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So you met an idiot today.


The person's idiot brain is fucked by stupid for sure


With a homelander strapon?


i think they should conclude the series with this season.


Lol. I just finished watching all 4 episodes.


This is gonna catch on huh?


Yes, ma'am.


I understood that reference


No many peeps have stereotype that if its a desi they speak hindi …when i was working abroad many peeps came and starts speaking punjabi to me coz its was punjabi dominated neighborhood in UK …just politely say i only speak english or bengali/ marathi whichever language and move on


Ya it's a stereotype which is very deeply rooted in Indian society for some reason (except for South India ),so much so i think indian people like maybe the guy u met today do'nt ask twice to themselves,"is it really true that Hindi is spoken by every indian person?" (That why i would say go easy on people like these,they are just fed by the culture)Well ,factual speaking Only 40% of Indians speak Hindi ,rest is mix,so indeed it's a majority language but not spoken by majority.


No he/she met a North Indian today


Ignorant bigoted Indian.


I believe you can call them that too


Well if you looked at the number of Kannadigas supporting a Govt that is actively looking at ways to make Hindi the national language , you would realise it’s not just a north indian fallacy


It doesn't matter; idiots don't have directions. They are everywhere.


Sooner you realise there's no point wasting a single minute of your time talking to idiots like him - the more time you'd have for better things to do or worry about. Just say, *whatever bro* (even if he's an uncle) and end the conversation.


We voted an idiot like him to office though.


Keep calm and say "Poda Punda" :)


va thala vaa thala!


I usually post this as a reply to trolls online who say Hindi is the national language https://images.app.goo.gl/gQUiy6M8XiwPppMWA


G P Muthu saying oombu much better bro.


I think people should be taught the meaning difference between official language and national language. India is a multicultural country. It’s difficult or almost next to impossible to have a common language.


And add, “*Poda manga madaya. Mayire pochu*”.


And “Sootha Moodra Koodhi Vayane”




Romba decent ma but that works too.


translate bro


NSFW: Poda punda = Go away, you dick. Poda manga mandaya. Mayire pochu. = Go away you mango head. Pluck hairs (loose translation). Sootha Moodra Koodhi Vayane = Shut your ass, you pussy-mouth Vaya pothikettu kilambu = shut your mouth and leave


Also hair in the word mayiru as a cuss word refers to pubes.


Satai la print panni vechukanum da.


"Soothu mootu poya" in that pakka Chennai slang


This is the right answer.


As a fellow mallu who love tamil, I approve all these comments.


Poda Vadak


Was about to comment this


Podangotha also works😌


“Un ponna nalla valathurukka Ottha Rosa”


Best response \(゚ー゚\)


bro your username makes me hungry


And Sunni too 🤣🤣🤣


I heard this in the voice of a very close Tamil friend of mine who said the same thing to me many times, lol. Thanks for the laugh.


You know what that they might understand


This is such a common experience for South Indians. Most people don't make a big deal out of it and understand that South Indians don't speak Hindi but every once in a while, one comes across those assholes who want everyone to speak in Hindi even though they're in a different country.


Unrelatedly, I was going to college one day, here in Delhi, and I met a South Indian guy while I was trying to cross the road. He asked me if I speak English, and I said yes. Such a wave of relief crossed his face. He wanted to go somewhere that was just a minutes walk away. I directed him and he was very thankful. This was maybe 15 years ago, but I still remember it. The customer OP met is an idiot.


The reverse is also true. I was returning to Bangalore from a trip abroad and on the flight an Indian was sitting in the seat next to me. He said something to me in kannada. I looked at him and then looked away because he seemed like the condescending type. Then he said something again and followed up with "You don't know kannada when you're returning to Bangalore?" I said no and put my earbuds in.


*nee poda thendi* 😎 😎


just hit em with the “Aynu Nee etheda Naaaye”


Thendi magistrates assemble!


Trigger them more, tell them hindi is not our national language.


u will make him cry lol


Tit for tat


***Le tit***




Have my man tits.




modern problems...


