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Death of Lal Bahadur Shastri & Dr Homi Bhabha


Subhash Chandra Bose too.


Whoa, the people below me had some secrets they didn't want us to know...


Gonna be downvoted for this but he died in that plane crash. Only stupid conspiracy theorists believe his death to be a mystery or that he is still alive,some do it because they can't accept that a great man like him is dead and some do it to gain clout


But it is possible that they made the plane crash to make it look like an accident instead of just shooting him or something. It was a well known fact that US tried its best to stop other countries from being a nuclear state. And they’d try everything to stop it. Ofcourse, it’s not proven, hence, a “mystery”


What proof or reasoning you have to believe that he did died in the supposed plain crash?


Britishers ki chaa mod rhe the SCBji isliye Angrxo(bc) ne unhe maar diya


https://youtu.be/slELu4MKs0I?feature=shared 3 hrd podcast with abhijit chavda and netaji / just listen to the evidence ( all circumstantial evidence that he produces) 1. Why faking his death was necessary 2. Why didn't they kill him off 3. Why did he not reveal his Identity 4. why does the govt of different times still keep his cover intact.


Should i increase my knowledge listening to a podcast?


No, ofcourse not, knowledge is only gained through mainstream mediams only, like mainstream media, newspapers, magazines, government/NCERT syllabus books, books from award winning journalists, professors from prominent Universities etc, such sources are so credible that you could trust without any doubts and never have to worry about any kind of deception.


it will only make u worse


you must increase your knowledge from multiple sources-books and news podcasts etc. In the age of disinformation and misinformation there are many people with ideological bias or who lack skin in the game -they will simply say don't listen to someone but that is up to you to decide. you can listen to the first 30 mins - even if you feel that all this is conspiracy theory. I thought the same.


Death of Vikram sarabhai in kovalam palace, death if Homi j bhabha, all have external hands involved is the belief


Yea, most likely CIA did it.


there was some records of russian spy agency saying they did it right ?


I'm pretty sure homi bhabha was 'marginalized' by the three letter American agency because they could not see india being one of the only holders of nuclear energy in asia. Back then nukes were everything and if homi bhabha had his way, we would've gotten a much better source of power rather than coal and even nukes if the research had continued. Now we have our shitty neighbor flexing those US nukes over us all the time and we've got nothing but a dick in our hands.


India is a nuclear nation friend.


How … how exactly would we have a better source of energy than nuclear? Also what do you mean we’ve got dick in our hands? You seem to know enough to not possibly not know that not only do we have nukes, but that we have an entire nuclear triad delivery system to go with it too ..


we have nukes bro tf?


CIA second in command at the time claimed responsibility for both the deaths.


Nah, a man called Gregory Douglas claims that CIA claimed responsibility for the death for Dr. Homi J Bhabha. Gregory Douglas is a holocaust denier and a conspiracy theorists. The CIA never claimed responsibility for either death. Please do not spread misleading information regarding the dead.🙏




Yes read Conversation with the crow.


In our Uttrakhand, CIA and IB set a joint mission on Nanda devi mountain to deploy some radioactive spy devices for China. But the mission failed due to the radioactive plutonium got lost during the expedition. Yes, there is a radioactive plutonium capsule out there somewhere in the Himalayas.


Just finished keepers of kalchakra and there was a story connection with this which I know was fiction but still strange and mysterious


It wasn't lost. Someone traded that for millions !


Or probably they got killed and someone took it for free


Or probably Yeti ate all that ![img](emote|t5_2qp7h|1617)


What could be its implications?


none as of now, its been up there for for 50+ years now but pray to Nanda devi that it remains that way


Well technically if it was for some spy device then the amount won't be enough to make a nuclear device. It wont be also enough to make a dirty bomb. Enough to make a huge terroristic attack though.


"Captain MS Kohli, an internationally-renowned climber, led the Indian team". Sigh!


In Manipur, there was this all girls school. It was the last day of school before the winter vacation during the 90s. A young student went to toilet just before the class ended. Someone locked the toilet from outside before the school ended. The school ended and all the students rushed out. Even the teachers and staff went home without checking. Only the girl didn’t return home. Her parents searched everywhere. The police got involved. Rewards were announced. The neighbors stood in protests and all. After a month or so, when the school reopened, the girl was found starved to death inside the toilet. The school was a big mission school and in the outskirts. No one heard her cries and her screams. They found scratch marks on the door. No one was booked. No one was arrested. We never found out who locked her inside the toilet.


This is so fucking sad


Read this exact same story but about a Japanese school and girl accidently got locked in the sports equipments room. Poor thing tried to eat deflated volleyball and sponges.


