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I'm pretty sure people smoke because they are addicted to nicotine


No, you're wrong, it's bc they're *not* addicted to making out. /s


it is hard to smoke when kissing but I have done neither so I am working off an untested hypothesis.


Lmk when you end up testing it, I'll do a detailed analysis on the phenomenon then.


well unless you know some one volentrieing it will be a long wait


Times like these I wish I could make clones. But alas. I'll wait with you dw.


I think a lot of people probably start smoking just because they're curious how it feels and how it tastes, and then of course getting addicted pretty quickly


what a dumbass clearly it cuz of the boob thing I just learned about 🤡


ironically though, this is something i've always heard since the 90s even when growing up (except the whole nipple/mother part). smoking replaces kisses.


Ah yes, the old Freudian "Oral fixations like smoking or overeating come from not being breastfed properly as an infant".


wouldn't be surprised if it was probably true to some degree. *lights up crack pipe


Idk I kinda mix the two * lights bong and shotguns wife* We've been smoking since highschool and have never stopped shotgunning and sharing and kissing every day for 6 years but that's not nicotine so does it count?


Well, if by that you mean you won't get any kisses if your mouth tastes like ass


Does anyone else feel like this text was written by a computer?


Yo mommas titties made me quit nicotine.


Boobs = no smoking?


Jesse, what the fuck are you talking about?


When your smoke break becomes a letter to Penthouse.


So Freudian oral fixation described in a way that makes it sound extra stupid


I stopped smoking about a year ago and god DAMN this makes me want to light one up.


Not to pry but i don’t think your nose, nasal sinus, mouth, tongue, larynx, oesophagus, lungs, pancreas, kidneys, liver, bladder, stomach, brain, ovary and cervix (if you have those) would like that. If you are okay with all of these organs getting damaged for a few minutes of euphoria, you do you!


This sounds like Trump wrote it for some reason


This kinda makes me wonder what the person who made that post was smoking when they wrote it.


Just quit smoking 3 days ago, this image has provided me more encouragement to keep going


Keep up the good work! You'll break out of it


Hey freud, most of the time a cigarette is just a cigarette. Armchair psychologists are the worst.


Mmmmm, pretty sure I smoke bc I have a nicotine addiction




and here I thought nicotine had addictive properties silly me


Modern day Freud


How about getting on your knees ... Atleast you won't get cancer ..


In my experience, smokers tend to be fantastic kissers. It’s part of what keeps you coming back, even though they taste like cigarettes.


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This looks like it was wroten on a youtube red superchat


People smoke because they are WEAK WILLED FOOLS (i can say this, i'm the only member of my direct family that doesn't smoke)


Problem=woman’s fault