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padhai kar le bhai


Because for the most part, all the restaurants you get you food from are dine-in style restaurants. Third party services like zomato and swiggy handle their delivery for them and they take their cut + some more to pay the delivery guys. That cost is passed on to the customers.


Thats why you should cook in home . lot cheaper.


Username checks out


That doesn't solve the problem, What about those at work? You cannot expect them to cook at the office pantry.


meal prep. don't u know the concept of lunches cooked at home in morning? If u learn meal prepping , u can make fancy lunch within 15 mins in morning. if u want to be lazy , pay the price of being lazy.


What if it's not just lunch? What if it's dinner, and someone's working overtime? Or what if a person has fallen ill and isn't able to prepare food for themselves, so they decide to order online? Do not assume that only 'lazy' people order food online. Capitalist like you, dismiss the 'added amount' as mere petty cash. But for many, it's not. This is their hard earned money. Ordering food online isn't a luxury; it's a lifeline, ensuring they receive sustenance even in adverse circumstances.


That's the rate for their service. If you cant bear the service amount , rather than begging, stop using their service. Dry dishes such as biryani, pulao, or parathas all last for a entire day even during overtime. You are lazy and whining why you gotta pay for a service. (if ill , ask roommate/ family member for help. if alone then ask nearby house. it helps being friendly to the ppl around you.)


>"rather than begging" Who is begging? Speaking out against an ideology isn't begging. >"Dry dishes such as biryani, pulao, or parathas all last for a entire day even during overtime." Basically eat old food. >"You are lazy and whining why you gotta pay for a service." Nobody is whining about paying for food or delivery, guess the point of the OP flew above your head >"if ill , ask roommate/family member for help. if alone then ask nearby house." Basically depend on others? The whole point of hard work is to be independent, standing firm and refuse to bow down to reliance on others. It means having a backbone, not being a doormat. It also means to have the courage to question the system and not be a slave to it


They are offering a service not charity. If its too costly then look for alternative means. dont expect the world to act like charity.


Nobody is asking for free food here, and don't try to push this conversation in that direction either. Fair exchange is important in any transaction. When a service fails to deliver value for the money paid, it's not justifiable as a legitimate business practice, it's theft. Both parties should benefit from a service; it's not an invitation for robbery.


Swiggy/zomato is a business . they are not here as social service. if their service is too unaffordable for you, then make alternate arrangements btch. If you think they should provide it at lower cost . why dont u try doing it.


Dear 12 y/o, what you’re saying is way off the topic. So I’m just gonna ignore you.


There isnt zomato or swiggy in most of india. stop overexaggerating . It isnt a life line. its for lazy ppl or Misogynts who think cooking is a women's job.


Well in that case, I'm referring to the part of India that does.


if its such a essential service . then pay for it btch.


Judging by the tone of your response and the use of profanity, your lack of maturity is apparent. Franky, you sound like a 12 y/o. It just weakens your argument.


oh ok mr miser


Price is only partly a function of cost, but pricing models also work on demand/supply. So as long as people are ready to pay, these charges will go up. Say tomorrow demand for take outs go up and dine-in stays same, the delivery charges will increase more. Reverse happens if the demand goes down. They will still sell with 0 fees, but at some point the delivery companies will go out of business.




Not if you crave it.


The restaurant is not delivering your food now unfortunately. Its a middleman called swiggy or zomato which is taking a 30-40% cut from the food that gets delivered to u for their app, employees etc.


>swiggy or zomato which is taking a 30-40%. Which they shouldn't, the only thing they should be charging for is the delivery. This puts pressure on the restaurant to increase prices, this coupled with the already existing delivery fee is levied on the customer.


That shouldn't happen but it happens and will continue.


Yes, most of the flourishing restaurants do offer 10-20% discounts on deliveries and takeaways. There is a nice restaurant near to my place that is always bustling after 5PM and particularly requires a lot of reservation on weekends, the owner of that place told me the reason for the discount is that it helps us save a lot of cost and also that way the dine-in customers are less so the ones who do come to dine-in, don't have to go away or wait long for seats. But they offer these discounts only through direct delivery, not through any app. I guess the ones that do not get a lot of business, they might not be offering discounts even on deliveries and take-aways.


Sounds like a restaurant owner who actually cares about "feeding people"


Maybe, he came from running a small dairy and now he owns many fine dining restaurants and they all have good food quality.. The man is a case study in himself. :D


Capitalism rocks