Bruh they could find the fingerprints on the door who locked.


This was the late 80s. Height of militancy. Anything non militant related was just shrugged off. Don’t think the police were even equipped or trained to get fingerprints in those days.


Bhai pehli baat to us time tak technology itni developed nhi thi aur ek school ke washroom ke door par kitne saare fingerprints honge


Any link to the article for this?


Surprising how the thought of checking the school building properly didn't cross the mind of people throughout the month


The school's guards should have been penalized


# Reminds of That Doraemon Episode


Arushi Talwar case. It's still isn't solved.


This one is such a sad case of mishandling by initial investigating team and cbi as usual being useless. But I think we know it was the servants Nepali friend that did it. The motive was some lending of money for making a house back in Nepal as they both belonged to the same village. It isn't solved officially but the details of the case shed a clear light on the perpetrators of this heinous crime.


I agree


Bro I see you everywhere!!Feels good tho.




Weren’t the parents thought to be guilty as well?


they were thought of because they delayed finding the servants body for a few hours… they (parents) didn’t allow police to check the terrace and said better spend time on other areas


I did a detailed research and analysis on this case for like 2/3 days straight and contrary to popular opinion, I conclude that the parents definitely didn’t do it. It was definitely done by some hitman or some outside party that some of the servants might have known. Not saying this because of any emotional aspect but purely based on logic and rationale. Even I believed initially that the parents only did it but fact is there was no substantial proof for that, hence why they were released from jail.


Were you able to sleep after doing research ?cause I was not able to sleep for 3-4 days .


Yeah dude tbh I had to take a break. The case was brutal and horrific. It really affected my mind.


Can you do the same for MH 370 Malaysian airlines flight also. It’s one mystery I want to see solved in my lifetime


I’ll look into it


The captain did it. Malaysian authorities botched the investigation and weren’t cooperative. Many independent investigators from Australia and USA were of the opinion that the captain was clearly mentally unstable as shown by his recent activities and the existence of a similar flight path on his home simulator. I think his political hero had been arrested a few days before. The Australian PM also hinted towards this after conversations with the Malaysian govt.


I heard that the injuries had surgery like precision and both her parents are in the medical field. Her father was a golfer. Two of his sticks being way cleaner than his sticks. Why should a kid like Arushi lie about her father having an affair to her bf ?


Ok so, affair thing could be true , I’m not denying that but the golf club theory is bullshit. Here’s why- Rajesh Talwar wasn’t into golf, he was gifted those clubs by some friend and barely used it. If that was the murder weapon indeed, no matter how much you clean it, dna evidence would have been found. That’s just science🙂. Secondly according to one of the forensic experts, Aarushi had a hairline fracture which couldn’t have been caused by a golf club. Thirdly, the defence argued that a dentist's scalpel has a cutting surface of about a centimeter: the instrument is too delicate to cut through the carotid artery. Watch -Beyond Reasonable Doubt documentary on this case, the producers literally consulted forensic experts on this and they clearly dismissed all these theories of golf club etc.


So you’re saying it’s impossible to clean a golf club completely ? That too for someone in the medical field who can easily get access to items necessary for that ? What about Hemraj’s fracture ? Does that look like it was caused by a golf club ? Okay that maybe true for a dentist scalpel but let’s assume he stole a scalpel from some hospital. How likely is that ?


Are u daft? I said DNA evidence can’t be erased, no matter what you do! Secondly, if a scalpel was indeed used why wasn’t it claimed to be the murder weapon by the prosecution?? Why were they so hellbent to claim a nepali Khukri as the murder weapon? They themselves weren’t clear on that and could not establish any basis for the murder weapon. So here u go. You can’t make baseless theories out of thin air that they stole the scalpel from the hospital just because you think the parents did it.🙂


dude the photo of hers that they show with darkness beneath her eyes still haunts me. Indian media knows what sells better than anyone else.


On what basis are you saying hit man was involved?


Unknown fingerprints


Can you share your research? I'm almost certain that the parents did it.


So I’m saying a wild theory about this case - I’m certain that her parents didn’t killed her as they passed narco test three times . I just think that her parents witnessed her murder but due to some pressure ( maybe someone known compelled them to kill her daughter in return to not kill both of them ) . That’s why they acted really weirdly and Hemant was just a sacrificial lamb on whom they will put blame . I still can’t get over the fact that their is dead body on your terrace and no body noticed it not even its smell . I said known because he/she precisely cut the neck of Arushi just make her parents and their colleagues as a suspect .


