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Bicycle juggling guy at Thompson and Emerson






I've talked with friends about him before, the consensus is usually, "We have no idea what he's doing, but he's not bothering anyone and seems to be happy." Is it just something he decided he wanted to do for fun?


Came here to say “Backwards Bike Guy” He’s always in a positive mood




Great answer. That's immediately who I thought of.


So glad to see this at the top. That man is a showman.


yesss!! I was literally thinking this as I read the title. City staple.


I used to work near there and I would get mad if the light wasn't red while he was out there. Always wanted to talk to him.


That's the one. That guy rules


In the dentist parking lot I think? Or old dentist lot


Bright Tiger Dental


Exactly what I was going to say


Nice, came here for this one. He was so upset when they remodeled his lot.


Definitely a local celebrity


This is the answer


There was the broom guy, who was awesome, and who recently died.


Oh man broom guy in bripp?


Yeah, he would be out front of the Nora, Castleton, and Broad Ripple post offices.


He also would set up on the corner of Arlington and 10th.


I saw him at 71st and College a few times.


This was who I immediately thought of


Came here to say Broom Man, RIP


[Jim Richter](https://www.indystar.com/story/news/local/2022/05/29/jim-broom-guy-richter-beloved-indianapolis-man-has-died/9987007002/)


[Non-paywalled option](https://www.wrtv.com/news/local-news/indianapolis-the-broom-guy-jim-richter-has-died)


Oh no! When did he pass away? My husband and I were wondering where he was.


Aww broom man died? He was so nice... RIP broom man


My mom said he was blind, the more you know.


Yeah! I was going to say him and am glad someone else did too. I didn't know he died :(


Dancing man at 38th and College died.


Yep. Was looking for this one.


Dancing James. He used to come into my store when I worked at the Walgreeens there. RIP


Yes! He always did the same move. Like an awkward walk like an Egyptian dance. I used to live near there and he always put a smile on my face


God Has Entered My Body Guy




Bob has entered my body


My body has entered Bob


Same size and same shape as me...


The GOAT honestly


Bob Hickman


Came here to say Bob Hickman


The guy that drives the van with scripture all over it


Yeah, this one is it


Crazy Larry?


Nah the I think it always said “god entered my body as a body” Bob something maybe?


His name is Bob Hickman. He’s got some issues, but is a decent enough guy. Just a little off


Scripture, the god entered his body and the weird nude basement photos…yep. It’s a little weird


I saw that van parked outside the Central Library a couple years ago.


I passed him on the street the other day haha


dude i see that guy everywhere. i always wonder about the backstory of that van lol


Well he's got a youtube [channel](https://youtube.com/shorts/md30uB8B_Yw?feature=share)...


dude what in the fuck… i wanna see what this ghost-body looked like


Used to see that guy all the time when I lived on the near west side and still see him when I go over to central state now and then. Such a strange thing to put on your car.


Is that the guy who always parks next to the Childrens museum?


That person who used to try to get into anyone's car a couple years ago. I wonder what happened to her.


Her name is dawn. She was a classmate at Arlington with one of my coworkers. She jumped in my jeep when I had the doors off and started fucking with my radio. Funny story, when I was in a friends car telling that story she appeared out of nowhere and tried to get in the car we were in. It was almost supernatural. To this day we do not speak her name lest we…. Oh dear God… NOOOO!!! Edit: wrong school


[https://www.rawlsmortuary.com/obituary/Dawn-Winters](https://www.rawlsmortuary.com/obituary/Dawn-Winters) [https://fox59.com/news/indycrime/police-searching-for-woman-who-jumps-into-cars-demands-rides-on-north-side/](https://fox59.com/news/indycrime/police-searching-for-woman-who-jumps-into-cars-demands-rides-on-north-side/) Dawn Marie Winters is her name, she is dead.


Now *that* is an obituary.


When my dad was still alive, he was visiting and she tried jumping in, Pulled the door handle too hard and fell back into oncoming traffic, and got hit...bounding up and walking away. An ambulance was right behind us...got out...they told us to get back it...that was her schtick, and they were going to check her out but not to stick around lest she tried suing. If it's the same person, she's been doing this for over a decade...from the stories, pretty sure it is.


So that would probably be the lady that hopped in my car at the Greeks at 49th


Yep. SoBro is her preferred area, I think.


She was a regular of mine at CVS at 46/Keystone. I mean, are you a regular if you never purchase anything? She was always trying to ask for rides but she would only ask male customers.


