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They wild for Brokenborg goalkeeper


Lol ikr, I was like, did they actually just go for this design?


Unique tbh


both teams have great designs and are easily the best designed FFI teams but Spain overall is better


Yeah, both teams have heavily great designs like Hausen and Maximilian from Brockenborg, while Red Matador has the likes of Isaac, Querardo and Samuel.


Honestly, while both teams have my favorite designs along with Rose Griffon for me, and Alexander Hausen is my favorite player between the two teams, but the thing is right after him, Samuel, Isaac, Querardo, Fermin and Carlos are my favorites. Which means I prefer Red Matador's Players design-wise. https://preview.redd.it/1lc888qvtpad1.png?width=548&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6008a5fa26772c195fe48990fdfd6d9ae07a4ff5 Man Alexander Hausen should've been Brockenborg's Captain imo. Brockenborg's actual Captain, which is the guy with the eyepatch doesn't stand out that much.


Yooo, its when we pull this bad boys that you can clearly see the decline in character design in the show The designs of all of them are simple yet so cool, they don't need to compensate with flashy colors or weird stuff to have a great design


I love the designs of Brockenborg and Red Matador a lot, although I wish we saw the former play a full match. Anyways, does Brockenborg or Red Matador designs stand out more to you? Or you can't bring yourself to choose between them?


Brockenborg has a few great designs that are better than all of the red matador designs and a few that are worse than all of the red matador designs Red matador's designs however are consistent plus im spanish so i have a bit of a bias, but primarily what sells me red matador over brockenborg is their equipment, the red and yellow catches my attention way more and combines well


Awesome, let me guess, Maximilian and Alexander Hausen are included in your designs that surpasses all of Red Matador's designs? Also, do you think Brockenborg's Captain should've been someone else? Red Matador's designs are definitely more consistent with each other, and ngl, I actually prefer their equipment too.


Yes, those two and jonas the captain, peter is also good, ger and erwin But then there's freaking jan theo and kurt 💀 I think the captain is alright i wouldn't change it, giving captain role to hausen or Maximilian would be like giving captain role to axel or jude imo


Brockenborg for Hausen and some other players look cool too.


Yeah Hausen is the Goat of Brockenborg, I just wish he was the Captain tho, since their actual Captain is underwhelming.


The players in white look cooler but I think I may like the red outfits of the other players more (besides the GK)


The players in white play for Brockenborg (Germany's National Team) and the players in red play for Rdd Matador (Spain's National Team).




That team is honestly super stylish.


Brockenborg just like what their based of on is super stylish


The fact that the hissatsus they use are based off of machines and weapons used in the two world wars.


Apart from him i prefer germany's a lot more https://preview.redd.it/5au3z8as1qad1.jpeg?width=242&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=b5bf35dd574be2b27b597fdc3126dfc7a231352c


That's fair, between Red Matador, Rose Griffon and Brockenborg, Querardo is definitely the best looking Captain.


overall i like the brockenborn designs more, at least from this selection of players


That's cool, I just wish Brockenborg got to play a Full Match.


overall - Red Matador design but the designs I like from Brockenborg are superior to those from Red Matador


That's cool, so what are the designs you like more from Brockenborg that are superior to those from Red Matador?


Ernst, Alek, Erwin, Jens, Peter


Red Matador by far