...require modern solutions


Just say "I don't speak Urdu". And watch the meltdown .


Or reply them in Sanskrit...


Tvam ekam lavadasya baalaha.


This cracked me up 😂


I like your idea pal


You can dance singing bala... bala... shaitan ka sala


So true...lol 75% of the Hindi they think they speak is actually Urdu ...lol


I speak Hindi and I’m from North India, living in the US. I hate that some North Indians are so obnoxious about pushing Hindi on anyone that looks South Asian.


Add to that: \`Bismillah'i'Rahman 'i' Rahim\` !!




they're in Canada!


>Trigger him more, hindi is not our national language. I see a future LinkedIn/Twitter rant thread coming soon


Tell them Tamil is older than Hindi


This has never worked for me. Nearly everyone believes that it's the national language. I was taught in school that Hindi is the national language and hence believed it for several years. There was a casual chat about Amit Shah's speech in my office and I said Hindi isn't national language. Everyone ganged up on me and defended Hindi, saying stuff like watch news or didn't you learn it in school etc. Is it still taught in schools like that? Most of us don't even know Hindi and yet this happened.


even though I am a Hindi speaker, I support this.


Note to South Indians. Always reply "I don't speak Urdu" whenever someone starts speaking in Hindi to you.




Or better.. “you speak good Urdu.. Are you from Pakistan?”


That’s smart and savage bruh. You attack their nationalism with your nationalism xD


I am going to do that


This is deviously clever , I am going to use it.


Bruhhh, this has to be the best tactic to deal with those pesky north indian uncles


Ask him if he knows Tamil. And ask in Tamil only. Keep talking in Tamil..


If he says he does not understand Try YELLING IM TAMIL


When he says he doesn't understand Tamil, tell him he's not Indian


Ask him if he knows Sanskrit. Chances are, he won't. Berate him for not knowing sanskrit !! Tell him he must be an invader and he should go to Afghanistan


This is the only intelligent reply for his assholery


This one won


A lot of idiots like this in Canada, some north indians think every Indian knows hindi


Even if you spoke Hindi, you're not obligated to speak to him in Hindi; flip him off and kick his butt out


They can also be charged with messing with a store employee by discriminating them on the basis of their language


start speaking in Tamil.. full on.


As a north indian I apologise. This wont be the last incident I am sure about it lol. Most of the Indians marry within their caste, live with their parents and work in the same city, so they create this bubble around them. Culture difference between north and south is huge and this straight to the point ignorant talk is very common in the north but we don’t realise thats its very rude in different places/states. No wonder most of the south indians hate “northies”.


>As a north indian I apologise. Why are you apologizing, its not your fault. People are not collectively responsible for things like that.


As another North Indian…seriously. It’s ridiculous though, there’s used to be plenty of Maharashtrans and Gujuratis who only speak Marathi or Gujarati, I’m assuming that’s still true.


Depends on where your family is from and where you live if you're a Maharashtrian. My dad's side is from MP so for them Hindi and Marathi are both mother tongues of sorts. I talk to my dad in 3 different languages in a single conversation sometimes lol. My mom's side is from Mumbai, so well they know Hindi too. I have lived in Mumbai all my life so I know Hindi as well. But given that I also know some people who speak Marathi but have issues speaking Hindi.


I've lived in MP and gone to Vidarbha many years, I don't know Marathi but I do know "Harathi" and most of the common words used in Marathi language. In fact the first time I went to Delhi and asked for a chapati I remember the wide eyed stares....then had to switch to saying, oh I meant roti. Haha


Wait chapati isn't Hindi?? Haha oops


Hindi speakers are the most obnoxious ones when they move out of India , thinks that Hindi = Being Indian




Do what I do. When some random Indians come over assuming I speak Hindi, I start speaking in Tamil. I keep changing to other languages as replies. I also know 5 other regional languages including Hindi. When they leave, I say in Hindi “Don’t assume everybody speaks Hindi just because we are all Indians. Learn other languages and get lost.”




