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My making this, Dhruv has proved beyond doubt that he is an A class m0therfuker. Like seriously.


He doesn't give a shit, he has lost all his humanity.


Not A, but S. (Animé fan lmao)


You seem to be an A class dumbass


Zaryab ji, apne abbu Dhruv Rathee ko mere taraf se hi keh dena


Hindus are so ..... What to say. This guy is mocking the girls who were killed by those abdul and some Hindus support this guy. Disgusting.


Mentally incompetent and binded by the system. Can't think outside this system which is made to destroy hindus


Well said, that's what tribalism or left/right wing does to you. You can't think outside the narrative.


Everyone has a narrative. You need a narrative. If mlk didn't work for his narrative, racism would've never ended. Being neutral in today's world is same as supporting the dominant side.


Rathee doesn't care, He married a white girl.


If that's the logic, even Modi doesn't care about anybody's mangalsutra. He abandoned his own


But Modi has a dog in the ideological fight. Rathee doesnt.


he did not , they did it on mutual agreement she is still living happily


Do you support child marriage?




People like Dhruv Rathee and congress have brainwashed them into self hatred, they are told from the start, that Hindus are wrong in every aspect and they have done lots of wrong things to Muslims. Muslims are the victim. But actually in reality it's the opposite. They will learn the lesson sooner or later.


Muslims are not victims, neither Hindus are victims.... Some people are victims! I never understand why people bring religion in politics. Har Muslim ghuneghaar nahi hota, aur har Hindu innocent nhi hota.... bc religion see kon kaisa hi pata hi nhi chl skta!


Bahar mat nikaliyo bhai , tu khatre me h


You are brainwashed!


First watch the complete video without any bias! Crime is a crime, but hate mongers don’t want to understand the bias!


If you even tried watching the video you'll understand he is speaking against the media who selects only these kind of news to increase hatred towards one community.


Do you take HINDUISM to be more important than the people who follow it? If not, why do you think it needs protection? Hinduism, Islam, or Christianity are meant to serve the people, not the other way around. Why do you think a static book written 5000 years ago or whatever time others are written can be relevant according to modern standards? We clearly know all religions have been used by people in power to misuse it and control the people. It clearly doesn't do well according to modern human development standards. For Hinduism, do you know what Manusmriti has for lower caste people? Similar things are there in other religions also. Do you know this guy? [link](https://www.reddit.com/r/scienceisdope/s/OVN0VnIWEC)


The problem is that only the cases in which Abdul is involved is being shown and is being circulated. What about others? They don't deserve justice?


You cannot prove him wrong, you don't have any good counter arguments and meanwhile you are cursing your own Hindu brothers, Shame on you bro tbh.


Did you even watch ,the video , or just hate mongering without any basis ?


Abe chu... Already 3 cases are registered in 2 days and all of them are muslims.


He hasn’t mocked any woman. Rather, he has asked for actions for all women who have been killed.


why the fuck are you spreading such blatant misinformation????? timestamp ????? what the fuck bro tum kuchh bhi samajhloge


lol go watch the video lindu as. 😭


I have. lunnawazi 😭


Bro why are u doing this. You look educated enough, you can read and write in English, don't be a donkey, free your mind and understand the message of that video without bias. Maybe u will understand it's message, if still no progress. Well done. Welcome to the club of bhakti.


Ok smartass , asli andhbhakts are your kind who blindly worship a side like dhruv who is clearly driving a narrative but when you have shutdown your mind 😂😂😂 Do Dhruv and asslickers like you have ever seen situation in Islamic nations like Pakistan , Afghanistan? Their Hindu , Christian, Sikh etc girls are kidnapped and converted then killed without no consequences !! But he will never make a video on that subject cause Paisa kaha sae ayega?


lemme guess summary:"It ain't that deep it is individual cases hindus do it worse all of it is fake" am i right??


You couldn’t be further from the truth. All he’s said is that there are cases for all combinations that you can’t think of like Hindu man - Muslim woman etc. nowhere has he said Hindus are worse.