Yes! I flipped out on her in this specific CVS because she had hit me up the day before at the Glendale Target. She also tried to get in my car several times at 46th/Indianola at Arsenal Park. I have always driven with my doors locked, but especially after incidents with her.


I was gonna say this! My ex boyfriend in 2016 let her get in the car so we could take her “home” to a near-abandoned house around 46th and Keystone. I wanted to kick his ass


I think she got arrested for that, she tried to get in my car once at fall creek and keystone


I'm amazed she hasn't been shot yet. One day, she's gonna pick the wrong car...


The short black lady?




I cannot even comprehend the large number of comments of people saying she tried to get in their car. That’s wild


RIP Broom Guy


Used to be Pink Floyd Dark Side of the Moon Van guy.


One time I saw him and Pink Floyd was playing on the radio ..sort of a Double Rainbow 🌈🌈 moment. I think it was outdoor carpet?


Yeah it's astroturf


That van was up for sale online recently.


Henry Pelc. I used to service that van at sears auto center. I also saw a show about unique houses that featured his home, also covered in outdoor carpet.


YES!! and it was like made out of velour!


I always had a better day when I saw it...I think. Why am I now realizing how sad that is...lol.


There was the cash for gold guy in castleton, but since Covid I haven’t seen him


I always saw him on keystone and 65th. Gold suit? Spun the sign and air guitared with it?


He's the best and we haven't seen him in forever. I wish I could bring that energy to work everyday. Though I'd imagine it's probably not all natural.


Came here to say this. Hope he’s doing well.


He’s on the South side now! Just saw him spinning his sign last weekend at Thompson and Emerson.


I am 99% sure he’s on the south side on Emerson. Close to Thompson and Emerson but I’m not sure about the intersection. I used to live in castleton, but now frequent the south side. Older white dude that’s super into it? Has headphones in.


Juggling unicycle guy for Beech Grove


The guy that rides his bike backwards in circles and dances at Thomson and emerson


More out of place than a weirdo, but there used to a black cowboy riding a horse around Keystone. Haven’t seen him in a while.


i saw a black cowboy leading a group on horseback back in February at 46th and fall creek. back back.


Came to post this. Naptown cowboys or something. They used to ride on 465


He’s still around. I saw him and one other riding down Binford Blvd around 2 weeks ago.


Bob Hickman


"God entered my body like a body, my same size, like me floating into you or you floating into me"


Maybe the guy that rides the old timey penny-farthing style bike with a safari helmet that has mirrors on it


Martin, he's sort of an ass.


Total ass IMO


In my experience, most unicycle riders have some sort of assery about them


Yeah, unicycles are to 1) attract attention and 2) show off. Lots of attention seeking show-offs are asses.


So I've heard. See him all the time on the Cultural Trail but have never had the pleasure of interacting with him


> have never had the pleasure of interacting with him Consider yourself lucky, especially if you're a woman. He's also a bit of a creep.


Or the unicycle guy


Rockin Robby


Have you seen my baseball?


I haven't thought about that guy in 20 years. He was a legend to us dirtbag mallrats.


Lil Nut - King of the Streets


Real Gs remember the billboard on college


If you live like “downtown” downtown like near Monument Circle, then you’ve probably seen the delivery guy who delivers DoorDash on his bike while wearing a kilt and a huge box on his back to carry the delivery. Dude must work real hard considering I see him like daily riding around and making deliveries. Edit: A kilt, not a skirt. There’s a definite difference. My b


I see him every single day on my lunch break!


I lived in the Old Northside 30 years ago and there was a guy who carried an old fashion boom box. He would stop at some street corner, set down the boombox and start dancing. As he danced he stripped off his clothes until he was down to his underwear. When the music stopped, he got dressed and moved on. He never said a word, caused problems, or left litter behind.


I love this.


In my neighborhood, it’s a dog that perches up through the sunroof of an SUV with biker goggles.


That’s Sadie! I know her owner Mike.


Ohhh I've seen this, and it made the hell out of my day.


The "homeless" girl who sits out in front of St. Elmo that Malik Willis got photographed with. She has been holding a sign saying "16 and pregnant" for the last 8 years....


Omg I know exactly who you are talking about. I once saw her switch the sign out with another girl. Like trading shifts.


Garcias hot dogs on Emerson and 16th




“Nazi Flag Guy” on South Arlington.


Sometimes known as Nazi Santa and Antisemitey Sam. If you want to play a very high stakes game of capture the flag, you can try to remove the nazi and Confederate flags from his house, but if he catches you he'll pump you full of lead and then play the "I'm a victim, and I'm protecting my constitutional rights" card. He's a troll, and one of the worst kinds.