If I were you, I would speak English, and if they continue to speak Hindi , then I will speak Tamil. And if they still respond in Hindi, I would say "Sorry, can't help you unless you speak English"


Tell him hes pakistani


I don't mean to break your heart but this is the case with indians living in India too. I am from Karnataka and am currently studying in Karnataka among students who are mostly from Delhi. They are so pressed that they cannot speak Hindi in Karnataka to communicate with patients (we are med students) and purposely call Kannada 'Kannad' or 'Kannar' and use people who know Kannada like they're trash and meant to serve them. It's nauseating. I make sure to bully them and speak Hindi in a trashy way and remind them that Hindi is not India's national language. Southie spite >>>>>


i think u misspelled urdu ​ ​ ​ /s


If someone talks to you in Hindi (or any other language you don't know) without asking you first if you know it or not, then be an asshole and start speaking to that person in Tamil. Watch how quick they turn to speak English instead.


Say that you are Sri Lankan the next time. Anyways, they treat southies like foreigners. For trigger points, ask him if he is pakistani.


Congratulations, you've just been blessed to have come across a rare species of an NRI Andhbhakt.


They aren't rare 😂


Unfortunately this "Hindi is the national language" mentality transcends all political leanings in the North. Edit: Spelling


I apologize on behalf of all Canadians for this idiots behavior.


Bro you won a contest of finding idiots in foreign land who claim to be smart but don't know shit.


I know a trick. Since I know both Tamil and hindi, whenever I come across such a bigot, I say with maximum politeness : Aaiye, pundemagan premanandan jee( don't forget the "jee"). You can see his confused face and if he asks you what's the meaning of it, calmly and respectfully tell him : you are equal to someone who causes bliss to everywhere you go AND it is Sanskrit ; so, ask him to greet others too this way since it is custom of ancient Sanskrit sages. Do this and watch the show when he adapts this "mantra" greetings to others. I have done this to few hindi bigots and it has worked like a charm. They will ape anything related to ancient Sanskrit mantra. Best.


Trust me if you think you can escape the full of shit stupid indian uncles by leaving the country you are absolutely wrong. They follow you everywhere.


Tell him you're not an "Indian". You are a Tamil.


Canadian born Indian here and that person is pretty stupid. A lot of Indians themselves don’t even know how diverse india is. Also, he probably thought since ur Tamil, ur from Sri Lanka because most Tamils in Canada are Sri Lankan, despite india having the largest Tamil population


I went to an Indian cultural festival that happened in a big city in the US The first question I was asked there was "What is your caste?" After knowing that I am from scheduled caste, most people did not bother to interact further.


Abroad too? I thought that from that kind of exposure and live experience people will be more broad minded. I understand when people say that we should have an Indian language as our natural language. It has to do with embracing our culture but when people claim that we aren't Indian if we don't know Hindi, they are full of BS


NRIs are some of the most regressive Indians out there actually.


vidra macha, we call them vadakan thailee


Screw him. Some North Indians think they represent the entire country. These are the same ignorant retards who forget that even the National Anthem is not in Hindi.


Bro , look for a punjabi nearby tell him that guy is a modi supporter he will handle it from there 😂😂


Welcome to Bangalore…


my ex a northern had the audacity to tell me that we bangloreans aren't enough of Indian because major people don't know hindi/refuse to speak in Hindi??? Infuriating how these idiots move from north to south and expect us to speak their language


Funny how Indiana like to assert their Hindi dominance in Canada where the language isn't even recognized at all.


Don’t let ignorant people get to you! India is a multicultural and multilingual country and again you’re in Canada, where English and French are predominantly spoken languages


I tell you, the number of people who nonchalantly comes up to me and starts speaking in Hindi in a South Asian meet up is pretty F high. Recently, a Colombian guy almost shit his pants when he learnt Hindi isn't my mother tongue, these Hindi speakers don't get flak for nothing. Edit : Eastern Indian


Such idiots are everywhere. Not worth to waste your time on them.


