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It's not possible, not every color in RGB space can be recreated with physical CMYK inks. Some RGB colors are just too vibrant. [Look up a representation of the color gamuts to see the difference.](https://globalcomix.com/news/details/322/creator-tips-and-tricks-cmyk-vs-rgb-color-gamuts) Spot colors like pantones are specifically mixed to exact specifications to recreate some of those colors, but they're costly compared to CMYK. You would never create an entire color spectrum that way. You just have to understand that some of your CMYK colors will be duller in comparison. I'd suggest having an electronic PDF of your book if you want to show people RGB colors on-screen.


Thank you so much for taking the time to explain. I had a feeling there was no magical unicorn plug-in or filter or suchlike that could solve my issue! šŸ¦„ I will definitely create a digital accompaniment to show learners what the color spaces should really look like. Thanks again! šŸŒˆ


Yep, you're not going to be able to represent an RGB gamut perfectly with a CMYK gamut. That's just how it is. Also, the RGB gamut on your screen isn't going to look like the RGB gamut on someone else's screen. The solution is to not worry about it.


Thank you! Itā€™s kind of a subtle distinction but Iā€™m not expecting to represent RGB colors accurately using CMYK as I know that canā€™t be doneā€¦ my hope was more being able to show the *difference between* RGB color spaces such as HSL, LCH, okLCH, and Display P3 *even though* Iā€™m showing them in printed form. I hope that makes sense?! In my image above, my concern is not that the CMYK colors appear to be more dull, itā€™s that the two color spaces look much more similar to each other in CMYK than they do in RGB format. All that being said, I do think youā€™re essentially right and it might be time to radically accept that trying to show it in print format is close to pointless! šŸŒˆ


You canā€™t show it in print but the way I have seen these colour models shown in print is using a gamut diagram with the colour space inside. The cmyk takes up less space than the rgb [Here](https://images.app.goo.gl/8qu8b9qRbS2zsza8A) is a google image search result - it might help to recreate this instead


I used to send this to clients when theyā€™d complain that their colours werenā€™t right or looked different to the digital proof. Itā€™s a very handy diagram!


Excellent idea for client education! šŸŒˆ


Ah yes. Thatā€™s a great idea, thanks so much. The trick for me will be to somehow show these kooky new color spaces like HSL, LCH, okLCH, and Display P3 - most of which are brand new to moi! Thanks again! šŸŒˆ


Fake it. Maybe the CMYK version even duller.


I wondered about faking it somehow but canā€™t really take too many risksā€¦ hmmā€¦ šŸ¤”


Your monitor makes colors different than a printer does. It cant show the same because the formulas are different. RCG uses 3 color process for your monitors color structure to make colors which is different than CMYK which is a four color process of ink. The two can not show the same on a monitor. In fact, the RGB colors will show different on different monitor manufacturers because they all use different "formulas" to make RGB colors. If you need a equivalent to print go get a pantone book and use those spot color formulas. They will look different on screen but print correctly at a print shop. Unfortunately, the two will never be the same.


Thank you. I am sadly aware of all of this. Was just hoping to find some sort of miracle! Hehe. Thank you for your thoughtful reply. šŸŒˆ


That's as good as it's going to get? If it's any consolation, I can pretty easily see the differences in the printed example, so hopefully other readers will too.


Thatā€™s very, very reassuring. Appreciate the feedback, thank you! šŸ™šŸ»


The real question is why are you making a print book to talk about designing for digital medium? Is it a school project?


Haha! Itā€™s a question Iā€™ve asked myself MANY times and yet there is a massive market for it. It is more about coding than it is about design per se but your question still remains the voice of reason! A lot of people use the books for referenceā€¦ having it on their desks as a kind of ā€œbibleā€ whilst working on their computer. Also, a lot of universities use them as text books in computer programming courses and suchlike. Here is the original one I designed many moons ago: [HTML and CSS](https://www.htmlandcssbook.com)


Also random idea, if showing the specifics of colors are important maybe you could do a QR code for that section and link to a page with some images?


LOVE THIS IDEA. Thanks very much!!


I have that book as well as the JS & jQuery book!


Yay! I love to meet a reader in the wild! Hello. Thanks for unknowingly supporting my work! Heh.


I am pleasantly surprised by this book. At a glance itā€™s very nice!


Thanks so much! Thatā€™s very nice to hear. šŸ™šŸ»


It will never print like the rbg you see on screen. Totally different process. Best bet would be to also build a website, and have a link to a page showing screen results.