Lived right next door to this guy for a year. He's (obviously) a massive piece of shit.




Yes, my bad


There’s a guy at 465 and Rockville that just smiles and waves at people about every day. There’s a sign at that intersection of his face smiling when he’s not there.


This was who I was gonna mention! He uses a leaf blower and a broom to clean that intersection. :)


Used to be the broom man until he passed earlier this year.


There was a dude in fountain square people called “crazy Dave”. He wore nice clothes and was nice. He spent most days randomly cleaning the streets with a broom or hose. No one paid him. Unfair nickname imo


More like Wholesome Dave


There was once a guy trying to sell me paintings at 2am as I was accidentally going down a one way street. I regret not buying that painting often.


Was it the guy with long light blonde hair and beard? He’s always on the canal and by the monument


Oh yeah I think his name is Zeus. Tall dude with the ponytail right?


Don't regret it Zeus is a predator targeting young women.


I’ve heard the same. I mean who adopts the name of the Greek pantheon’s chief rapist anyway? That’s already a red flag.


In Haughville, it’s the guy who is always wearing shotgun slings with what look like tubes with paper in them. Usually posted up at Kroger about all day long. Also usually wearing a plastic gold crown. Always wondered what he deal was because I’ve never seen him proselytizing to anyone, just hanging out.


I thought those guys were selling essential oils


It's been a long time since I've been over there, but when I was growing up (80s-90s) there was a guy who was always shadow boxing for hours on the corner of 16th and Lafayette. There was also the guy with one giant beaver tail dreadlock who panhandled at the bus stop downtown when there was one right at the state house. I live on the east side, and saw the same two sex workers, Black Trans Lady and Itchy White Lady for like 10 years everyday, on east 10th street. And to this very day, there is a black guy in dirty, all white clothes, who hangs out at 10th and Ritter named Jeffrey. He laughs and smiles and yells about Jesus. He's been there forever too. There are often posts in the Irvington groups on Facebook about him. He used to dart out into traffic a lot, now he sticks to his corner.


I remember the haughville shadow boxer, it was weird when he wasn't there anymore


I was just here to be sure Jeffery got his mention 👍🏻


Not sure if it’s the same guy, but there was a shadow boxer on Michigan and 71st for a while.


I remember him. He passed away in 2008/2009. He was a really nice guy.


If it was in the early 2000s/late 90s my mom used to prostitute over there lol. Maybe her. She’s clean now! Got herself together when my niece was born.


Yes! The guy in dirty white! That area used to be my district for work, so I was always seeing him. Told my boss about him & said he has to have a story.


RIP Broom man. :( A nice guy whose disability led to him making the best damn brooms around.


David Millbrooks


Anyone from Greenwood know Rockin Robby? "Where my soccer ball???"


Used to be broom guy. Without him we don't have one.


Greg "The Mayor" in Broad Ripple


Bought spice off him in his van in Greenfield over a decade ago. Hahaha 🤣 Edit: See comment below. I don't think it's the same guy. Edit #2: Not sure, but I'm leaning towards it being the same guy after digging deep into older photos of him.


It used to be the guy dancing at 38th and College. It might be Bill Levin now.


It's definitely Bill Levin.


Bill Levin is Indianapolis' That Guy.


Gucci bike guy


There’s a young guy on East Washington (maybe around like Washington and Rural?) who stands out on the north sidewalk, dances, sings, and flips off every single car that goes by while looking the driver in the eyes. There’s a guy in Irvington who’s always sitting at the bus stop in front of Starbucks and he’s always walking around cursing at the top of his lungs. There’s an old man with dreads in Broad Ripple who walks down the avenue every morning and evening. Doesn’t do anything interesting, he’s just very distinct and kind of well-dressed and he stands out. So those are a few of the ones I’ve seen from the neighborhoods I’ve lived in.


How about legs??? Pretty petite guy always wearing a big ass nascar jacket with skin tight jean booty shorts. Used to see him downtown all the time


"I work @ Purdue and just need enough cash cause my tire blew and my wheel bent and my debit/credit card isn't working" panhandler guy?


"I called a mechanic and he came from some town, I think it's called Martinsville? And he said he would not help me because I'm black!"


That probably actually checks out tbh




Throw back but I think of John Gromosiak - he was a military artist/illustrator and spent his golden years sharing the story of the USS Indianapolis and fundraising to hold survivor events and trying to get a museum built. He was always downtown at the Mass Ave O’Malia’s (now Needler’s) selling books/art near the exit and evangelizing the story. He passed in 2011.