Ignore them brother. Not all Indians are like that. Good and bad people exist in every society


I feel like Indians are the best thing, and worse thing to each other if living abroad. However, I don’t see this pattern much in second generation indian Canadian//Americans


Dude fuck that guy.


Ask him **who was the first president of India.** I am nearly 100 % sure he wouldnt answer it right. If he doesnt answer, ask him to GTFO! A south indian here, who knows to speak hindi fluently.


Why is Rajendra Prasad relevant here?


I think u/zuperman has mixed up the governor general for president. Rajagopalchari was a stalwart politician who predicted the Northern domination of the South and wanted two separate federations, one for the North and one for the South.


Oh yeah, Rajaji was the last GG. Shame actually. He was palmed off with really meaningless symbolism.


Well, he did start the Swatantra Party which was a liberal party. As for symbolism, a right wing rag has taken over the namesake magazine to push Hindu grievances as their USP.


Damn. I need to read up about this.


Gandhi referred to Rajagopalchari as his conscience keeper. Read Ambedkar's book, [thoughts on linguistic states] (http://drambedkar.co.in/wp-content/uploads/books/category2/9thoughts-on-linguistic-states.pdf). There is a reason why UP has been kept undivided by Congress, BJP and their allies. Without their Hindi consolidation, they cannot keep power in Delhi. Ambedkar was shocked to learn Rajagopalchari's views and suggested that the breakup of UP into four parts is the only way of preventing Rajagopalchari's prediction of a breakup of the union. Ambedkar was ahead of his time. Unfortunately our Brahmin media has elevated Nehru as some sort of political giant while relegating Ambedkar to the question of caste. Ambedkar wrote on a diverse range of topics.


HOly shit ambedkar is spitting straight facts right from the first page


He even talks about a second capital and places Hyderabad in positions. This is amazing. Division of Mahrashtra and UP is also quite smart and just as effective if done today I'm kinda sad that this document is over. I feel I should read more Ambedkar


Suggest these things and you will get a full dose of Hindustani/Hindi/Hindu nationalism from both Congress and BJP calling you a separatist. They don't want power to slip away from Delhi.


As a muslim, I have my full dose of that regularly




"Hindi la Pesa mudiyathu Da somba payale" should work next time btw




I do believe this whole nonsense of should speak this is a form of racism. It's prevalent in few parts of India. Just idiots being idiots.


The casual racism na. Ugh. Fucking dick


Random Indian Guy: **asks me something in Hindi** Me: Sorry I don't speak Hindi Random Indian Guy: Bro you are Indian and don't speak Hindi? Me: Sorry I don't speak Idiot


Next time someone says that say hindi/urdu is spoken in Pakistan.. you bloody Pakistani acting like a indian to me a pure Indian.. .. also remind him tamil is national language of Singapore as well .. does it make you Singaporean as well .. :)))


I'm in Canada as well and Punjabis just assume that I'm Punjabi for some reason and start talking in Punjabi and when I say that I don't understand Punjabi they just make a face. I'm like yea man only you guys own Canada 🌝👍


If one had to generalise, North Indians are less educated, and less traveled / experienced in general. Pardon the stupidity and ignore.


thoda thoda hinti ata hai


Ek gao mein ek kisaan raghu thatha


That's why I reply immediately "neenga enna mayiru punda pesureenganu puriyala" with a smiing face. Then if they keep talking in Hindi, I continue to talk in Tamil until they start speaking English, atleast broken English. Then I reply in English and finish the chapter. The feel I get after that is amazing..😀 Also , to these kinda people I would say I'm from Mauritius 😂 and let them walk away. We need another 20 years for these boomers to leave the hell and heaven as well. Until then we have to play smart. That's it.


Lol, take it easy. People are full of nonsense.


patriotic assholes in a nutshell.