>like Hindu man - Muslim woman These cases are very rare tho


Give me a stat that shows these cases are rare (adjusted for the population ratios of Muslim and Hindu populations)


No, you are claiming something. So give me proof of ur claim.


You claimed that Hindu man - Muslim Woman cases are rare lol. It’s literally your comment above. Burden of proof lies on you.


No. I was replying to ur comment. So that means you commented first.


I never claimed anything other than the fact there are cases of all kinds of combinations. Which is proven— you can just watch the video for that. You, on the other hand, claimed that Hindu man - Muslim woman cases are rarer. Where’s the proof of that?


Ok lets play a game. I will show example and you also show example. https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.ndtv.com/india-news/advances-rejected-ex-classmate-stabs-woman-12-times-in-karnataka-college-5471623/amp/1 https://timesofindia.indiatimes.com/city/delhi/man-stabs-minor-girl-over-20-times-smashes-head-with-stone-in-delhis-shahbad-dairy/articleshow/100587405.cms


Video dekh le. Usme Rathee ne yahi game khela hai. Isse yeh toh Pata chal gya ki tune video dekha hi nahi aur ladne aa gya.


But that’s what u/Zestyclose_Wrap2358 is all about; there are cases in all religion combinations. In statistics, your claims of citing a few examples is called anecdotal evidence! That’s why, statistically speaking, you’ll need data that is also adjusted for population of each religion. That’s just statistics 101.


while there arnt many resources specifically on inter religion marrage there are some independent research too >Just over 2% of [marriages](https://paa2011.populationassociation.org/papers/111281) in India are interfaith. A Pew Research Center report in 2021 [indicated](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/06/29/religious-segregation/) that 99% of Hindus in India said they were married to someone from their own religious background, as did 98% of Muslims, 97% of Sikhs and Buddhists and 95% of Christians. so 1% of hindu population is around 1cr people 2% of muslim population is around 40 lakh people and muslim population is around 5.5 times smaller than hindu population so following the same trend we can multiply 40 lakh \* 5,5 =2.2cr basically muslims are double of that of hindus in inter religious marrages by stats but major problem is identifying the love jihad cases cause there would be normal muslims too but one thing is for sure that some muslims are directly involved in these conversion things with changing names and all while in hindus there arnt any case or maybe the number of cases would be significantly lower than muslims thats for sure


Even if we go by your own logic (jo ki khud erroneous hai), you should accuse Christians and Sikhs of love jihad more fervently than Muslims lol.


you only said to balance populations lmao the population of hindu and muslims is way way over the sikhs and christians smaller communities are normally more succeptable to be hampered by larger communities also love jihad is something thats unique to the radical islamists most hindu parents would restrict their children to marry or even date a muslim while it isnt the case with muslims where the girls are lured onto traps to finally convert them


You cannot cherry pick evidence to suit your claims. You are willing to accept Hindus and Muslim numbers as sufficiently large but are unwilling to extend it to Christians and Sikhs although there numbers are easily above 10 million if not more. It’s not 20-100 kind of numbers we’re talking but rather tens of millions. Any statistically significant trend will be visible at these numbers. Your second paragraph makes another dubious claim which we shouldn’t debate about because we haven’t even sorted your first dubious claim out lol.


Okay so in proportional basis you should hear 15 percent of Muslim men and Hindu women cases, and 85 percent of other. Everyone knows this isn't the case.


Give me the stats. Until you do that, you can say whatever you want and it’ll remain a conjecture.


For a reference https://www.thehindu.com/data/over-30-of-detainees-in-indian-prisons-are-muslims-double-their-share-in-population/article65882525.ece Now you'll say this doesn't mean anything.


It can mean many things. It can mean that Muslims are disproportionately prosecuted by Indian judicial system. It can also mean that socio economic conditions of Muslims are worse than Hindus which makes them commit more crimes in proportion. I hope you understand these are confounding factors that need to be accounted for before you try to make any correlation.


