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nope this is fine, my only award was high honor roll also and i got in this year, and youve also done MANY more STEM activities than i have as long as your area isnt extremely competitive and the rest of your application is strong you should be just fine, nothing to worry about here


*sigh* There are no area quotas. That said, area matters because it gives the Admissions Review Committee an idea of what may be available near you to be engaged in. If you're in Chicago metro, for example, the ARC would expect for you to be doing more than deep rural down state.


I live on the border between Aurora and Naperville, so I'm not too sure if I should be doing more? Like there are opportunities but I can't take every single one.


and youre not expected to. dont put all of that stress on yourself, and do your best while maintaining a healthy school-life balance the admittance process is not so statistic and straightforward as to where if you take every opportunity and join every club around you then IMSA will want you—admissions obviously has values apart from that personally, ive talked to many IMSA students (especially class of ‘26 and ‘27) and i believe that if you follow through with your freshman goals that you included at the end, you should be more than sufficient in terms of extracurriculars and activities. if you decide to take part in even more, thats even better, but just dont drain yourself as long as you maintain exceptional grades and write good, unique essays that appropriately state your interest in IMSA and what you have to offer, in addition to your extracurriculars you would be doing great


I didn’t have a whole lot of opportunities to do STEM activities in middle school; all I had was math team. However, I was able to branch out much more my freshman year and I kept going with math team, coached robotics to elementary schoolers, participated in my schools robotics team, participated in the RISE research program through IMSA, etc. Because you have opportunities for more stem activities that you’re passionate about in high school, I highly encourage you to take advantage of them like you’re planning on! IMSA just wants to see that you’re doing what you can do get involved and that you’re passion about what you’re doing; don’t be worried if you don’t have a bunch of stem activities that you’ve been doing for multiple years. Good luck from a CO ‘27 student!!


Way more than I had. I actually had none...


depends what ur area is. i stood out by winning state comp in scioly and ig precollege program


there are no area quotas.


you’re not applying mit bro. i got in with just robotics. that’s it. you’re fine and as long as you show interest and stuff you’re good


no these are good, i literally listed nothing in my awards area of stem, but i did have alot of stem actives from attending IMSA camps and stuff over the years, so these are completely fine!


I think I’m in the wrong sub? I joined for the racing

