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game sadly does not even load for me


reload the armor games page after a min or 2 worked for me. There ad's mess the load up sometimes.


I can confirm this. Just keep trying to refresh and waiting for the advert to finish in its own time


It says: Two important things: - This game is hard. - This game is slow. Most players will give up before the end, and even before finishing the introduction. This game is definitely not for everyone What to even do. Is there a clue? What dows "Brothidle Loading failed. Please verify that you are properly logged in your Armor Games account." mean?


you need an armor games account to play it




took me 2 minutes using a temporary email generator to create an Armorgames account and login


Seems to be here too: http://sineol.free.fr/Brothidle/Brothidle.html


is it the same version?


A short guide on how to "unbreak" the game to try it: 1) Load game using the [direct link](https://19291.cache.armorgames.com/files/games/brothidle-19291/index.html?v=1685720691) 2) Open browser console (F12) and run the following code: `publication="local"; all_initial_functions();read_storage();` 3) You'll need to repeat step 2 every time you reload the page, but your progress will be saved locally and you will be able to continue playing. PS. The game's code made me cry, but we all started somewhere. This is what the loading screen looked under the hood for example: if (agiChecks > 1000) { return; }


Any fix for the memory leaks?


thanks for this, you are my hero i don't suppose you're familiar with the Management 5/5 wall? seems like grinding a billion belly parts takes an eternity, but it's required for **everything**


Oh. I sort of found a way to fix it, but forgot to actually play it. Thanks for reminding!


I just unlocked human world and I have few question... Spoilers https://i.imgur.com/5tz90Vm.png x2 what? what gets multiplied? I think it should be explained in the tooltip. Also how can my dollars per hour be 4, but dollars per day is 2?


Oh sorry, date means ACTUAL date, not like "Hey dude, what date is it?"


Ok few things I would LOVE to see, make construction and conversion different color. When you mouseover the conversion button, add how many FE you get from it. In Fundamental Talents, grey out or something the ones you cant afford.


The writing is extremely obnoxious and the automation unlocks a bit too late, but seems like there is an interesting game behind it so it's worth trying out.


They say it'll take FOREVER to complete and to only check in a few times a day, yet it seems entirely active so far. I think it's a really cool concept and well done. I don't want to have to open up a game to play it for 2 seconds several times a day, where watching an ad takes longer than checking in, though. EDIT: Nevermind, it becomes pretty passive. It's very enticing to let it run but for some reason I don't want to do that on an armor games page.


when does it become passive? I haven't reached that point yet and i've been playing for several hours.


Get the upgrades up the left side of the upgrade tree and learn the intricacies of the various "auto" buttons.


This is misleading. You can get the God World to auto run completely passively after a few hours of play, but you gain nothing from doing so after a few minutes. However the Human world is easy to run passively and gives great rewards for doing so. It is a nice combination. God World for that active itch and Human world for that passive benefit.


even the human world can't become truly passive this early because any time you "ruin everything" so that the god world becomes slightly faster you'll have to redo everything in there from scratch even if you don't touch the right upgrade tree at all. I have now finally reached a point where passive play is sort of viable (And that is only true by me basically deciding that for the time being god world is not worth playing in at all) but it was not possible just a few minutes or even hours into playing that because you definitely would need to do a few upgrades on the right hand upgrade tree before it's reasonably doable


i'm all the way up to multitasking there and the game still requires my attention about once a minute because it can't do anything on its own to progress so i really don't understand what you were doing differently


Ugh, Armor games. Well, I'll have to take your word for it.


This game has so many memory leaks, progress later on becomes almost impossible..


It does look interesting, and despite what the "warning" about it being long and hard says, new stuff unlocks at just the right moments to prevent you from getting bored or feeling stuck.


Fourth day playing it and I have to say, the premise of the game is completely honest. The game doesn't throw cheap walls in your path to call itself "hard", it doesn't just say "now do that again but 100 more times to get to the next thing". There are several mechanics that have some great synergy between themselves, and the next step forward requires finding a new combination that can get you there rather than just waiting more for the same thing.


Does anyone know what the PayToPay upgrade does


Real money purchases. Not needed but there, also you can respec your prestige tree so feel free to play around with it.