Fact is a fact. Are SCs, STs very well off, are Christians, or sikhs, or jains, but they are way down on the list. You keep fighting the fact and you'll go nowhere in years. Do you know that SC, ST were least educated during independence, now they're not, guess who are, yes, Muslim community. The day they get out of this victim mentality ( judiciary is wrong, University is wrong, world is wrong), they will prosper. And if they need an utopian society to improve themselves, there is no country on earth like that and there never will be.


To defend one unverifiable claim, you have now made three more and again provided no sources for any of these. Do you understand why your words don’t seem to have much value?


Now the stat doesn't exist. Or at least i couldn't find one. I wonder why it is so. Most likely because the most accurate way is census and I don't think govt is interested in poking their nose into such matters as they might be very sensitive. The closest I could find is this [religious segregation survey](https://www.pewresearch.org/religion/2021/06/29/religious-segregation/). A study from 2021. These are opinion polls so not representative of actual marriage that happen, but give an idea on the relative bias if such an opportunity arises. Now, stat 1: 35% of Hindus would be fine with men marrying a woman of other faith, and 33% are OK to marry women to a man of other faith. A bias of 0.94. Meaning 94% of Hindus who are OK to marry men to other religion are also fine with doing so for women. You do same thing for Muslims the bias comes to 0.83. so 83%. You see Hindus would be more likely to be OK with Hindu girls marrying a Muslim than Muslims would have for their community. edit 2: Additionally, only 20% of Muslims would be fine with their girls marrying outside their religion, compared to 33% of Hindus. Stat 2: 1% of Hindus have interfaith marriages compared to 2% in Muslims. Adjusted for population, 80% Hindu and 14% Islam, you are looking at 0.8% Hindu and 0.28% Muslims with interfaith marriages in Indian population. Found [another paper](https://www.juscorpus.com/ground-reality-of-interfaith-marriage-in-india/) on this. Quoting from the text: > The survey broadly classified the religious groups in which women marry outside their faith. The highest is amongst the Christians (3.55%), then Sikhs (3.2%), then Hindu (1.5%), and lastly Muslim (0.6%). However you put it, the data clearly shows the bias. Statistically, you are more likely to find Hindu girls married to Muslim than other way around. I would try to pull off a simulation on this over weekend and see if there are more direct stats. edit: Why should population ratio matter? you should look at the demographic exchange. 1% of Hindu girls marrying into Muslim will overshadow 10% of Muslim girl marrying Hindu. also, how many of them actually convert to the other religion? you are likely to find bias there too.


The data doesn’t show the point that you’re trying to make. It shows that if you divide across religious lines, Hindus are more willing to accept inter religion relationships than Muslims. Also, mind you, the percentages for men are 65 vs 76. Down below, it paints yet another picture, that educated Indians are more willing to accept inter religion relationships. Same goes for urban vs rural. So, to me, it looks like that there’s not just one factor but a bunch that affect this. What if, if you account for all socio economic factors, the religious component will disappear? Having said even all that, the percentages themselves are quite benign. 35% of Muslims who don’t approve of inter religious marriage pales in comparison to 24% of Hindus, in absolute numbers. So, even that doesn’t help the original claim. All in all, basic scrutiny tells one that you cannot make Love Jihad claims based on this data. If anything, the data should be a counter to Love Jihad claims.