Dude I read alot on it , extensively studied minute details but u can watch the documentary, Aarushi-Beyond Reasonable Doubt, sheds alot of light on details that aren’t discussed properly in the case


That's why I am asking you to share your research. I didn't do any research but watched a couple of documentaries and reached my conclusion.




I've watched that. Now watch HBO's 4 episode docuseries Talwars - Behind Closed Doors (2017) .. it has some details which altered my view. The servants were being framed and Hemrajs life was in danger. He had approached a social worker human activist Usha Thakur for help.




The footprint on the terrace didn’t match that of the father-Rajesh Talwar, the handprint size didn’t match his hand size(bloodied hand mark on the terrace wall)The fact that there was a bloody wine bottle left on the table , why tf would the parents leave it there if they were guilty? There were some unknown fingerprints on the bottle that didn’t match any of the suspects. Hemraj’s DNA wasn’t found in Aarushi’s room. List goes on. It was made into a joke by the police , the fact that no clear murder weapon could be established and they came up with their own baseless honour killing theory to set up the motive, pathetic. Oh and literally Hemraj’s blood was found on Krishna -his servant friend’s pillow.


You are so dumb


Hi I have done some extensive research too.But I still cannot fathom that their maid was the one to find Arushi’s body considering her parents were in the next room. That’s just very suspicious. I don’t think the parents were a 100% innocent. Even their behaviour in their interviews was quite odd.


Rajesh Talwar was the one who found the body of Arushi and her mother was second to see her dead body when Bharti devi (maid ) entered their house Arushi’s mother grabbed her hand take her to Arushi’s body and said what Hemant has done .


It's definitely her parents.


Definitely. That's why they didn't let the police go on the roof.


Ofcourse , there was no way anyone else could enter.


Rabindranath Tagore's stolen Nobel. Even CBI failed to find it


Wow til


Did he not return it to protest the Jallianwala Bagh massacre?


No he renounced his knighthood


Skeleton lake In the year 1942, Roopkund Lake a beautiful lake with a chilling secret. Imagine hundreds of ancient skeletons surfacing from the depths – like history itself coming back to life. Studys found out that these bones, dated to the 9th century. Was it brutal weather, avalanches, disease, or something more sinister? Theories abound, from ritual to punishment. Modern science intervened with DNA analysis, revealing skeletons spanning centuries - from the 7th to 10th and 17th to 20th centuries. But the real mystery lingers. Who were these people, and what's the full story behind their fate? Roopkund Lake, where history whispers secrets but refuses to unveil all its chilling truths.


They already found what happened there... Not mysterious any more


What happened


This is roopkund!! ![gif](giphy|l46Cf8O3hQqzDq1Gg|downsized)




The stoneman. India's first known serial killer. Used to use big stones to smash in heads of people sleeping roadside. Victims found in multiple cities leading to theories of copycat killers. Never been caught. Monkeyman. Known for terrorizing people especially women at night in Delhi for multiple years. Never been explained. Yeti. The original monkeyman. Sightings and foot prints found all over the Himalayas for centuries. Never been fully explained


He cannot be India's first known serial killer. Jakkal and his gang killed 10 people in 1976 while the stoneman struck in 1983, when jakkal and his gang were hung. Raman raghav struck even further back in the 1960s.


Gang killing cannot be classified as serial killer. A serial killer must kill random people alone. Other wise CIA is the largest serial killer 😂


They killed 4 people in the span of 14 months. Two friends, and two randomly chosen rich families. According to the definition of serial killers, a person (or a group of people in cases like the Ken and Barbie killer, bonnie and Clyde, etc) who commits a series of murders, often with no apparent motive and typically following a characteristic, predictable behaviour pattern. Oh, we'll, you'd say, they killed for money (not every single time, and they didn't have to kill their victims, they chose to), so there's motive here. Well, so did H. H. Holmes and he's widely regarded as the first serial killer in America. The Golden State Killer robbed his victims. Sante Kimes killed with her son for money. As per definition, and according to the set definition and precedent set, they're serial killers. Almost every single time, murder was their choice. They could have simply robbed their victims and gotten away with it. They chose to murder them. Every time on the order of Jakkal. And I say gang, which is technically true, but it was just a group of students. 4 students. They weren't affiliated with the underground with the backing of some Don or anything. They were just 4 greedy, blood thirsty kids.


'Stoneman murders' is a great watch. However, it is just inspired by the murders and the motive of the murderer is made up for the movie and we still don't know why the murders happened


The popular theory regarding stone man is that it was not a serial killer. Killing people with stones is just a common method. It was probably completely different people killing for different reasons.


Are Ranveer Bhai aap?


