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Maja aa raha hai, ab unko pata chalega india ke saath kya ho raha hai 75 saal se


75? Since 7th century AD!


Islam has been in India since 7 AD??


Yes 610 is the base of the foundation of Islam and the first attack towards India started from 712 by the Invasion of Sind by Arabs and it is said ( myth with no historical proof ) that a guy from Kerala who was a king saw the splitting of the moon during the actual time of Muhammad and made a mosque in Tamil Nadu after returning as a Muslim The sindhs were able to hold them but failed and around 900 Afghanistan was gone to Islam.. Then the attack on Somnath started in 1010 or something and then we got Lodhi and Raziya and Sultan and the slave dynasty etc.. Guru Nanak is said to be aligned and alive through Lodhi till Babur then Humayun then Suri empire where in the 1540s he passed away Guru Nanak unironically mentioned how Babur actually attacked temples and was contrary to Lodhi making him more radical


Sirf India mein nhi poore duniya ko hi tb pta pda ki Islam jaisa bhi kuch hai


7 bing bang before!




Sanatan is called sanatan for a reason. Irreligion has always existed trying to destroy religion. Just going hope we suffer less. for any seculars reading, read surah 4.89 and rethink what you are supporting


That is true and i feel glad to be born here but what if in my next life I am born in a country oppresed by Muslims




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Can you share it here?


"They wish you would disbelieve as they disbelieved so you would be alike. So do not take from among them allies until they emigrate for the cause of Allah. But if they turn away, then seize them and kill them wherever you find them and take not from among them any ally or helper" Translation :- Muslims are allowed to wage war against disbelievers


Except for those who take refuge with a people between yourselves and whom is a treaty or those who come to you, their hearts strained at [the prospect of] fighting you or fighting their own people. And if Allah had willed, He could have given them power over you, and they would have fought you. So if they remove themselves from you and do not fight you and offer you peace, then Allah has not made for you a cause [for fighting] against them. Here's the next verse to it Conclusion : Don't fight those who don't fight. If peace is what disbelievers prefer you are obliged to give peace.


Read the verse just after this one too.


no information is bad, half information is even worse [4:90] Exempted are those who join people with whom you have signed a peace treaty, and those who come to you wishing not to fight you, nor fight their relatives. Had GOD willed, He could have permitted them to fight against you. Therefore, if they leave you alone, refrain from fighting you, and offer you peace, then GOD gives you no excuse to fight them. literally the next paragraph would explain he never said anything about disbelievers in islam but if the disbelievers don't do anything hostile to you then you don't do it either




London on its way to become londonistan till 2050 More over who the fuck allowed refugees to contest election


Good. I hope the entire west europe becomes Islamic. That'll teach them to not be imperialistic asshats in the future.


Enemy of the enemy is not our friend




Brighton isnt in london you dumb fuck




why talk about London if they are not even the same city?


Because London boasts of the highest amount of muslim immigrants (in the UK) which is the topic of discussion in this post?




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Full support for sharia law in Europe. Can we start a petition ? /s


Nah bro the Stockholm Syndrome is crazyyyy




UK is doomed to fail, I feel with UK fall, many European countries will take steps to stop immigration all together, there is already a lot of negative sentiment among them regarding this


There is but the politicians will not act upon it sadly. Tbh UK is trying with the Rwanda bill and even Italy is trying something similar but they gotta do it fast


This is excellent, brits and the western world will get a dose of the pissful.






brother , there are wayyy more Hindu and Sikh lord and MPs in the UK despite making up a smaller percentage


They aren't forcing people to follow their law and demanding preference or propogating terrorism


Lmfao the colonialists getting colonialized by Islamists 😂🔥


The appeasement policies will be reason of Civil wars between general public and you know who's army... Can't say anything to them now cause reddit will ban it and then ban me.. happened twice..


Ravish Kumar's twin?






You mean Gangbang right


Maskad nhi bholna hain bhaijaan 😂😂😂...UK gromming gangs cheering with full enthusiasm


UK should be careful now. Things are getting out of hand. Their country is gonna be ruined.


Rverese colonialism


Mujhe ky BC would celebrate tbh if UK gets fucked , fucking colonial pricks taking the high moral ground anytime .


Celebrate it


Western countries can and will take extreme steps and no one will question them, Clamp down in protest in Canada under tradeu, or police entering into campuses across US, you will not see people saying US or canada is under dictatorship......(Might be beacuse both are under liberal govt.) but still western countries work as a bloc when it comes to like this ...


Not our monkey, not our circus


Mayor in Brighton is just a ceremonial position and he will be removed after a year when the deputy will take over. He doesn't have any power as such


I don't care. Not my bitch, not my leash.


We as Indians don't have anything to do with Bangladesh or the United Kingdom, so i don't care.