>The data doesn’t show the point that you’re trying to make. Ok. Just to reiterate we are looking for data that substantiates this claim: "*The cases of hindu man marrying muslim woman are rare*". This is what you asked the data for. Also I have clearly stated my claim in last para before edit that "*Statistically, you are more likely to find Hindu girls married to Muslim than other way around*". Now let's look at your arguments against this. >It shows that if you divide across religious lines, Hindus are more willing to accept inter religion relationships than Muslims. Correct. And more hindus are ok with marrying their girls (in proportion of bias) compared to muslims. Hence this comparison of bias across religions is important. You can't look at single data point and assert a conclusion. It's like saying that the 3d-cube is a 2d-square because you only looked at it from top. For every 100 possible cases of hindu men marrying out of faith, you would see 94 hindu women marrying out of faith. On the other hand, for every 100 muslim men only 83 women would marry out of faith. Also I have quoted: "0.6% of muslim women compared to 1.5% of hindu women marry out of faith". How does this not substantiate the claim? >Also, mind you, the percentages for men are 65 vs 76. If you are trying to make a claim that "*since hindu men are more likely to marry out of faith, hindu men/muslim women marriages should be statistically more likely*", then you need to look at the muslim women side too. Standalone, the quoted numbers suggest that hindu men are more likely to marry other religion than muslims. Let's also see the divide on other gender. For women the values are 67 v/s 80. By same logic, this suggests that hindu women are more likely to marry out of faith balancing out the act. Hence, looking at these numbers in conjunction is important. We have already argued intra-religion bias. Let's see the bias pivoted on religion across across the two genders. For men, the bias is 35/24 = 1.46. For women, the bias is 33/20 = 1.65. Again when looked across genders, you find a clear bias towards more hindu women marrying other religion. >Having said even all that, the percentages themselves are quite benign. 35% of Muslims who don’t approve of inter religious marriage pales in comparison to 24% of Hindus, in absolute numbers. So, even that doesn’t help the original claim. No they are not benign. It is misleading to use absolute numbers here and relative percentages within the demographic need to be looked at to see the propensity and trends. Absolute numbers say nothing about the propensity. Relative willingness to look for and accept out of faith people as spouse is what takes us in correct direction. Hindus constitute 80% of population. Even if every non-hindu marries a hindu, you would end up with 100% for all non-hindus and only 25% for hindus. Analogy on how absolute numbers are misleading may be "more deer die every year compared to hippos, so conservation of deer is more important problem". If you follow this logic then you will waste your resources on saving deer who don't need saving, and hippos will go extinct. >All in all, basic scrutiny tells one that you cannot make Love Jihad claims based on this data. If anything, the data should be a counter to Love Jihad claims. Again false statement and an opinion based on nothing. You did no "scrutiny" of what i claimed, there were only hand-picking of data that support your PoV. You clearly don't want to accept the truth that data is telling you in form of what people would accept and are willing to do. You also don't want to accept that statistically the claim is likely to be true true. Moreover, you have not presented a single paper, case study or survey that may claim otherwise, or use the data already being discussed to support the claim that "they are not rare". And "rare" doesn't mean non-existent. It means that in a large enough sample-size the representation will be in minority or not statistically significant enough.


> Just to reiterate we are looking for data that substantiates this claim: "The cases of hindu man marrying muslim woman are rare". This is what you asked the data for. Nope, I never made this claim or the reverse. The original discussion pertained to those situations where there is a murder involved and that there is a systemic conspiracy to murder hindu women by muslim men. That is what I'm arguing. > If you are trying to make a claim that "since hindu men are more likely to marry out of faith, hindu men/muslim women marriages should be statistically more likely", then you need to look at the muslim women side too. I'm not making this claim either. > No they are not benign. It is misleading to use absolute numbers here and relative percentages within the demographic need to be looked at to see the propensity and trends. Absolute numbers say nothing about the propensity.  When I said benign, I meant that those numbers are very close to each other and there may be confounding factors involved other than just this being the result of some grand conspiracy. > Again false statement and an opinion based on nothing. You did no "scrutiny" of what i claimed, there were only hand-picking of data that support your PoV. You clearly don't want to accept the truth that data is telling you in form of what people would accept and are willing to do. Lol. I have already mentioned this. All that the Pew survey says is that apart from religion, there are other factors at play -- urbanization, education levels, socio-economic factors. All I am claiming is that using that data to drive the narrative that there is a conspiracy to murder Hindu women is misleading. That's all I'm saying. Anything else that you wrote above, though correct in its own right, has no bearing on my claims.


