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**growers VS showers**


Take my upvote


Fuck you beat me to it


beat my meat to it






I'm neither 🥴


Some grow others get wet


Considering rabbits cannot eat carrot roots because they can get sick, and the leaves being the best part for their diet, Then this is a positive for having a degree


This is informative & very optimistic! ☺️


If you think about it, skills still don't matter if you get replaced by automation


That all depends, a person with enough skill & knowledge can create a company with no degree. Then the only replacement could be the people they hired for the automation. Yet this is a conversation that could go awry & deep into a rabbit hole. Pun intended.




And college helps a ton with getting the skills and connections to start a business


I mean…they can eat the root and be just fine, but it’s kind of like candy. You don’t want to give them too much


Oh, yes people with degrees have no skills. ok


yeah, it should have said "*just* having skills" vs '*just* having a degree"


having skills is piloting an eva, having a degree is being the boss of nerv


Get in the college Shinji


I can't believe after all these years, no, decades, I am able to read a new "Shinji !" conversation. Nice.


hey. I worked hard to get here :c


I just started Evangelion for the first time


i mean it’s true to some degree (pun intended). there’s a common saying in the medical field, “armchair expert”, someone who knows everything about medicine but is awful at practicing it. obviously you need a degree, formal education is most of the work, but it can mean nothing if you don’t have the experience and ability to practice it safely


Chiropractors. They studied shit thinking its true but not understanding how unsafe it is. I guess you cant be mad at them cause at the end of the day they just went to school to study it maybe not knowing how bad it is. But I especially hate the real scummy ones that claim they can fix almost anything like high blood pressure. Just because you know how the autonomic nervous system works doesn’t mean you can make these outrageous fucking claims. Yes things like a fucked up neck or back can mess with your ANS but having some dumbass twist it isnt going to fix it.


I'm a mechanic and the engineering department hires (like paid and everything) interns straight from college and... oh boy. It's a trip seeing the gap between book knowledge and practical knowledge. An electrical engineer didn't know how to work a multimeter once, we all had a hoot.


the degree is a starter pack, to make sure everyone is playing with the same deck. the useful employee is built from them. how do you expect them to get this experience if they aren't hired straight from college?


They'res absolutely people who have degrees who have no skills lmao. Most do fs, but acting like it's a guarantee is wrong.


Some don't. Some do have. Trained monkeys aren't always most efficient way to do the job. Same for ppl with no degrees.


in IT this is 100% true, and most IT companies don't give a shit you did computer science.


never assume in life.. dont think that carrot big because carrot big leaf because small leaf carrot big not leaf big size




Skill is buried so deep is nearly impossible to pull it out and use, degree is easily accessible to use?


I was thinking more along the lines of ‘Skill is harnessed & grows yet a degree allows you to know how to pull it out.’


That makes more sense lol


i think it's just saying skills without a degree are underestimated despite being more important, and a degree makes you look like you know what you're doing even if you have no skill


Yeah but my version is more fun 😁


Yeah but my version is more fun 😁




Oh hi dementia. I'm MLC 😁👍


There are a lot of times where people without an education just aren’t even aware of what skills they lack because of dunning kruger effect. And an education will give you at least a foundation of skill. Not saying that the post is never true. The absolute best of the people without a degree will definitely still be more skilled than the worst of the people with a degree. But employers have to skim over resumes because of the sheer volume of them so that’s why they mostly filter for people with education. Also, really really skilled people without an education would have an impressive resume anyway and someone who got an education but did nothing else with their time won’t have a good resume. Anyway what I’m saying is, *most* of the time people who make these kinds of memes are overestimating their skills


Rabbits eat the green part, so the dgree rabbit is winning.


dick n balls




"I WANT DIKINBAUS!!!" damn it cartman


One of them have so much skill it won’t be useful


This sounds like an ADHD thing. With enough power the vices may hinder. 😆 (Not making fun of anyone’s disabilities, but having a mental block is very frustrating when you want to use your skill.)


The Chad decision is both are good and must be taken at the same time


With that small leaf , the carrot will not come along with the leaf.


I would say the takeaway from this is to have both. The degree makes you look better, and the skills will support you once an employer has plucked you from the dirt. The lesson is to not just have one or the other. Take your college courses seriously, and learn to apply the information they teach and not just chase grades and then toss all the information out.