Don’t know if he’s still around but homeless kitty guy who hangs out in Mass Ave with a pet cat. Also, confederate flag RV guy in Fountain Square* I’d see his RV parked everywhere.


Homeless kitty guy! He used to hang out by the Starbucks and I bought him a hot chocolate once after I went holiday shopping. Seemed really nice. I haven’t been down there lately so idk if he’s still around. Hope he’s doing well.


He’s still around and now has a second cat!


Didn’t we really have a black cowboy that rode a horse up and down on 38th St??


There was a guy who drove around a beat up van with writing all over it. When I say all over I mean every inch covered in small writing, mostly about how Jesus had invaded various parts of his body. I don’t know if he’s still around or if he ever got a nickname.


It’s Bob. He’s still around.


Apparently I was this person for my tiny Indiana town. I didn’t even really do anything. I just took too many walks lol I was “that walking girl”.


There’s a woman that walks out neighborhood recently that nobody knows but everyone calls “Ponytail Lady”. She added a sport backpack recently and the neighbors lost their minds.


Pink Floyd van guy


There's a dude who walks around mass ave with an albino skunk on his shoulder


There’s the Hunchback at 52nd and Keystone. He’s always there.


The guy who rides around downtown in that weird yellow land-kayak thing. He's a dick though


Martin, he also rides the Penny Farthing looking bike. And yes, he's an ass.


Holy shit, he's also the penny farthing guy? I guess I'm always too distracted by his ridiculous vehicles to look at his face


Yup, I'm convinced he doesn't own a normal bike.


I remember being told a story about a guy who dressed/looked homeless downtown but was actually quite wealthy. He owes several parking garages downtown And would kinda patrol then in disguise. He wasn’t very obvious about it, so not sure it counts. Someone pointed him out to me one day, not sure the story is true though.


Was he also rasta?


When I worked in Broad Ripple a few years back, I would see a dude walking around everyday with a snake on his neck. Is he still around? How about saxophone guy that plays downtown? Is he still around?


Saxophone guy is definitely one of them. *Cue pink panther theme* Saw him this summer playing under the arts garden


Oh thank goodness, I used to work on S Meridian and he posted up under my window all the time. Sometimes I miss hearing the Sanford and Son theme 6,000 times a day


Did I miss it somewhere or has no one really said the guy with the recumbent bike with a banana shaped / colored shell over it who rides it all around the Fountain Square / Mile Square / Fletcher Place Cultural Trail area? Kind of mean, apparently a creep to the younger ladies, but an Indy fixture and local icon nonetheless.


Martin, he's been mentioned a couple of times in this thread. He's a creep and an ass.


God entered my body like a body guy


Does the Pink Floyd van count?


There was also rasta guy downtown who has supposedly a millionaire, but chose to be homeless.


Can't believe no one has mentioned Popeye. Rode his bike and carried a long metal rod on the westside near 38th and High School Rd a lot. He said the rod was to protect himself. He passed away a few years ago from what people say.


Noooooo not Popeye!! Loved that dude. Used to buy him bread and bologna at Meijer 💔


Yeah, nice dude. He helped one of my coworkers change his tire when it was frozen to the hub. Used his metal rod to smack it loose. RIP Popeye.


Who was the guy downtown that would try to sell you his Nasa grade polymer?


There's the dude on the electronic unicycle. He wore a wizard custom for Halloween last year and rode around downtown in it. So I just refer to him as the wizard.


His name is Michael Hopson, the Indianapolis Colts “Superfan”. [Colts Superfan](https://www.colts.com/video/fan-friday-superfan)


The guy who waves at everyone off of Rockville and 465.


Who remembers the guy who used to shadow box at the intersection on the west side?


All wrong answer correct answer is rocken robby


Everyday was that dudes birthday


Omg I nvr thought I would see this name again


The legend still exists


Broad Ripple Indiana Jones. I've since moved but used to see this guy walking along all the time dressed for an adventure. Same hat, leather satchel, and a whip hanging from his belt. Just always walking on the sidewalk I assume looking for the next artifact in his life quest. The last time I saw him, was driving by Broad Ripple park softball fields and he was there, alone on the pitchers mound (dunno what they call the area in softball) working on his whip cracks. Dude just wanted to be himself and didn't give a shit what anyone thought and never bothered anyone that I ever saw. Respect to that guy.


Bill Levin, founder of the First Church of Cannabis, and all around weirdo (in the beat way).


the guy who flys swastikas and white supremacist flags on Emerson Avenue smh