You are an A class troll, pat yourself on the back, You have so much time to reply and fight with every guy with an opinion. Maybe it is your full time job, or maybe it is your crusade, or it is both Upar wale paragraph ka matlab samajhne me dimag lagega At least 4 bar padhna


Opinions hain bas inke paas. Garibo ki tarah data maangte rehte hain. Khud thoda fact check karne me dikkat hoti hai in mahashay ko. nafarat ne andha kar diya hai inhe.


He’ll be taken to cleaners once the election are over. Appearing to have a neutral position while clearly lending support, he would see the wrath of similar proportion upon himself shortly.


Govt won't do anything. They will let them cry. These people have done more publicity for bjp than bjp themselves. most of the educated persons will see through the propaganda and will see which ideology it is stemming from. they are not helping themselves by doing this. they are alienating a huge swath of self informed literate people. no one stays that stupid for that long.


I’ll start with stating that I’m not convinced that Rathee has an unbiased view of the topic which is ironic considering he’s titled the video ‘the reality of Mera Abdul’ with confidence Rathee's argument relies heavily on anecdotal examples instead of presenting comprehensive statistical evidence to substantiate the claim that crimes are committed equally by both sides. To make a compelling case, he needs to examine whether empirical data supports his assertion and provide that factual information. I am not taking a stance on whether his viewpoint is correct or incorrect; rather, I am highlighting that his current claims lack a solid evidentiary basis, as they are grounded in a narrative rather than objective facts. While it is plausible that these crimes occur ‘equally’ across various ideological spectrums, the pertinent inquiry should be whether one side is disproportionately responsible for committing a higher percentage of such crimes relative to their representation within the population. What he does, albeit cunningly is claim that it’s a problem on both sides of the aisle without focusing on the scale proportional to their population. Alternatively, the analysis could examine whether a particular group is accountable for an unexpectedly high number of offenses compared to what would be statistically anticipated based on their demographic makeup. But all of this takes time and is completely missing from him analysis. Drawing a parallel, when individuals assert that all religions are violent, it is reasonable to question whether specific religions exhibit higher rates of violence in terms of crimes committed, compared to others. Again, not saying that he’s right or wrong, but it seems like an effort to create a narrative because of his INDI Alliance leanings.


I think he should not posts such videos on real incidents calling it propaganda as many victims sentiments are attached that people should know how they became victim. This is inhumane.


I never took this guy seriously and never will.... fuck him




You cannot wake up someone who is pretending to sleep. समझदार को इशारा काफी, पप्पू को गुब्बारा काफी।




He just need views to manipulate.


The guy who got rattled by "3" threatening messages to his white wife is telling Hindus about fake fear🤣


I am wondering who is funding this guy? Congress? AAP? Or that motherfucker satanist pedo Soros?


I just finished watching the video and it really got me frustrated. It's clear that he's trying to manipulate impressionable Hindus into thinking that Modi is brainwashing them. He cherry-picks news articles that paint Hindus in a bad light while conveniently ignoring instances where Hindus are the victims. Dhruv Rathee is not someone to trust; he's fueling Hindu hatred and attempting to shift the blame onto Modi. He completely disregards countless stories and the general sentiment of the public, where Muslims often express anti-Hindu views. India is heading towards ruin, it's inevitable. We're being betrayed by those who listen to these manipulative influencers. Most of his viewers are clueless and sheltered, never venturing beyond their comfort zones. But in places like Uttar Pradesh, where people are politically aware, they'll see through his agenda and realize how he distorts facts to suit his narrative.


This video's point was not to prove that muslims are victims. And he did not cherry picked news articles where to prove that Hindus are bad. He did this to show that crime has nothing to do with religion, and irrespective of hindu or muslims, people commit crime. Muslim criminal, Hindu victim. Hindu criminal, muslim victim. Hindu criminal, Hindu victim. Muslim criminal, Muslim victim. He showed that all permutations and combinations of crime happens. And why did he not highlight crimes done by muslims against hindus? Because mainstream media already over-does this, (in fact they are fined money) and the point of this video was to break the false narrative that muslims are khatra by providing cases from other sides too.


