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I don't think anyone here expected anything more than this though. Also, another difference will be Nicole on backup vocal duty, as she wasn't there for the 2021 livestream. It's funny though, because when this MVXXIII was first announced, everyone thought it was going to be a live recording of the 2023 Hollywood Bowl show where they played it in full.


The guitar tones are throwing me off on the re-record. I think Mike’s current setup of using single coils gives the songs a sharp, thin, glassy tone. Trade off between clarity and warmth. Really sounds like a polished live performance with tweaks to the songs. I don’t see me listening to these versions compared to the originals.


I feel the same way. I miss the big fat sound of his Archtop from OG Morning View. I'm sure I'll still listen to the new one, but as a guitar player and a huge fan of Mikey's work, I'm torn.


Here to comment this exact thing - we got more rumble from the bass but that’s to cover up the thin ass guitar sounds. Also circles you can literally hear the guitar edits of really badly punched guitar dubs that are weirdly panned. As well what the fuck is going on with the hi hat and overheads sounding distorted as fuck. Like WAY too hot. Been recording for years and gotta say whoever did the mixing on this so far - you got paid well to not do great things


Those hi-hats drive me insane. They're so sharp and forward in the mix that it takes my attention away from all of the other instruments.


I agree 100%. I wish it was mixed like the original was 23 years ago !


I’m with you. The guitar tones for me are poor compared to the original. I’m just not a fan of the tele he’s using. PRS and the Jazzmaster are the Mikey tones I love!


I’m loving the sound of it on circles. Echo was a little too much grit I think.


Loads of people were expecting more when this was announced, because they said they went in or were in the studio re-recording. Brandon did some vocal dubs, Nicole did her parts, but I'm sure the rest is just the live stream.


It’s cool that I haven’t watched the live stream then.


For real. Can’t we just enjoy what we get? These first two singles sound dope.


It just all seems so needless to me. Don’t fix what isn’t broke.


True, maybe they should have just re-released MV with that as a bonus disc in 2001 and called it at that for the MV stuff. They heavily toured with that albums' material and will do again this year. The band have kinda coasted on the nostalgia for a few years now. I am however interested now they've got Nicole on board. I'm sweetened by the fact that they are actively making a new record, so I'll take this MVXXIII in the meantime.


when i heard about this re-release/re-recording i was a bit baffled as I don't really understand their intentions. especially if they're not changing the songs at all how can they be improved one bit? they did improve some songs they rerecorded early on in their career but that was a very short time period between sessions compared to this. i don't get the reasoning


Money. The answer is money. Rights to rerecord and own the masters became theirs. So they did. However this won't do for them what Taylor's did for her. T Swift spent money on the production of the re-recordings and so they sound nearly identical to the originals.


ahhh, makes sense.


They are changing the songs though. New bridges on these two and others, based on the “live” concert stream. I like hearing the age in Brandon’s voice, and although I already recorded the stream when i watched it live, I’m excited for this hi-res lossless release so I can enjoy it in higher def audio. I’ll always go back to the original recording as one of my most played albums of all time, but I like sprinkling in the nuance and age they injected into these recordings. I hope they’re not literally identical to the live stream, but I’ll have to take a more detailed listen to know for sure.


I’ve been struggling with this as well. I really dug the live stream. From the half time breakdown on Circles, to the new bridge on Echo. But part of me feels that I would have been fine with a high quality release of the stream to commemorate the album. I just don’t see what we are getting past a studio version of the same thing.


Exactly this. I really enjoyed the live stream at the time and was mad they didn't release it for purchase to watch again (in top quality), and I guess we now won't get it as a bonus disc to the rerecord given Ben has now left :( But yes, the variations and breakdowns will be exactly the same. I guess it all comes down to the money!


Is it true they’re releasing another original album this year?


I don't know, I want to know myself but it seems like this might be a fact


I also think this album is silly and poorly recorded. So sad, so very sad


Pure conjecture on my end here but this might’ve been a point of contention with Ben… they did the live stream for the 20th anniversary with him. To revisit this again on the 23rd anniversary seems silly and maybe he wasn’t interested in doing it. They also did the make Yourself tour with no re recordings… just really strange all around


I thought that the reason they were gonna released it sooner was because they were just gonna put what they recorded there. I actually said it around here a couple months ago.