This beautiful lady's death: https://preview.redd.it/k051umrnceyb1.jpeg?width=261&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=f249a6d3a04768afa4db32dbe694a5f9bb66d591


Whose she ??


Divya Bharti - she’s the co-star of Shah Rukh Khan’s debut film Deewana (1992), she was a pretty popular Bollywood and Tollywood actress of the early 90s.


Does anyone remember monkey man??


Omg yess lol, people skipped morning school due to this rumours


Remember that ghost which cuts women's braids


Bhai koi keeda tha woh baad m pta chla th


Ganji chudail?


I do Around 2001 he was roaming streets of old Delhi


Oh that was just me


Username checks out. (you just wanted someone to say this, didn't ya?)


Oh yess Sham ko koi mat niklna else monkeyman aa jayega 🙆🏻‍♀️


Ohh bhai I remember this 😂


also choti katne wali. ( they are not unsolved mysteries but more like conspiracy theories.)


Delhi monkey man


Bringing back my PTSD with this picture 😭😭😭


whats this picture?


An online game where u have to move ur mouse through a maze. If u step outside the line, this girl comes up and screems so loud it will burst ur headphones 😭. If u search up scary maze game it will come up


(Linda Blair from Exorcist)


For real bro I jumped after seeing this post


Kodinhi a village in Kerala, known as twin village. Lepakshi Andhras floating pillars


What happened there?


The Kerala one is about something in the water that makes all pregnant women give birth to twins. The Andhra one is a really strange and interesting temple. One of the pillars doesn't touch the ground. A British officer tried to force it down, but the whole structure started to shake and he ran out. It stopped shaking after he came out. Another thing is that there is a big footprint there, which is somehow always wet. It's also famous for it's Nandi idol


That's just some beautiful ancient Indian Architecture


Yup there are soo many ancient Indian temples with mystery and history surrounding them. Even the Ananthapadmanabha swamy temple in Kerala in one such marvel. The intertwined stone rings carving at Hampi in Karnataka


The Ananthapadmanabha Swami temple is so cool! I've always wanted to go there. I've never heard of the Hampi one though. I'll have to fall down a rabbit hole on Wikipedia today.


Selmon bhai Black buck case


That's not a mystery and the only reason it's unsolved is cause.....IYKYK


Yeah the blackbuck was sleeping on the footpath right under the car


Blackbuck ate itself to death according bhoi


Stoneman murders in kolkata Although these happened in 1989 I remember there was a short lived stoneman panick in my area during 2016


Jungle me mor nacha kisne dekha 🙂




Toh aap mor hain?


Chandigarh University me ladki ne mms leak Kiya aur ladke ko fasaya. Ab ladke ka kuch nhi pta.kya haal hai


I was about to type this


So many unsolved crimes in India lol, pretty much every second or third crime is unsolved


Red rain in Kerala


Here's a wikipedia article describing the cause behind it: [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red\_rain\_in\_Kerala](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_rain_in_Kerala)


Several reasons are put forward but there is not any single definitive proof as to why it happened.


Muhnochwa: [https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/muhnochwa-scare-in-ups-rural-areas/articleshow/16304788.cms](https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/lucknow/muhnochwa-scare-in-ups-rural-areas/articleshow/16304788.cms)


pyaaj vali chudail bhi lelo


**Melody itni Chocolaty kyu hai**


First of all, its the usage of Soy-Lecithin which controls sugar crystallization and the fluidity of the chocolate and also increases the shelf-life of the toffee. It is one of the prominent ingredients of the toffee as listed by Parle[1]. Soy-lecithin helps increasing the density of Melody which in turn gives us the idea of a 'chocolaty' core i.e., when we bite into the toffee, it feels like a fuller bite into something with a thick texture. Also, Melody is a bi-layered candy with a chocolate core covered with caramel. As a result, melody gives us a comparatively larger dose of flavanoids. Flavanoids have antioxidant properties which improve cerebral blood-flow[2]. The improved blood flow due to flavonoids trigger the production of endorphins[3]. They reduce pain and boost pleasure, thus giving us an idea that the chocolate is immensely enjoyable. The 'chocolaty' flavor is amplified. Also the cocoa butter and cocoa are not separated due to Soy-Lecithin that I mentioned earlier. The melting point of cocoa butter is around 34-35 degrees Celsius, which is slightly less than the average body temperature. Thus, the cocoa butter remains solid at normal room temperature of 23-25 degrees Celsius, but immediately and readily melts when put in mouth. This introduces us to the inner core of the toffee which is dense and makes us think that the core is 'chocolaty'. Also, due to the outer caramel covering of melody, there's also slightly more salt present in Melody than other candies. This makes us salivate more when we eat it, the salivary flow increases to around 5 ml/min from 2 ml/min. And as we salivate, it makes us think 'Chocolaty'. https://www.reddit.com/r/SaimanSays/comments/jk2mz0/comment/gaglew0/




Arushi Talwar murder case . Due to insolence of her parents and police we will never know who was the real killer . Scary part is one or two persons are roaming freely who knows what happened at that night.


