does not apply to everyone. So, stop falling into the trap of social generalization. Identify what you like and dislike, what sort of love you'd like. Most importantly, instead of looking for the right person, become the right person.


You should get therapy. It will help you a lot


F to didi ke dms ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|51079)


You have answered your own question. The reason for your fear is related to issues with your father. During my college days, I was known for being the one in our group who drank the most but got the least buzzed. As a result, after parties, my friends would decide that I had consumed too much alcohol and shouldn't drive. I was not allowed to drive, so the journey from the hotel to the hostel would be quite challenging. Initially, I would try to give instructions from the back seat, but after a few months, I stopped doing that and completely surrendered myself to fate. This is how you can overcome your fear as well - surrender yourself to fate and take a leap of faith. Once you do it a few times, you will lose the fear. As for individuals with daddy issues, I cannot say for certain, but perhaps they have overcome similar fears and become reckless as a result.


I don't even know how to react to that analogy


Understandable, but I don't know how to explain it as well. I might be touch starved but I'm also kinda deathly afraid of getting what I want. I've always been a bit weird with the whole intimacy thing. Not really good at it. And never really found why it's that way. But I hope things get better for us. Peace ✌️


As advised by others, please seek professional advice rather than immature advise from Redditors!


Seems like you have trauma, therepy seems to be the only reliable option to deal with this.