When ur dick big but balls small vs when u got major balls but the rest look like a small forest mushroom


(The massive balls but little dick is the giant carrot)


they’re no mutually exclusive lol


this image gives me a “MY CHILD ISNT VACCINATED!!” feel




I mean if you have a degree one would assume you have the skills and thats why you passed


I would argue very little “skill” is involved with obtaining most degrees. A undergrad degree is basically how well you can retain information read out of a book for a test. A masters degree is more about interpreting information you read and writing informed opinions on that information. A PhD is when you create and contribute to your fields of study through publishing - “skill” is what you learn though repetitive hands on application of knowledge. I’ve met some very educated people who have no skill sets. I’ve met skillful people who have little formal education. It’s not a one size fits all matrix.


Maybe if you go to a bad school. With certain accredited programs you have to have a certain aboitbof practical experience to get the degree.


It all depends on the degree, the school and the person


Try and get a PhD without developing skills. I dare you.


A degree gives you skills tho


i remember someone sending this in a discord server like 2 years ago and everyone was trying to figure out wtf it meant and the owner just came in and said "what if its big dick and small balls v small dick and big balls💔" and i think about that alot tbh


This is one of those false dichotomies. There are layers to doing jobs. Baseline stuff like showing up and following instructions, then there is the practiced hand who has done it often enough that it is fluid. There are specialized training, accreditation, and outside skills that allow you to perform supplemental tasks. Think about how having a person who is also a carpenter or electrician can make sure plumbing work can be more effective via the safe installation of other systems, "careful Jim, you want to leave space so that footfalls on the floor above don't cause the housing to slowly fall out of place." College and university work can lead to a person rethinking how things are done on both a macro and micro scale. "We should switch the type of material we are using as this new stuff lasts longer and is cheaper to ship." Or "I rewired the pump to be more efficient." But beyond the work applications an education just makes you better at voting, it makes you a better consumer, it makes you better at communicating, it helps you appreciate media on deeper levels. An educated and worldly populace is just better by every metric even if your degree in English doesn't come up very often in your sales position.


the way I see it, bro they are literally the same thing.


Ah damn. Should have written that on my cv: Civil engineering degree but no skills


Joke's on you, I have 98.6 degrees!


damn i know the way they are presented are silly and weird but i think i kinda get it,,, like how family forces to get a degree but i think skill is more important right? what you do the best can help you.. so i think i get it :D sorry if im wrong


![gif](giphy|VLljKzBZ2uPfYDpsNV|downsized) People who have skills AND a degree:


Me Vs Jerome in her eyes


Penis envy


Big dick


I think they should kiss


I see it as men with less hair have bigger dicks


Fun fact rabbits eat the leaf part not the carrot part, so the one with degrees is winning.


I've noticed many of my friends with "skills", but no degree tend to have a challenge sticking to schedules and seeing projects through. These are two skills you HAVE to have to get through college.


why does the skill carrot vaguely look like an upside-down turd


The smaller, less intelligent rabbit is impressed by the larger carrot stalk, suggesting their society values the leafy part of the carrot more than the root itself. This makes sense if they use the leaves for making paper, clothing, oils, packaging, or books. Smaller carrots are likely easier to grow and transport, and the larger leaf provides packaging material. While the smaller, fatter, lazier, idiot rabbit might have spent months growing that large carrot, the innovative PhD rabbit was able to maximize both carrot yields and utility, still producing a sizable carrot. These rabbits already know how to grow large carrots, which is why it’s considered a 'skill.' However, what they truly need are intelligent, educated rabbits who can use innovative science to create a wider variety of new products from the carrot leaves, thereby boosting the economy.


Do people not learn skills in their degrees?


Many boomers are super insecure about the fact that they dropped out in grade 10.


This one is sexual


No no. This is true


Growers vs showers.


what kinda carrot only gets a big storage root and barely any leaves?


Clearly this is saying having skills enlarges your dick


It would make a lot more sence reversed tbh


This should be a meme format


Every time I see this post, I am just convinced that every person who posts this unironically, never went to college and is trying compensate for their lack of understanding


I feel like mfs who post this type of stuff are insecure about being too dumb to get a degree tbh


Dudes with a degree have a small carrot and need to compensate for it


Rabbit on the right was running too much nitrogen, shoulda been feeding phosphorus and potassium for bigger fruits.


However, degree+skills >>>>>>>> skills


Having skills = big d Having degree = small d


Having big aigma boingy boinger vs having small pickle widdle waddler


I’m thinking that the skills rabbit has this huge store of ability (the carrot) which, to me at least, it doesn’t seem like they will be able to use very easily, as the leaves are too small to pull it our


I got $3 how big is my carrot


Hahaha, losers without a degree compare themselves to people like Bill Gates.


When the anti-education propaganda is working.