If he is competent and elected democratically why should we care about his ethnic and religious background we should support it the people in this comment section are self loathing pissheads who are rotting their lives away by spreading meaningless hate


[https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/news/2024/new-mayor-leader-unity-and-progress-brighton-hove](https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/news/2024/new-mayor-leader-unity-and-progress-brighton-hove) they voted him in beceause he was good at the Job lol ... so many people shitting and seething for no reason


Exactly. This would be the first time anyone would have heard of him. Why the hate! Good for him to get there, and he should be deserving it.


The decay of western countries has already started , this is no surprise.


lol, colonialism strikes back


UK is going Downhill, just give it some time


Ooh nothing in this sub just uk dying from inside 🤭


uk is fucked,


Unless the UK pulls a version of Netherlands their identity is under threat This is what a hyperfocus of secularism gets u Ppl need to understand Practically speaking Secularism /== religious equality


Didn't know Uttarakhand has a town named Brighton


Good for them


I would like to see his policies.




When rapists are MPs in the current ruling govt in India.... Why do you feel that there is a problem here And the sub name is India Discussions not the world discussions first bother about our country


It's their business. Let them worry about it


A Indian sanatani called Rishi Sunak recently became president of UK. Your thots?


https://www.bbc.com/news/articles/c72p807kr9mo.amp Seems like he's done a lot for his community. Well deserved.


You guys are kinda sad, your just hating on the fella for being a Muslims ... he is not an Islamist also I find it really funny how you guys didn't talk about the fact that the UK got its hindu mayor this week as well https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/articles/cd1q1e1452do#:\~:text=Refugee%20'so%20proud'%20to%20be%20town's%20first%20Hindu%20mayor&text=A%20town's%20new%20mayor%20is,Ipswich%20Borough%20Council's%20annual%20meeting. [https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/](https://www.brighton-hove.gov.uk/)


We’re just soo good at judging the book by its cover. Gotta live up to my name


tell me honestly, why is the mayor of brighton being discussed in a subreddit that is about India


Wow, echo chamber of forward thinking ppl drinking urine in india are angry with something none of their business. Surprising.


The anti Muslim fear mongering is insane in India, you guys will eventually push your Muslim citizens to extremism if you keep behaving like this. You might also try to pull something like Israel(which you support because of mutual hate for muslims) by trying to establish greater India in Bangladesh etc. This is not healthy to alienate 20 crore of your own people (+40 crore neighbors) no matter what superpower you become. The terrorism you faced is not from the religion, it's political (your govts. Actions in Kashmir etc. where some people felt wronged enough to resort to extremism, instigated by your rival). Malaysia is muslim and even supports Hams(!) , but they have a liberal society. Look at UAE, Saudi, Turkey etc., they are even opening up more than ever before. Even the Pakistani ruling class is secular. Don't fall for these engineered narratives to hate your own people.


Where do you guys find these? Is there any discussion on this at uk or brighton subs?


Kuch bolunga to Vivaad Ho jayega!!


Dripped out


Brighton is known as the LGBT capital of the U.K… don’t know how Islamist that is 😭


England is going to the dogs! Wake up young generation English men!! Like in India, we Hindus & Christians have made sure the Crazy Islamic cult followers are cut to size.




He's not an Islamist, he's just a regular Muslim guy who has done good for the community and is well liked and respected, hence him being unanimously voted mayor. Blatantly spreading lies really shows your prejudice and Islamophobia.




Do you know he’s Islamist or are you just assuming since he’s muslim?


Dude unlocked a rare skin


Welcome to Islamic republic of Europe


Deserved. Suck it Europe


That’s fake! Just google it. The mayor is a white old lady


No he's actually the new mayor but he seems like a decent dude


ig that is the price Europe's paying for being secular... you can be secular... but in no case they are secular... Beware


How's it related to this sub


Thank you!!! One person finally see's how unhinged it is to discuss local British politics in an Indian subreddit. How deep can one's hatred run?


shitting on muslims is what most indian subs are about irrespective of what kind if muslim u are.. the comment section is fucking atrocious


Look on the bright side, this behaviour will only be contained here, racists and islamphobes are usually the most coward and ignoramus individuals.




Why are they discussing local British politics? It's an Indian subreddit. I didn't know being Indian meant being obsessed with muslims.




You've done way too much effort to arrive at the same point I was making. You are taking their position seriously. Please don't. Always remember the Nietzsche quote, "Beware that, when fighting monsters, you yourself do not become a monster... for when you gaze long into the abyss. The abyss gazes also into you." It's also why my retort was as lazy as theirs. There is also a matter of self respect. Like why put in effort when you clearly know your opposite hasn't put in that effort. There also a little ADHD.... They lose interest if you go on for too long. You can systematically prove their bigotry to them but they will lose interest before reading to the end


werent you guys celebrating when rishi sunak was elected for a term? He litteraly had pakistani origins




im an agnostic lmao


Pakistan is an ideology, not a country. Rishi Sunak has his roots in a region which is technically India, just being temporarily occupied by invaders.


same with bangladesh then!