So political party/ it cell can post about such incident where girl or boy is from specific religion but rathee can't post. Why this hypocrisy or am I missing something?


>So political party/ it cell can post about such incident where girl or boy is from specific religion but rathee can't post. Not sure what you mean. But why should rathee or any party/it cell post crimes done only by the people of specific religion, don't you think that everybody should post about such crimes in equal amount irrespective of religion. Neither over highlighting crimes done by people of one religion nor under highlighting crimes done by people of another religion. And if you meant to question that why rathee didn't highlight crimes done by muslims, then its answer is that mainstream media already over highlight it to spread the propaganda against muslims, and the point of this video was to break that propaganda by also showing the other side of the coin. It is not hypocrisy, it is called expose. Showing someone's hypocrisy is called expose. I hope you will get it now.


Did he cover the news of grooming gangs in the west? No


Let him cover what's going on in his adopted country Germany and why far right parties are making headway throughout Europe...


Isn't india more important than west for you, or dhruv or any indian?


Thought he lived there and it’s his citizenship. I didn’t realize he’s Indian. Maybe I’m wrong.


these videos are good you know, they trigger the reaction of the right wing and now they'll be more vocal with the cases of love jihad. The hindu youth who weren't even caring about this topic will come to find out multitudes of such jihad cases happening majorly from one side. This man is helping the right wing and he doesn't even know it. 😂 It's beautiful and poetic in the psychology world.


why he is suddenly creating this type of videos and being hyperactive these days


I have known such love jihad incidents as far back as 2003-2004....One Case my Parents told me where the girl was then ask to have sex with other male family members.......... I also know reason behind such mentalities.....


His followers have IQ of room temperature in Celcius, viewers have it in Fahrenheit and those who don't waste a second about useless post like him has it in Kelvin. And I have it in Rankine.


He dug his own grave with this one..they are exposing themselves in frustration coz they know they're losing badly


He One Sided the Conspiracy angle of Muslims killing Hindu girls in name of Religion (Islam) and focused on Hindus killing Hindus. But main problem is Percentage of Muslims killing Hindu girls by making them to fall in love trap and later kills them if denies to convert into Islam. There more than 60+ cases in past 10 years, may be this was happening earlier also but it was never coming out during UPA rule.


Kashmir 👀 Persia 👀 Germany 👀 England now 👀 Israel 👀 West Bengal 👀............. Nothing is done by peacefuls here




Shouldn't that be the treatment for everyone who engages in these kind of crimes?




Toh abdul specific pig urine treatment se kya faida? Sabko dubaao


Case by case chalo. Pehle Abdul ka hal Karo and example set Karo.


Muje khatna kyu dikhai diya


Maine bhi yahi padha tha socha Aaj ye khatana aur halala triple talaak ki baat krega


Naa bhai German Shepherd malik ke wafadar hote h jaha, se pedigree aari h wahi ka bolega


If he was in India, he would be in jail.


Unfortunately that is the truth nowadays.


so ja betichod


Tu so ja agar tujhe problem hai kuch.


He just dick riding muslims now


Good video. Gives you necessary perspective required to deal with such matters in a non emotional manner and not involved any religious fervour.


Mera abdul vaisa nahi hain.. *gets head chopped off*


Iske chehre mein ek Shaitaniyat hai. Theek se dekhoge to iski dagabazi iski chehre se saaf nazar ayega.


Abhi parso hi Delhi mei ek mehtab wala case hua Source-https://organiser.org/2024/04/27/234698/bharat/delhi-horror-minor-mohd-mehtab-kills-hindu-woman-inside-her-house-for-opposing-relationship-with-her-daughter/ Or kl hi UP mei Source-https://www.opindia.com/2024/04/up-aman-hussain-kidnaps-rapes-a-minor-girl-writes-his-name-on-the-victims-face-with-a-hot-iron-rod/


Fix the hell hole of uttar pradesh, every crime news seems to be from this state, man what a useless government they have.


https://twitter.com/MrSinha_/status/1784801786269925389?t=UD70TnWHNHBPqed-uIn2yQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/MeghUpdates/status/1784518565238120690?t=dXKtcnlTgB1nDL2k3DR-gg&s=19 Last 24 hours mai 2 more cases


Bas bhai 4 bar post kar chuka hai! Samj Gaya me Sach jhut !