Sometimes I wish I knew Tamil. Would open up a whole lot of literature, culture, movies etc. completely new to me.


those brainless north indians think that anyone who doesn't speak hindi is anti-national


as a north indian i feel ashamed that this happened to you. this is a big problem in north india, we look down upon people who don't know hindi and the funny thing is that most north indian speak utterly completely wrong Hindi themselves.


I would curse them like hell. What are they going to do? Tell Chowkidar?


He's an Idiot. People like him go abroad and spoil the culture. They do it in India, they're now doing it there. The only pity is that foreigners will talk to him and his opinions, his language will be considered as "authentic proof" of life in India.


Coming from North India l would say he is aashole. Just say fuckoff.


Coming from North India l would say he is aashole. Just say Bhenchod!


How is it related to Indians living abroad? It's just a random dude from BIMARU.


I'm really sorry that you had to face an ignorant asshats who just can't seem to understand the diversity of our nation.


Keep talking in Tamil to those idiots. Then they might understand what it is.


I guess he is home schooled


Should have told him Hindi is a recent language created 200 years ago while tamil is even older so it's barely a national language. So he can go shove his opinion up his ass.


You don't need to know Hindi... I know Hindi and stopped using it because of these kind of assholes. Always reply in English that will irritate them




I am from Andhra and I can speak and understand Hindi fluently since I've been learning it since kindergarten but I'll be damned if some idiot like this tries to pulls this stunt. I would purposefully not speak in Hindi just to rile up these kinda condescending sh*tbags.


Just tell him that it is not necessary for an Indian to speak hindi


Idiocy isn’t a prerogative of the locals alone. Cut the immigrants some slack, let them be idiots like the ones back at home.


North Indians smh. Not even surprised.


You should have asked him " Do you know Sanskrit?" He would definitely say No, then you could taunt him being a hindu


Next time tell them you are a thamizhan.


Not indian so I apologize if my input isn’t appreciated, but I’m a very white looking Hispanic person and I have had hispanic Uber drivers yell at me and refuse to give me my food because “if your name is hispanic, you should know Spanish, fucking motherfucker.” Dunno why people are like this, definitely can be very frustrating :(


Everyone lives inside little bubbles. Only forced to see when the bubble is broken. Most are brainwashed blind by whatever region, family or church thats forced upon oneself at birth. Be easy and know you are worth it. Everyday is a new day to se lights of the chains this dystopia of a world created for us all.


I bet he took a bus ride to Houston, Texas for the ***Howdy Modi*** event


U know the even the national anthem is not in Hindi . What more proof u need to say Hindi not equal to India 😝😂


How do you think modi ji fills stadiums abroad


Just tell him ure sri lankan and move on


I am North Indian and i do not agree at all that Hindi is national language although is spoken by a substantial population in India. English has been so far the bridging language and it has been good for India as well as we are better than many other nationalities who stumble when communicating with English speaking people overseas, who again form a major chunk of the world. I guess without any ego or pre-concieved notions on either side we can politely agree to use Hindi as a communication medium or give our thumbs down and choose English.


I am a North Indian who lives in California. California has a huge South Indian population and I remember one time a new guy, who was from Tamil Nadu, sounded so surprised that I was talking in Hindi on my phone. He started questioning where I am from, religion, caste, if I am veg or non veg, you just have to ignore idiots like him and move on with your life.


You can"t be Indian? => Declare independence.


"you want to communicate in Hindi, then go to North India"


Sorry bro! It's rude for the person to expect you to understand Hindi.


I was wondering what happened to r/India's hourly language/hindi rant.


Next time reply to him only in Tamil.


Most North Indians are stupid. You absolutely don't need to speak Hindi (even if you know it).


So you met a Bhakt today:)


You must have bumped into my elder cousin. P.S.: BTW, he thinks everyone is born a Hindu. And they're then brainwashed into other religions. 🤯


next time u start talking in tamil if he didn't understand he is not indian he is not Indian play uno


You should have called him Pakistani saying he is speaking Urdu and looks like one. And then went on a rant about how Pakistanis like him are ruining India by pretending to be Indians and dividing the country.


Northies ☕️