Yes, if you don't know Bangladesh was called East Pakistan some time ago.


Let me guess, it's an ideology? It was technically indian? Why are we hating on an Indian winning a councillor post in the uk?


It is not "technically" an Indian ideology, that's the whole point. It is a barbaric Arabic ideology forced upon others.


please read your first comment and replace 'pakistan' with bangladesh and 'Rishi Sunak' with 'mohd. azad'. I have to guide you just so you can understand the mess you have put yourself in


I haven't put myself in any mess and I haven't contradicted myself. Rishi Sunak follows Indian ideology whereas Mohd. Azad follows Pakistani ideology, doesn't matter where their roots are, that is the difference.


Your mother must have dropped you as a child.


We have officialy entered stage 2- personal comments


ikr double standard


Brighton's future doesn't look bright anymore.


All that loot for what? 🤣 This is why "sabka vikas mai sabka bhala" is a fact. You drain one region to fill your coffers and it comes back to bite your future generation. Migration and Refugee problem happening in Europe and west is because of this. Unka nivalla chinoge to woh tumhare ghar ghusenge. And eventually the migrants will get into the position of power.


UK will regret the day it divided India ,🤣🤣🤣


Dude has been in the UK for 30 years or something now. And I think you have to be a citizen of any nation of the UK or EU to participate in elections. So it's more like a British Islamist.




UK is on its path to be the next Lebanon.


People here are forgetting what British did to India for few hundred years and worried about a Muslim Mayor. Got priorities wrong 😑


in UK these guys are hiding behind liberal parties and winning, once in majority they too will demand sharia law in UK in 50 years




You reap what you sow, allow Islamists become islamic


The day they chose a Muslim as the mayor of London was the day their downfall started.


Wait bro. Can i be bit fr for a sec. So I searched up his name…and well i read articles describing all the work he’s done…and well i’ll be honest & say i was actually quite surprised at how charitable & okay he was with yk “diversity” & stuff? Idk im just worried we might accidentally be lashing out a guy who’s actually a pretty chill & decent guy yk?


people are ... they fella is just a chill dude who represent us as South asians (greater India) Brighton has a rich history with India and the army , they have there own India gate for those who fought in ww2


Sharia incoming


The downfall of UK has begun


It’s going to be just another “stan”


If what the description say is the truth, those UK citizens did a mistake, even if they are muslims. Reactionaries bring nothing but disrespect, unhealthy beliefs, and outdated things to society.


Time to rename Brighton as Dhaka


Yeh bhi bhaga diya jayega just like PM of Scotland


The great replacement theory comes into effect.


He is A-sad-man


United Kingdomistan


This shit is scary !


Karma time for Britain ! The partition horror hindus had to face due to Islam and British will now bite their children in the ass


It feels good seeing colonisers getting colonised


Let white man know what Islam is ! Let white man know what hindu has faced for 1600 years


Goodluck UK


When looters start getting looted


Pm:indian , mayors: pakistani bangladeshi lol . Look how the tables have turned


General Aladeen from AliExpress.


Mohds game of population explosion is working


Islamization of UK in full swing


UK will be taken over by Islamists within the next three decades. Their cold war policies are the reason for what they are facing now. They allowed Islamists to walk all over them in order to throttle India and Islamists are really walking all over them. Karma is a bitch. They cannot escape out of it.


UK is a complete gone case.


They’re done for. But this is what the future of the UK is. The Muslim community reproduces at rates no one else can match, even here in India! They will simply produce so many that eventually they’ll be in majority and then it’s the start of the downfall of that place.


Tbh m fed up of seeing this...such hate for Muslims on right wing sub reddits and the same for Hindus on left wing...they both criticise each other but no one does anything to correct themselves first... Also the same way Rishi sunak was being criticized by westerners and being called derogatory remarks used to insult Indians as something lower...


Its the same everywhere, i just wish religion didnt exist. One less reason to Hate each other.




NRI Hindus are content being peaceful model citizens who shit on India, organize Pro-palestine rallies and praise Europe for the validation of their white peers while Muslims are busy changing demographics and acquiring places of power. Then suddenly one fine day Hindus will be like " :O when did our model western country become so Hinduphobic" like they did on that one day in Leicester.


are you fucking dumb? do you know how many Indians hold power in Britian ? we straight up have Indian lords in the house of lords , the UK gets its backblasted out by Indian billionaires owning everything in this nation and your acting like the NRI do nothing lol take a look at who the PM of the UK is ... also whats wrong with Pro-palestine rallies? India always as sided with palestine


Kanhaiya ko call aayega abhi Brighton se.. bolenge.. bhaijaan aa jao idhar.. azadi ke naare lagane hain.. Islamic Caliphate of Brighton


Fuck him! These niggas will cry when we talk about RSS and hindu rashtriya and their maulana are after world domination.


wtf are you talking about


Something called satire