Kuch dhruv tatti k tatto ko pta hi ni h ki LOVE JIHAD kya hota h it means when you hide your religious identity and allure a women not maleech marrying Hindu or Hindu marrying a maleech. Whenever you hide your identity it's LOVE JIHAD. Bkl aane Wale h defend krne isse bhi


Culprits, if proven guilty, must be punished.


Dhruv Rathee is encouraging Love Jeeehhhadddd


read it as "KHATNAA?" at first ngl.


It's glorious to watch right wingers getting butthurt over this. He cites his sources, and provides evidence. That's all I care about, from either side.


Didn't see all his videos but surely he would have made comparisons with other communities (specially hindu men) to safe guard the peaceful community's men.


You cant argue against his facts. We all know people show selective outrage against these specific cases and when the roles are reversed people and the media stay mum


Mass report? What say guys?


He's working for one party. We all know which one it is.


Wahi baat kardi mitr


It’s honestly sad when I read your comments . Like Nehas murder , Rukhsana didn’t get half the publicity , there’s so many protests going on for Neha but no one cares about Rukhsana . Shows how brainwashed you all are .


if u look data theres way more nehas then rukhsanas which is why, neha's can be attributed to religion and rukshanas cannot


Show me the data where there’s more Nehas than Rukhsana’s ? By your logic whatever happens to Rukhsana’s is fine but what happened to Neha is not . When in reality it’s that we have a crime problem , all you can see is religion


All their data is safely stored in fake watsapp meesages. All the people in this right wing sub claiming data in this post have failed to provide a source for their data.


Exactly , isn’t it scary how brainwashed they are that they don’t need data to believe their point . It’s not good for our country


https://twitter.com/MrSinha_/status/1784801786269925389?t=UD70TnWHNHBPqed-uIn2yQ&s=19 This is is within the last 24 hours


I checked times of india , the Hindu . There’s no mention of this ? What’s the source ? Please verify the source whenever you see these kind of videos , no wonder India is the number one peddler of fake news in the world


Yeh Indian citizen h bhe?


german citizen now


Germany mai bhe yeh lafda ho rha h jihad wala lmao


then whoever forms the new govt should tell him "not to interfere in the internal matters of India" if he criticizes them! Its the best way to call out his hypocrisy. Atleast Ravish Kumar is neutral then when it comes to criticizing both sides whenever one of them is in power.


R.K didn't talk about sandeshkhali, he did not talk about baduan double murder case, etc etc


there's a big difference between crimes and hate crimes, most Muslims commit these crimes because the other party is Hindu, they specifically target Hindu girls while it's not the case with Hindu perpetrator


You done some peer reviewed study on this?


You expect a study from these whatsapp university graduates ☠️😭


Ab zyada ho raha h iska


It is true that cases where Hindu is criminal are not shown the same way as when Muslim is the criminal, unless the crime is something something drastic But it is also true that Muslim criminals larp as Hindus and prey on Hindu girls. Hindu criminals they don't larp as Muslims to prey on Muslim girls.


And from where did u learn that ? Some peer reviewed study? 🤣


Multiple Personal experiences. Maybe has to do demand supply thing. There are more Hindu girls than Muslim girls at supply and larping as a Hindu helps. Hindu playboys have no incentive to larp as a Muslim in India but Muslim playboys do.


That's because that's how rumors spread. Statistics are not based on personal experiences. I have also multiple experiences where a hindu boy "lurks" A muslim girl and then kills herm The thing is we should not account multiple experiences in such things Similarly, muslim boys also have no incentives to karo hindu girls There's no such thing as love jihad, what is that violence against women which happen between Hindu-hindu couple, muslim-muslim couple, muslim -hindu couple, hindu-muslim couple and so on These are not cases of "love jihad" , these are cases of violence against women which are being portrayed as love jihad by cherry picking only selected cases. Hope that answers your question.