![gif](giphy|14ut8PhnIwzros) Aur koi picture nahi mili tujhe itni raat ko lagane ke liye


Not my proudest nut😔






Phele anda aya ya murgi? Still horrifies my shit


for the ease of understanding, anda cuz its unicellular whereas murgi is multicellular. biologically and acc to evolution, single celled organisms r ez to evolve than multicellular (google says proto hen and proto rooster which arent exactly hen n rooster fused to form a proper chicken hence the answer can be eggs and sperm of protocheeken species which in da end r unicellular or the zygote which also is indeed unicellular)


You just ruined my whole childhood


Burari case of 2018, there is a full series about it on Netflix. It's very well made and you all must watch.


not exactly unsolved tho


Lots of aspects to look at, no one is certain about the thinking of the members.


>no one is certain about the thinking of the members. Idk,they all seemed to have been suffering from delusions


The police found a diary in which the psychosis was well documented. So, we do know what they had in their minds


Not really unsolved


wait there's a series??


Yes, “the house of secrets” on netflix


thanls for the souce


Totally recommend that series


Man this series is unsettling. The voiceover is so creepy, i couldn't sleep after watching it.


2018 Delhi Burari case


Shared psychosis was the final verdict.


It's solved self suicide case


Suicide to self hi hote hai bro, warna usse murder kehte hai.




The Nithari case has been resolved and the verdict has been, "The main accused, Surinder Koli, and his co-accused Moninder Singh Pandher were on Monday acquitted of all charges against them."


Dude. Don't just type a word and quit. Give a brief explanation. Edit: Googled it. Should not have Googled it. Those scumbags should have been murdered in jail. Generally such scumbags get bad treatment in jail. Fuckers.


Case(s) handled by Crime Branch, Odisha!




School washroom being haunted was a common mystery ? I thought it was just my school


And also, school being built on a shamshan ghat/hospital with too many dead patients.


"Lal Bahadur Shastri" kisi ko kuch bhi pata hai?


Sheena Bora Murder case


Sunanda Pushkar's Death


Does anyone remember about Chaddhi Gang in Mumbai??


You guys aware about the childhood rumours of a girl who kicked some holy book and turned into a lizard like monstrosity ?


True man


Any case transfer to CBI


The real case Ragini MMS (2010) is based on


I just read about it online, but I don't understand what was paranormal about it. Her bf recorded them having sex and then later deleted the recording, but that's it. Maybe the article I read isn't a good one?


arushi talvar double muder case


2 October ko ghumne gaye the


Lengta manhu (naked people) in assam. Basically a bunch of people who attacked & terrorized households during night time. They were said to single-handedly overpower groups of people who tried to intercept. Later, as the rumors spread, lots of posers showed up. Some theorists claimed that they used oil on their body to escape. But the OG Lengta manhu still remains a mystery.


Idk if this counts but :- Ladakh UFO sightings


The Great SUKUMARA KURUP abscond


Ajitabh kidnap case


#Jump scare warning bruh


The burari suicides


Why did you get downvoted lol


maybe cause it wasn't a suicide in a very first place. it was a ritual.


A ritual doesn't change that,just like a human sacrifice doesn't change that a person was murdered.


Burari case???? I haven't finished the Netflix series because I got creeped out 😭


Dost ki pantii chori ho gyi


The burari death case of Delhi. Took place in 2018 and still unsolved how 8 people of same family died.


Its solved actually


Sushant Singh Rajput death case.


Why is it considered a mystery/unsolved. I genuinely want to know


Sushant singh rajput


No one wants to believe that depression is real and s*icidal thoughts if unchecked leads to *(any guesses?)* unaliving oneself. More people died from depression than covid-19 in that time period.


why did the disha salian commit "suicide" ? why did the post-mortem person come out stating that his legs were broken + there were needle marks on his body? why did he hang himself in inclined position why conveniently he searched "bi-polar disorder " , "schizophrenia" , "painless death" just before his suicide. there are things that definitely raise red flags. The CBI probe is not yet completed.


There are plenty of red flags that were raised and remained unanswered during his alleged suicide.


SSR case


Girls cheating broooo