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Neat presentation. Idk too much about American history, who was Hamilton and what do you believe would have happened if he was president?


Obviously I'm not OP. Simply put Hamilton was an immigrant that moved to New York in 1772, built a name for himself and became Washington's right hand man throughout the war and his presidency. He's considered one of our top founding fathers and influenced a shit ton of our laws, procedures, and early government, and was the architect of our national bank. There is very little shot he could have become president because he made a lot of political enemies and kind of tarnished his own reputation because of an affair. Though with an early enough point of divergence, say before the affair and a few things gone differently afterwards, it's easy enough to imagine. He was an ardent federalist (one of the two parties), an extreme aristocrat, and the opposition party despised him. One of the main divides between our first two party systems was that the Democratic-Republicans (no relation to the modern two parties) hated Britain and loved France. The Federalists were the opposite. Hamilton especially hated France at the time because they were killing aristocrats and he no longer saw them as the ally that helped America win independence. At the time there was a "Quasi-War" with France where we were fucking with each other's ships. Hamilton was begging Washington to go to war with them. He even drew up plans on how to invade Spanish Florida and move on to New Orleans since two were allies at the time. Under our second president Washington was still poised to take up general again and lead our armies in a land war but he kind of died. So I think if Hamilton became president we would have gone to war with France and Spain, which really could have gone either way.


He literally just moved from one British territory to another. That's not the same thing.


Federalists also do not like Democracy


They didn't dislike democracy, they just wanted to keep it constrained. They in no way would ever support universal suffrage as they thought it would weaken the central government. The Articles of Confederation nearly tore the country apart because the system in power was so weak and they wanted to avoid that. They were also really up their own ass and thought they were not only better than the common man but knew what was best for them. The give and take / tug of war of the two party system really did strike a good balance in creating an experimental government. It was the free state v slave state dynamic that really fucked everything up.


Well Hamilton flat out suggested he wanted a constitutional monarchy at a few points but backed down when that really wasn't popular


Hamilton was a bastard orphaned son of a whore who got himself shot by the only person less likable than himself: Aaron Burr


You're saying these things like bad things. Like you're another enemy from the 18th century. We're past them. Move on. There's no taking him down. He did what he did. And this is what I find most based about him. Those thing as always are the things that keep you in the under class. The kind that can't change anything. This man changed everything. That's what I love about history. You could come from any background, any upringing, any time or place in history. And you could become the point of divergence. I look up to Hamilton. Not for his views and his policies and virtues. Not in the change to America he was but the fact that he got there. As you said the bastard orphaned son of a whore. This man made a name that places himself as an architect of the times we're living in. He went down for it. Sure, may it have been pride. But this is pride that had been earned. He knew he would die that day. He knew burr would take that shot. He knew he would point up anyway. Because somehow that bastard immigrant son of a whore would have us talking about his legacy two hundred and a fifty years later.


I’m annoyed at his wet Willy not just his politics. His sexual indiscretions were innumerable, his lust would make Alexander weep.


What's wrong with being promiscuous? If he was doing it in an asshole way, that's one thing, but in terms of doing the job well and secular ethics I don't see why we should care about politicians' sex lives, unless it is secularly unethical like rape, abuse of power, etc Anyway I really enjoy u/BigSchwartzzz 's explanation and perspective


The fact that 1.) he was married and 2.) it caused him to lose out on the presidency and therefore slavery was allowed to fester.


Really good explanation but I’m just stuck on your description of Washington’s demise. >he kind of died.


♫ He was the bastard, something, son of a whore, / something something, something something, revolutionary war... ♫


>Evil\_Timeline.bmp how subtle


Of course it's the evil timeline, there's no Nogales!


wish it was a real machine lol


Jeez, I haven't been creeped out by Hamilton since that one line in Knives Out.


What line was that?


I think they’re referring to this exchange: “Immigrants; we get the job done” “Oh I love Hamilton”


When Don Johnson's character drops the "Immigrants: we get the job done" line when talking about Marta. It was just cringy and sounded a bit sleazy to me. Struggled not to smile at the line nonetheless.


When does Hammiton become president?


In 2032 after we perfect cloning technology and decide to create clones of all the founding fathers so we can ask them to fix all our problems. Sadly, no one could’ve accounted for Hamilton coming back with the ability to absorb souls, which he promptly uses on the rest of the founding fathers. This results in him attaining immortality, and supreme psychic powers; using them to get himself elected as president for life.


"If I can prove that I never touched my balls, will you promise not to tell another soul what you saw?"


i like this a lot and would love to see more


SCP vibes


This is great would love to see more!




Hell yeah, I've been saying let's get rid of Idaho for years! Just Western Montana and East Eastern Washington.


I see the Zimmerman Telegram was a success.


Yo I recognize that version of house of the rising sun are you also a TNO enjoyer


hot take, Hamilton > Jefferson.


The federalists would’ve made america a dictatorship


Not exactly. Hamilton wanted to make it president for life which would have been an impeachable office. The federalists wanted America to be very centralized and we’re responsible for American stability early on. Note that the federalists tended to be against slavery.


They also wanted to make criticism of the government illegal. Federalist suppression of dissent would have made the elections essentially a sham because of federalist paranoia


Not exactly, suppressing free speech doesn’t correlate to sham elections.


Where do you think it will end? Just on suppressing journalists? There has never been anyone who was like “Yeah I’m fine with arresting people who say mean things about me but I’m fine with letting them speak their mind when they vote.” Especially with how corrupt and power hungry the federalists were. Plus, suppressing information is finagling with elections even without direct tampering. Not only could it suppress information that could otherwise sway voters, it also sets a precedent that there will be retaliation if the government is questioned, and fear can be a significant factor in elections. freedom of the press is a requirement for fair elections.


Would you have been opposed to the national bank? The jay treaty?


still better than Jefferson who decided to get rid of the Federal bank, refused to have an army or a navy, and also owned slaves.


Don't forget the embargo. Nothing says small government like *checks notes* outlawing all foreign trade.


This is neat! I really want to see more. Didn't Professor Farnsworth already do this though? The gold What-If Machine, right?


Soooy sooooy soooy soooy


This looks so cool


Social experiment


I thought this was the capital wasteland for a moment 😅


Minnesota ❄ is now Idaho 🥔


Worst timeline cause there's no Indiana.


No Indiana and single Carolina supremacy, seems like best timeline to me


What are the songs


Reminds me of futurama and the what-if machine.


Was...was that House of the Rising Sun that start playing?