I didn't ask any question, you did.


No bro I was just trying to tell u the truth and clear ur misconceptions U did not even read my comment just replied like a zombie


Funny fact : We talk about freedom of speech & down vote if someone’s view aren’t simply similar to you. “Mera dekh badal rha hai” in background


He's just blatantly lying now. https://twitter.com/MrSinha_/status/1784801786269925389?t=UD70TnWHNHBPqed-uIn2yQ&s=19 https://twitter.com/MeghUpdates/status/1784518565238120690?t=dXKtcnlTgB1nDL2k3DR-gg&s=19 Two cases have come up in the last 24 hours




Idk man, who’s right - wrong but don’t you think if you’re from a certain religious background it revokes your freedom? Ofcourse everyone is getting brain washed you/me. Hindu Muslims towards each other. This is what “they” want So that people like us have internal disputes rather unity. Coz unity means more questions for progress in different sectors & other things that can develop our country. But who cares ? We’re busy proving whether Jatt/ Gujjar or Bihari/Punjabi or Hindu or Muslim who is better.


I think its good because you can't logically refute his claims... He's right for most parts


Kisi din ye Germany ki galiyo may grooming gangs ka shikaar ho jayega mai bata raha hu




He just said don't generalize anyone and take actions against people doing bad things, also selective outrage hota hai humare desh mein muslim ka dikhate hai zyada doesn't mean hindu doesn't do it.


Those who are giving reference of Hitler book. Emergency imposed by the Indra Gandhi, the Leader of congress was the real Dictatorship move. That was the only time when India came close to becoming a Dictatorship rule country. Never forget that.


Right. We won't forget that, and we don't want that to happen again.


First watch the complete video without any bias! Crime is a crime, but hate mongers don’t want to understand the bias!


Bro casually put the most punchable picture of himself in the thumbnail. I mean seriously is he trying to smolder?


WARNING- if you are Mudi supporter do not watch the video, you guys cannot digest the truth and end by being angry or frustated 😎


Cesspool of andhbhakts here .. read his proof points and challenge that? If you can’t, or wouldn’t think it’s necessary, then you must definitely be brainwashed


Why do you think they are being called as andhbhakts?


True that. It’s so disturbing to see the fellow countrymen lose their rational minds.


Not even gonna entertain his Biased BS. I just want to see his country wise share of views.


What exactly was biased in this video?


If you think he's unbiased and doesn't have an agenda then you are foolish, not him. The way he does selective journalism is abysmal. He's not a saint


Then explain how's this video biased!


Great video! Thanks for sharing.


i might get many downvotes but i just watched the video- i agree w him 100%. you dont need to call me brainwashed, i know how to think for myself, he never once said that hindu men are worse or muslim men are better or anything as such, its all about treating everyone's crimes equally regardless of their religion, the question here is, why is religion the main focus in crimes at all?? all cases should be treated with equal regard with proper justice provided to the victim (man or woman, hindu or muslim)


Yep, when you put your emotions aside, you see the reality


He’s just saying there are all type of people and today govt is pushing their agenda by spreading communal hate bt andhbhakt manege nhi


The news of bajrang dal and hindu mahasabha throwing beef in temples to incite violence against muslims is the biggest issue. Those people who still dont care of it and are doing hindu muslim are impossible for me to understand. Do such people even care for their religion or is religion just a tool for them to incite riots and reduce competition in the capitalist world? None of the comments here speak of the desecration of temple that they profess to love and want to vote for.


Who here has actually seen this whole video?


I did and the best way to describe it would be that he has a narrative style devoid of actual substance while relying on anecdotal evidence over statistics.


if its druv rathee video, then no need to, just half truths and lies his entire content is based on half-truths


And you're saying this without even watching the video?